How create Integration test to Asp.Net Core with Ado net - unit-testing

i use Ado Net in my ASP.NET Core project and want to create integration tests for my repository methods but all example in Internet use Entity Framework to create fly db. How i can create testDb without DbContext and etc.


How to run core api and unit test in the same solution

I have a project solution where I have my ASP.NET Core Web Api and Unit test project.
I'm confused how to run integration testing for my web api having those projects in the same solution. I tried selecting multiple startup projects in the settings but what it does is run the api project and console app then closes again.
Any idea about how to do this?

Managing Dependencies with Spock and Geb

I am trying to write a fixture for a web app, and am running into issues understanding how to mock certain aspects of the application.
Our project has heavy dependancies on Redis, RabbitMQ, an external account authentication server for both authentication and licensing, Spring Security, and a Websocket Framework called Atmosphere.
All of these components need to be present for the App to even function. How do you go about creating mocks for objects when all of these components need to be present and working without injecting a bunch of extra logic into the production code?

Hibernate RESTful webservices in NetBeans

Is it possible to create RESTful Web Service using Hibernate in Netbeans 7.4?
I could see wizard to create RESTful Web Service using Persistence, but would like to know how it can be integrated with Hibernate?
Appreciate any help or insight.
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I would like to know what I did is the correct method of generating RESTful web services using Hibernate.
First I generated Hibernate Entity classes using NetBeans and then I created RESTful services from Entity classes. So does this creates RESTful Web Services with Hibernate? I could see AbstractFacade classes that is almost like DAO classes
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Screen shot for selecting RESTful Web Service from Entity classes
If you want to build a truly RESTful service, you need to build up a link relation architecture. You're going to need more than Hibernate or Netbeans to do that.
I recommend using the milestone Spring Data REST in conjunction with Hibernate's JPA implementation and Spring HATEOAS. See Spring Restbucks as an example which brings all these technologies together.

Nunit - XML based Data provider

I have used TestNG & Selenium for Test UI Automation
For .NET web services testing http web requests can be used to do functional testing
Has any one tried web services automation using Nunit ? Does it support passing data parameters in XML (Data Driven Testing) like TestNG?
Any experience/guidelines with WCF / ASPX 2.0 Web services functional test automation using Nunit if you can share would be helpful
I like to think about Web Services, WCF Services as another kind of interface to my business logic. And I only unit test my logic.
There is nothing specific in NUnit for testing WCF or Web Services.

Unit testing a JAX-WS Web Service?

Is there a way to test a JAX-WS web service? Mine is in Netbeans and I'm trying to use a web service client in the test package to do it but I wonder if this is the right way.
You can use soapUI for testing the webservices, both using a GUI or command-line
You can also by using netbeans test the webservices using generated tests, this is accessible by right clicking the webservice and click "test webservice", that is if you've created the web service using netbeans, if you haven't you can create a webservice from the WSDL of your web service and go from there.
If you want to use the web service client from the test package that is possible, netbeans should generate jaxb classes neccessary for testing, you would be able to drag-n-drop the methods from the client to a test class.