Upload zip files directly to AWS S3 bucket from website? - amazon-web-services

Is it possible to directly upload data files from a website to an AWS S3 bucket without having to first download the files to my PC? These are large files (60 GB) and will tie up my PC for a week downloading, prepping, and then uploading the tables to my S3 bucket.
I see in my S3 Management Console there are options to "Add files" and "Add folder" but I don't see a place where I can enter the original URL location of the data files.
The data files are located here (scroll to bottom of page); URLs for the data are:

So, the below script worked well for small files, in other words, you have to wait until the download ends the process before it initializes the upload to bucket s3, which might take a long while. During that time you'll only see the bucket created.
The bucket will be created for the default zone: us-east-1. A programmatic user is mandatory with admin permissions, once you will need to deal with AWS CLI through an automated process.
You'll only need to change the variable FILE that has to be the last node of your source path.
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $BCKT | \
wget -O- $SRC | aws s3 cp - s3://$BCKT/$FILE
Just editing to provide screenshots as proof of work...


Preserve metadata when uploading multiple files to an Amazon S3 bucket using AWS CLI

I have an archive of files for a client that needs uploading to an s3 bucket (100,000+ files). From there, the files need to be listed & available for download on their website.
It is crucial that the files I upload preserve the 'Date Created' or 'Date Modified' metadata in order for the files to be listed in the original date they were created. User-defined metadata is also fine, as long as I can get the data after upload.
I've tried using the following command on AWS CLI as a test:
aws s3 cp test.pdf s3://test-bucket/ --metadata-directive COPY
however it doesn't preserve the original metadata. Is there a bug with the COPY command or am I missing something? Any advice or alternative ways I could achieve this would be appreciated, thanks all.
--metadata-directive take effect only if source and destination path are both s3 path, has no effect to local files. Here you could pass local file attributes as --metadata (User-defined metadata) for new created s3 object. for example:
meta=$(stat --printf='{"x-change-time":"%z","x-access-time":"%x","x-modify-time":"%y"}' $file)
aws s3 cp "$file" s3://test-bucket/ --metadata "$meta"
test.sh ./test.pdf

How to sync and read files from S3 bucket through R Studio - SSH'ed to local host with Putty?

I am new to AWS, RStudio and SSH, so this may sound trivial but I need desperate help.
I was able to SSH the instance and RStudio by following some resources but now I want to regularly sync and read files from a public S3 bucket. I can get the bucket content and try to read with s3read_using() command but the file is bigger than it supports and I cannot do it.
How can I sync the S3 bucket and read files? Any help appreciated.
You can aws CLI s3 sync method to sync a bucket with folder
The sync command is used to sync directories to S3 buckets or prefixes and vice versa. It recursively copies new and updated files from the source ( Directory or Bucket/Prefix ) to the destination ( Directory or Bucket/Prefix ). It only creates folders in the destination if they contain one or more files.
for reference and usage:

Download all objects from a S3 bucket, including glacier restored

I have set a number of files for restore from glacier to S3 and I want to download it all – the whole bucket.
When I browse the s3 bucket from the web console, I don’t see the glacier restored items (unless I show the version).
Is there a way to download all the bucket files to the local drive, including glacier restored ones?
I ran
s3cmd sync s3://bucketname .
got only the non-glacier restored ones.
You can use below command to sync s3 bucket including the restored files:
aws s3 sync s3://bucketname <local directory or .> --force-glacier-transfer
I think you can use our free tool to browse your S3/Glacier buckets and recover data:

Pulling files form S3 bucket into local directory

Sorry I am new to setting up s3 file transfers.
I managed to pull files from my s3 bucket into my local environment using the following commands:
aws s3 sync s3://myBucket myFolder/.
I got the following response:
download: s3://myBucket/image.jpg to myFolder\image.jpg
However, there is nothing in myFolder even though the download was successful. How do I locate the actual file that's being downloaded from s3?
Would the AWS CLI command be the right command to pull files or am I totally missing the point here.

Downloading an entire S3 bucket?

I noticed that there does not seem to be an option to download an entire s3 bucket from the AWS Management Console.
Is there an easy way to grab everything in one of my buckets? I was thinking about making the root folder public, using wget to grab it all, and then making it private again but I don't know if there's an easier way.
See the "AWS CLI Command Reference" for more information.
AWS recently released their Command Line Tools, which work much like boto and can be installed using
sudo easy_install awscli
sudo pip install awscli
Once installed, you can then simply run:
aws s3 sync s3://<source_bucket> <local_destination>
For example:
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket .
will download all the objects in mybucket to the current directory.
And will output:
download: s3://mybucket/test.txt to test.txt
download: s3://mybucket/test2.txt to test2.txt
This will download all of your files using a one-way sync. It will not delete any existing files in your current directory unless you specify --delete, and it won't change or delete any files on S3.
You can also do S3 bucket to S3 bucket, or local to S3 bucket sync.
Check out the documentation and other examples.
Whereas the above example is how to download a full bucket, you can also download a folder recursively by performing
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKETNAME/PATH/TO/FOLDER LocalFolderName --recursive
This will instruct the CLI to download all files and folder keys recursively within the PATH/TO/FOLDER directory within the BUCKETNAME bucket.
You can use s3cmd to download your bucket:
s3cmd --configure
s3cmd sync s3://bucketnamehere/folder /destination/folder
There is another tool you can use called rclone. This is a code sample in the Rclone documentation:
rclone sync /home/local/directory remote:bucket
I've used a few different methods to copy Amazon S3 data to a local machine, including s3cmd, and by far the easiest is Cyberduck.
All you need to do is enter your Amazon credentials and use the simple interface to download, upload, sync any of your buckets, folders or files.
You've many options to do that, but the best one is using the AWS CLI.
Here's a walk-through:
Download and install AWS CLI in your machine:
Install the AWS CLI using the MSI Installer (Windows).
Install the AWS CLI using the Bundled Installer for Linux, OS X, or Unix.
Configure AWS CLI:
Make sure you input valid access and secret keys, which you received when you created the account.
Sync the S3 bucket using:
aws s3 sync s3://yourbucket /local/path
In the above command, replace the following fields:
yourbucket >> your S3 bucket that you want to download.
/local/path >> path in your local system where you want to download all the files.
To download using AWS S3 CLI:
aws s3 cp s3://WholeBucket LocalFolder --recursive
aws s3 cp s3://Bucket/Folder LocalFolder --recursive
To download using code, use the AWS SDK.
To download using GUI, use Cyberduck.
The answer by #Layke is good, but if you have a ton of data and don't want to wait forever, you should read "AWS CLI S3 Configuration".
The following commands will tell the AWS CLI to use 1,000 threads to execute jobs (each a small file or one part of a multipart copy) and look ahead 100,000 jobs:
aws configure set default.s3.max_concurrent_requests 1000
aws configure set default.s3.max_queue_size 100000
After running these, you can use the simple sync command:
aws s3 sync s3://source-bucket/source-path s3://destination-bucket/destination-path
aws s3 sync s3://source-bucket/source-path c:\my\local\data\path
On a system with CPU 4 cores and 16GB RAM, for cases like mine (3-50GB files) the sync/copy speed went from about 9.5MiB/s to 700+MiB/s, a speed increase of 70x over the default configuration.
100% works for me, i have download all files from aws s3 backet.
Install AWS CLI. Select your operating system and follow the steps here: Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI
Check AWS version: aws --version
Run config command: aws configure
aws s3 cp s3://yourbucketname your\local\path --recursive
Eg (Windows OS): aws s3 cp s3://yourbucketname C:\aws-s3-backup\project-name --recursive
Check out this link: How to download an entire bucket from S3 to local folder
If you use Visual Studio, download "AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio".
After installed, go to Visual Studio - AWS Explorer - S3 - Your bucket - Double click
In the window you will be able to select all files. Right click and download files.
For Windows, S3 Browser is the easiest way I have found. It is excellent software, and it is free for non-commercial use.
Use this command with the AWS CLI:
aws s3 cp s3://bucketname . --recursive
Another option that could help some OS X users is Transmit.
It's an FTP program that also lets you connect to your S3 files. And, it has an option to mount any FTP or S3 storage as a folder in the Finder, but it's only for a limited time.
I've done a bit of development for S3 and I have not found a simple way to download a whole bucket.
If you want to code in Java the jets3t lib is easy to use to create a list of buckets and iterate over that list to download them.
First, get a public private key set from the AWS management consule so you can create an S3service object:
AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new AWSCredentials(YourAccessKey, YourAwsSecretKey);
s3Service = new RestS3Service(awsCredentials);
Then, get an array of your buckets objects:
S3Object[] objects = s3Service.listObjects(YourBucketNameString);
Finally, iterate over that array to download the objects one at a time with:
S3Object obj = s3Service.getObject(bucket, fileName);
file = obj.getDataInputStream();
I put the connection code in a threadsafe singleton. The necessary try/catch syntax has been omitted for obvious reasons.
If you'd rather code in Python you could use Boto instead.
After looking around BucketExplorer, "Downloading the whole bucket" may do what you want.
AWS SDK API is only the best option for uploading entire folder and repository to AWS S3 and to download entire AWS S3 bucket locally.
To upload whole folder to AWS S3: aws s3 sync . s3://BucketName
To download whole AWS S3 bucket locally: aws s3 sync s3://BucketName .
You can also assign path like BucketName/Path for particular folder in AWS S3 bucket to download.
If you only want to download the bucket from AWS, first install the AWS CLI in your machine. In terminal change the directory to where you want to download the files and run this command.
aws s3 sync s3://bucket-name .
If you also want to sync the both local and s3 directories (in case you added some files in local folder), run this command:
aws s3 sync . s3://bucket-name
You can do this with MinIO Client as follows: mc cp -r https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/bucketName/ localdir
MinIO also supports sessions, resumable downloads, uploads and many more. MinIO supports Linux, OS X and Windows operating systems. It is written in Golang and released under Apache Version 2.0.
AWS CLI is the best option to download an entire S3 bucket locally.
Install AWS CLI.
Configure AWS CLI for using default security credentials and default AWS Region.
To download the entire S3 bucket use command
aws s3 sync s3://yourbucketname localpath
Reference to AWS CLI for different AWS services: AWS Command Line Interface
To add another GUI option, we use WinSCP's S3 functionality. It's very easy to connect, only requiring your access key and secret key in the UI. You can then browse and download whatever files you require from any accessible buckets, including recursive downloads of nested folders.
Since it can be a challenge to clear new software through security and WinSCP is fairly prevalent, it can be really beneficial to just use it rather than try to install a more specialized utility.
If you use Firefox with S3Fox, that DOES let you select all files (shift-select first and last) and right-click and download all.
I've done it with 500+ files without any problem.
When in Windows, my preferred GUI tool for this is CloudBerry Explorer Freeware for
Amazon S3. It has a fairly polished file explorer and FTP-like interface.
You can use sync to download whole S3 bucket. For example, to download whole bucket named bucket1 on current directory.
aws s3 sync s3://bucket1 .
If you have only files there (no subdirectories) a quick solution is to select all the files (click on the first, Shift+click on the last) and hit Enter or right click and select Open. For most of the data files this will download them straight to your computer.
Try this command:
aws s3 sync yourBucketnameDirectory yourLocalDirectory
For example, if your bucket name is myBucket and local directory is c:\local, then:
aws s3 sync s3://myBucket c:\local
For more informations about awscli check this
aws cli installation
It's always better to use awscli for downloading / uploading files to s3. Sync will help you to resume without any hassle.
aws s3 sync s3://bucketname/ .
aws s3 sync s3://<source_bucket> <local_destination>
is a great answer, but it won't work if the objects are in storage class Glacier Flexible Retrieval, even if the the files have been restored. In that case you need to add the flag --force-glacier-transfer .
Here is a summary of what you have to do to copy an entire bucket:
1. Create a user that can operate with AWS s3 bucket
Follow this official article: Configuration basics
Don't forget to:
tick "programmatic access" in order to have the possibility to deal with with AWS via CLI.
add the right IAM policy to your user to allow him to interact with the s3 bucket
2. Download, install and configure AWS CLI
See this link allowing to configure it: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-quickstart.html
You can use the following command in order to add the keys you got when you created your user:
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <your_access_key>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <your_secret_key>
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
3. Use the following command to download content
You can a recursive cp commande, but aws sync command is f:
aws s3 sync s3://your_bucket /local/path
To see what would be the dowloaded files before really do the download, you can use the --dryrun option.
To improve speed, you can adjust s3 max_concurrent_requests and max_queue_size properties. See: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/s3-config.html
You can exclude/include some files using --exclude and --include options. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/
For example, the below command will show all the .png file presents in the bucket. Replay the command without --dryrun to make the resulting files be downloaded.
aws s3 sync s3://your_bucket /local/path --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.png" --dryrun
Windows User need to download S3EXPLORER from this link which also has installation instructions :- http://s3browser.com/download.aspx
Then provide you AWS credentials like secretkey, accesskey and region to the s3explorer, this link contains configuration instruction for s3explorer:Copy Paste Link in brower: s3browser.com/s3browser-first-run.aspx
Now your all s3 buckets would be visible on left panel of s3explorer.
Simply select the bucket, and click on Buckets menu on top left corner, then select Download all files to option from the menu. Below is the screenshot for the same:
Bucket Selection Screen
Then browse a folder to download the bucket at a particular place
Click on OK and your download would begin.
aws sync is the perfect solution. It does not do a two way.. it is a one way from source to destination. Also, if you have lots of items in bucket it will be a good idea to create s3 endpoint first so that download happens faster (because download does not happen via internet but via intranet) and no charges
As #layke said, it is the best practice to download the file from the S3 cli it is a safe and secure. But in some cases, people need to use wget to download the file and here is the solution
aws s3 presign s3://<your_bucket_name/>
This will presign will get you temporary public URL which you can use to download content from S3 using the presign_url, in your case using wget or any other download client.
You just need to pass --recursive & --include "*" in the aws s3 cp command as follows: aws --region "${BUCKET_REGION}" s3 cp s3://${BUCKET}${BUCKET_PATH}/ ${LOCAL_PATH}/tmp --recursive --include "*" 2>&1
In addition to the suggestions for aws s3 sync, I would also recommend looking at s5cmd.
In my experience I found this to be substantially faster than the AWS CLI for multiple downloads or large downloads.
s5cmd supports wildcards so something like this would work:
s5cmd cp s3://bucket-name/* ./folder