AWS Lambda succeeds outside timeout - amazon-web-services

I'm doing a test where I want my function to fail on timeout.
So i set my timeout to 1 sec
My expectation is that it will fail when I invoke the function, however it still succeeds with a duration over the set timeout
Duration: 22744.46 ms Billed Duration: 22745 ms
Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 74 MB Init Duration: 639.17 ms

When timeout, you will see line like this
2022-04-01T23:59:10.675Z xxxx Task timed out after 3.00 seconds
next the duration, memory stuffs you post this above
I used following python code, hopes help
import json
import time
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')


AWS (GovCloud) Lambda Destination Not Triggering

I am working in AWS GovCloud I have the following configuration in AWS Lambda:
A Lambda function which decodes a payload
A Kinesis Stream set as a trigger for the aforementioned function
A Lambda Destination (we have tried Lambda functions as well as SQS, SNS)
No matter the configuration, I cannot seem to get Lambda to trigger the destination function (or queue in the event of SQS).
Here is the current Lambda Function. I have tried many permutations of the result/return payload without avail.
import base64
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))
for record in event['Records']:
payload = base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data']).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
result = {
"statusCode": 202,
"headers": {
#'Content-Type': 'application/json',
"body": '{payload}'
return json.dumps(result)
I then send a message to Kinesis with the AWS CLI (I have noted that "Test" in the console does not observe desintations as per Jared Short ).
Every 0.1s: aws kinesis put-records --stream-name test-stream --records Data=SGVsbG8sIHRoaXMgaXMgYSB0ZXN0IGZyb20gdGhlIEFXUyBDTEkh,PartitionKey=partitionkey1 Thu Jul 8 19:03:54 2021
"FailedRecordCount": 0,
"Records": [
"SequenceNumber": "49619938447946944252072058244333476686328287240252293122",
"ShardId": "shardId-000000000000"
Using Cloudwatch metrics and logs I am able to observe the function being triggered by the messages sent to Kinesis every .1 second.
The metrics charts indicate a success (as I expect).
Here is an example log from Cloudwatch:
START RequestId: 0cf3fb87-06e6-4e35-9de8-b30147e7be9d Version: $LATEST
Loading function
END RequestId: 0cf3fb87-06e6-4e35-9de8-b30147e7be9d
REPORT RequestId: 0cf3fb87-06e6-4e35-9de8-b30147e7be9d Duration: 1.27 ms Billed Duration: 2 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 51 MB Init Duration: 113.64 ms
START RequestId: e663fa4a-2d0b-42d6-9e38-599712b71101 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: e663fa4a-2d0b-42d6-9e38-599712b71101
REPORT RequestId: e663fa4a-2d0b-42d6-9e38-599712b71101 Duration: 1.04 ms Billed Duration: 2 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 51 MB
START RequestId: b1373bbe-d2c6-49fb-a71f-dcedaf9210eb Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: b1373bbe-d2c6-49fb-a71f-dcedaf9210eb
REPORT RequestId: b1373bbe-d2c6-49fb-a71f-dcedaf9210eb Duration: 0.98 ms Billed Duration: 1 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 51 MB
START RequestId: e0382653-9c33-44d6-82a7-a82f0f416297 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: e0382653-9c33-44d6-82a7-a82f0f416297
REPORT RequestId: e0382653-9c33-44d6-82a7-a82f0f416297 Duration: 1.05 ms Billed Duration: 2 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 51 MB
START RequestId: f9600ef5-419f-4271-9680-7368ccc5512d Version: $LATEST
However, viewing the cloudwatch logs/metrics for the destination lambda function or SQS queue clearly show that the destination is not being triggered.
Over the course of troubleshooting, I have over-provisioned IAM policies to the Lambda function execution role so I am fairly confident that it is not an IAM related issue. Additionally, both functions are sharing the same execution role.
One thing I am not clear on after reviewing AWS documentation and 3rd party information is the criteria by which AWS determines success or failure for a given function. I am currently researching the invokation docs in search of what might be wrong here - but my interpretation is that AWS knows our function is successful based on the above Cloudwatch metrics showing a 100% success rate.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or how to try to troubleshoot the destination trigger for lambda?
Edit: As pointed out, the code is not correct for multiple record events. This is a function of senseless troubleshooting/changes to the code to get the Destination to trigger. Even something as simple as this does not invoke the destination.
import base64
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))
# for record in event['Records']:
# payload = base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data']).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
# print("Success")
# result = {
# "statusCode": 202,
# "headers": {
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
# },
# "body": '{"Success":True, payload}'
# }
return { "result": "OK" }
So, the question: Can someone demonstrate it is possible to have a Kinesis Stream Event Source Trigger a Lambda Function which successfully triggers a Lambda destination in AWS Govcloud?

AWS Lambda function fails while query Athena

I am attempting to write a simple Lambda function to query a table in Athena. But after a few seconds I see "Status: FAILED" in the Cloudwatch logs.
There is no descriptive error message on the cause of failure.
My test code is below:
import json
import time
import boto3
# athena constant
DATABASE = 'default'
TABLE = 'test'
# S3 constant
S3_OUTPUT = 's3://test-output/'
# number of retries
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# created query
query = "SELECT * FROM default.test limit 2"
# athena client
client = boto3.client('athena')
# Execution
response = client.start_query_execution(
'Database': DATABASE
'OutputLocation': S3_OUTPUT,
# get query execution id
query_execution_id = response['QueryExecutionId']
# get execution status
for i in range(1, 1 + RETRY_COUNT):
# get query execution
query_status = client.get_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=query_execution_id)
query_execution_status = query_status['QueryExecution']['Status']['State']
if query_execution_status == 'SUCCEEDED':
print("STATUS:" + query_execution_status)
if query_execution_status == 'FAILED':
#raise Exception("STATUS:" + query_execution_status)
print("STATUS:" + query_execution_status)
print("STATUS:" + query_execution_status)
# Did not encounter a break event. Need to kill the query
raise Exception('TIME OVER')
# get query results
result = client.get_query_results(QueryExecutionId=query_execution_id)
The logs show the following:
START RequestId: e5434651-d36e-48f0-8f27-0290 Version: $LATEST
....more status: FAILED
END RequestId: e5434651-d36e-48f0-8f27-0290
REPORT RequestId: e5434651-d36e-48f0-8f27-0290 Duration: 30030.22 ms Billed Duration: 30000 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 72 MB Init Duration: 307.49 ms
2020-08-31T14:52:42.473Z e5434651-d36e-48f0-8f27-0290 Task timed out after 30.03 seconds
I think I have the right permissions for S3 bucket access given to the role (if not, I would have seen the error message). There are no files created in the bucket either. I am not sure what is going wrong here. What am I missing?
The last line in your log shows
2020-08-31T14:52:42.473Z e5434651-d36e-48f0-8f27-0290 Task timed out after 30.03 seconds
To me this looks like the timeout of the Lambda Function is set to 30 seconds. Try increasing it to more than the time the Athena query needs (the maximum is 15 minutes).

AWS - Read SQS Message via Lambda

Below code is copied from AWS documentation, but my code is almost the same except for the queue URL definition part.
I want to print out the message body in JSON format, but it seems it has some things extra. How can I get rid of them without using substring?
# Create SQS client
# blah blah
# Receive message from SQS queue
response = sqs.receive_message(
message = response['Messages'][0]
receipt_handle = message['ReceiptHandle']
print('Received and deleted message: %s' % message)
This printed message has following format:
START RequestId: fe107bc8-3829-4600-9bfc-df89f59b0c70 Version: $LATEST
{JSON body}
END RequestId: fe107bc8-3829-4600-9bfc-df89f59b0c70
REPORT RequestId: fe107bc8-3829-4600-9bfc-df89f59b0c70 Duration: 914.38 ms Billed Duration: 1000 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 71 MB Init Duration: 247.03 ms
What I really want is just the {JSON body}. How can I get rid of the rest?
Unfortunately you can't remove
START RequestId: fe107bc8-3829-4600-9bfc-df89f59b0c70 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: fe107bc8-3829-4600-9bfc-df89f59b0c70
REPORT RequestId: fe107bc8-3829-4600-9bfc-df89f59b0c70 Duration: 914.38 ms Billed Duration: 1000 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 71 MB Init Duration: 247.03 ms
from the CloudWatch Logs. This is standard print out behavior for a lambda function.
However, you can use log event filters in console which can help with locating specific {JSON body} of interest. It is the most basic and fastest to solution to use though.
More complex filtering of your logs is also possible, but I think this is not what you are after.

zeit now with flask + telegram

I am using (free) and was thinking setup a webhook for telegram chat bot.
I sent a message from the telegram app on the phone and it supposes to post a json to the webhook url. It does post the data but i cannot get the json. It seems cannot handle the json?
It is like something stuck whenever i tried to call request.json
#app.route("/new_message", methods=["POST", "GET"])
def telegram_webhook_handler():
if request.method == 'POST':
r = request.get_json()
chat_id = r['message']['chat']['id']
text = "how are you?"
send_message(CHAT_ID, text)
send_message(CHAT_ID, "This is a get")
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({"ping": "pong"})
The error message from
12/27 01:42 PM (40s)
REPORT RequestId: 3462880b-09d4-11e9-b07e-77492ad19973 Duration: 300021.80 ms Billed Duration: 300000 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 42 MB
12/27 01:42 PM (40s)
2018-12-27T12:42:42.838Z 3462880b-09d4-11e9-b07e-77492ad19973 Task timed out after 300.02 seconds
Any idea how i can get the webhook data?
Your code has exceeded its duration limit.
Duration: 300021.80 ms Billed Duration: 300000 ms
If you want to increase the duration limit, you will have to upgrade your Zeit account.

Is possible to avoid the 60 seconds limit in urllib2.urlopen with GAE?

I'm requesting a file with a size around 14MB from a slow server with urllib2.urlopen, and it spend more than 60 seconds to get the data, and I'm getting the error:
Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response from URL:
Here my code:
class CronChargeBT(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
taskqueue.add(queue_name = 'optimized-queue', url='/cronChargeBTB')
class CronChargeBTB(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
url = ""
url_request = urllib2.Request(url)
url_request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
response = urllib2.urlopen(url_request, timeout=300)
buf = StringIO(
f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) with the data insiste the file...
I create a cron task who calls CronChargeBT. Here the cron.yaml:
- description: cargar BlueTomato
url: /cronChargeBT
target: charge
schedule: every wed,sun 01:00
and it create a new task and insert into a queue, here the queue configuration:
- name: optimized-queue
rate: 40/s
bucket_size: 60
max_concurrent_requests: 10
task_retry_limit: 1
min_backoff_seconds: 10
max_backoff_seconds: 200
Of coursethat the timeout=300 isn't working because the 60seconds limit in GAE but I think yhat I can avoid it using a task... anyone knows how I can get the data in the file avoiding this timeout.
Thanks a lot!!!
Cron jobs are limited to 10 minutes deadline, not 60 seconds. If your download fails, perhaps just retry? Does the download work if you download it from your computer? There's nothing you can do on GAE if the server you are downloading from is too slow or unstable.
Edit: According to, there is a maximum deadline of 60 seconds for cron job requests. Therefore, you can't get around it.