Measuring overhead of page-table locks in C/C++ - c++

There are two locks on the PMD and PTE levels of the page table in the Linux kernel. Each time a thread/process allocates/maps a memory it should hold one of these locks to update the page table accordingly. It is obvious that as the number of threads increases the race for holding the locks increases as well. This may degrade the memory mapping throughput since many threads hold the spinlock.
What I'd like to measure for a task, is the worst-case overhead of these locks on memory mapping throughput but I have no idea how to measure it.
I tried using malloc in an infinite-loop as I increase the number of threads running the same loop. I check the /proc/{pid}/maps for each set of running threads to count the number of mapped memories. But I'm not sure if it is the correct way. Besides, this method consumes a lot of memory.
Is there any efficient way to measure the worst-case overhead of these locks?

A lot of the comments are correct, however I thought I might try my hand at a full response.
Firstly, using malloc will not enable you to have explicit control over page mappings as a comment said the malloc part of stdlib will actually allocate a huge chunk of memory after the first allocation.
Secondly when creating a new thread, this will use the same address-space, so there will be no additional mappings created.
I'm going to assume you want to do this from user space, because from kernel space, you can do a lot of things to make this exploration somewhat degenerate (for example you can just try and map pages to the same location).
Instead you want to allocate anonymous pages using mmap.
Mmap is an explicit call to create a Virtual Memory Entry so that when that particular page is accessed for the first time, the kernel can actually put some blank physical memory at that location.
It is the first access to that location that causes the fault, and that first access which will actually use the locks in the PTE and PUD.
Ensuring Good Benchmarking Procedure:
If you are just trying to stress the page tables you might also want to turn off Transparent Huge Pages within that process. (The syscall to look into is prnctl with the flag DISABLE_THP). Run this before spawning any child processes.
Pin Threads to cores using cpuset.
You want to explicitly control your region of interest, so you want to pick specific addresses for each thread that all share the same page table. This way you ensure that the maximum number of locks is used.
Use a psuedo random function to write to the location that has a different seed for each thread.
Compare with a baseline that does the exact same thing but that has very different parts of the address space that is stressed.
Make sure that as little is different between the baseline and the overly contented workload.
Do not over-subscribe the processor, this will make the overhead due to context-switches which are notorious to root out.
Make sure to start capturing timing after the threads are created and stop it before they are destroyed.
What does this translate in each thread:
address = <per-thread address>
total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
uint64_t* x = (uint64_t*) mmap((void*) address, 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); //Maps one page anonymously
*x ^= pseudo_rand(); // Accesses the page and causes the allocation
total += *x; // For fun
int res = munmap((void*) x, 4096); //Deallocates the page (similar locks)
The big take aways are:
Use mmap and explicitly access the allocated location to actually control individual page allocation.
The compactness of addresses determines what locks are acquired.
Measuring kernel and virtual memory things requires strict discipline in benchmark procedure.


Fast synchronized access to shared array with changing base address (in C11)

I am currently designing a user space scheduler in C11 for a custom co-processor under Linux (user space, because the co-processor does not run its own OS, but is controlled by software running on the host CPU). It keeps track of all the tasks' states with an array. Task states are regular integers in this case. The array is dynamically allocated and each time a new task is submitted whose state does not fit into the array anymore, the array is reallocated to twice its current size. The scheduler uses multiple threads and thus needs to synchronize its data structures.
Now, the problem is that I very often need to read entries in that array, since I need to know the states of tasks for scheduling decisions and resource management. If the base address was guaranteed to always be the same after each reallocation, I would simply use C11 atomics for accessing it. Unfortunately, realloc obviously cannot give such a guarantee. So my current approach is wrapping each access (reads AND writes) with one big lock in the form of a pthread mutex. Obviously, this is really slow, since there is locking overhead for each read, and the read is really small, since it only consists of a single integer.
To clarify the problem, I give some code here showing the relevant passages:
// pthread_mutex_t mut;
// size_t len_arr;
// int *array, idx, x;
if (idx >= len_arr) {
len_arr *= 2;
array = realloc(array, len_arr*sizeof(int));
if (array == NULL)
array[idx] = x;
// pthread_mutex_t mut;
// int *array, idx;
int x = array[idx];
I have already used C11 atomics for efficient synchronization elsewhere in the implementation and would love to use them to solve this problem as well, but I could not find an efficient way to do so. In a perfect world, there would be an atomic accessor for arrays which performs address calculation and memory read/write in a single atomic operation. Unfortunately, I could not find such an operation. But maybe there is a similarly fast or even faster way of achieving synchronization in this situation?
I forgot to specify that I cannot reuse slots in the array when tasks terminate. Since I guarantee access to the state of every task ever submitted since the scheduler was started, I need to store the final state of each task until the application terminates. Thus, static allocation is not really an option.
Do you need to be so economical with virtual address space? Can't you just set a very big upper limit and allocate enough address space for it (maybe even a static array, or dynamic if you want the upper limit to be set at startup from command-line options).
Linux does lazy memory allocation so virtual pages that you never touch aren't actually using any physical memory. See Why is iterating though `std::vector` faster than iterating though `std::array`? that show by example that reading or writing an anonymous page for the first time causes a page fault. If it was a read access, it gets the kernel to CoW (copy-on-write) map it to a shared physical zero page. Only an initial write, or a write to a CoW page, triggers actual allocation of a physical page.
Leaving virtual pages completely untouched avoids even the overhead of wiring them into the hardware page tables.
If you're targeting a 64-bit ISA like x86-64, you have boatloads of virtual address space. Using up more virtual address space (as long as you aren't wasting physical pages) is basically fine.
Practical example of allocating more address virtual space than you can use:
If you allocate more memory than you could ever practically use (touching it all would definitely segfault or invoke the kernel's OOM killer), that will be as large or larger than you could ever grow via realloc.
To allocate this much, you may need to globally set /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory to 1 (no checking) instead of the default 0 (heuristic which makes extremely large allocations fail). Or use mmap(MAP_NORESERVE) to allocate it, making that one mapping just best-effort growth on page-faults.
The documentation says you might get a SIGSEGV on touching memory allocated with MAP_NORESERVE, which is different than invoking the OOM killer. But I think once you've already successfully touched memory, it is yours and won't get discarded. I think it's also not going to spuriously fail unless you're actually running out of RAM + swap space. IDK how you plan to detect that in your current design (which sounds pretty sketchy if you have no way to ever deallocate).
Test program:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
int main(void) {
size_t sz = 1ULL << 46; // 2**46 = 64 TiB = max power of 2 for x86-64 with 48-bit virtual addresses
// in practice 1ULL << 40 (1TiB) should be more than enough.
// the smaller you pick, the less impact if multiple things use this trick in the same program
//int *p = aligned_alloc(64, sz); // doesn't use NORESERVE so it will be limited by overcommit settings
madvise(p, sz, MADV_HUGEPAGE); // for good measure to reduce page-faults and TLB misses, since you're using large contiguous chunks of this array
p[1000000000] = 1234; // or sz/sizeof(int) - 1 will also work; this is only touching 1 page somewhere in the array.
printf("%p\n", p);
$ gcc -Og -g -Wall alloc.c
$ strace ./a.out
... process startup
mmap(NULL, 70368744177664, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0) = 0x15c71ef7c000
madvise(0x15c71ef7c000, 70368744177664, MADV_HUGEPAGE) = 0
... stdio stuff
write(1, "0x15c71ef7c000\n", 15) = 15
exit_group(0) = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++
My desktop has 16GiB of RAM (a lot of it in use by Chromium and some big files in /tmp) + 2GiB of swap. Yet this program allocated 64 TiB of virtual address space and touched 1 int of it nearly instantly. Not measurably slower than if it had only allocated 1MiB. (And future performance from actually using that memory should also be unaffected.)
The largest power-of-2 you can expect to work on current x86-64 hardware is 1ULL << 46. The total lower canonical range of the 48-bit virtual address space is 47 bits (user-space virtual address space on Linux), and some of that is already allocated for stack/code/data. Allocating a contiguous 64 TiB chunk of that still leaves plenty for other allocations.
(If you do actually have that much RAM + swap, you're probably waiting for a new CPU with 5-level page tables so you can use even more virtual address space.)
Speaking of page tables, the larger the array the more chance of putting some other future allocations very very far from existing blocks. This can have a minor cost in TLB-miss (page walk) time, if your actual in-use pages end up more scattered around your address space in more different sub-trees of the multi-level page tables. That's more page-table memory to keep in cache (including cached within the page-walk hardware).
The allocation size doesn't have to be a power of 2 but it might as well be. There's also no reason to make it that big. 1ULL << 40 (1TiB) should be fine on most systems. IDK if having more than half the available address space for a process allocated could slow future allocations; bookkeeping is I think based on extents (ptr + length) not bitmaps.
Keep in mind that if everyone starts doing this for random arrays in libraries, that could use up a lot of address space. This is great for the main array in a program that spends a lot of time using it. Keep it as small as you can while still being big enough to always be more than you need. (Optionally make it a config parameter if you want to avoid a "640kiB is enough for everyone" situation). Using up virtual address space is very low-cost, but it's probably better to use less.
Think of this as reserving space for future growth but not actually using it until you touch it. Even though by some ways of looking at it, the memory already is "allocated". But in Linux it really isn't. Linux defaults to allowing "overcommit": processes can have more total anonymous memory mapped than the system has physical RAM + swap. If too many processes try to use too much by actually touching all that allocated memory, the OOM killer has to kill something (because the "allocate" system calls like mmap have already returned success). See
(With MAP_NORESERVE, it's only reserving address space which is shared between threads, but not reserving any physical pages until you touch them.)
You probably want your array to be page-aligned: #include <stdalign.h> so you can use something like
alignas(4096) struct entry process_array[MAX_LEN];
Or for non-static, allocate it with C11 aligned_alloc().
Give back early parts of the array when you're sure all threads are done with it
Page alignment makes it easy do the calculations to "give back" a memory page (4kiB on x86) if your array's logical size shrinks enough. madvise(addr, 4096*n, MADV_FREE); (Linux 4.5 and later). This is kind of like mmap(MAP_FIXED) to replace some pages with new untouched anonymous pages (that will read as zeroes), except it doesn't split up the logical mapping extents and create more bookkeeping for the kernel.
Don't bother with this unless you're returning multiple pages, and leave at least one page unfreed above the current top to avoid page faults if you grow again soon. Like maybe maintain a high-water mark that you've ever touched (without giving back) and a current logical size. If high_water - logical_size > 16 pages give back all page from 4 past the logical size up to the high water mark.
If you will typically be actually using/touching at least 2MiB of your array, use madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE) when you allocate it to get the kernel to prefer using transparent hugepages. This will reduce TLB misses.
(Use strace to see return values from your madvise system calls, and look at /proc/PID/smaps, to see if your calls are having the desired effect.)
If up-front allocation is unacceptable, RCU (read-copy-update) might be viable if it's read-mostly. But copying a gigantic array every time an element changes isn't going to work.
You'd want a different data-structure entirely where only small parts need to be copied. Or something other than RCU; like your answer, you might not need the read side being always wait-free. The choice will depend on acceptable worst-case latency and/or average throughput, and also how much contention there is for any kind of ref counter that has to bounce around between all threads.
Too bad there isn't a realloc variant that attempts to grow without copying so you could attempt that before bothering other threads. (e.g. have threads with idx>len spin-wait on len in case it increases without the array address changing.)
So, I came up with a solution:
while(true) {
if (wait) {
} else {
int x = array[idx];
if (idx == len) {
wait = true;
while (cnt > 0); // busy wait to minimize latency of reallocation
array = realloc(array, 2*len*sizeof(int));
if (!array) abort(); // shit happens
len *= 2; // must not be updated before reallocation completed
wait = false;
// this is why len must be updated after realloc,
// it serves for synchronization with other writers
// exceeding the current length limit
while (idx > len) {yield();}
while(true) {
if (wait) {
} else {
array[idx] = x;
wait is an atomic bool initialized as false, cnt is an atomic int initialized as zero.
This only works because I know that task IDs are chosen ascendingly without gaps and that no task state is read before it is initialized by the write operation. So I can always rely on the one thread which pulls the ID which only exceeds current array length by 1. New tasks created concurrently will block their thread until the responsible thread performed reallocation. Hence the busy wait, since the reallocation should happen quickly so the other threads do not have to wait for too long.
This way, I eliminate the bottlenecking big lock. Array accesses can be made concurrently at the cost of two atomic additions. Since reallocation occurs seldom (due to exponential growth), array access is practically block-free.
After taking a second look, I noticed that one has to be careful about reordering of stores around the length update. Also, the whole thing only works if concurrent writes always use different indices. This is the case for my implementation, but might not generally be. Thus, this is not as elegant as I thought and the solution presented in the accepted answer should be preferred.

Optimal Way of Using mlockall() for Real-time Application (nanosecond sensitive)

I am reading mlockall()'s manpage:
It mentions
Real-time processes that are using mlockall() to prevent delays on page
faults should reserve enough locked stack pages before entering the time-
critical section, so that no page fault can be caused by function calls. This
can be achieved by calling a function that allocates a sufficiently large
automatic variable (an array) and writes to the memory occupied by this array in
order to touch these stack pages. This way, enough pages will be mapped for the
stack and can be locked into RAM. The dummy writes ensure that not even copy-
on-write page faults can occur in the critical section.
I am a bit confused by this statement:
This can be achieved by calling a function that allocates a sufficiently large
automatic variable (an array) and writes to the memory occupied by this array in
order to touch these stack pages.
All the automatic variables (variables on stack) are created "on the fly" on the stack when the function is called. So how can I achieve what the last statement says?
For example, let's say I have this function:
void foo() {
char a;
uint16_t b;
std::deque<int64_t> c;
// do something with those variables
Or does it mean before I call any function, I should call a function like this in main():
void reserveStackPages() {
int64_t stackPage[4096/8 * 1024 * 1024];
memset(stackPage, 0, sizeof(stackPage));
If yes, does it make a difference if I first allocate the stackPage variable on heap, write and then free? Probably yes, because heap and stack are 2 different region in the RAM?
std::deque exists above is just to bring up another related question -- what if I want to reserve memory for things using both stack pages and heap pages. Will calling "heap" version of reserveStackPages() help?
The goal is to minimize all the jitters in the application (yes, I know there are many other things to look at such as TLB miss, etc; just trying to deal with one kind of jitter at once, and slowly progressing into all).
Thanks in advance.
P.S. This is for a low latency trading application if it matters.
You generally don't need to use mlockall, unless you code (more or less hard) real-time applications (I actually never used it).
If you do need it, you'll better code in C (not in genuine C++) the most real-time parts of your code, because you surely want to understand the details of memory allocation. Notice that unless you dive into std::deque implementation, you don't exactly know where it is sitting (probably most of the data is heap allocated, even if your c is an automatic variable).
You should first understand in details the virtual address space of your process. For that, proc(5) is useful: from inside your process, you'll read /proc/self/maps (see this), from outside (e.g. some terminal) you'll do cat /proc/1234/maps for a process of pid 1234. Or use pmap(1).
because heap and stack are 2 different regions in the RAM?
In fact, your process' address space contains many segments (listed in /proc/1234/maps), much more that two. Typically every dynamically linked shared library (such as brings a few segments.
Try cat /proc/self/maps and cat /proc/$$/maps in your terminal to get a better intuition about virtual address spaces. On my machine, the first gives 19 segments of the cat process -each displayed as a line- and the second 97 segments of the zsh (my shell) process.
To ensure that your stack has enough space, you indeed could call a function allocating a large enough automatic variable, like your reserveStackPages. Beware that call stacks are practically of limited size (a few megabytes usually, see also setrlimit(2)).
If you really need mlockall (which is unlikely) you might consider linking statically your program (to have less segments in your virtual address space).
Look also into madvise(2) (and perhaps mincore(2)). It is generally much more useful than mlockall. BTW, in practice, most of your virtual memory is in RAM (unless your system experiments thrashing, and then you'll see it immediately).
Read also Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces to understand the role of paging.
PS. Nano-second sensitive applications does not make much sense (because of cache misses that the software does not control).

Allocating more memory than there exists using malloc

This code snippet will allocate 2Gb every time it reads the letter 'u' from stdin, and will initialize all the allocated chars once it reads 'a'.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#define bytes 2147483648
using namespace std;
int main()
char input [1];
vector<char *> activate;
while(input[0] != 'q')
gets (input);
if(input[0] == 'u')
char *m = (char*)malloc(bytes);
if(m == NULL) cout << "cant allocate mem" << endl;
else cout << "ok" << endl;
else if(input[0] == 'a')
for(int x = 0; x < activate.size(); x++)
char *m;
m = activate[x];
for(unsigned x = 0; x < bytes; x++)
m[x] = 'a';
return 0;
I am running this code on a linux virtual machine that has 3Gb of ram. While monitoring the system resource usage using the htop tool, I have realized that the malloc operation is not reflected on the resources.
For example when I input 'u' only once(i.e. allocate 2GB of heap memory), I don't see the memory usage increasing by 2GB in htop. It is only when I input 'a'(i.e. initialize), I see the memory usage increasing.
As a consequence, I am able to "malloc" more heap memory than there exists. For example, I can malloc 6GB(which is more than my ram and swap memory) and malloc would allow it(i.e. NULL is not returned by malloc). But when I try to initialize the allocated memory, I can see the memory and swap memory filling up till the process is killed.
-My questions:
1.Is this a kernel bug?
2.Can someone explain to me why this behavior is allowed?
It is called memory overcommit. You can disable it by running as root:
echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
and it is not a kernel feature that I like (so I always disable it). See malloc(3) and mmap(2) and proc(5)
NB: echo 0 instead of echo 2 often -but not always- works also. Read the docs (in particular proc man page that I just linked to).
from man malloc (online here):
By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation strategy.
This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there is no guarantee
that the memory really is available.
So when you just want to allocate too much, it "lies" to you, when you want to use the allocated memory, it will try to find enough memory for you and it might crash if it can't find enough memory.
No, this is not a kernel bug. You have discovered something known as late paging (or overcommit).
Until you write a byte to the address allocated with malloc (...) the kernel does little more than "reserve" the address range. This really depends on the implementation of your memory allocator and operating system of course, but most good ones do not incur the majority of kernel overhead until the memory is first used.
The hoard allocator is one big offender that comes to mind immediately, through extensive testing I have found it almost never takes advantage of a kernel that supports late paging. You can always mitigate the effects of late paging in any allocator if you zero-fill the entire memory range immediately after allocation.
Real-time operating systems like VxWorks will never allow this behavior because late paging introduces serious latency. Technically, all it does is put the latency off until a later indeterminate time.
For a more detailed discussion, you may be interested to see how IBM's AIX operating system handles page allocation and overcommitment.
This is a result of what Basile mentioned, over commit memory. However, the explanation kind of interesting.
Basically when you attempt to map additional memory in Linux (POSIX?), the kernel will just reserve it, and will only actually end up using it if your application accesses one of the reserved pages. This allows multiple applications to reserve more than the actual total amount of ram / swap.
This is desirable behavior on most Linux environments unless you've got a real-time OS or something where you know exactly who will need what resources, when and why.
Otherwise somebody could come along, malloc up all the ram (without actually doing anything with it) and OOM your apps.
Another example of this lazy allocation is mmap(), where you have a virtual map that the file you're mapping can fit inside - but you only have a small amount of real memory dedicated to the effort. This allows you to mmap() huge files (larger than your available RAM), and use them like normal file handles which is nifty)
Initializing / working with the memory should work:
memset(m, 0, bytes);
Also you could use calloc that not only allocates memory but also fills it with zeros for you:
char* m = (char*) calloc(1, bytes);
1.Is this a kernel bug?
2.Can someone explain to me why this behavior is allowed?
There are a few reasons:
Mitigate need to know eventual memory requirement - it's often convenient to have an application be able to an amount of memory that it considers an upper limit on the need it might actually have. For example, if it's preparing some kind of report either of an initial pass just to calculate the eventual size of the report or a realloc() of successively larger areas (with the risk of having to copy) may significantly complicate the code and hurt performance, where-as multiplying some maximum length of each entry by the number of entries could be very quick and easy. If you know virtual memory is relatively plentiful as far as your application's needs are concerned, then making a larger allocation of virtual address space is very cheap.
Sparse data - if you have the virtual address space spare, being able to have a sparse array and use direct indexing, or allocate a hash table with generous capacity() to size() ratio, can lead to a very high performance system. Both work best (in the sense of having low overheads/waste and efficient use of memory caches) when the data element size is a multiple of the memory paging size, or failing that much larger or a small integral fraction thereof.
Resource sharing - consider an ISP offering a "1 giga-bit per second" connection to 1000 consumers in a building - they know that if all the consumers use it simultaneously they'll get about 1 mega-bit, but rely on their real-world experience that, though people ask for 1 giga-bit and want a good fraction of it at specific times, there's inevitably some lower maximum and much lower average for concurrent usage. The same insight applied to memory allows operating systems to support more applications than they otherwise would, with reasonable average success at satisfying expectations. Much as the shared Internet connection degrades in speed as more users make simultaneous demands, paging from swap memory on disk may kick in and reduce performance. But unlike an internet connection, there's a limit to the swap memory, and if all the apps really do try to use the memory concurrently such that that limit's exceeded, some will start getting signals/interrupts/traps reporting memory exhaustion. Summarily, with this memory overcommit behaviour enabled, simply checking malloc()/new returned a non-NULL pointer is not sufficient to guarantee the physical memory is actually available, and the program may still receive a signal later as it attempts to use the memory.

Can CreateThread interfere with VirtualAlloc usage?

Is it possible for stack space allocated by CreateThread to interfere with the usage of VirtualAlloc? I can't find any discussion or documentation explaining precisely where stack space is allowed to be allocated...
The following more precisely illustrates my question:
uint8_t *baseA = (uint8_t*)VirtualAlloc(NULL,1,MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_NOACCESS);
// Create a thread with the default stack size
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,SomeThreadProc,NULL,NULL,NULL);
// Possibly create even more threads here.
// Can this ever fail in the absence of other allocators? It doesn't here...
uint8_t *baseB = (uint8_t*)VirtualAlloc(NULL,1,MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_NOACCESS);
// Furthermore, in this test, baseB-baseA == 65536 (unless the debugger did something),
// so nothing appeared between baseA and baseB... not even enough space for the
// full 64kb of wastage, as baseA points to 4096 bytes by itself
If it does in fact use some analogue of VirtualAlloc, is there a way to change how Windows allocates stack space in a given process?
Stack space can be allocated anywhere in the address space of the process. There is no documentation on this now and it is unlikely that such documentation will appear in the future.
You can safely assume that creation of the thread and virtual alloc are independent. If this would not be the case, a lot of things would be broken. Allocator cannot give out overlapping address ranges. This is unthinkable. The problem is somewhere else.
The only thing that might look like correlation - amount of memory used and virtual address space fragmentation. In this case the latest request will simply fail.
I worked on a memory analysis utilities.
This picture shows distribution of the numbers of virtual allocations per size of the allocation.
This is example of the address space contents for a 32-bit process (blue - committed, magenta - reserved, green is a free memory).
What I write here is based on a real experience.
the windows NT kernel treats memory alloc operations on a high interrupt priority, also in a thread safe manner.
That means only one thread of a process can allocate memory at the same time, which makes all allocation processes thread safe (in theory).
there shouldn't be any interferences between stack allocation and virtual allocation.
Also you should keep in mine that you can allocate 1GB of space but your program still only uses it's 2mb RAM.
That's because windows "pre allocates" virtual space, but it doesen't assign it until you use it (write on it).
Actually the memory management is alot more complicated but for now you can be shure that no allocation operations should interfere, ever, since windows is locking your process onto one core, delaying all other threads alloc requests, as long as allocation is processed. (deadlock)
*EDIT: That also means that allocation and de-allocation is kinda a performance needing process if you allocate millions of small bits. It's always better to allocate/de-allocate larger memory areas, because of this deadlock behavior.

how to manage large arrays

I have a c++ program that uses several very large arrays of doubles, and I want to reduce the memory footprint of this particular part of the program. Currently, I'm allocating 100 of them and they can be 100 Mb each.
Now, I do have the advantage, that eventually parts of these arrays become obsolete during later parts of the program's execution, and there is little need to ever have the whole of any one of then in memory at any one time.
My question is this:
Is there any way of telling the OS after I have created the array with new or malloc that a part of it is unnecessary any more ?
I'm coming to the conclusion that the only way to achieve this is going to be to declare an array of pointers, each of which may point to a chunk say 1Mb of the desired array, so that old chunks that are not needed any more can be reused for new bits of the array. This seems to me like writing a custom memory manager which does seem like a bit of a sledgehammer, that's going to create a bit of a performance hit as well
I can't move the data in the array because it is going to cause too many thread contention issues. the arrays may be accessed by any one of a large number of threads at any time, though only one thread ever writes to any given array.
It depends on the operating system. POSIX - including Linux - has the system call madvise to do improve memory performance. From the man page:
The madvise() system call advises the kernel about how to handle paging input/output in the address range beginning at address addr and with size length bytes. It allows an application to tell the kernel how it expects to use some mapped or shared memory areas, so that the kernel can choose appropriate read-ahead and caching techniques. This call does not influence the semantics of the application (except in the case of MADV_DONTNEED), but may influence its performance. The kernel is free to ignore the advice.
See the man page of madvise for more information.
Edit: Apparently, the above description was not clear enough. So, here are some more details, and some of them are specific to Linux.
You can use mmap to allocate a block of memory (directly from the OS instead of the libc), that is not backed by any file. For large chunks of memory, malloc is doing exactly the same thing. You have to use munmap to release the memory - regardless of the usage of madvise:
void* data = ::mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
// ...
::munmap(data, size);
If you want to get rid of some parts of this chunk, you can use madvise to tell the kernel to do so:
madvise(static_cast<unsigned char*>(data) + 7 * page_size,
3 * page_size, MADV_DONTNEED);
The address range is still valid, but it is no longer backed - neither by physical RAM nor by storage. If you access the pages later, the kernel will allocate some new pages on the fly and re-initialize them to zero. Be aware, that the dontneed pages are also part of the virtual memory size of the process. It might be necessary to make some configuration changes to the virtual memory management, e.g. activating over-commit.
It would be easier to answer if we had more details.
1°) The answer to the question "Is there any way of telling the OS after I have created the array with new or malloc that a part of it is unnecessary any more ?" is "not really". That's the point of C and C++, and any language that let you handle memory manually.
2°) If you're using C++ and not C, you should not be using malloc.
3°) Nor arrays, unless for a very specific reason. Use a std::vector.
4°) Preferably, if you need to change often the content of the array and reduce the memory footprint, use a linked list (std::list), though it'll be more expensive to "access" individually the content of the list (but will be almost as fast if you only iterate through it).
A std::deque with pointers to std::array<double,LARGE_NUMBER> may do the job, but you better make a dedicated container with the deque, so you can remap the indexes and most importantly, define when entries are not used anymore.
The dedicated container can also contain a read/write lock, so it can be used in a thread-safe way.
You could try using lists instead of arrays. Of course list is 'heavyer' than array but on the other hand it is easy to reconstruct a list so that you can throw away a part of it when it becomes obsolete. You could also use a wrapper which would only contain indexes saying which part of the list is up-to-date and which part may be reused.
This will help you improve performance, but will require a little bit more (reusable) memory.
Allocating by chunk and delete[]-ing and new[]-ing on the way seems like the good solution. It may be possible to do as little as memory management as possible. Do not reuse chunk yourself, simply deallocate old one and allocate new chunks when needed.