Pass values between pages Oracle APEX - oracle-apex

There is a problem transferring values between pages in the application. I have 2 pages on the first page there is a variable P9_ITEMID (when you run page 9, in this variable SQL Statement query writes the data). There is a second page 181. I want to move data from variable P9_ITEMID to variable P181_ITEM. To do this, I use the 'redirect to page in this application' option. But it doesn't work. Although I see in the variable P9_ITEMID there is data. But when you go to page 181 but P181_ITEM is empty. I would be grateful for help))
P9_ITEMID is a virtual variable that is not assigned to any column in the table. This mmin simply displays data. When I start the page, I see the data that was written to it due to the dynamic action
also i tried to write the value in P9 ITEMID this way
My code:
select id into v_empname
from items where id = :P9_ITEMID;
apex_util.set_session_state('P9_ITEM_ID', v_empname);
when others then
apex_util.set_session_state('P9_ITEM_ID', null);

I'm assuming that you have created a button with action: 'redirect to page in this application' and you want the session value of a page item to be passed to the target page.
When an url is constructed using link builder, the link is built at page rendering time. It does not pick up any changes in session. Even when you set the session state in a dynamic action, it will not pick it up because the url is already rendered.
To pick up any changes on that page, it is necessary that the page item value is set in session state and this is done by the "page processing".So if you use "Submit Page" on the button and create a branch to redirect to the page it will behave the way you want.


How to pass data values between pages

I'm getting and showing data from database. I was created button which one redirects to another page and fill form data. Button redirects to another this application page and sets items (names, values). If I set static value - it's works. But how I can pass data from columns (MAX_PHOTOS, MAX_PHOTO_SIZE) using Page Designer?
When creating a link, you have options.
You type in the Page number, and then below that you set items. You can just click the buttons next to the lines and it shows you the items on the target page and the items on the source page, you select those and thats that.
If you are writting them in yourself, then you can do &P1_ITEM. Dont forget the . at the end. This also works for other uses where you need to reference page items. But know that those values must be submitted in order for them to be used.

Oracle APEX - Transferring page item value from one page to another

Not sure what am I doing wrong and need help to diagnose the issue.
I have an apex page with an IG on it with radiobutton selection column, allowing the user to select only one row at a time.
On row select I use javascript to grab the ID of the selected row and then use Execute PL/SQL
in order to store the value into the session state of P2_ID.
I also have a button on the page that has another page as a target - page 3, and I need to get my P2_ID value to that page.
So I set the page item of a target page - P3_ID ro &P2_ID. in a Link Builder - target pop up window. Along with that I pass another page item P2_TEST, which has a static value.
Now when I get to page 3, I do not see P3_ID in the session state while I do see P3_TEST and it does have a value, but P3_ID is not even listed... What am I doing wrong here?
How about this: instead of executing NULL; when pushing the button, SUBMIT (submit will certainly store values into session state). Create a branch which takes you to page 3; among branch properties, you'll find an option to set P3_ID to P2_ID

Oracle APEX - the value does not carry over when using Redirect to Page

I have a field on my page that I want to carry over to another page in the application.
On a button click I use "Redirect to Page in application" and set the page number to 2.
Now I want to carry over the value P1_MY_ID to page 2, so I used Set Items for target page:
_________ _______
On Page 2, P2_RECORD_ID is a Select List filled from a shared LOV and its source is set to a database column.
Once page 2 opens, I do not see the value P2_RECORD_ID in a session state.
Am I doing something wrong?
Typically if an item has Source Type = Database Column, the Source Used will be "Always, replacing any existing value in session state". This means that on page load the item's value will be overwritten by the Automatic Row Fetch process.
In your particular case, it seems the value you are passing is the record ID - if this is a unique identifier for a record to retrieve from the database, you need to check that it has been set as the Primary Key Item in the automatic row fetch process.
Interesting but I just switch places for the items I am passing and it worked... Not sure why it worked but I'll take that...

"general" variable in oracle apex

I'm developing an application in Oracle Application Express (APEX).
First page contains list of projects as a tabular report.
Clicking any of the rows forwards to the next page, where records can be edited. I've implemented it with following settings:
Link column: link to custom target
Target: Page in this application
Until this is fine.
My problem is how to pass actual report to the next page?
My table, which is the basis of the report has primary key (ID), and also owner & title combination is unique. Currently ID column is not included in the report.
Also the second page doesn't currently contain field showing ID, as this information isn't important to the users.
I know I could set ID column in report, and create a read only (even hidden) text box in the next page, however I'm looking for a more elegant solution. What is the standard way to solve this?
I wonder if you are asking: "How do I pass a value from page 1 to page 2 so page 2 can use the value to do a query and present the results. If so, here is how it's done.
On page P1, the report, for example, select the attributes for the report region under the region in the Rendering pane on the left of the page designed.
Under Attribute Properties on the right side, look for Link Column and set it to "Link to custom target". Then click Target.
Select the page and then in the Set Items section, on the left, under name, select the PK ID field to receive the passed value ex: P2_ID. On the right under Value select the field to pass the value, ex: #P1_ID# and click ok.
Now, when the link on page 1 report is clicked, the P1_ID is saved into Session state by Apex and passed to P2 which then performs a FETCH using the passed value.
You can read more about Session State here. Also, be aware there are security settings which affect what params can and can't be passed in the URL.
Clicking "Session" in the developer toolbar will enable you to see the session variables being passed.
If you mean "How do I store values in the app that can be accessed anywhere in the app - like a global variable" Then look at Application Items.
As always, please include version numbers in these posts.
When you create a target page let's say Page 3
And you create some items, let's say P3_ITEM_1,P3_ITEM_2, etc
You can assign values to each of them through the url in the original page
The complete APEX URL Syntax looks like this:
Let’s take a closer look:
http:// – the protocol, can be http or https – your domain/host/server, whatever you want to call it. Can also be localhost.
/pls – indicates that you are using Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql. If you are using APEX Listener or Embedded PL/SQL Gateway this part is obsolete/missing.
/apex – the entry from your dads.conf file (this a file on your application-server or EPG where the target database is configured) – in case of EPG its just one entry pointing to localhost, in case of an OAS you can have multiple entries, each pointing to an other database
/f?p= – procedure “f” is called and parameter “p” is set to the complete rest of the string. Remember: APEX uses mod_plsql. “f” is a public procedure, this is the main entrypoint for APEX. Or you could say: “f” is APEX.
AppId – the number or the Alias of the Application
:PageId – the number or the Alias of the Page
:Session – unique Session ID, can be 0 for Public Pages or empty (then APEX creates a new Session)
:Request – a Request Keyword. This is basically free text, just a string you can specify to react in a process or region condition on. e.g. you could pass the keyword “CREATE” and have a condition on the delete button of your page saying “dont’t display this button if request is CREATE”.
In other words: use the REQUEST to control the behaviour of your page.
When pressing a button, the button sets the REQUEST to the button-value (e.g. SAVE), so that you can control the processes in the page processing (Submit) phase.
:Debug – set to YES (uppercase!) switches on the Debug-Mode which renders debug-messages and timestamps in your Browser window. This helps to detect wrong behaviour of your page or performance issues and everything else. Every other value then YES turns the Debug-Mode off
:ClearCache – you can put a page id or a list of page ids here (comma-separated) to clear the cache for these pages (set session state to null, …). But there is more: RP resets the pagination of reports on the page(s), a collection name deletes the collection, APP clears all pages and application-items, SESSION does the same as APP but for all applications the session-id has been used in.
:Parameters – comma seperated list of page-item names. Good practice is to set only those page-items which are on the page you are going to. Accepts page-items as well as application-items.
:ParamValues – comma separated list of values. Each value is assigned to the corresponding Parameter provided in ParamNameList (first value assigned to first parameter, second value assigned to second parameter, and so on…).
The trick here is not having values which contain either a comma “,” or a colon “:”. Both would lead to side-effects and errors, as APEX gets confused when parsing the URL. Using a comma works, if enclosed by slashes: e.g. \123,89.
:PrinterFriendly – set to YES (uppercase!) switches the page into PrinterFriendly-Mode, uses the Printerfriendly template to render the Page. You can also hide regions or other elements in PrinterFriendly-Mode using the PRINTER_FRIENDLY variable in a condition.
In your case you'd use Params:ParamValues like this:

Oracle Apex Set values before moving to another page, Items are all null

I am trying to do the following:
Anonymous user with a unique key enters a code and clicks 'Start Survey'
The button needs to call a plsql process to populate some hidden page items.
Once the values are set branch to the survey page which will use the hidden items for filtering results.
The Problem
No matter what I have tried so far the items set by the process are null when I get to the next page. I assume this is because it did not submit. The way I have it at the moment is:
Button navigates to the next page
New process set to when the button is pressed sets the values of the page items.
By the time it gets to the next page they are blank again.
I could set the button to submit and do the branch in the processing but I think the submit would happen before the values are set. I find it confusing what order these things happen in.
Can I please get help with making this work, and is there a good article on understanding this area better?
here is the code from the process that puts the values in:
select id into :P1_pat_id
from lic_paticipent
where unique_id = :P1_unique_code;
select sur_id into :P1_sur_id
from lic_paticipent
where unique_id = :P1_unique_code;
select id into :P1_first_res_id
from lic_result r
where r.pat_id = :P1_pat_id
and r.sur_id = :P1_sur_id
and r.qop_id is null
and rownum = 1;
Thanks in advance for your help.
OK I solved it and it is my playing around with another issue that cased it.
I had set the hidden fields to "Always replacing" instead of "Only when null" so the plsql process updated the session but not the item so when I did a submit the null item replaced what the plsql process had set. I had expected that when the session was updated it would update the item also.
I worked it out by making the hidden field visible and could see it was blank but had a value when I checked the session state.
Hidden page items in your current page cant be used in other pages unless your current page is a global page. You have to pass the value to another page item in the other page.
Try this:
Go to the other page and Create hidden items to catch the value to be passed from the first page.
Go back to the first page and retain your process and create a branch process. then set it to redirect to another page. then you'll see Set items below. Put your hidden items in the other page in the left side then your hidden items in your current page in the right side in this format &P1_NEW.(with the period)
It should look like this
Set Items