Is it possible to easily get all DNS/IP address that are classified for passthrough cluster - istio

I would like to whitelist only domains/services my services can reach out.
I see Istio showing passthrough cluster where services/domains it doesn't know
are routed to. I can find some by going through the istio-proxy logs on each pods
but it seems to be tedious and error-prone. Is there an easy way to list all the
entities that Istio has classified as passthrough cluster


What is the knative's "mesh" gateway

I see that for every knative service, 2 VirtualService objects are created namely ksvc-ingress which has knative-serving/knative-ingress-gateway & knative-serving/knative-local-gateway gateways configured and ksvc-mesh which has mesh as the gateway.
I can see the knative-serving/* gateways using kubectl but I am unable to find the mesh gateway object in any namespace. I would like to understand if mesh here denotes some special object or is it an istio keyword representing something else?
The mesh name is a keyword, as you guessed. That keyword represents the East-West traffic between Pods in the Kubernetes cluster, as managed by the Istio sidecar. You can think of those VirtualServices as being programmed onto each sidecar to do the routing and traffic splitting next to the request sender, rather than needing to route to a central service / gateway.
As you noticed, knative uses istio as a service mesh.
In the Istio context mesh is not an object (or resource) like, for example, a Service. Istio About page explain what Service Mesh is:
A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that you can add to your applications. It allows you to transparently add capabilities like observability, traffic management, and security, without adding them to your own code. The term “service mesh” describes both the type of software you use to implement this pattern, and the security or network domain that is created when you use that software.
So mesh is a term that encapsulate all Istio objects (istio-proxy containers, Virtual Services, Ingress Gateways etc.), that work together to allow for traffic management inside cluster.
A Gateway is a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh receiving incoming or outgoing HTTP/TCP connections.

Are there two levels of load balancing when using Istio Destination Rules?

As far as I understood, Istio Destination Rules can define load balancing policies to reach a subset of a service, e.g. subset based on different versions of the service. So the Destination Rules are the first level of load balancing.
The request will eventually reach a K8s service which is generally implemented by kube-proxy. Kube-proxy does a simple load-balancing with the pods in its back-end. Here is the second level of load balancing.
Is there a way to remove the second load-balancer? For example, could we create a lot of services instances that offer the same service and can be load-balanced by Destination Rules and then have only one pod per service instance, so that kube-proxy does not apply load-balancing?
According to istio documentation:
Istio’s traffic routing rules let you easily control the flow of traffic and API calls between services. Istio simplifies configuration of service-level properties like circuit breakers, timeouts, and retries, and makes it easy to set up important tasks like A/B testing, canary rollouts, and staged rollouts with percentage-based traffic splits. It also provides out-of-box failure recovery features that help make your application more robust against failures of dependent services or the network.
Istio’s traffic management model relies on the Envoy proxies that are deployed along with your services. All traffic that your mesh services send and receive (data plane traffic) is proxied through Envoy, making it easy to direct and control traffic around your mesh without making any changes to your services.
If you’re interested in the details of how the features described in this guide work, you can find out more about Istio’s traffic management implementation in the architecture overview. The rest of this guide introduces Istio’s traffic management features.
This means that the istio service mesh is communicating via envoy proxy which in turn relies on kubernetes networking.
We can have an example where a VirtualService that is using istio ingress gateway load-balances it's traffic to two different services based on labels. Then those services can have multiple pods.
Istio load-balancing in this case works only on (layer 7) which results with route to specific endpoint (one of the services) and relies on kubernetes to handle connections and the rest including service round-robin load-balancing (layer 4) in case of multiple pods.
The advantage of having single service with multiple pods is obviously easier configuration and management. In case of 1 pod per service, each service would need to be reconfigured separately and loses all of its ability to scale features.
There is a great video on Youtube which partially covers this topic:
Life of a packet through Istio by Matt Turner.
I highly recommend watching as it explains how istio works on a fundamental level.

Set static response from Istio Ingress Gateway

How do you set a static 200 response in Istio's Ingress Gateway?
We have a situation where we need an endpoint to return a small bit of static content (a bootstrap URL). We could even put it in a header. Can Istio host something like that or do we need to run a pod for no other reason than to return a single word?
Specifically I am looking for a solution that returns 200 via Istio configuration, not a pod that Istio routes to (which is quite a common example and available elsewhere).
You have to do it manually by creating VirtualService to specific service connected to pod.
Of course firstly you have to create pod and then attached service to it,
even if your application will return single word.
Istio Gateway’s are responsible for opening ports on relevant
Istio gateway pods and receiving traffic for hosts. That’s it.
The VirtualService: Istio VirtualService’s are what get “attached” to
Gateways and are responsible defining the routes the gateway should implement.
You can have multiple VirtualServices attached to Gateways. But not for the
same domain.

How 2 services can talk to each other on AWS Fargate?

I setup a Fargate cluster on AWS. My cluster has the following services:
server-A (port 3000)
server-B (port 4000)
Each service is in the same VPC and have the same security group (any ports, any source, any destination). The VPC is isolated from internet.
Now, I want server-A to send a http query to server-B. I would assume that, as in Docker swarm, there is a private DNS that maps the service name to its private IP, and it would be as simple as sending the query to: http://server-B:4000. However, server-A gets a timeout, which means it can't reach server-B.
I've read in the documentation that I can put the 2 containers in the same service, each container listening on a different port, so that, thanks to the loopback interface, from server-A, I could query and server-B will respond, and vice-versa.
However, I want to be able to scale server-A and server-B independently, so I think it makes sense to keep each server independant from each other by having 2 services.
I've read that, for 2 tasks to talk to each other, I need to setup a load balancer. Coming from the world of Docker Swarm, it was so easy to query the services by their service name, and behind the scene, the request was forwarded to one of the containers in that service. But it doesn't seem to work like that on AWS Fargate.
how can server-A talk to server-B?
As service sometimes redeploy, their private IP changes, so it makes no sense to query by IP, querying by hostname seems the most natural way
Do I need to setup any kind of internal DNS?
Thanks for your help, I am really lost on doing this simple setup.
After searching, I found out it was due to the fact that I was not enabling "Service Discovery" during the service creation, so no private DNS was created. Here is some additional documentation which explains exactly the steps:

Istio: failed calling admission webhook Address is not allowed

I am getting the following error while creating a gateway for the sample bookinfo application
Internal error occurred: failed calling admission webhook
"": Post
Address is not allowed
I have created a EKS poc cluster using two node-groups (each with two instances), one with t2.medium and another one is with t2.large type of instances in my dev AWS account using two subnets with /26 subnet with default VPC-CNI provided by EKS
But as the cluster is growing with multiple services running, I started facing issues of IPs not available (as per docs default vpc-cni driver treat pods as an EC2 instance)
to avoid same I followed following post to change networking from default to weave
because of same I have resolved IPs unavailability issue,
Now after network reconfiguration from vpc-cni to weave
I am started getting above issue as per subject line for my service mesh configured using Istio
There are a couple of services running inside the mesh and also integrated kiali, prometheus, jaeger with the same.
I tried to have a look at Github ( and docs
(, but could not get a proper valid answer.
Let me if anyone face this issue and have partial/full solution on this.
This 'appears' to be related to the switch from AWS CNI to weave. CNI uses the IP range of your VPC while weave uses its own address range (for pods), so there may be remaining iptables rules from AWS CNI, for example.
Internal error occurred: failed calling admission webhook "": Post https://istio-galley.istio-system.svc:443/admitpilot?timeout=30s: Address is not allowed
The message above implies that whatever address istio-galley.istio-system.svc resolves to, internally in your K8s cluster, is not a valid IP address. So I would also try to see what that resolves to. (It may be related to coreDNS).
You can also try the following these steps;
Basically, (quoted)
kubectl delete ds aws-node -n kube-system
delete /etc/cni/net.d/10-aws.conflist on each of the node
edit instance security group to allow UDP, TCP on 6873, 6874 ports
flush iptables, nat, mangle, filter
restart kube-proxy pods
apply weave-net daemonset
delete existing pods so the get recreated in Weave pod CIDR's address-space.
Furthermore, you can try reinstalling everything from the beginning using weave.
Hope it helps!