drupal 8 captcha in user login form if not true must be show validation before submit username and password? - drupal-8

how to make captcha in user login form
if not true must be show only message validation for captcha before submit username and password ?


how to set password for user signup with social accounts in django

i am using django-allauth. I want that when users signup with social accounts, redirect to set the password page. I do not know what to do. Any suggestion.
if you want to reset/update the password you can use user.set_password(password)

How to have separate pages for username and password with django user login?

I have an extended django user model, and I want the user to first enter their username then be redirected to another page that asks for their password. Somewhat similar to how amazon handles user login.
Do I just use 2 separate views and pass the username as an input to the password view?
Second question, can this cause a security problem?
def usernameView(request):
# get username and redirect to password
def passwordView(request, username):
# get password if correct login

How to manage change Emailid and Change Password for user logged in using Social Media in Django all-auth?

How can I give the option to change Email-Id and change Password for users logged in through AllAuth [Gmail / Facebook].

Django test user password

I have written a REST API for updating a user's password. Since it is impossible to unhash the password stored by django, how am I suppose to test my API besides asserting the response status_code?
You can check a user's password with User.check_password(password_to_check). This will return True if the password is correct. (see documentation here)
Note that if you have created a user in your unit test and then change a password for the user, you need to update the user reference before you can see the new password, like this:
// create self.user
// change the password to "newpassword"
self.user = User.objects.get(username="username") # get user again so that you can see updated password
self.assertEquals(self.user.check_password("newpassword"), True)
What I would do is create the following assertions in the test_password_update test:
user login
password update
user login
If the user is able to login after the password update, then you are safe and the API works correctly.

Customize SOCIALACCOUNT_AUTO_SIGNUP (=False) form in Django all auth

After trying to login through the facebook account, I want to display user a form where he/she can input the username and password to store in the Django actual user model so that user can later sign in using that credentials in the system.
Thus, I am setting
in my settings.py file.
By default it shows a form with username and e-mail address. I want to add password field to the at form. How can I do it?