Coldfusion Update 3 - cf_script mapping - coldfusion

The documentation at
If you've created a mapping of the cf_scripts folder, you must copy the contents of the downloaded zip into CF_SCRIPTS/scrips/ajax folder to download the ajax package.
The link on the page is to just the jar file, so I assume they are taking about the zip file you can download from the Update 2 page:,cfsetup%20updates.
It seems strange to paste the contents of the zip file which is the "bundles" folder into CF_SCRIPTS/scrips/ajax... am I missing something?


How to give the local zip path in AWS CouldFormation YAML CodeUri?

I have exported a lambda YAML from its export funtion using Download AWS SAM file.
Also I have Downloaded the code zip file from Download deployment package.
in the YAML file we need to give the CodeUri
in the Downloaded YAML it is . as shown in the below picture.
So when I upload it in the AWS CouldFormation it says:
'CodeUri' is not a valid S3 Uri of the form 's3://bucket/key' with
optional versionId query parameter.
I need to know is there a way to give the zip file in the CodeUri from the local file path rather then uploading it in the S3.
I have tried with the zip file name I downloaded as well and still I get the same error.
You have to first run package command. It may not work with zip itself, so you may try with unpacked source code.

Using Boto3 how to download list of files from AWS s3 as a zip file maintaining the folder structure?

I am trying to download a list of files within a parent folder my maintaining the sub folder structure.
For example:
Folder structure in AWS s3
Subfolders and files within 'folder3':
3.1.1.jpg, 3.1.2. jpg
3.2.1.jpg, 3.2.2. jpg
3.3.1.jpg, 3.3.2. jpg
List of files to download: [/folder3/3.1/3.1.1.jpg, /folder3/3.2/3.2.1.jpg, /folder3/3.2/3.2.2.jpg]
Is there an inbuilt function is boto3 to download the mentioned files as a zip file by maintaining the folder structure?
Note: I tried with a python package 'Aws-S3-Manager' but I was not able to maintain folder structure using it
No. Amazon S3 does not have a Zip capability.
You would need to download each object individually, but you can do it in parallel to reduce transfer times.

CodePipeline not saving all files in source artifacts

I've set up a new pipeline in AWS CodePipeline, and connected it to my GitHub account. I'm getting build errors in CodeBuild because a folder that is in my GitHub repository, static/css/, is missing (I'm using CodeBuild to do a gatsby build).
This is not a folder generated in the build process - this folder and its files exist in a clean repo. I've also checked that the branch is correct (master).
When I inspect the zip file in the SourceArtifacts folder in my S3 bucket, this folder is not there.
Any ideas why CodePipeline is not retrieving, or at least keeping, this subfolder and its contents?
Go to your Github repo and select the Green button "Clone or Download", then download the zip file. This is essentially what CodePipeline is doing to get your Github source. Now inspect the files in the zip file and confirm if 'static' directory is there. If it is not there you need to fix that and get the files into github.
It turned out that the missing folder was listed with an export-ignore attribute in the .gitattributes folder. The static/css folder got zipped up with everything else after removing this attribute.

Uploaded a zip file of static website contents to S3 but website shows Error 404

I successfully deployed a package to S3 via Octopus but I get an error 404 instead of a website.
According to this article, the zip file should at least have the index.html.
The zip folder that was uploaded already contains the files created by the npm run build command.
Kindly advise. Thanks a lot!

Uploading files to a bluemix app and pointing to them from configuration files

I am trying to upload files to my bluemix app and I am having problems using and understanding the file system. After I have succesfully uploaded files I want to give their path on my configuration files.
Specifically, I want to upload a jar file to the server and later use it as javaagent.
I have tried approaching this isuue from several directions.
I see that I can create a folder in the liberty_buildpack and place the files inside I can later access it on the compilation-release phases from the tmp folder:
Also I can see that in the file system that I see when building and deploying the app I can copy only to the folder located in:
So I copied the JAR file to the app file and set it as a javaagent using 2 method:
Manually set enviorment variable JAVA_OPTS with java agent to point to /app/myjar.jar using cf set-env
Deploy a war file of the app using cf push from wlp server and set the java agent inside the server.xml file and attribute genericJvmArguments
Both of those methods didnt work, and either the deploy phase of the application failed or my features simply didnt work.
So I tried searching the application file system using cf files and came up with the app folder, but strangly it didn't have the same file as the folder I deploy and I couldn't find any connection to the deployed folder ot the build pack.
Can someone explain how this should be done correctly? namely, uploading the file and then how should I point to it from the enviorment variable/server file?
I mean should it be /app/something or maybe other path?
I have also seen the use of relative paths like #droplet.sandbox maybe its the way to address those files? and how should I access those folders from cf files
As I have been instructed in the comments I have added the jar file to the system, the problem is that when I add the javaagent variable to the enviorment variable JAVA_OPTS the deploy stage fails with the timeout error:
payload: {... "reason"=>"CRASHED", "exit_status"=>32, "exit_description"=>"failed to accept connections within health check timeout", "crash_timestamp"=>
The way I am assigning the javaagent is as follows:
cf set-env myApp JAVA_OPTS "path/agent.jar"
I have tried adding several location:
1. I have found that if I add the jar files to my WebContent folder I can find it in: /app/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps/myapp.war/resources/
2. I have copied the jar file from the /tmp location in the compilation phase to /home/vcap/app/agent.jar
3. I have located the jar file in /app/.java/jre/lib
none of those 3 paths worked.
I found out that if I give a wrong path the system behaves the same so it may be a path problem.
Any ideas?
Try this:
Put your agent jars in a folder called ".profile.d" inside your WAR package;
cf se your-app JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/home/vcap/app/.profile.d/your.jar ;
Push the war to Bluemix.
Not sure if this is exactly the right answer, but I am using additional jar files in my Liberty application, so maybe this will help.
I push up a myapp.war file to bluemix. Within the war file, inside the WEB-INF folder, I have a lib folder that contains a number of jar files. The classes in those jar files are then used within the java code of my application.
You could try doing something like that with the jar file(s) you need, building them into the war file.
Other than that, you could try the section Overlaying the JRE from the bluemix liberty documentation to add jars to the JRE.