How do I sync visuals to one slicer in Power BI Online? - powerbi

I have a 1 page report that I need to split into 2 pages. It currently has one slicer in the top left that controls all visuals.
In Power BI desktop I could just sync the visuals to the 1 slicer. How do I do this in the online version?

You can sync slicers in both Desktop and online, from the Microsoft documentation here, open the report and select the view item to turn on the sync slicers option. You can now sync/de-sync your items as required like the desktop version


Power BI Desktop May 2020 version - Not able to see Column Details menu

As per the book, in order to access Column Details menu in Power BI Desktop visual, user should select any of the columns in Fields pane. I tried it in multiple dashboards, and it just didn't work for me, Column Details menu was never added. Please click on the link below to see my evidence:
I'm not able to see Column Details menu in Power BI Desktop, May 2020 edition:
Appreciate your help in this matter.

Power BI - Syncing slicers

I would like a monthly report that would update all pages based on a slicer from one page.
On one of the pages I encounter an issue because I only want one of the visuals to be affected of the "master slicer".
Page with "Master Slicers"
Page where I only want the top visual to affected, the second I would like to see all months
Make the synchronized slicer visible on the target page.
Use Format>Edit Interactions to configure the slicer to not filter selected visuals on the target page.
Edit the sync slicer to not be visible on the target page.

How to customise Power BI ribbon for Modelling

I would like to change the default summarization function in the Modelling tab of Power BI Desktop to view actual value instead of summation of data, as described in this question.
I followed this video on customising ribbon in Power BI:
which suggested checking updated ribbon option in File/Options and settings/ Options/ Preview features, but there was not this option on my Power BI desktop:
Question edit:
I would like to edit a Power BI app which had already been published, so I will have to edit in Workspace, where I notice the default summarization is retained. How can I remove the default summarization setting the for Power BI app in Workspace?
(*Only for the first part of the question)
There seems to be a way to work around this with YouTube - 35 Don't summarize option Power BI.
Go to Data tab, click on the table on the right and edit Summarization option in the ribbon to Don't summarize.

Missing Column in Power BI Service

I have been requested to add another column in a dataflow in Power BI and have done so and refreshed the dataset which uses the dataflow. The field is not appearing in the list of fields in Power BI for some reason. I have tried downloading the dataset on my desktop and cleared the cache and did not work. I opened Power Query (Transform data) and the column exists. I've tried to refresh preview and Close and Load but still not showing. I have 3 columns in that table in Power Query but only 2 are shown in the list of Fileds in Power BI.
Please can you help?
Power BI Filed List
Power Query
I was able to sort this out by right clicking the table and selecting Refresh data
check whether the data source path is correct or not in PBI desktop [path is from your local machine or not]
P.S: If this answer helps, please take a moment to check the tick mark and upvote this answer.

How to activate a filter by default on Power BI?

Here is a visual of my report in Power BI.
I have a gauge and two filters.
I would like to activate by default the OPEX filter when I arrive on the report.
So I have played with the element filter and checked only OPEX but when I do this the CAPEX filter disappears.
My goal is to highlight the OPEX filter at the opening of the report but let the possibility to desactivate it and activate the CAPEX filter for example (or desactivate the two filters).
Do you know how I can achieve that ?
Thank you by advance.
Two ways I know how to accomplish your requirement of of highlighting the OPEX filter at the opening of the report: If you are showing your report using Power Bi Desktop, I recommend you use Bookmarks.
To do this, make sure the Bookmarks feature is on (it was a preview feature prior to the March 2018 of Power Bi desktop). Then go to your report and slice the data using the OPEX button. Then create a new bookmark and name it "OPEX". Once you do this, you can link to this book mark from the top page or index of your presentation.
Second way of saving this report state if it is published to Report Server or Service is to use URL filtering. Browse to the report with your browser, select the slicer or apply the filter and the URL will change. Then copy the resulting URL and link to it in your report presentation index or top page.