I've enabled SendGrid Email API from GCP marketplace.
The issue is when I'm clicking on 'Mange on Provider' button it will navigate to link somewhat like below and it throws 401 Error.
What did i miss? Please help me to resolve this!
I tried to signup with my email using aws cognito. I received the email verification link and when i clicked on it says 'Invalid link provided, please request a link again'. But when i tried to login it was successful. Why is it happening.
This could be caused by your Email provider visiting links before presenting the email to you. For example Outlook has something called Safe Links. This will cause the verification link to be consumed before you have a chance to click it.
I had the same issue and after about a day of debugging I reached out to AWS Enterprise Support. Outlook Safe Links is something they mentioned within a few minutes of chatting. If you are a part of a larger organization it is probably unfeasible to have it disabled. You can try signing up with a different Email Provider such as Gmail and see if the links are untouched.
I offer no solution to the problem, just a possible explanation.
I'm trying to make social login using Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn on my website
the last two works very well but Google always gives me error like this :
You don't have permission to access /test/login/google/callback on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I don't know why it's only appearing with Google, can anyone help me?
The reason for getting this error is because Google+ API is not enabled
go on google console account and enable Google+ API. If you haven't known how to enable Google+ services then follow this steps:
First Open your Google Console Account from Here: console.developers.google.com
Then Go to -> library -> select Google+ API -> Enable
If you have any configuration related problem then see my GitHub code for Socialite
I am using AWS Cognito API, I trying to login using the code provided on this URL https://github.com/pmill/aws-cognito/blob/master/examples/login.php, and getting exception "Auth flow not enabled for this client" "InvalidParameterException", please let me know if I am missing something or doing something wrong, user was signed up and confirmed successfully but not able to login? If help would be appreciated.
Sounds like there is some issue with your Userpool settings. In Cognito Userpool console, select your Userpool. Go to App Integration --> App client Settings . Select your App Client. Under OAuth2 --> Allowed OAuth flows, select the first 2 options (Authorization code grant & Implicit grant. Also, under Allowed scopes select the ones you want to allow. You can select all of them for testing. Save the changes. This should fix the error (atleast the first one - "Auth flow not enabled for this client). See if you get any errors.
If you still get the error, then may be ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH is not enabled for your client. In your Userpool settings, go to App Clients (and not App Client Settings). Click on Show Details for your app client. Select the ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH option i.e. Enable sign-in API for server-based authentication and save. See if this fixes your issue.
I published one article on fixing this error on Linkedin. Here's the link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/amazon-cognito-how-fix-error-auth-flow-enabled-client-malik/
My brief answer is: please check "Enable sign-in API for server-based authentication (ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH)" as shown in below picture.
I'm writing an Amazon Skill that I want hooked up with a google account via oauth2. In my edit skill page, I configured it with my client id, an authorization url and token url from the oauth playground, and made it an authoritative grant with my secret and authentication scheme of "http basic", which is recommended.
I tested my client id/secret in the oauth playground and it works as I expect it to, but when I go to sign in on the Alexa App, I get a "missing redirect_uri" error. Looking at the link in the popup, it looks like the following:
Why is it missing the redirect_uri parameter? I can't change it on the skills page, it's set, and I added it to my valid redirect_uri lists on the google console. Anyone else seen this issue before?
An easier version of what jking31cs is saying is to include ?redirect_uri= ...
In your base URL. So if you provide them Oath.com/auth as your authorization URL, instead try Oath.com/auth?redirect_uri=
The redirect URI is constant, so this is a good fix until amazon bothers fixing this. It's only an issue on custom skills.
They've fixed the issue with an update to the Alexa App :D
Getting Following Error when trying to log-in into API Manager- Publisher module, i can log-in to Administrator(Carbon) using admin privileges but cannot log-in to Publisher.
HTTPSender Unable to sendViaPost to url[https: //localhost:9443/services/AuthenticationAdmin] java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect
Did you change your admin username/password? If so, you have to provide correct username/password in the api-manger.xml at configuration
Posting an answer after long time the question was asked!
I faced the same error. I realized that I was connected to my clint's VPN before I started wso2 api manager. As soon as I disconnected from the client's VPN, I was able to login to store and publisher. I guess there is some security issue related to networks when it comes to Wso2.
Please check if this was the case with you too.
Hope it helps someone!