how to find using directives and assembly references - directive

VS2022 maui tutorial application.
How do I find a missing directive or assembly reference for an item such as "InsertButton" where the error list of the compiled app notes that 'the name "InsertButton" does not exist in the current context?'
I am looking for an explanation of how to find the specific item that does not exist.
Thanks for any help with this.

using AndroidApp = Android.App.Application;
And then use AndroidApp to access what you want in android.


C++ Faiss - How to search in subsets

according to the faiss wiki page (link), you should be able to use SearchParameters to selectively include or exclude ids in a search.
Now the information there is a bit strange, because the field "sel" does not exist at all. Also the names were changed, so that "SearchParametersIVFPQ" became "IVFPQSearchParameters" and the old names are no longer findable. Moreover, the search method does not even accept SearchParameters, although according to the wiki it should.
I tried to find a solution with Visual Studio's Intellisense. But this was unsuccessful...
So the documentation seems to be outdated... Does anyone know how this works today?

How to get VS Code to propose more limited rename?

In Visual Studio Code, F2 rename on purely local C++ symbols is fine, but trying it on a symbol with wider scope, results in a very aggressive scope of suggested renaming, going as far as suggesting to rename unrelated symbols with the same name in the system header files. These typically default to unchecked, but at one point, it did rename an unrelated symbol with the same name in a project header, so it would be nice if the default could be dialed down a bit. Is there a way to do that?
The problem isn't with vscode, it's the linter vscode is using.
The easiest way to try to resolve the problem is using a different more advanced c++ linter. It's what I did to resolve a similar issue using golang.
Maybe the below link will help you find your new favorite linter.
PS: There is probably a setting that can edit the linter like what I am posting below, but based off of what you're asking, it may be difficult to find the right regex or whatever you need. It'd probably be best just to switch linters and then maybe make an issue on their github repository if you can't find one that suis your need.
"python.formatting.blackArgs": [

What is the corresponding FACS Action unit name to the Affdex Emotion SDK expressions output?

I wonder where I can find a full list of Action Unit names which are detected from Affdex? I have manually identified some: browfurrow (AU4), browraise (AU2), chinraise (AU17). However, an official information document will be a better choice for me. Thanks
We follow the same FACS system for naming the AU's, you can find the list of Action Units on Wikipedia. For a more visual representation you can refer to Academic Pages.

Resource not found(?) while porting C++ .net code from MSVS2005 to MSVS2010

Actually I don't know if this question has already been answered because I don't know where is the "real" problem. Here is the context: I have C++ .NET code that I'm trying to port from MSVS2005 to MSVS2010, that is from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0. When entering in the method InitializeComponent() for one of the forms created at startup, I get a first-chance exception System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occured in mscorlib.dll when calling resources->ApplyResources( this->MyControl, L"MyControl" ).
The additional information is:
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "MyForm.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "MyAssembly" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
It worked perfectly when compiled with MSVS2005.
MSVS2010 converted all the solution automatically without problem.
The .resx files are there.
Since I have no clue about the source of the problem I cannot say more. I will be more than happy to give you more info if you try to help me.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Make sure your resx file and the namespace of the component are the same.
I've seen it before where the resx gets compiled as SomeFoo.MyForm.resources where the form is in SomeFoo.Forms.MyForm
OK, Daniel's suggestion push me toward the solution.
I looked at the properties for the .resx files in the project. All files contained no "Resource Logical Name" buth the .resx and the .fr.resx files which where the ones that could be used on my computer.
I erased the entries for the virtual file names and everything works fine since then.
Thank you!

Viewing language (C/C++) reference/documentation in CodeBlocks

My first question on StackOverflow...
Does anybody know a way of viewing the reference/documentation manual of a language through CodeBlocks? Specifically for C/C++.
Say I want to look up the reference for strncpy(). In a very old Borland system (which we use at school) I would write the word and middle-click on it, thus being taken to its reference. It would also be nice if one can browse through the manual in some way.
Have I completely overlooked this (also searching google), or is it missing?
If it's missing, what's the quickest way of searching the C and/or reference manual without being online?
Yes, it is possible. I'm not sure about the help files themselves though.
The procedure seems to be documented here.
from the forums.
Re: F1 - help and function reference
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2008, 02:07:59 pm »
if you have the help plugin installed, you can set help files through "Settings->Environment" and clicking on "Help files" in the list to the left.
The default file is called when pressing F1..
Posts: 3
Re: F1 - help and function reference
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2008, 06:57:29 pm »
You are right but is there any up do date documentation ?
Now I use MSDN or web pages.
I found the complete answer. Based on your reply EvilTech.
Here's the setup procedure for different systems:
And here are the help files for C++ compiled from an online source:
I find it strange though that I couldn't find any other help files for C "out there". I also had problems viewing the .chm files. The list of keywords of the file are shown, but the contents of each keyword does not show. Turns out this is comes from a windows security update. The solution is to right-click on the file -> properties -> click on "unblock".
(BTW, do you mean Code::Blocks)
Having never used that, I can say anything definite, but have you tried selecting the term and pressing F1?
Why not ask this in the forums of Code::Blocks?