Always CPU with 0 minimum instances - google-cloud-platform

In Cloud Run if I choose Zero as Minimum instances and also chose 'CPU is always allocated'
Then my question is If CPU will be allocated to "no instance", or with "CPU always allocated", at least one instance needs to be selected ?
I am not asking this question in regards to Billing/pricing.
I simply want to understand when there is no instance( as minimum is zero), then what happens to the 'CPU is always allocated"
or When "CPU is always allocated", how can minimum instance be zero ?

CPU allocation is about individual container instances, and autoscaling about all instances in a Cloud Run service.
The autoscaler determines the number of container instances. Requests to a Cloud Run service are served by container instances. The autoscaler adds or removes instances to make sure all requests are served. If you've set minimum number of instances to zero, and no requests come to your service for a while, the autoscaler will also remove the last remaining container instance (and start a new one on-demand if requests come in later).
CPU allocation mode is about individual container instances. The CPU allocation mode always allocated is a setting that tells Cloud Run to never throttle the CPU of an individual container instance. The default behavior is to de-allocate the CPU of the container instance if that instance is not processing requests.
What happens when minimum instances is set to zero and CPU is set to be always allocated.
If no requests come to the service, the autoscaler removes the last container instance. There are now zero container instances, and there is no CPU allocated (since there are no instances).
If there are incoming requests, one or more container instances are active. They'll have CPU allocated during the entire container lifecycle.

Based on the following doc CPU allocation and pricing only changes how you are billed for Cloud Run usage it does not affect whether your container scales down to 0 or not. I hope this makes sense.


ECS clarify on resources

I'm having trouble understanding the config definitions of a task.
I want to understand the resources. There are a few options (if we talk only about memory):
There are a few things I'm not sure about.
First of all, the docs say that when the hard limit is exceeded, the container will stop running. Isn't the goal of a container orchestration service to keep the service alive?
Root level memory must be greater than all containers memory. In theory I would imagine once there aren't enough containers deployed, new containers are created for the image. I wouldn't like to use more resources than I need, but if I reserve the memory on root level, first, I do reserve much more than needed, and second, if my application receives a huge load, the whole cluster will shut down if the memory limit is exceeded or what?
I want to implement a system that auto-scales, and I would imagine that this way I don't have to define resources allocated, it just uses the amount needed, and deploys/kills new containers if the load increases/decreases.
For me there are a lot of confusion around ECS, and Fargate, and how it works, how it scales, and the more I read about it, the more confusing it gets.
I would like to set the minimum amount of resources per container, at how much load to create a new container, and at how much load to kill one (because it's not needed anymore).
P.S. not experienced in devops in general, I used kubernetes at my company, and there are things I'm not clear about, just learning this ECS world.
First of all, the docs say that when the hard limit is exceeded, the container will stop running. Isn't the goal of a container orchestration service to keep the service alive?
I would say the goal of a container orchestration service is to deploy your containers, and restart them if they fail for some reason. A container orchestration service can't magically add RAM to a server as needed.
I want to implement a system that auto-scales, and I would imagine that this way I don't have to define resources allocated, it just uses the amount needed, and deploys/kills new containers if the load increases/decreases.
No, you always have to define the amount of RAM and CPU that you want to reserve for each of your Fargate tasks. Amazon charges you by the amount of RAM and CPU you reserve for your Fargate tasks, regardless of what your application actually uses, because Amazon is having to allocate physical hardware resources to your ECS Fargate task to ensure that much RAM and CPU are always available to your task.
Amazon can't add extra RAM or CPU to a running Fargate task just because it suddenly needs more. There will be other processes, of other AWS customers, running on the same physical server, and there is no guarantee that extra RAM or CPU are available on that server when you need it. That is why you have to allocate/reserve all the CPU and RAM resources your task will need at the time it is deployed.
You can configure autoscaling to trigger on the amount of RAM your tasks are using, to start more instances of your task, thus spreading the load across more tasks which should hopefully reduce the amount of RAM being used by each of your individual tasks. You have to realize each of those new Fargate task instances created by autoscaling are spinning up on different physical servers, and each one is reserving a specific amount of RAM on the server they are on.
I would like to set the minimum amount of resources per container, at how much load to create a new container, and at how much load to kill one (because it's not needed anymore).
You need to allocate the maximum amount of resources all the containers in your task will need, not the minimum. Because more physical resources can't be allocated to a single task at run time.
You would configure autoscaling with the target value, of for example 60% RAM usage, and it would automatically add more task instances if the average of the current instances exceeds 60%, and automatically start removing instances if the average of the current instances is well below 60%.

Long running task in Cloud Run with CPU always allocated

I know that since Oct-21 Cloud Run supports background jobs.
Anyone knows what happens with long-running background jobs in the following scenario?
CPU always allocated is set to true
min. number of instances is set to 1
there are multiple instances at the same time due to higher load and each of them is coincidentally running a background job
Are all of those background jobs guaranteed to finish OR just the one running on that "always on" instance?
Instances created above minimum instances are subject to termination.
Note that even if CPU is always allocated, Cloud Run autoscaling is
still in effect, and may terminate container instances if they aren't
needed to handle incoming traffic. An instance will never stay idle
for more than 15 minutes after processing a request unless it is kept
active using minimum instances.
Combining CPU always allocated with a number of minimum instances
results in a number of container instances up and running with full
access to CPU resources, enabling background processing use cases like
pulling Pub/Sub messages.

AWS ECS Scaling based on memoryreservation

I've been given a AWS environment to look after and it runs ECS on EC2 instances and has scaling configured using ECS Memory Reservation. The system was originally running before Cluster Autoscaling was made generally available so it's just using a cloudwatch metric to scale out and scale in. As far as I can work out it is following a basic AWS design.
The EC2 has an autoscaling group and allows scale from 1 to 5 instances with 1 being the desired state.
There is 1 cluster service running with 6 tasks configured.
5 of those tasks are configured to run up to 2 copies of the task maximum and 1 the desired, the other is set to maximum of 1.
The tasks have MemoryReservation (soft limit) figures configured but not Memory (hard limit).
The tasks are primarily running Java.
The highest memory reservation is set at about 200MB and most are around this figure.
The scale out rule is based on MemoryReservation at 85%.
Docker stats shows most of the tasks are running about 300MB and some exceed 600MB.
The instance size has 4GB of RAM.
If the maximum reservation is 2GB, even if the tasks are consuming more like 3GB in reality, am I right in believing that the scale out rule will NEVER be invoked because 2GB is 50% of available RAM? Do I need to increase the memory reservations to something more realistic?
Also if it is only running a single EC2 instance am I right in thinking even if I increased the MemoryReservation figures to something more realistic, just because there's no theoretical room to start another task it won't spin up a second EC2 instance automatically? Just picked this up from different articles I've been reading when searching.
After the update of Capacity Providers in May 2022, Capacity Providers still have a gap to fill in Memory scaling.
As per the OP "ECS Memory Reservation" seems not to even be an option any more (at least in the web console)
And when creating the Capacity Provider, only the target value is configurable.
There are more details into how this Capacity is calculated in this blog, but while it mentions:
This calculation accounts for vCPU, memory, ENI, ports, and GPUs of the tasksĀ andĀ the instances
If you have tasks that not necessarily grow memory consumption, but you have a service with scheduled actions configured to scale tasks (eg: minimum tasks at different times of day)
This case will not trigger a scale out, since the memory in the instances does not get to be used if the tasks simply does not fit in, due to its configuration and you will see errors (in the service events) like:
service myservice was unable to place a task because no container
instance met all of its requirements. The closest matching
container-instance abc123xxxx has insufficient memory available.
This basically mean a scheduled task scaling change may not happen if the task memory setting is just big enough so it doesn't fit in the running instances, and the CapacityProviderReservation does not change because the calculation is only done when tasks are in Provisioned state, which does not happen in this case.
Possible workarounds
Decrease the Capacity Reservation. This basically means "to have spare capacity", ie: by default Reservation is 100 (%) so it tries to use the ASG cluster resources as much as possible, so having a number less than 100, means it will scale out when the cluster is used at that capacity therefore having a margin spare of resources at all times, which means new scheduled tasks will fit in, as long as the spare is enough (eg: calculate per task memory reservation and cluster memory reservation of all expected running tasks)
Setup ASG rules for scaling that match the service scaling rules.
While possible, this may be bound for problems with timing and auto scaling due to other triggers.
A few things:
Cluster AutoScaling usually is just the term ECS uses for "An AutoScaling Group that launches instances into the cluster", and it sounds like that's what you are currently using. Capacity Providers are a newer feature where ECS more directly manages the ASG, which might be the newer feature you're thinking onf
'Desired Capacity' isn't a state that you set for where you want the group to be, its the current amount of capacity that AutoScaling wants there to be in the group. So if a scaling policy goes off and says +1, the desired will change to 2, and then AutoScaling will try to launch an instance since you presumably only had 1 before (since the desired was 1 before)
Memory reservation is based on that 2GB's reserved, so it doesn't mater how much is in use for scaling purposes. This is importaint because even if you had 6/8GB reserved (from 3 2GB tasks), but 7.5Gb in use, ECS would still allow another task to be launched, since there's still 2 reservable GBs
Because of 3) you should probably increase the reservation value, wouldn't want an instance to get overloaded. Java can be nasty about RAM issues. This would also help with your scale out threshold issue.
For your second question, scaling will only happen after the cloudwatch alarm is triggered. So if the metric never goes above that threshold, alarm can't trigger the scaling policy. There are a whole host of cases where just because the alarm triggers, scaling won't happen (more of them for scaling in than scaling out, but it can still happen on scale out too); but the alarm going into the Alarm state is definitely a required step.

Amazon ECS Task Definition - CPU units & Memory - set container to use 100% of the EC2 available Resources

I'd like to have multiple different services running on an ECS cluster, each service should be running on a single EC2 instance. The EC2 instances type for all services are the same. And I would like those services to use all their hosting EC2 available resources.
I have the assumption that if i use only the soft memory parameter (without using the hard one ) in the Task Configuration, this will allow my container instance to use all the available memory on the EC2 instance hosting it and that i won't be limiting. Is that correct?
As for the EC2 type (t2.micro [vCPU=1, Memory=1Gib] for example) !! is it possible to simply put:
"memory": 1024,
"cpu": 1024,
Since the EC2 should be already set up with a bunch of Container Service Requirements.
Is it correct that you're trying to have each ECS Instance handle only a single task per instance?
The short answer to your question is, no. Usually the amount of memory made available to your containers is a bit less than the amount of memory available on the machine itself. This is so that the operating system has enough memory to keep running. From my experience, a T2.Small, which has 2048 MB of memory will end up with 2004 MB available for containers.
When it comes to your task definition, there are two ways of specifying Memory. The memory setting is a hard limit. If the containers memory usage hits this amount, the container will be terminated. If on the other hand, you specify memoryReservation, that much memory will be reserved for the task, but it can use more, up to the total amount of the machine. Check out the Task Definition documentation for further details.
An important consideration here is that only one of memory and memoryReservation are required. If both are used, memoryReservation should be less than memory. If you are only going to specify one of these, I'd recommend memoryReservation, as it will allow your task to use up to the total memory on the machine. If both are used, the memoryReservation will be used in calculating the amount of memory consumed by a task.
When placing tasks on an instance, it looks at the amount of available memory, that is the registered amount of memory for the instance, minus any tasks already placed on it. If this number is less than the amount of memory required for a task, no task will be placed on it. If no instance has enough memory for the task, it will not be placed, and the error will be logged in the Services Events log.
So it's important to look at the amount of memory actually registered by your instance type, and then ensure your memory or memoryReservation are lower than the amount registered by your instances. Otherwise, your tasks will never be placed.
As for cpu, this value is not required, and if not specified, all tasks on an instance are allowed an equal portion of the CPU available on the system. If only one task is on the instance, it can use the entire CPU of the instance by default.

Confusion about instances used inside a Amazon Ec2 Container Service

When a Ec2 Container Engine cluster is created, it creates a Compute Engine managed instance group to manage the created instances. These instances are from Ec2 service, which means, they are Virtual machines.
But we know that containers represent a new way to deploy containers based on operating-system-level virtualization rather than hardware virtualization
like VMs that are heavyweight and non-portable, isn't a contradiction? correct me if I'm wrong.
We use containers because they are extremely fast (either in boot time or tasks execution) compared to VMs, and they save a lot of space storage. So if we have one node(vm) that can supports 4 containers max, our clients can rapidly lunch 4 containers, but beyond this number, Ec2 autoscaler will need to lunch a new node(vm) to support upcoming containers, which incurs some tasks delay.
Is it impossible to launch containers over physical machines?
And what do you recommend for running critical time execution tasks?
I believe you are working under an erroneous assumption that ECS scales the virtual machines ("container instances" -- the instances where containers will run) directly with task demand.
If that were true, you would have a point, because the cluster would be sluggish and unresponsive any time insufficient container instance resources were not immediately available.
ECS doesn't do that, the presence of the Auto Scaling Group notwithstanding.
Depending on the Amazon EC2 instance types you use in your clusters, and quantity of container instances you have in a cluster, your tasks have a limited amount of resources that they can use when they are run. ECS monitors the resources available in the cluster to work with the schedulers to place tasks. If your cluster runs low on any of these resources, such as memory, you will eventually be unable to launch more tasks until you add more container instances, reduce the number of desired tasks in a service, or stop some of the running tasks in your cluster to free up the constrained resource. (emphasis added)
So, no... it doesn't launch the new tasks slowly when you are out of capacity. It doesn't launch them at all.
But don't get ahead of me.
The link above explains, with examples, how scaling of the virtual machines (container instances) is designed to actually work.
Of course, you don't have to make them adaptively scalable at all. You can go with your physical server model (note: I say physical server model -- meaning a fixed, inelastic pool of resources, on always-running virtual machines, since virtual machines is what EC2 provides), and just choose how many instances you wait to have running at all times, essentially emulating physical servers. If you wanted, say, 8 container instances, the "auto scaling group" would maintain exactly 8 at all times, creating replacements if, say, one of them experienced a hardware failure. That "auto" accomplishment would be maintaining the status quo. And, of course, in this configuration, you could manually reconfigure from 8 to, say, 12 and the "auto" accomplishment would be that you'd automatically get 4 new ones to add to the existing 8.
But the idea of how the service is ideally used is that your group of virtual machines scales up and down by rules you devise, to anticipate the resources needed by future tasks -- or a future lack of tasks.
In the example given, memory reservation is the trigger:
When the memory reservation of your cluster rises above 75% (meaning that only 25% of the memory in your cluster is available to for new tasks to reserve), the alarm triggers the Auto Scaling group to add another instance and provide more resources for your tasks and services.
It triggers the addition of more container instances so that you always have whatever you have determined to be the appropriate threshold of surplus capacity already online by the time you need it.
Of course, memory is just one resource, and 75% is just an arbitrary threshold chosen for the example.
Auto Scaling Groups can scale on a variety of triggers -- the phrase of the moon, the price trends in the stock market, whatever is appropriate to anticipating your desired amount of surplus capacity and can be quantified and monitored can be used... but this service does not scale itself directly by the actual attempt to launch a new task when the task can't be launched due to insufficient resources.
Herein lies the flaw in your original argument.
Why virtual machines? Simply enough, because when you destroy a virtual machine because the capacity is not expected to be needed, you stop paying for it.
In this light, perhaps you'll agree that this is not a weakness, it's a strength. Physical servers never stop costing you when you are not using them.
You don't need to pay anything at all for capacity you will not be needing with VMs -- you only have to pay for the capacity you're using plus the amount you need to keep immediately available to handle anticipated demand.
You can have as much idle surplus immediately ready as you are willing to pay for, or you can maximize savings by allowing as little surplus capacity as you are comfortable with being able to access without delay.