Airflow SSHOperator: How To Securely Access Pem File Across Tasks? - amazon-web-services

We are running Airflow via AWS's managed MWAA Offering. As part of their offering they include a tutorial on securely using the SSH Operator in conjunction with AWS Secrets Manager. The gist of how their solution works is described below:
Run a Task that fetches the pem file from a Secrets Manager location and store it on the filesystem at /tmp/mypem.pem.
In the SSH Connection include the extra information that specifies the file location
Use the SSH Connection in the SSHOperator.
In short the workflow is supposed to be:
Task1 gets the pem -> Task2 uses the pem via the SSHOperator
All of this is great in theory, but it doesn't actually work. It doesn't work because Task1 may run on a different node from Task2, which means Task2 can't access the /tmp/mypem.pem file location that Task1 wrote the file to. AWS is aware of this limitation according to AWS Support, but now we need to understand another way to do this.
How can we securely store and access a pem file that can then be used by Tasks running on different nodes via the SSHOperator?

I ran into the same problem. I extended the SSHOperator to do both steps in one call.
In AWS Secrets Manager, two keys are added for airflow to retrieve on execution.
{variables_prefix}/airflow-user-ssh-key : the value of the private key
{connections_prefix}/ssh_airflow_user : ssh://
from typing import Optional, Sequence
from os.path import basename, splitext
from airflow.models import Variable
from airflow.providers.ssh.operators.ssh import SSHOperator
from airflow.providers.ssh.hooks.ssh import SSHHook
class SSHOperator(SSHOperator):
SSHOperator to execute commands on given remote host using the ssh_hook.
:param ssh_conn_id: :ref:`ssh connection id<howto/connection:ssh>`
from airflow Connections.
:param ssh_key_var: name of Variable holding private key.
Creates "/tmp/{variable_name}.pem" to use in SSH connection.
May also be inferred from "key_file" in "extras" in "ssh_conn_id".
:param remote_host: remote host to connect (templated)
Nullable. If provided, it will replace the `remote_host` which was
defined in `ssh_hook` or predefined in the connection of `ssh_conn_id`.
:param command: command to execute on remote host. (templated)
:param timeout: (deprecated) timeout (in seconds) for executing the command. The default is 10 seconds.
Use conn_timeout and cmd_timeout parameters instead.
:param environment: a dict of shell environment variables. Note that the
server will reject them silently if `AcceptEnv` is not set in SSH config.
:param get_pty: request a pseudo-terminal from the server. Set to ``True``
to have the remote process killed upon task timeout.
The default is ``False`` but note that `get_pty` is forced to ``True``
when the `command` starts with ``sudo``.
template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("command", "remote_host")
template_ext: Sequence[str] = (".sh",)
template_fields_renderers = {"command": "bash"}
def __init__(
ssh_conn_id: Optional[str] = None,
ssh_key_var: Optional[str] = None,
remote_host: Optional[str] = None,
command: Optional[str] = None,
timeout: Optional[int] = None,
environment: Optional[dict] = None,
get_pty: bool = False,
) -> None:
if ssh_key_var is None:
key_file = SSHHook(ssh_conn_id=self.ssh_conn_id).key_file
key_filename = basename(key_file)
key_filename_no_extension = splitext(key_filename)[0]
self.ssh_key_var = key_filename_no_extension
self.ssh_key_var = ssh_key_var
def import_ssh_key(self):
with open(f"/tmp/{self.ssh_key_var}", "w") as file:
def execute(self, context):

The answer by holly is good. I am sharing a different way I solved this problem. I used the strategy of converting the SSH Connection into a URI and then input that into Secrets Manager under the expected connections path, and everything worked great via the SSH Operator. Below are the general steps I took.
Generate an encoded URI
import json
from airflow.models.connection import Connection
from pathlib import Path
pem = Path(“/my/pem/file”/pem).read_text()
myconn= Connection(
Input that URI under the environment's configured path in Secrets Manager. The important note here is to input the value in the plaintext field without including a key. Example:
airflow/connections/connX and under Plaintext only include the URI value
Now in the SSHOperator you can reference this connection Id like any other.
remote_task = SSHOperator(


Trouble authenticating and writing to database locally

I'm having trouble authenticating and writing data to a spanner database locally. All imports are up to date -, google.auth2, etc. I have tried having someone else run this and it works fine, so the problem seems to be something on my end - something wrong or misconfigured on my computer, maybe where the credentials are stored or something?
Anyone have any ideas?
from import spanner
from google.api_core.exceptions import GoogleAPICallError
from google.api_core.datetime_helpers import DatetimeWithNanoseconds
import datetime
from google.oauth2 import service_account
def write_to(database):
record = [[
columns = ("id", "name")
insert_errors = []
with database.batch() as batch:
table = "guild",
columns = columns,
values = record,
except GoogleAPICallError as e:
print(f'error: {e}')
return insert_errors
if __name__ == "__main__":
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(r'path\to\a.json')
instance_id = 'instance-name'
database_id = 'database-name'
spanner_client = spanner.Client(project='project-name', credentials=credentials)
print(f'spanner creds: {spanner_client.credentials}')
instance = spanner_client.instance(instance_id)
database = instance.database(database_id)
insert_errors = write_to(database)
some credential tests:
creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(a_json)
<google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials at 0x...>
<google.auth.credentials.AnonymousCredentials at 0x...>
AttributeError: 'AnonymousCredentials' object has no attribute 'signer_email'
<google.auth.credentials.AnonymousCredentials object at 0x...>
The most common reason for this is that you have accidentally set (or forgot to unset) the environment variable SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST. If this environment variable has been set, the client library will try to connect to the emulator instead of Cloud Spanner. This will cause the client library to wait for a long time while trying to connect to the emulator (assuming that the emulator is not running on your machine). Unset the environment variable to fix this problem.
Note: This environment variable will only affect Cloud Spanner client libraries, which is why other Google Cloud product will work on the same machine. The script will also in most cases work on other machines, as they are unlikely to have this environment variable set.

Save file into EC2 directly through Lambda

I've made a Lambda function that stores a binary file into S3 and it works fine.
Instead, now I would like to save this file directly into my EC2 instance storage volume .
I searched a lot but I didn't understand if it's possible yet. Do you know?
I've already made an SSH connection (inside the Lambda..) to run SSH commands but I don't how to use in my case and if is the right way to save my data ...Do you have some idea?
I know that there is possibility to connect S3 to EC2 but first I would like to understand the possibility above..
I made a solution ( Python ):
Using Boto3 and Paramiko package I build an SSH client to EC2, so I move my file to S3 by AWSCLI.
If useful for anyone I post part of code below:
import json
import boto3
import paramiko
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#My Parameters
myBucket = "lorem"
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
s3_client = boto3.client("s3")
OutFileName= "lorem.txt"
describeInstance = ec2_client.describe_instances()
# fetchin public IP address of the running instances
for i in describeInstance['Reservations']:
for instance in i['Instances']:
if instance["State"]["Name"] == "running":
s3_client.download_file(myBucket,myPemKeyFile, '/tmp/file.pem')
# reading pem file and creating key object
key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file("/tmp/file.pem")
# CREATING Paramiko.SSHClient
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
# setting policy to connect to unknown host
#print("Connecting to : " + host)
# connecting to server
ssh_client.connect(hostname=host, username=myEc2Username, pkey=key)
#print("Connected to :" + host)
raise Exception('OPS, there whas a crash preparing for SSH client!! 500 ')
commands = [
"aws s3 mv ~/directoryFrom/"+OutFileName+" s3://"+myBucket+"/"+OutFileName
for command in commands:
stdin , stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(command)
raise Exception('OPS, somethig happends to SSH client. Move file to S3 didn\'t run 500')

How to get the opened port (firewall) of an instance in GCP using gcloud?

For example, I have an instance named test, now I need to know which port is opened for this instance. How do I do it in command line using gcloud?
Not the port opened inside the instance, but the Firewall attached to this instance.
Using Cloud Console, we can list your VM instances. If we click on the vertical "three dots", we will find an entry that is called "View network details". From there we see a panel that looks like:
This seems to show all the rules for the firewall for this VM instance.
It is possible to see the firewall rules associated with an instance using the cloud shell but in 2 steps. First, we have to run the following command to get the instance detail to see the firewall tags:
gcloud compute instances describe instance-name
In the output, you will see the firewall tags like the following:
output of above command
then run the following command to see, to which firewall rule these tags are attached to.
gcloud compute firewall-rules list --format="table(name,network,
it will give the output like below:
output of above command
The Cloud SDK does not have a command for this requirement. You can use gcloud to list firewall-rules, you can use gcloud to list compute instances. You will have to apply external logic to map the two together.
Firewall rules are associated with compute engine instances via several methods:
By a target tag
By a service account
For all instances in the network
Therefore, first display all of the compute engine instances, fetch each one's service account and tags. Then display all the firewall-rules, fetch the targets for each rule. Then match everything together and print a list of open ports for an instance, or all instances.
This is too complex a task for the CLI. You will either need to write a program to do this, or implement a script to process, sort and sync the CLI outputs.
I realize this questions is a bit old but I wanted to add a detailed answer that fully automates what you need, as I needed it as well. Hopefully others will find it useful.
As mentioned above, GCP firewall rules can be applied via three methods:
Network tags
Service accounts
VPC membership
This data can be extracted via two different gcloud commands, but you must connect the dots between each individual compute instance and the three items I mention above.
I actually have a requirement to do this at work in order to generate nmap scripts that target instances with ports exposed to the public Internet. So I filter down a bit to include only instances that are running, have public IP addresses, and are correlated to firewall rules with a source range of
Here is how I do it.
First, I generate JSON files that are specifically formatted and filtered with the data I need. I use these two commands:
gcloud compute firewall-rules list \
targetServiceAccounts.list(),targetTags.list())" \
--filter="direction:INGRESS AND disabled:False AND
sourceRanges.list(): AND
allowed[].map().firewall_rule().list():*" \
| tee ./json-data/"$i"/firewall-rules.json
gcloud compute instances list \
serviceAccounts[].email,tags.items[],networkInterfaces[].network)" \
AND status:running" \
| tee ./json-data/"$i"/compute-instances.json
Then, I use this python script to process the the files generated above. It will create a directory in your CWD called out-firewall-data that contains three files:
applied-rules.csv (instance,external_ip,allowed_tcp,allowed_udp) (a script to port scan them) (faster scanner for instances with 1-65535 exposed)
I'm hosting this script in a GitLab repo here and will probably continue development of it there. It also supports auditing many projects at once, you can view the instructions in the repository.
You can run this script like --single /path/to/jsons/
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Process gcloud output to determine applied firewall rules.
Firewall rules are applied via multiple methods and Google does not provide
an easy way to script what rules are actually applied to what compute
Please see the included README for detailed instructions.
import glob
import sys
import os
import json
import argparse
def process_args():
"""Handles user-passed parameters"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
target = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
target.add_argument('--single', '-s', type=str, action='store',
help='Single directory containing json files.')
target.add_argument('--multi', '-m', type=str, action='store',
help='Root directory contains multiple subdirectories'
' of json files')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.single:
target = os.path.abspath(args.single)
target = os.path.abspath(args.multi)
# Before moving on, validate all the input data is present
if not os.path.isdir(target):
print("[!] That directory does not exist. Please try again.")
return args
def parse_json(file):
Loads the json data from a file into memory
# If used in multi mode, there is a good chance we hit a lot of empty
# or missing files. We'll return empty data on those so the program can
# continue with the next directory.
if not os.path.isfile(file):
return {}
with open(file, 'r') as infile:
data = json.load(infile)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
return {}
return data
def cleanup_rules(rules):
Extracts details from firewall rules for easier processing
clean_rules = []
for rule in rules:
name = rule['name']
udp_ports = []
tcp_ports = []
if 'all' in rule['allowed']:
tcp_ports = ['all']
udp_ports = ['all']
for ports in rule['allowed']:
if 'tcp' in ports:
tcp_ports = [port.replace('tcp:', '') for port in ports.split(',')]
if 'udp' in ports:
udp_ports = [port.replace('udp:', '') for port in ports.split(',')]
# If a rule set has no target tags and no target svc account
# then it is applied at the VPC level, so we grab that here.
if 'targetServiceAccounts' not in rule and 'targetTags' not in rule:
network = rule['network']
# Otherwise, we are not interested in the network and can discard
# it so that future functions will not think rules are applied
# network-wide.
network = ''
# Tags and target svc accounts may or may not exist
if 'targetTags' in rule:
net_tags = rule['targetTags'].split(',')
net_tags = []
if 'targetServiceAccounts' in rule:
svc_tags = rule['targetServiceAccounts'].split(',')
svc_tags = []
clean_rules.append({'name': name,
'tcp_ports': tcp_ports,
'udp_ports': udp_ports,
'net_tags': net_tags,
'svc_tags': svc_tags,
'network': network})
return clean_rules
def cleanup_instances(instances):
Extracts details from instace data for easier processing
clean_instances = []
for instance in instances:
# The following values should exist for each instance due to the
# gcloud filtering used.
name = instance['name']
networks = [interface['network'] for interface in instance['networkInterfaces']]
external_ip = instance['networkInterfaces'][0]['accessConfigs'][0]['natIP']
# The following values may or may not exist, it depends how the
# instance is configured.
if 'serviceAccounts' in instance:
svc_account = instance['serviceAccounts'][0]['email']
svc_account = ''
if 'tags' in instance:
tags = instance['tags']['items']
tags = []
clean_instances.append({'name': name,
'tags': tags,
'svc_account': svc_account,
'networks': networks,
'external_ip': external_ip})
return clean_instances
def merge_dict(applied_rules, rule, instance):
Adds or updates final entries into dictionary
Using a discrete function as several functions update this dictionary, so
we need to check for the existence of a key and then decide to create or
update it.
name = instance['name']
if name in applied_rules:
applied_rules[name] = {'external_ip': instance['external_ip'],
'allowed_tcp': set(rule['tcp_ports']),
'allowed_udp': set(rule['udp_ports'])}
return applied_rules
def process_tagged_rules(applied_rules, rules, instances):
Extracts effective firewall rules applied by network tags on instances
for rule in rules:
for instance in instances:
for tag in rule['net_tags']:
if tag in instance['tags']:
applied_rules = merge_dict(applied_rules, rule, instance)
return applied_rules
def process_vpc_rules(applied_rules, rules, instances):
Extracts effective firewall rules applied by VPC membership
for rule in rules:
for instance in instances:
# In the cleaning function, we only applied a network tag if the
# rule is applied to the whole VPC. So a match means it applies.
if rule['network'] and rule['network'] in instance['networks']:
applied_rules = merge_dict(applied_rules, rule, instance)
return applied_rules
def process_svc_rules(applied_rules, rules, instances):
Extracts effective firewall rules applied by service accounts
for rule in rules:
if rule['svc_tags']:
for instance in instances:
if instance['svc_account'] in rule['svc_tags']:
applied_rules = merge_dict(applied_rules, rule, instance)
return applied_rules
def process_output(applied_rules):
Takes the python dictionary format and output several useful files
if not applied_rules:
print("[!] No publicly exposed ports, sorry!")
print("[*] Processing output for {} instances with exposed ports"
out_dir = 'out-firewall-data'
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
# First, write the raw data in CSV
with open(out_dir + '/applied-rules.csv', 'w') as outfile:
for i in applied_rules:
.replace("set()", ""))
# Next, make an nmap script
nmap_tcp = 'nmap --open -Pn -sV -oX {}-tcp.xml {} -p {}\n'
nmap_tcp_common = 'nmap --open -Pn -sV -oX {}-tcp.xml {}\n'
nmap_udp = 'sudo nmap --open -Pn -sU -sV -oX {}-udp.xml {} -p {}\n'
nmap_udp_common = 'sudo nmap --open -Pn -sU -sV -oX {}-udp.xml {} -F\n'
with open(out_dir + '/', 'w') as outfile:
for name in applied_rules:
external_ip = applied_rules[name]['external_ip']
# "All" as a rule will apply to both TCP and UDP. These get special
# nmap commands to do only the common ports (full range is too slow
# and will be handled with masscan commands.
if set(['all']) in applied_rules[name].values():
outfile.write("echo running common TCP/UDP scans against {}\n"
outfile.write(nmap_tcp_common.format(name, external_ip))
outfile.write(nmap_udp_common.format(name, external_ip))
if applied_rules[name]['allowed_tcp']:
ports = ','.join(applied_rules[name]['allowed_tcp'])
outfile.write("echo running TCP scans against {}\n"
outfile.write(nmap_tcp.format(name, external_ip, ports))
if applied_rules[name]['allowed_udp']:
ports = ','.join(applied_rules[name]['allowed_udp'])
outfile.write("echo running UDP scans against {}\n"
outfile.write(nmap_udp.format(name, external_ip, ports))
# Now, write masscan script for machines with all TCP ports open
masscan = 'sudo masscan -p{} {} --rate=1000 --open-only -oX {}.xml\n'
with open(out_dir + '/', 'w') as outfile:
for name in applied_rules:
external_ip = applied_rules[name]['external_ip']
if set(['all']) in applied_rules[name].values():
outfile.write("echo running full masscan against {}\n"
outfile.write(masscan.format('1-65535', external_ip, name))
print("[+] Wrote some files to {}, enjoy!".format(out_dir))
def main():
Main function to parse json files and write analyzed output
args = process_args()
applied_rules = {}
rules = []
instances = []
# Functions below in a loop based on whether we are targeting json files
# in a single directory or a tree with multiple project subdirectories.
if args.multi:
targets = glob.glob(args.multi + '/*')
targets = [args.single]
for target in targets:
rules = parse_json(target + '/firewall-rules.json')
instances = parse_json(target + '/compute-instances.json')
if not rules or not instances:
print("[!] No valid data in {}".format(target))
# Clean the data up a bit
rules = cleanup_rules(rules)
print("[*] Processed {} firewall rules in {}"
.format(len(rules), target))
instances = cleanup_instances(instances)
print("[*] Processed {} instances in {}"
.format(len(instances), target))
# Connect the dots and build out the applied rules dictionary
applied_rules = process_tagged_rules(applied_rules, rules, instances)
applied_rules = process_vpc_rules(applied_rules, rules, instances)
applied_rules = process_svc_rules(applied_rules, rules, instances)
# Process data and create various output files
if __name__ == '__main__':

Why is my lambda not able to talk to elasticache?

I have an Redis ElastiCache cluster that has a FQDN for the primary node in the format: I also have a Route53 record with the CNAME pointing at that FQDN.
I have a .net core lambda in the same VPC as the cluster, with access to the cluster via security groups. The lambda talks to the cluster using the Redis library developed by Stack Overflow (Github repo here for reference).
If I give the lambda the hostname the FQDN for the Redis cluster (the one that starts with master) I can connect, save data and read it.
If I give the lambda the CNAME (and that CNAME gives the same IP address as the FQDN when I ping it from my local machine and also if I use Dns.GetHostEntry within the lambda) it doesn't connect and I get the following error message:
One or more errors occurred. (It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); to create a disconnected multiplexer, disable AbortOnConnectFail. SocketFailure on PING): AggregateException
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at lambda_method(Closure , Stream , Stream , LambdaContextInternal )
at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectImpl(Func`1 multiplexerFactory, TextWriter log) in c:\code\StackExchange.Redis\StackExchange.Redis\StackExchange\Redis\ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 890
at lambda.Redis.RedisClientBuilder.Build(String redisHost, String redisPort, Int32 redisDbId) in C:\BuildAgent\work\91d24911506461d0\src\Lambda\Redis\RedisClientBuilder.cs:line 9
at lambda.Ioc.ServiceBuilder.GetRedisClient() in C:\BuildAgent\work\91d24911506461d0\src\Lambda\IoC\ServiceBuilder.cs:line 18
at lambda.Ioc.ServiceBuilder.GetServices() in C:\BuildAgent\work\91d24911506461d0\src\Lambda\IoC\ServiceBuilder.cs:line 11
at Handlers.OrderHandler.Run(SNSEvent request, ILambdaContext context) in C:\BuildAgent\work\91d24911506461d0\src\Lambda\Handlers\OrderHandler.cs:line 26
Has anyone seen anything similar to this?
It turned out that because I was using an SSL certificate on the elasticache cluster and the SSL certificate was bound the the master. endpoint whereas I was trying to connect to the CNAME, the certificate validation was failing.
So I ended up querying the Route53 record within the code to get the master endpoint and it worked.
Possible workaround to isolate problems from your client lib -- follow AWS' tutorial and rewrite your Lambda to something like the code below (example in Python).
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import uuid
import sys
import socket
import elasticache_auto_discovery
from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
#elasticache settings
elasticache_config_endpoint = "your-elasticache-cluster-endpoint:port"
nodes =
nodes = map(lambda x: (x[1], int(x[2])), nodes)
memcache_client = HashClient(nodes)
def handler(event, context):
This function puts into memcache and get from it.
Memcache is hosted using elasticache
#Create a random UUID... this will the sample element we add to the cache.
uuid_inserted = uuid.uuid4().hex
#Put the UUID to the cache.
memcache_client.set('uuid', uuid_inserted)
#Get item (UUID) from the cache.
uuid_obtained = memcache_client.get('uuid')
if uuid_obtained.decode("utf-8") == uuid_inserted:
# this print should go to the CloudWatch Logs and Lambda console.
print ("Success: Fetched value %s from memcache" %(uuid_inserted))
raise Exception("Value is not the same as we put :(. Expected %s got %s" %(uuid_inserted, uuid_obtained))
return "Fetched value from memcache: " + uuid_obtained.decode("utf-8")

Cloudfront facts using Ansible

I need to retrieve the DNS name of my Cloudfront instance (eg. and was wondering if there is a quick way to get this in Ansible without resorting to the AWS CLI.
From gleaming the Extra Modules source it would appear there is not a module for this. How are other people getting this attribute?
You can either write your own module or you can write a filter plugin in a few lines and accomplish the same thing.
Example of writing a filter in Ansible. Lets name this file in your filter_plugins/
import boto3
import botocore
from ansible import errors
def get_cloudfront_dns(region, dist_id):
""" Return the dns name of the cloudfront distribution id.
region (str): The AWS region.
dist_id (str): distribution id
Basic Usage:
>>> get_cloudfront_dns('us-west-2', 'E123456LHXOD5FK')
client = boto3.client('cloudfront', region)
domain_name = None
domain_name = (
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, botocore.exceptions.ClientError):
raise e
raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(
'Could not retreive the dns name for CloudFront Dist ID {0}: {1}'.format(dist_id, str(e))
return domain_name
class FilterModule(object):
''' Ansible core jinja2 filters '''
def filters(self):
return {'get_cloudfront_dns': get_cloudfront_dns,}
In order to use this plugin, you just need to call it.
dns_entry: "{{ 'us-west-2' | get_cloudfront_dns('123434JHJHJH') }}"
Keep in mind, you will need boto3 and botocore installed, in order to use this this plugin.
I have a bunch of examples located in my repo linuxdynasty ld-ansible-filters repo
I ended up writing a module for this ( that has been accepted into Ansible 2.3.0.