GetAce() returning unrecognizable Trustee (SID) - c++

I'm continuing my quest to find the Holy Grail - or, really, just to write some C++ code that does some very basic ACL modifications on files. And, I'm continuing to bang my head against this wall with various challenges. The most recent one is that the "Trustee" returned by the GetAce() function doesn't seem to be a recognizable Trustee, even though I know exactly what it should be.
At a high level, what I'm currently trying to do is remove an Explicit ACE on a specific file that is DENYing access to the well-known Everyone group. Interestingly, if, instead of GetAce(), I use GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl(), I am able to get a recognizable SID and it compares correctly to the Everyone SID using EqualSid(); however, I don't know how to take the information from GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl() and then use that to remove the ACE from the ACL completely, because I don't get the absolute index of the ACE at that point, and there doesn't seem to be a RemoveExplicitEntriesFromAcl()-type function.
Current code, using GetAce() is below, but I'm open to other suggestions on how to reliably locate and remove a DENY ACE for the Everyone group.
BOOL removeAce(LPTSTR filePath) {
PACL existingAcl;
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR securityDescriptor;
PSID everyoneSid;
// Get PSID for well-known "Everyone" group
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&sidAuthority, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &everyoneSid))
return false;
// Make sure we really have a file path
if (filePath == NULL || wcscmp(filePath, L"") == 0)
return false;
// Retrieve the ACL for the file, or bail out.
if (GetNamedSecurityInfo(filePath, SE_FILE_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, &existingAcl, NULL, &securityDescriptor) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
ULONG numEntries = existingAcl->AceCount;
// Loop through all ACEs
for (DWORD i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
// Going to cast as a ACCESS_DENIED_ACE entry.
// Try to get the ACE at current index, or continue to next one.
if (!GetAce(existingAcl, i, (LPVOID*) &entry))
// We're only interested in DENY entries.
if (entry->Header.AceType != ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE)
// Cast a couple of things to make it easier below
PSID thisSid = (PSID)entry->SidStart;
/* This is where I start to have problems - I put this code
* in strictly for debug purposes, and it always hits the
* default case, indicating that the TrusteeForm is either
* some unknown type, or I'm doing something insanely
* wrong and pointing to the wrong block of memory
* somewhere.
switch (thisEntry->Trustee.TrusteeForm) {
OutputDebugString(L"We have a SID.\n");
OutputDebugString(L"We have a name.\n");
OutputDebugString(L"We have objects and a SID.\n");
OutputDebugString(L"We have objects and a name.\n");
OutputDebugString(L"We have an alien Trustee type.\n");
/* This is the ultimate goal - being able to match the Trustee
* of the current ACE being evaluated with the Everyone SID, but
* this if statement never evaluates to True, and, so far, it
* seems to be because the TrusteeForm isn't recognized as a SID
* - or anything else for that matter.
if (eaEntry->Trustee.TrusteeForm == TRUSTEE_IS_SID
&& EqualSid((PSID)entry->SidStart, everyoneSid))
OutputDebugString(L"This is our EVERYONE entry.\n");
return true;

SidStart is not a pointer to a SID; it is the first 4 bytes of a SID. You need to access it like so:
PSID thisSid = (PSID)&(entry->SidStart);


using SetJob function in printspooler API

I am using a getJobs function I found to get current print jobs in my printer (not print device). So far I can tell how many print jobs are in the queue of my virtual printer, and I have the information from JOB_INFO_ strucs to mess with, but I am trying to use SetJob() to delete the job from the print queue (after storing the information I want). With this I get an error:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00002012.
My question is, what exactly am I doing wrong? I've tried putting 0 as level and NULL for pJob, then I do not get an error but the print job is still in the queue. I can't seem to find anyone else that has examples with explenations.
BOOL getJobs(LPTSTR printerName) {
HANDLE hPrinter; //Printer handle variable
DWORD dwNeeded, dwReturned, i; //Mem needed, jobs found, variable for loop
JOB_INFO_1 *pJobInfo; // pointer to structure
//Find printer handle
if (!OpenPrinter(printerName, &hPrinter, NULL)) {
return FALSE;
//Get amount of memory needed
if (!EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned)) {
return FALSE;
//Allocate the memory, if you cant end function
if ((pJobInfo = (JOB_INFO_1 *)malloc(dwNeeded)) == NULL) {
return FALSE;
//Get job info struc
if (!EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, (LPBYTE)pJobInfo, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned)) {
return FALSE;
//If there are printjobs, get document name and data type. put into docinfo1 struc and return true
if (dwReturned > 0){
docinfo1.pDocName = pJobInfo[1].pDocument;
docinfo1.pDatatype = pJobInfo[1].pDatatype;
SetJob(hPrinter, pJobInfo[1].JobId, 2, (LPBYTE)pJobInfo, JOB_CONTROL_DELETE);
return TRUE;
//No print jobs, Free memory and finish up :>
return FALSE;
Help is much appreciated.
EDIT: The issue ended up being a simple mistake in where I told SetJob the wrong struct type.
Aside from specifying a JOB_INFO_2 struct when you're actually passing a JOB_INFO_1 struct (as was pointed out in comments), you're also trying to use the second element of pJobInfo[], which may not even exist:
SetJob(hPrinter, pJobInfo[1].JobId, 2, (LPBYTE)pJobInfo, JOB_CONTROL_DELETE);
Change it to:
SetJob(hPrinter, pJobInfo[0].JobId, 1, (LPBYTE)pJobInfo, JOB_CONTROL_DELETE);
Or better yet, do this because all you need to delete a print job is the job ID:
SetJob(hPrinter, pJobInfo[0].JobId, 0, NULL, JOB_CONTROL_DELETE);

If Registry Key Does Not Exist

I'm adding my program to start up with:
HKEY newValue;
return 0;
And I wanted to add a check if key doesn't exists only then to create it. And something else is weird with my code I have checked the registry for my key and I see in the data column my application path + "..." (after .exe) and when I double click to check the data the popup opens and it's fine it's .exe only not .exe...
Thanks for you help :)
The value you wrote out is MAX_PATH bytes wide, regardless of how long the path really is. Thus you probably have a lot of non-printing characters after the .exe, and that's why you see the "...".
The documentation says the last parameter is the size in bytes of the string, including the null terminator. So we need to know the length of the string (lstrlen(szPath)), we need to account for the null terminator (+ 1), and we need to convert from TCHARs to bytes (sizeof(TCHAR)*).
const DWORD cbData = sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(szPath) + 1);
RegSetValueEx(newValue, "myprogram", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szPath, cbData);
This API is error prone, and should be used very carefully to avoid unintentional truncation or buffer overrun. (The fact that you need those casts to get it to compile should make you very cautious.) Many Windows functions that take pointers to strings want lengths in characters (which may not be bytes) or they figure out the length from the termination. This one doesn't do either of those things.
you can check the registry function output....
Here I am giving the Idea you can use it...
bool function()
HKEY hKey;
LPCTSTR subValue;
HKEY resKey;
DWORD dataLen;
subKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run";
long key = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, subKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &resKey);
if(key == ERROR_SUCCESS)
subValue = "ProgramData";
long key = RegQueryValueExA(resKey, subValue, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return false;
std::string data = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\program.exe";
DWORD dataLen = data.size()+1;
long key = RegSetValueExA(resKey, subValue, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)data.c_str(), dataLen);
if(key == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return true;
return false;
return false;
You can use RegCreateKeyEx() to create a new key or open an existing key.
The "..." you see in RegEdit is because the column is not wide enough -- double-click at the end of the column-header to resize the column.
I suggest what is suggest in the MSDN: You should enumerate the Subkeys/Values in a Key with RegEnumKey(Ex)() or RegEnumValue() and then check wether the key is listed
and for an example.
Hope this helps.

How to Obtain the MSI 'UILevel' Property From a C++ Custom Action

I am trying to get at the 'UILevel' MSI property from within a C++ custom action in order to determine whether or not the user is running in 'no UI mode', but am not having much luck. The function I am calling is passed the MSIHANDLE from a function which I export in my DLL (which may be either a 'deferred' or 'firstsequence' action). What I'm seeing is that MsiGetPropertyW is always returning ERROR_MORE_DATA and the trueLength field is always 0. Here is my code:
bool runningInNoUIMode(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
unsigned long nBufLen = 64UL;
WCHAR *wszValue = new WCHAR[nBufLen];
DWORD trueLength = 0UL;
UINT result = ::MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"UILevel", L"", &trueLength); // Get the size of the property value first to see if there is enough storage allocated.
if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == result || nBufLen <= trueLength)
if (NULL != wszValue)
delete [] wszValue;
// Allocate more memory for the property adding one for the null terminator.
nBufLen = trueLength + 1;
wszValue = new WCHAR[nBufLen];
if (NULL == wszValue)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Unable to determine the user interface level the MSI is being run with because we were unable to allocate storage for accessing the 'UILevel' property.");
return false;
memset(wszValue, L'\0', nBufLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
result = ::MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"UILevel", wszValue, &trueLength);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != result)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Unable to determine the user interface level the MSI is being run with, error code = '%lu'.", result);
delete [] wszValue;
return false;
if (0 == wcscmp(L"2", wszValue)) // INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE == 2
delete [] wszValue;
return true;
delete [] wszValue;
return false;
I believe I can work around this for now by passing the 'UILevel' property through WiX and checking for it that way in the C++, but I am curious what the problem here is as well.
I'm using Visual Studio/Visual C++ 2010 on Windows 7 with WiX 3.5.2519.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide!
Another way of making this simpler is to use the MsiEvaluateCondition function.
BOOL bUI = MsiEvaluateCondition(L"UILevel<3");
in C# using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsIntaller (DTF) it's:
var uiLevel = session["UILevel"];
In C++ there's a sample at MsiGetProperty function:
UINT __stdcall MyCustomAction(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
TCHAR* szValueBuf = NULL;
DWORD cchValueBuf = 0;
UINT uiStat = MsiGetProperty(hInstall, TEXT("MyProperty"), TEXT(""), &cchValueBuf);
//cchValueBuf now contains the size of the property's string, without null termination
if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == uiStat)
++cchValueBuf; // add 1 for null termination
szValueBuf = new TCHAR[cchValueBuf];
if (szValueBuf)
uiStat = MsiGetProperty(hInstall, TEXT("MyProperty"), szValueBuf, &cchValueBuf);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != uiStat)
if (szValueBuf != NULL)
delete[] szValueBuf;
// custom action uses MyProperty
// ...
delete[] szValueBuf;
Thanks to #DanielGehriger, we figured out that the problem isn't with the code, but with the scheduling for the custom action. The UILevel MSI property is simply not available when running a deferred custom action (I found that the code worked correctly for a custom action scheduled for firstsequence). I have worked around this limitation by explicitly passing it on custom action data using WiX:
<CustomAction Id="CustomAction.SetProperty" Property="CustomActionCall"
Value="UILEVEL=[UILevel];" />
and then checking for this in the C++ with WcaIsPropertySet and WcaGetProperty. Note that the character case of the property name between square brackets matters here.

How do I listen for smart card insert and remove event in C++?

I want to listen for the insert and remove event of a smart cart... The application is for windows and the smart card is using x.509 certificates. The reader I use is standard card readers that is inserted in most new laptops and you can also buy them for usb use..
One thing I have found is:
but it cant be the only way and I just wanted to know my options...
Does anyone know what's the best way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
The Windows API has this function:
LONG WINAPI SCardGetStatusChange(
__in SCARDCONTEXT hContext,
__in DWORD dwTimeout,
__inout LPSCARD_READERSTATE rgReaderStates,
__in DWORD cReaders
You can then check if the rgReaderStates contains SCARD_STATE_EMPTY or SCARD_STATE_PRESENT. Read the details here: MSDN description
It is strictly speaking not event-driven but it blocks execution until a change happened. So by creating a separate thread that calls this in a loop, you can easily generate an event yourself.
A example.
This should be incorporated in thread function which runs this function at a time interval (1 second). The thread function should use this and sends a notification to the application that the driver has changed.
BOOL CheckDirProperties(const CString& path, BOOL& bReadOnly, BOOL& bRemovable)
DWORD FileAttributes;
DWORD DriveAttributes;
UINT uDriveType;
if( path.GetLength() < 2 ||path.GetAt( 1 ) != ':' )
// invalid path, abort
return FALSE;
//Ugly path handling
CString szFormattedDrivePath("C:\\"); // string of length 3 where drive letter will be replaced
// Replace the drive letter with the drive letter from the path
szFormattedDrivePath.SetAt( 0, path.GetAt( 0 ) );
DriveAttributes = GetFileAttributes( szFormattedDrivePath );
FileAttributes = GetFileAttributes( path);
uDriveType = GetDriveType( szFormattedDrivePath );
if( !(FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ||
{ // Not a directory
return FALSE;
if( (FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) ||
(DriveAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) ||
(FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) ||
(DriveAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) ||
(FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) ||
(DriveAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) )
{ // Not a directory
TRACE("The directory %s on drive %s has unexpected file attributes. Problems may occur.\n",path, szFormattedDrivePath );
// To set m_bReadOnly to true, we need to know that the entire subtree is readonly.
// Even if the drive or the directory has the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY set, the content may not be read-only.
// Therefore the default value of bReadOnly must be FALSE.
bReadOnly = FALSE;
switch( uDriveType )
bRemovable = FALSE;
bRemovable = TRUE;
bReadOnly = TRUE; // We know that a CD-ROM drive is always read-only
bRemovable = TRUE;
case DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR: // fall through
case DRIVE_UNKNOWN: // fall through
bRemovable = TRUE; // assume it is removable if we don't know what value to set
return TRUE;

Why, after using 'CryptSetHashParam', can I no longer add data to my MD5 hash object?

I am trying to use the Microsoft 'Crypt...' functions to generate an MD5 hash key from the data that is added to the hash object. I am also trying to use the 'CryptSetHashParam' to set the hash object to a particular hash value before adding data to it.
According to the Microsoft documentation (if I am interpreting it correctly), you should be able to do this by creating a duplicate hash of the original object, use the 'CryptGetHashParam' function to retrieve the hash size then use 'CryptSetHashParam' on the original object to set the hash value accordingly. I am aware that after using 'CryptGetHashParam' you are unable to add additional data to a hash object (which is why I thought you needed to create a duplicate), but I can't add data to either the original hash object or the duplicate hash object after using either 'CryptGetHashParam' (as expected), or 'CryptSetHashParam' (which I didn't expect).
Below are code extracts of the class I am writing and an example of how I am using the class functions:
The result I get after running the code is:
"AddDataToHash function failed - Errorcode: 2148073484.", which translates to: "Hash not valid for use in specified state.".
I've tried many different ways to try and get this working as intended, but the result is always the same. I accept that I am doing something wrong, but I can't see what it is I'm doing wrong. Any ideas please?
m_dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
m_hCryptProv = NULL;
m_hHash = NULL;
m_hDuplicateHash = NULL;
if(!CryptAcquireContext(&m_hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET))
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
if (m_dwLastError == 0x80090016 )
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_hCryptProv = NULL;
if(!CryptCreateHash(m_hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &m_hHash))
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_hHash = NULL;
bool CAuthentication::SetHashKeyString(char* pszKeyBuffer)
bool bHashStringSet = false;
DWORD dwHashSize = 0;
DWORD dwHashLen = sizeof(DWORD);
if(pszKeyBuffer != NULL && strlen(pszKeyBuffer) == DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
if(CryptDuplicateHash(m_hHash, NULL, 0, &m_hDuplicateHash))
if(CryptGetHashParam(m_hDuplicateHash, HP_HASHSIZE, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&dwHashSize), &dwHashLen, 0))
char*pPtr = pszKeyBuffer;
ULONG ulTempVal = 0;
for(ULONG ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < dwHashSize; ulIdx++)
sscanf(pPtr, "%02X", &ulTempVal);
byHash[ulIdx] = static_cast<BYTE>(ulTempVal);
pPtr+= 2;
if(CryptSetHashParam(m_hHash, HP_HASHVAL, &byHash[0], 0))
bHashStringSet = true;
pszKeyBuffer = "";
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
if(m_hDuplicateHash != NULL)
return bHashStringSet;
bool CAuthentication::AddDataToHash(BYTE* pbyHashBuffer, ULONG ulLength)
bool bHashDataAdded = false;
if(CryptHashData(m_hHash, pbyHashBuffer, ulLength, 0))
bHashDataAdded = true;
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
return bHashDataAdded;
CAuthentication auth;
if(!auth.AddDataToHash(pbyHashBuffer, ulDataLen))
TRACE("CryptHashData function failed - Errorcode: %lu.\n", auth.GetAuthError());
You can't do it because it doesn't make any sense. CryptGetHashParam with the HP_HASHVAL option finalizes the hash, so there is no way to add data to it. If you want to "fork" the hash so that you can finalize it at some point as well as add data to it, you must duplicate the hash object prior to finalizing. Then you add the data to one of the hash objects and finalize the other. For example, you might do this if you wanted record a cumulative hash after every 1024 bytes of a data stream. You should not call CryptSetHashParam on the hash object that you are continuing to add data to.
CryptSetHashParam with the HP_HASHVAL option is a brutal hack to overcome a limitation in the CryptoAPI. The CryptoAPI will only sign a hash object, so if you want to sign some data that might have been hashed or generated outside of CAPI, you have to "jam" it into a hash object.
Based on your comment, I think you are looking for a way to serialize the hash object. I cannot find any evidence that CryptoAPI supports this. There are alternatives, however, that are basically variants of my "1024 bytes" example above. If you are hashing a sequence of files, you could simply compute and save the hash of each file. If you really need to boil it down to one value, then you can compute a modified hash where the first piece of data you hash for file i is the finalized hash for files 0, 1, 2, ..., i-1. So:
H-1 = empty,
Hi = MD5 (Hi-1 || filei)
As you go along, you can save the last successfully computed Hi value. In case of interruption, you can restart at file i+1. Note that, like any message digest, the above is completely sensitive to both order and content. This is something to consider on a dynamically changing file system. If files can be added or changed during the hashing operation, the meaning of the hash value will be affected. It might be rendered meaningless. You might want to be certain that both the sequence and content of the files you are hashing is frozen during the entire duration of the hash.