behaviour of Isabelle foldl compared to SML - sml

being a beginner of Isabelle I tried to transcribe a simple programming task from 100 doors based on the Standard ML implementation.
I checked the SML code in this online SML interpreter and especially the call of foldl, which worked fine.
When applying Isabelle's foldl i get an 'Type unification failed' error for function run, which is unexpected, since i tried to transcribe the SML original very closely.
Any hints for what the problem is? Thanks a lot!
My code so far:
theory "100_doors"
imports Main
datatype Door = Closed | Opened
fun toggle :: "Door ⇒ Door" where
" toggle Closed = Opened" |
" toggle Opened = Closed"
fun runs :: "nat ⇒ nat list" where
"runs n = upt 1 (n+1) "
value "(runs 3)"
(* functions using tuples *)
fun initial_doors :: "nat ⇒ (nat * Door) list" where
"initial_doors m = map (λn. (n, Closed)) (runs m)"
value "(initial_doors 3)"
(* tuple of number_of_doors and a list of index_door tuples *)
fun pass :: "nat * ((nat * Door) list) ⇒ (nat * Door) list" where
" pass (step, doors) =
map (λ(index, door). (
if (index mod step) = 0
then (index, toggle door)
else (index, door)
value "pass (2, (initial_doors 2))"
fun run :: "nat ⇒ (nat * Door) list" where
"run number_of_doors = foldl pass
( initial_doors number_of_doors )
( runs number_of_doors )"
The error message is
Type unification failed: Clash of types "_ list" and "_ ⇒ _"
Type error in application: incompatible operand type
Operator: foldl ::
(nat × (nat × Door) list ⇒ ??'a ⇒ nat × (nat × Door) list)
⇒ nat × (nat × Door) list ⇒ ??'a list ⇒ nat × (nat × Door) list
Operand: pass :: nat × (nat × Door) list ⇒ (nat × Door) list

Let's compare the Isabelle version of foldl,
foldl_Nil: "foldl f a [] = a" |
foldl_Cons: "foldl f a (x # xs) = foldl f (f a x) xs"
with the SML one: foldl f init [x1, x2, ..., xn] returns
f(xn,...,f(x2, f(x1, init))...) or init if the list is empty.
They are close, but note that in the SML one, f takes a pair. In Isabelle, the arguments of f are curried. You need to redefine pass accordingly.


Function to find the most frequent element

I am trying to code a function that returns the element that appears the most in a list. So far I have the following
task :: Eq a => [a] -> a
task xs = (map ((\l#(x:xs) -> (x,length l)) (occur (sort xs))))
occur is a function that takes a list and returns a list of pairs with the elements of the inputted list along with the amount of times they appear. So for example for a list [1,1,2,3,3] the output would be [(1,2),(2,1),(3,2)].
However, I am getting some errors related to the arguments of map. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
A map maps every item to another item, so here \l is a 2-tuple, like (1,2), (2, 1) or (3, 2). It thus does not make much sense to work with length l, since length :: Foldable f => f a -> Int will always return one for a 2-tuple: this is because only the second part of the 2-tuple is used in the foldable. But we do not need length in the first place.
What you need is a function that can retrieve the maximum based on the second item of the 2-tuple. We can make use of the maximumOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a from the exta package, or we can implement our own function to calculate the maximum on a list of items.
Such function thus should look like:
maximumSnd :: Ord b => [(a, b)] -> (a, b)
maximumSnd [] = error "Empty list"
maximumSnd (x:xs) = go xs x
where go [] m = m
go (x#(xa, xb):xs) (ya, yb)
| xb > yb = go … … -- (1)
| otherwise = go … … -- (2)
Here (1) should be implemented such that we make a recursive call but work with x as the new maximum we found thus far. (2) should make a recursive call with the same thus far maximum.
Once we have implemented the maxSnd function, we can use this function as a helper function for:
task :: Eq a => [a] -> (a, Int)
task xs = maxSnd (occur xs)
or we can use fst :: (a, b) -> a to retrieve the first item of the 2-tuple:
task :: Eq a => [a] -> a
task xs = (fst . maxSnd) (occur xs)
In case there are two characters with a maximum number of elements, the maximumSnd will return the first one in the list of occurrences.

operator and operand do not agree [tycon mismatch]

I am trying to write a function in sml that takes in a list of pairs and returns pair of two list of all the elements
Meaning if the input is [(1, 2.0), (2, 3.0)]
The output should be ([1, 2], (2.0, 3.0))
fun divide nil = (nil , nil)
| divide [(a, b)::nil] = ([a], [b])
| divide [(a, b)::myTl] =
val (x, y) = divide myTl
(a::x, b::y)
Never the less the sml interpreter returns the following err
Error: operator and operand do not agree [tycon mismatch]
operator domain: ('Z * 'Y) list list
operand: ('Z * 'Y) list
in expression:
divide myTl
The error message you're seeing is because you've (inadvertently) declared a function with domain ('a * 'b) list list due to your input patterns, so your recursive call is not well typed.
The most straightforward fix is to correct for the incorrect use of [ ] around the argument to the function---this is making a singleton list, instead of just grouping the pattern. Thus you'd want to use ( ) instead.
fun divide nil = (nil , nil)
| divide ((a, b)::nil) = ([a], [b])
| divide ((a, b)::myTl) =
val (x, y) = divide myTl
(a::x, b::y)
Your second base case is also extraneous, so we could further revise this to
fun divide [] = ([], [])
| divide ((a, b)::xs) =
val (x, y) = divide xs
(a::x, b::y)

Termination checking for product types

The following function definition is accepted by Isabelle, so the termination checker is happy with it:
datatype 'a List = N | C 'a "'a List"
fun dequeue' :: "'a List × 'a List ⇒ ('a option × 'a queue)" where
"dequeue' (N, N) = (None, AQueue N N)"
|"dequeue' (xs, C y ys) = (Some y, AQueue xs ys)"
|"dequeue' (xs, N) = dequeue' (N, reverse xs)"
This seemingly equivalent definition, using a custom, but isomorphic data type instead of a pair, is rejected:
fun dequeue :: "'a queue ⇒ ('a option × 'a queue)" where
"dequeue (AQueue N N) = (None, AQueue N N)"
|"dequeue (AQueue xs (C y ys)) = (Some y, AQueue xs ys)"
|"dequeue (AQueue xs N) = dequeue (AQueue N (reverse xs))"
Why is that? Is there some special setup for pairs here, and if so, can I extend that setup to my custom data type? Should maybe datatype do that automatically?
I might be able to answer that myself. After digging through some code, I found this in HOL/Fun_Def.thy:
lemma measure_fst[measure_function]: "is_measure f ⟹ is_measure (λp. f (fst p))"
by (rule is_measure_trivial)
lemma measure_snd[measure_function]: "is_measure f ⟹ is_measure (λp. f (snd p))"
by (rule is_measure_trivial)
and indeed by duplicating that setup using
datatype 'a queue = AQueue (young: "'a List") (old: "'a List")
lemma [measure_function]: "is_measure f ⟹ is_measure (f ∘ young)" ..
The second function definition in the code above goes through as well.

How can I fold with state in Haskell?

I have a simple function (used for some problems of project Euler, in fact). It turns a list of digits into a decimal number.
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits [x] = toInteger x
fromDigits (x:xs) = (toInteger x) * 10 ^ length xs + fromDigits xs
I realized that the type [Int] is not ideal. fromDigits should be able to take other inputs like e.g. sequences, maybe even foldables ...
My first idea was to replace the above code with sort of a "fold with state". What is the correct (= minimal) Haskell-category for the above function?
First, folding is already about carrying some state around. Foldable is precisely what you're looking for, there is no need for State or other monads.
Second, it'd be more natural to have the base case defined on empty lists and then the case for non-empty lists. The way it is now, the function is undefined on empty lists (while it'd be perfectly valid). And notice that [x] is just a shorthand for x : [].
In the current form the function would be almost expressible using foldr. However within foldl the list or its parts aren't available, so you can't compute length xs. (Computing length xs at every step also makes the whole function unnecessarily O(n^2).) But this can be easily avoided, if you re-thing the procedure to consume the list the other way around. The new structure of the function could look like this:
fromDigits' :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits' = f 0
f s [] = s
f s (x:xs) = f (s + ...) xs
After that, try using foldl to express f and finally replace it with Foldable.foldl.
You should avoid the use of length and write your function using foldl (or foldl'):
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits ds = foldl (\s d -> s*10 + (fromIntegral d)) 0 ds
From this a generalization to any Foldable should be clear.
A better way to solve this is to build up a list of your powers of 10. This is quite simple using iterate:
powersOf :: Num a => a -> [a]
powersOf n = iterate (*n) 1
Then you just need to multiply these powers of 10 by their respective values in the list of digits. This is easily accomplished with zipWith (*), but you have to make sure it's in the right order first. This basically just means that you should re-order your digits so that they're in descending order of magnitude instead of ascending:
zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) $ reverse xs
But we want it to return an Integer, not Int, so let's through a map fromIntegral in there
zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) $ map fromIntegral $ reverse xs
And all that's left is to sum them up
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits xs = sum $ zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) $ map fromIntegral $ reverse xs
Or for the point-free fans
fromDigits = sum . zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) . map fromIntegral . reverse
Now, you can also use a fold, which is basically just a pure for loop where the function is your loop body, the initial value is, well, the initial state, and the list you provide it is the values you're looping over. In this case, your state is a sum and what power you're on. We could make our own data type to represent this, or we could just use a tuple with the first element being the current total and the second element being the current power:
fromDigits xs = fst $ foldr go (0, 1) xs
go digit (s, power) = (s + digit * power, power * 10)
This is roughly equivalent to the Python code
def fromDigits(digits):
def go(digit, acc):
s, power = acc
return (s + digit * power, power * 10)
state = (0, 1)
for digit in digits:
state = go(digit, state)
return state[0]
Such a simple function can carry all its state in its bare arguments. Carry around an accumulator argument, and the operation becomes trivial.
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits xs = fromDigitsA xs 0 # 0 is the current accumulator value
fromDigitsA [] acc = acc
fromDigitsA (x:xs) acc = fromDigitsA xs (acc * 10 + toInteger x)
If you're really determined to use a right fold for this, you can combine calculating length xs with the calculation like this (taking the liberty of defining fromDigits [] = 0):
fromDigits xn = let (x, _) = fromDigits' xn in x where
fromDigits' [] = (0, 0)
fromDigits' (x:xn) = (toInteger x * 10 ^ l + y, l + 1) where
(y, l) = fromDigits' xn
Now it should be obvious that this is equivalent to
fromDigits xn = fst $ foldr (\ x (y, l) -> (toInteger x * 10^l + y, l + 1)) (0, 0) xn
The pattern of adding an extra component or result to your accumulator, and discarding it once the fold returns, is a very general one when you're re-writing recursive functions using folds.
Having said that, a foldr with a function that is always strict in its second parameter is a really, really bad idea (excessive stack usage, maybe a stack overflow on long lists) and you really should write fromDigits as a foldl as some of the other answers have suggested.
If you want to "fold with state", probably Traversable is the abstraction you're looking for. One of the methods defined in Traversable class is
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
Basically, traverse takes a "stateful function" of type a -> f b and applies it to every function in the container t a, resulting in a container f (t b). Here, f can be State, and you can use traverse with function of type Int -> State Integer (). It would build an useless data structure (list of units in your case), but you can just discard it. Here's a solution to your problem using Traversable:
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable
sumDigits :: Traversable t => t Int -> Integer
sumDigits cont = snd $ runState (traverse action cont) 0
where action x = modify ((+ (fromIntegral x)) . (* 10))
test1 = sumDigits [1, 4, 5, 6]
However, if you really don't like building discarded data structure, you can just use Foldable with somewhat tricky Monoid implementation: store not only computed result, but also 10^n, where n is count of digits converted to this value. This additional information gives you an ability to combine two values:
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
data Digits = Digits
{ value :: Integer
, power :: Integer
instance Monoid Digits where
mempty = Digits 0 1
(Digits d1 p1) `mappend` (Digits d2 p2) =
Digits (d1 * p2 + d2) (p1 * p2)
sumDigitsF :: Foldable f => f Int -> Integer
sumDigitsF cont = value $ foldMap (\x -> Digits (fromIntegral x) 10) cont
test2 = sumDigitsF [0, 4, 5, 0, 3]
I'd stick with first implementation. Although it builds unnecessary data structure, it's shorter and simpler to understand (as far as a reader understands Traversable).

error in the SML of NJ

hello everyone I have this snippet of the code:
fun NTimesF(f, n:int) =
if n = 1 then fn (x) => f(x)
else fn (x) => f(NTimesF(f, n - 1)(x))
fun compList f n = if n = 0 then []
else (NTimesF(f, n)) :: (compList f n-1)
I need to write program which receives some function f and integer n and produce list of functions such as [f1, f2, ... fn] <- fn is the composition of the function n times but every time I receive an error:
- stdIn:7.11-7.46 Error: operator and operand don't agree [literal]
operator domain: ('Z -> 'Z) * ('Z -> 'Z) list
operand: ('Z -> 'Z) * int
in expression:
NTimesF (f,n) :: (compList f) n - 1
stdIn:6.6-7.46 Error: right-hand-side of clause doesn't agree with function result type [literal]
expression: int -> _ list
result type: int -> int
in declaration:
compList = (fn arg => (fn <pat> => <exp>))
can somebody please help me, thanks in advance
Because function application has higher precedence than the - operator, compList f n-1 is parsed as (compList f n) - 1, which is obviously not what you want.
You need to write compList f (n-1).