Using Hash in script-src of content security policy(CSP) without unsafe-inline for GTM - xss

So for my project i cannot use nonce with script tags to avoid XSS attacks so using hash is the way to go, but for GTM how does it work with hash, should I just hash the script block which is calling gtm to load scripts or should I hash the contents and scripts gtm loads as well, I learned that contents of GTM scripts changes timely, which would become great difficulty when hashing them if needed, can anyone clarify how to use hash with GTM. Thanks


Tacking offline data with xAPI

I would like to download a course and work offline on that course. How can I track my results?
I would like to record all my progress(slides that I viewed, quiz results, time for each content....), for example saving them on a file or a database, and then generate statements to send to an LRS when I'm online.
Someone could explain me how can I do that?
With TinCan statements (commonly including information about the student(actor) and then what they did, objectives, status etc) are being posted to a endpoint. Depending on how the content is written it may or may not failover to some alternative. If its a native application I would suspect you'll have limited ability to intercept these statements. If its a HTML course you may be able to locate where the content attempts to post these statements and re-direct those to local storage or some other sql/nosql option. Ultimately, it will depend on what content you're attempting to run, and what type of controls you'll have to attempt to. Based on what I know, the content itself would have to detect its 'offline' and store the statements until it is back online. Similar to this post - How tin-can-api works offline?
SCORM ultimately doesn't work like TinCan. LMS exposes a JavaScript API, and the HTML based content locates it in the DOM using JavaScript. Content then makes gets and set calls to it. The LMS is more responsible for committing this information to a server, or persisting the data in another fashion. This doesn't stop content developers from creating new and alternative ways to persist data if the LMS is not present. For this type of content its probably easier to intercept since you can be the LMS in this situation and expose that API for the content to use. In a offline situation you'd just have to manage the student attempts and then once online- sync them with your server.

Best practices for server-side architecture for an XSLT-based client application

I'm considering using Saxon CE for a web application to edit ebooks (metadata and content). It seems like a good match given that important ebook components (such as content.opf) are natively XML. I understand how to grab XML data from the server, transform it, insert the results into the HTML DOM, and handle events to change what and how is displayed.
Where I am getting stuck is how best to sync changes back up to the server. Is it best practice to use an XML database on the server? Is it reasonable to maintain XML on the server as text files, and overwrite them with a post, and could/should this be done through a result-document with a remote URI?
I realize this question may seem a bit open-ended, but I've failed to find any examples of client-side XSLT applications which actually allow the modification of data on the server.
Actually, I don't think this question is specific to using Saxon-CE on the client. The issues would be exactly the same if you were using XForms, or indeed if the client-side code were written in Javascript. And I think the answer depends on volumetrics, availability and concurrency requirements, and so on.
If you're doing a serious level of concurrent update of a shared collection of XML data, then using an XML database is probably a good idea. On the other hand there might be scenarios where this isn't needed, for example where the XML data is part of the user-specific application context, or where the XML document received from the client simply needs to be saved somewhere "as is", or perhaps where it just needs to be appended to a some kind of XML log file.
I think that in nearly all cases, you'll need a server-side component to the application that responds to HTTP put/post requests and decides what to do with them.

Passing a serialized object through a URL

I am serializing/pickling an object, encoding it as a compressed string, and passing it as a parameter in the URL for the next page to deserialize. My web app does not have a database; I am doing this because the app gets data from external web services, which are slow.
Is this acceptable practice? Is this a security risk? Is there a way to make this secure?
If you need to share data between views, do it with the session. That's what sessions are made for. Session info is stored in the database by default, but it doesn't have to be, you can also use the filesystem, some caching system (memcache, Redis, etc), or signed-cookies (Django 1.4+ only).
Configuring the Session Engine
How to Use Sessions
Is this a security risk?
If the serialisation you are using is pickle then yes that is definitely a problem, as alluded to on the doc:
Never unpickle data received from an untrusted or unauthenticated source
Use a form of serialisation designed only to hold safe static values (eg JSON).
You can protect a value that you send to the client side from tampering by signing it with a MAC, eg using hmac. You may need to consider adding other properties to the MAC-signed data such as username or timestamp, to prevent signed data blocks being freely interchangeable, if that's a threat to whatever integrity you are trying to achieve.
If you also need to protect the value from being viewed and interpreted by the client side user you would need to use an encryption algorithm (eg AES - not part of stdlib) in addition to the signing.
(I still wouldn't personally trust a MAC-signed and encrypted pickle. Even though it would need the server-side secret to be leaked to make it exploitable, you don't really want an information-leakage vulnerability to escalate to an arbitrary-code-execution vulnerability, which is what pickle represents.)
It is not the best option, since URL parameter fields will show in server logs. You're
probably better of sending data with POST method or better yet, creating a rudimentary database (if you don't have access to anything else, use Sqlite) and just pass the ID to the next screen.

Tracing requests of users by logging their actions to DB in django

I want to trace user's actions in my web site by logging their requests to database as plain text in Django.
I consider to write a custom decorator and place it to every view that I want to trace.
However, I have some troubles in my design.
First of all, is such logging mecahinsm reasonable or because of my log table will be enlarging rapidly it causes some preformance problems ?
Secondly, how should be my log table's design ?
I want to keep keywords if the user call search view or keep the item's id if the user call details of item view.
Besides, IP addresses of user's should be kept but how can I seperate users if they connect via single IP address as in many companies.
I am glad to explain in detail if you think my question is unclear.
I wouldn't do that. If this is a production service then you've got a proper web server running in front of it, right? Apache, or nginx or something. That can do logging, and can do it well, and can write to a form that won't bloat your database, and there's a wealth of analytical tools for log analysis.
You are going to have to duplicate a lot of that functionality in your decorator, such as when you want to switch it on or off, or change the log level. The only thing you'll get by doing it all in django is the possibility of ultra-fine control, such as only logging views of blog posts with id numbers greater than X or something. But generally you'd not want that level of detail, and you'd log everything and do any stripping at the analysis phase. You've not given any reason currently why you need to do it from Django.
If you really want it in a RDBMS, reading an apache log file into Postgres or MySQL or one of those expensive ones is fairly trivial.
One thing you should keep in mind is that SQL databases don't offer you a very good writing performance (in comparison with reading), so if you are experiencing heavy loads you should probably look for a better in-memory solution (eg. some key-value-store like redis).
But keep in mind, that, especially if you would use a non-sql solution you should be aware what you want to do with the collected data (just display something like a 'log' or do some more in-deep searching/querying on the data).
If you want to identify different users from the same IP address you should probably look for a cookie-based solution (if you are using django's session framework the session's are per default identified through a cookie - so you could just simply use sessions). Another solution could be doing the logging 'asynchronously' via javascript after the page has loaded in the browser (which could give you more possibilities in identifying the user and avoid additional load when generating the page).

comparison of ways to maintain state

There are various ways to maintain user state using in web development.
These are the ones that I can think of right now:
Query String
Form Methods (Get and Post)
Viewstate (ASP.NET only I guess)
Session (InProc Web server)
Session (Dedicated web server)
Session (Database)
Local Persistence (Google Gears) (thanks Steve Moyer)
I know that each method has its own advantages and disadvantages like cookies not being secure and QueryString having a length limit and being plain ugly to look at! ;)
But, when designing a web application I am always confused as to what methods to use for what application or what methods to avoid.
What I would like to know is what method(s) do you generally use and would recommend or more interestingly which of these methods would you like to avoid in certain scenarios and why?
While this is a very complicated question to answer, I have a few quick-bite things I think about when considering implementing state.
Query string state is only useful for the most basic tasks -- e.g., maintaining the position of a user within a wizard, perhaps, or providing a path to redirect the user to after they complete a given task (e.g., logging in). Otherwise, query string state is horribly insecure, difficult to implement, and in order to do it justice, it needs to be tied to some server-side state machine by containing a key to tie the client to the server's maintained state for that client.
Cookie state is more or less the same -- it's just fancier than query string state. But it's still totally maintained on the client side unless the data in the cookie is a key to tie the client to some server-side state machine.
Form method state is again similar -- it's useful for hiding fields that tie a given form to some bit of data on the back end (e.g., "this user is editing record #512, so the form will contain a hidden input with the value 512"). It's not useful for much else, and again, is just another implementation of the same idea behind query string and cookie state.
Session state (any of the ways you describe) are all great, since they're infinitely extensible and can handle anything your chosen programming language can handle. The first caveat is that there needs to be a key in the client's hand to tie that client to its state being stored on the server; this is where most web frameworks provide either a cookie-based or query string-based key back to the client. (Almost every modern one uses cookies, but falls back on query strings if cookies aren't enabled.) The second caveat is that you need to put some though into how you're storing your state... will you put it in a database? Does your web framework handle it entirely for you? Again, most modern web frameworks take the work out of this, and for me to go about implementing my own state machine, I need a very good reason... otherwise, I'm likely to create security holes and functionality breakage that's been hashed out over time in any of the mature frameworks.
So I guess I can't really imagine not wanting to use session-based state for anything but the most trivial reason.
Security is also an issue; values in the query string or form fields can be trivially changed by the user. User authentication should be saved either in an encrypted or tamper-evident cookie or in the server-side session. Keeping track of values passed in a form as a user completes a process, like a site sign-up, well, that can probably be kept in hidden form fields.
The nice (and sometimes dangerous) thing, though, about the query string is that the state can be picked up by anyone who clicks on a link. As mentioned above, this is dangerous if it gives the user some authorization they shouldn't have. It's nice, though, for showing your friends something you found on the site.
With the increasing use of Web 2.0, I think there are two important methods missing from your list:
8 AJAX applications - since the page doesn't reload and there is no page to page navigation, state isn't an issue (but persisting user data must use the asynchronous XML calls).
9 Local persistence - Browser-based applications can persist their user data and state to the local hard drive using libraries such as Google Gears.
As for which one is best, I think they all have their place, but the Query String method is problematic for search engines.
Personally, since almost all of my web development is in PHP, I use PHP's session handlers.
Sessions are the most flexible, in my experience: they're normally faster than db accesses, and the cookies they generate die when the browser closes (by default).
Avoid InProc if you plan to host your website on a cheap-n-cheerful host like webhost4life. I've learnt the hard way that because their systems are over subscribed, they recycle the applications very frequently which causes your session to get lost. Very annoying.
Their suggestion is to use StateServer which is fine except you have to serialise/deserialise the session eash post back. I love objects and my web app is full of them. I'm concerned about performance when switching to StateServer. I need to refactor to only put the stuff I really need in the session.
Wish I'd know that before I started...
Cheers, Rob.
Be careful what state you store client side (query strings, form fields, cookies). Anything security-related should not be stored client-side, except maybe a session identifier if it is reasonably obscured and hard to guess. There are too many websites that have settings like "authenticated=true" and store those in a cookie or query string or hidden form field. It is trivial for a user to bypass something like that. Remember that ANY input coming from a client could have been tampered with and should not be trusted.
Signed Cookies linked to some sort of database store when you need to grab data. There's no reason to be storing data on the client side if you have a connected back-end; you're just looking for trouble if this is a public facing website.
It's not some much a question of what to use & what to avoid, but when to use which. Each has a particular circumstances when it is the best, and a different circumstance when it's the worst.
The deciding factor is generally lifetime of the data. Session state lives longer than form fields, and so on.