What is the easiest way to reset migrations in Heroku CLI? - django

I recently deployed Django REST API project on Heroku and I wanted to remove migrations and migrate again.
I have tried:
heroku run python manage.py migrate --app cyberminds-backend zero
but it returns:
CommandError: No installed app with label 'zero'
What are the easiest steps or commands to achieve this?


Django data was not brought to heroku

I have Django apps, which include users and posts models. The apps work perfectly at local following making migrations and migrating. I tried two different ways to deploy the apps to Heroku. First, using Heroku Git, the apps works on Heroku the same as at local.
When using GitHub, however, all data were not brought to Heroku. I tried to run "python manage.py makemigrations" and "python manage.py migrate" on Heroku, but the data from local was not brought still.
I would really appreciate it if you could please explain and help with the issue using GitHub.
I think you have to migrate on Heroku as well, try:
heroku run python manage.py migrate
See the heroku docs
check your .gitignore file maybe db.sqlite in gitignore file and you can remove it
another option is dumpdata and load in production
you can run
python3 manage.py dumpdata > data.json
and load data in production
python3 manage.py loaddata data.json

Django on Heroku - ProgrammingError at / relation "..." does not exist

I'm getting this error. I know you usually get this error because the databases wasn't properly migrated.
When I run heroku local web, the website works fine when I go to localhost:5000.
However after I deploy the app to heroku with git push heroku master, the error comes up.
In other words, it works in my local environment. But it does not work after deploying to heroku.
I have Heroku-Postgres installed as an add-on in heroku.
What could be causing this?
excute migrations and makemigrations in bash heroku. open the terminal in the local project folder and give the following commands:
heroku run bash
~$ ./manage.py makemigrations
~$ ./manage.py migrate
~$ exit
The following steps did it for me
Make all the necessary migrations (python manage.py makemigrations) and migrate (python manage.py migrate) locally,
push to heroku master
and finally running heroku run python manage.py migrate
Solved the issue
I experienced the same error after making a change to a model and then deploying this change to heroku.
The only way I managed to fix this problem was to do the following:
Reset the database in heroku
Delete the migrations files from the migrations folder for the broken app locally (but keep the directory and the __init__.py file)
Run python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate. This will repopulate the migrations folder with clean migration files.
Push changes to master (ensure that you do not have migrations directories in .gitignore files.
Deploy changes to heroku
Run the heroku shell heroku run bash
Run python manage.py migrate
I was able to do this because my tables did not have much data in, but I would try to avoid resetting the database if I had more data in my tables.

Deploying Django app to Heroku via CircleCI: How to migrate database?

How can I run python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate automatically when deploying a Django app to Heroku via CircleCI. It seems all commands run local to CircleCI, but not on the deployed application in production.
Is there a way?
python manage.py makemigrations should be running locally, and you may commit the migration files along with the code.
Regaridng the migrations, open your Procfile and add this line: release: python manage.py migrate.
This will tell Heroku to migrate before deploying a new version of your code.

Django with AWS - Correct way to syncdb and run scheema migrations using South

In development when I was running django on a local server, I first added South in my installed apps and then did
python manage.py syncdb
After that, whenever I made a change to the database, I'd do
python manage.py scheemamigration
python manage.py migrate appName
I now am using AWS elastic beanstalk and do
git add .
git commit "change made"
git aws.push
to update the aws server. However, I cannot run
python manage.py syncdb
because it says
Unknown command 'syncdb'
so I cannot syncdb and do scheemamigrations. What is the best way for me syncdb and do scheema migrations using South now that I am using AWS servers.
You need to make a container command, heres a snippet from the aws docs...
On your local computer, update your configuration file (e.g., myapp.config) in the > .ebextensions directory.
command: "django-admin.py syncdb --migrate --noinput"
leader_only: true
See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/create_deploy_Python_django.html (Step 6, point number 2) Sorry no anchors in aws docs..
EDIT: Added in migrate flag to syncdb, and changed aws doc reference to a more pertinent one

Deploying Django App stack that's been developed using South?

So, I've my application stack and I'm ready to deploy it to my webserver.
I'm deploying to a fresh, clean and blank database, so what command to I run? Do I run ./manage.py syncdb or do I use a South command to setup the database?
./manage.py syncdb
./manage.py migrate