Hosted documentation for my AWS API Gateway API - amazon-web-services

I have an API Gateway with about 30 resources. I want to automatically build and host developer documents based on the API Gateway resources.
How can I do this?


WAF Protection for api gateway using websockets

I have a use case where i am supposed to connect my client to apigateway using websockets. I have seen the API gateway can be configured with WAF rules in case of a REST api but i am not able to see the websockets API gateway under the list of resources that can be added to WAF protected resource in AWS console. Does it mean that websocket connections to API gateway cannot be protected using WAF ?
As of now, WAF cannot be used with a WebSocket API in Amazon API Gateway. However, by configuring authorizer and throttling, you can protect your API.

GCP API Gateway How to config 50 to 60 endpoints using API Gateway?

Have multiple API to be configured using API Gateway. But config file will be larger and more over it is not possible to configure each and every API in API Gateway. Is there any other ways are there for it ?. I am using cloud functions and clouds run endpoints.

AWS Api gateway: How to expose new services automatically?

I'm searching for a way to expose service routes to Api Gateway automatically. The flow should be the following:
New service in EKS is created
Two proxy resources added to api
gateway /public/{service-name} and /private/{service-name}
Integration with new service added to created resources (perhaps we
would have ALB per service, so it resource integration would be done
through ALB)
Api gateway redeployed
So far, I've come up with the solution using a lambda function which will listen to cloudtrail ALB creation event and make calls to API gateway to create new resources and publish them
but I feel that there should be something more AWS native that works out of the box.

Internal AWS TLS Certificates

We have a microservice architecture and trying to deploy on AWS while leveraging its API Gateway.
Our API Gateway is using a public TSL certificate for client requests, but we wonder how we should be encrypting the communication from the API Gateway to the Load Balancer and then to the services. The API Gateway can also issue "Client Certificates" but it's not clear how we should utilize that.
We are hoping not to have a private CA on AWS as it is quite costly and we don't have any burning use for it.
I think the traffic between API Gateway and internal AWS services is always going through HTTPS. This is based on the comments from BobK#AWS:
HTTPS is used for traffic between CloudFront and API Gateway.
Communication from API Gateway to other services, such as Lambda, is
also over HTTPS.
The only time API Gateway would not use SSL is if you configured an
HTTP integration and chose not to enable HTTPS on that integration.

Do you think we would need a CDN in front of an api gateway?

We are using AWS and using the Kong API gateway hosted in AWS.
Do you think we would need a CDN in front this API gateway?
We don't need much caching, as well as we can attach the WAF in AWS to the alb.
Yes, this is a common pattern for API Protection in AWS.
Here is a good article by AWS in setting up CloudFront and WAF with AWS API Gateway, though the same principals apply to any API Gateway: