Integrate Cognito with exisiting users table - amazon-web-services

I'm still a learner, please forgive me if I ask a simple question. I have an application which contains its own users table where I store the email and password. When the user logs in I store the user's information (without the password) in session and privilege IDs (so that I can manage who gets to see each page after the login).
I integrated a Cognito login. How should the integration with the existing users table work? After a successful Cognito login I get a token back. Can someone write me how do I integrate the Cognito token with existing users table? Any thoughts are appreciated.

Cognito returns a JWT token which can be decoded via libraries like
The output will be somewhat like
For your use case use "cognito:username" to identify the user and store an event against it


How to securely store OAuth2 access and refresh tokens in Django

I'm trying to implement the Azure AD OAuth authentication for our Django app and I would be doing that with Azure AD as an OAuth provider. So now I wanted to know how securely we can store the OAuth access/refresh tokens in the DB that we receive from Azure AD or any OAuth provider.
I want to store the user's access token in DB because we have a feature in our web app where users can send an email with their email ID and we have a periodic job that runs every half an hour and it's gonna fetch user's mails based on a specific subject line. This we're gonna do with the help of Microsoft's Graph API and in order to call Microsoft Graph API, the web app should store the user's access token may be in the DB. But my concern is once we receive the access and refresh token, it shouldn't be accessed by anyone once we store it in the DB. So how securely or in an encrypted way we can store the OAuth2 access tokens in Django.
I have gone through a few articles, QnA, and forums on this concern but wanted to hear from the Django community as well.
Thanks in advance.
Let's start from sending email by graph({userId}/sendMail). I've done some test, here's the detail.
When I used credential flow to generate an access token, I can't use it to send email with an error like 'ErrorAccessDenied', it means that we can't generate a token that can be used for many accounts.
When I used auth code flow to generate an access token, I can't use it to send email when I set a different user id with the id that used to generate token in the api url. In this scenario, I also get the same error as above.
When I used ropc flow and I can send email successfully with it, this means I will send email successfully only when I used the correct user id and token.
Error message when failed to send email:
"code": "ErrorAccessDenied",
"message": "Access is denied. Check credentials and try again."
And according to the test result, I think if you decide to store the tokens into the database, you can save it inline with the user id, so when your periodic job executed, your program can query for the correct token which could be decoded first to check if it is expired, and use it to send email.
If I misunderstand in some place, pls point my error out, thanks.

How to get the idToken for a user without the user's password? AWS-Cognito

I am using AWS Cognito for the user management. I want to achieve a feature called "login as". Basically, the admin can use this feature to login as a specific user. The APIs I designed require idTokens for the authentication. So if I am able to get the idToken of a user, then I am able to login as the user.
Therefore, the question is "is there a way or Cognito API to get the idToken of a specific user without user's password?".
No this isn't possible and there is a very good reason for it. It ensures that the admin cannot simply log in as user and make changes under his name. Only the user is allowed to use his account. If that wasn't the case you would not have data integrity or non-repudiation

Cognito User Pools - Is it possible to create a custom sign up/in form for Facebook login?

I would like to use a Cognito User Pool for Facebook logins only, which may be possible using the built in login form, but I need to use my own.
Theoretically, when it comes to a custom form, it shouldn't be hard: after I receive a user object from FB, I bind the user and email attributes to the ones in my User Pool and I save it.
But what to do about the password field and future authentication? And here I have failed during my journey...
userPool.signUp('FoobarUser', '**password?**', attributeList, null, function(err, result){
While digging deeper into the docs, I tried to implement a Identity Pool (Federated Identities), managed to save user info in the form of datasets as well, but then I realised, querying these sets gonna be a huge pain if possible at all.
Maybe I'm failing to understand the concepts, I would be really thankful if someone could suggest a way to manage facebook logins in a nicely organised fashion using Cognito.
So here is what I understand from your query.
Link Facebook to userpool
The app client allows only Facebook login, no other providers allowed (not even Userpool)
On login, you want Facebook user's info to be automatically populated in your Userpool
You don't want to use Cognito's builtin UI but use your own
My 2 Cents
In your app client, just select Facebook
In your UI, have a login button. On clicking it should redirect to your userpool's authorization endpoint
If you want to use your own UI with multiple providers, allow the same in Client and on clicking the appropriate button in your UI (say Facebook), redirect users to the authorize endpoint but append the identity_provider in the URL
If you want to see the names of all supported identity providers, use ListIdentityProviders API call
This way, all Facebook users will be automatically created in your userpool. Of course, their names will be random like Facebook_123jkjdwj but all their details will be correctly populated from the token as per your attribute mapping. As a plus, all auto-created users from a particular provider are added to an auto-created group 'Userpoolid_providername' eg. us_east_1_xxxx_Facebook.

Retrieve user profile in Cognito Federated Identities

I'm currently exploring the AWS stack and am therefore building a simple web app. I plan on using:
S3 to host the static contents
DynamoDB to store user data
Lambda + API Gateway for backend logic
Cognito Federated Identities to authenticate users
I currently have a small tracer bullet application working that allows the user to authenticate with Google (through Cognito) and retrieve some data through a Lambda from DynamoDB. Now I want to extend it.
The next thing I want to do (and am failing to achieve) is to actually store the user name and e-mail of the authenticated user. Storing it shouldn't be a big problem, but retrieving it is. I know I initially got the data from Google because when I inspect the ID token (on I got from Google, I can clearly see my e-mail and name. This is the token I sent to AWS Cognito in exchange for a Cognito token.
I was expecting to be able to access this data again in my Lambda function, but I fail to figure out how actually. I understand Cognito performs a one way hash on the retrieved ID token, but I would expect some options to actually retrieve relevant user data from the token. After all, by authentication through Google (or any other IdP) a user already consented to sharing some personal data.
I feel I fail to see something obvious. Is there any feature in AWS that solves this? Is there a moment (not on the client side) where I can inspect the ID token and do some magic with it? Or should I solve this in some different way?
If the latter is the case: what would be the preferred way? I don't want users to tell me their personal data, because then I would also need some way to validate it.

How to link developer authenticated user across devices in Cognito

I'm just trying to get a handle over this framework and I want to confirm that my approach is correct.
I can authenticate my own user using the method: getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity and supplying an IdentityPoolId and a Logins key-pair with my Developer provider name and a token which I provide.
Now, from what I understand, when the user logs into a second device, in order for Cognito to understand that this is the same user, I have to provide it with an IdentityId. However, I'm not sure of the best way to get the IdentityId programmatically so that it will match up with the initial login.
The only technique I can think of is to store the IdentityId in my own DB and provide my own method for retrieving it. Is this the best way? Or should I be working with this framework differently?
I'm still a beginner to AWS in general and I'm just trying to understand the best practices for this framework.
BTW, I'm implementing the Android SDK and the PHP SDK for my backend.
When you use getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity, it returns the identity id associated with the user identifier you provided. So if the user identifier you use is the users' username, when you call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity with that same username from the second device, it will return the associated identity id. There is no need to store the identity id unless you want to, it is provided to you each time you call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.
This blog post may be of further help:
When you use Cognito, your user first authenticates with an Identity Provider (such as facebook, google or other Oauth provider), and the token you get back from it is sent to Cognito and is the key to tying your users information together across logins on other devices.
You don't need to store this information in a database, unless you are writing you own custom identity provider and not using one of the public ones available.