GCP API - Determining what role an resource instance has been created with - google-cloud-platform

For the project I'm on, I am tasked with creating a testing app that uses Terraform to create a resource instance and then test that it was created properly. The purpose is testing the Terraform Script result by validating certain characteristics of the resource created. That's the broad outline.
For several of these scripts a resource is assigned a role. It could be a PubSub subscription, DataCatalog, etc.
Example Terraform code for a Spanner Database assigning roles/spanner.databaseAdmin:
resource "google_spanner_database_iam_member" "user_database_admin" {
for_each = toset(var.iam_user_database_admins)
project = var.project
instance = var.instance_id
database = google_spanner_database.spanner_database.name
role = "roles/spanner.databaseAdmin"
member = "user:${each.key}"
So my question is this: Is there a way using a .NET GCP API to make a call to determine that the role was assigned? I can test for permissions via a TestIamPermissions method off of the client object and that's what I'm currently doing. But that gives me a sometimes long list of possible permissions. Is there a way to say "does this spanner database have the roles/spanner.databaseAdmin assigned?"
Here's an example of code testing for permissions on a PubSub Subscription:
TestIamPermissionsRequest subscriptionRequest = new TestIamPermissionsRequest
ResourceAsResourceName = SubscriptionName.FromProjectSubscription(projectId, subscriptionId),
Permissions = {
TestIamPermissionsResponse subscriptionResponse = publisher.TestIamPermissions(subscriptionRequest);
Seems like there ought to be a cleaner way to do this, but being somewhat new to GCP, I haven't found a way yet. Suggestions will be welcome.

Thought I should close this question off with what I eventually discovered. The proper question isn't what role is assigned an instance of a resource, but what users have been allowed to use the resource and with what role.
The proper call is GetIamPolicy which is available in the APIs for all of the resources that I've been working with. The problem was that I wasn't seeing anything due to no user accounts being assigned to the resource. I updated the Terraform script to assign a user to the resource with the required roles. When calling GetIamPolicy, it returns an array in the Bindings that lists roles and users that are assigned. This was the information I needed. Going down the path of using TestIamPermissions was unneeded.
Here's an example my use of this:
bool roleFound = false;
bool userFound = false;
bool exception = false;
Policy policyResponse = Client.GetIamPolicy(Resource);
var bindings = policyResponse.Bindings;
foreach (var item in bindings)
if (AcceptedRoles.Contains(item.Role))
roleFound = true;
foreach (var user in item.Members)
string testUser = user;
if (user.Substring(0, 5) == "user:")
testUser = user.Substring(5);
else if (user.Substring(0, 6) == "group:")
testUser = user.Substring(6);
if (Settings.UserTestList.Contains(testUser))
userFound = true;
catch (Grpc.Core.RpcException)
exception = true;


Set cognito identity pool providers role resolution via Terraform

im trying to deploy cognito for opensearch via terraform. I have a manually built cognito working and ow trying to port it to terraform.
does anyone know how to set the below part?:
Choose role from token
role resolution 'DENY'
Terraform for the identity pool:
resource "aws_cognito_identity_pool" "cognito-identity-pool" {
identity_pool_name = "opensearch-${var.domain_name}-identity-pool"
allow_unauthenticated_identities = false
cognito_identity_providers {
client_id = aws_cognito_user_pool_client.cognito-user-pool-client.id
provider_name = aws_cognito_user_pool.cognito-user-pool.endpoint
ive tried adding server_side_token_check = false but no joy..
You need to use a different resource, namely aws_cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment [1]. In order to achieve the same thing you see in the AWS console, you need to add the following block:
resource "aws_cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment" "name" {
identity_pool_id = aws_cognito_identity_pool.cognito-identity-pool.id
roles = {
"authenticated" = <your-role-arn>
role_mapping {
ambiguous_role_resolution = "Deny"
type = "Token"
identity_provider = "${aws_cognito_user_pool.cognito-user-pool.endpoint}:${aws_cognito_user_pool_client.cognito-user-pool-client.id}"
Note that the roles block is required and the key can be authenticated or unathenticated. Additionally, you will probably have to figure out what kind of permissions the role will need and create it. The example in the documentation can be used as a blueprint. There are also other settings like mapping_rule block which might be of use to you, but since the details are lacking I omitted it from the answer.
[1] https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment

How to add api-key to google secret-manager

With Terraform GCP provider 4.30.0, I can now create an google maps api key and restrict it.
resource "google_apikeys_key" "maps-api-key" {
provider = google-beta
name = "maps-api-key"
display_name = "google-maps-api-key"
project = local.project_id
restrictions {
api_targets {
service = "static-maps-backend.googleapis.com"
api_targets {
service = "maps-backend.googleapis.com"
api_targets {
service = "places-backend.googleapis.com"
browser_key_restrictions {
allowed_referrers = [
"https://${local.project_id}.ey.r.appspot.com/*", # raw url to the app engine service
"*.example.com/*" # Custom DNS name to access to the app
The key is created and appears in the console as expected and I can see the API_KEY value.
When I deploy my app, I want it to read the API_KEY string.
My node.js app already reads secrets from secret manager, so I want to add it as a secret.
Another approach could be for the node client library to read the API credential directly, instead of using secret-manager, but I haven't found a way to do that.
I can't work out how to read the key string and store it in the secret.
The terraform resource describes the output
key_string - Output only. An encrypted and signed value held by this
key. This field can be accessed only through the GetKeyString method.
I don't know how to call this method in Terraform, to pass the value to a secret version.
This doesn't work.
v1 = { enabled = true, data = resource.google_apikeys_key.maps-api-key.GetKeyString }
Referencing attributes and arguments does not work the way you tried it. You did quote the correct attribute though, but just failed to specify it:
v1 = {
enabled = true,
data = resource.google_apikeys_key.maps-api-key.key_string
Make sure to understand how referencing attributes in Terraform works [1].
[1] https://www.terraform.io/language/expressions/references#references-to-resource-attributes

GCP terraform-google-project-factory multiple projects update the service account with new bindings?

I am using the terraform-google-project-factory module to create multiple GCP projects at once. The projects create just fine and I am using the included option to disable the default GCP compute service account and stand-up a new Service Account in each project.
The module has an "sa_role" input where I assign "roles/compute.admin" to the new S.A. However, I would also like to assign some additional IAM roles to that Service Account in the same deployment. The sa_role input seems to only take one string value:
module "project-factory" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google"
version = "12.0.0"
for_each = toset(local.project_names)
random_project_id = true
name = each.key
org_id = local.organization_id
billing_account = local.billing_account
folder_id = google_folder.DQS.id
default_service_account = "disable"
default_network_tier = "PREMIUM"
create_project_sa = true
auto_create_network = false
project_sa_name = local.service_account
sa_role = ["roles/compute.admin"]
activate_apis = ["compute.googleapis.com","storage.googleapis.com","oslogin.googleapis.com",]
The output for the Service Account email looks like this:
output "service_account_email" {
value = values(module.project-factory)[*].service_account_email
description = "The email of the default service account"
How can I add additional IAM roles to this Service Account in the same main.tf ? This Stack article comes close to what I wish to achieve:
Want to assign multiple Google cloud IAM roles against a service account via terraform
However, I do not know how to reference my Service Account email addresses from the outputs.tf to make them available to the members = part of the data google_iam_policy. My question is, how to get this to work with the data google_iam_policy, or is there another better way to do this?

Add new users as members to GCP Cloud Identity Group using Terraform

I have the gcp-organization-admins Cloud Identity User Group to which I want to add a new user user-01#example.com as a Member using Terraform.
Getting error - Error creating GroupMembership: googleapi: got HTTP response code 404.
The requested URL /v1beta1/gcp-organization-admins#example.com/memberships?alt=json was not found on this server.
Can anyone suggest how to resolve this please.
fyi...Just as a test, I was able to create new Cloud Identity user groups and added some test users into it without any problems using Terraform module https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-group
# terraform.tfvars
org_admin_user = ["user-01#example.com"]
org_admin_group = "gcp-organization-admins#example.com"
# add-member.tf (adds user to google group as a member)
resource "google_cloud_identity_group_membership" "user-01" {
for_each = toset(var.org_admin_user)
provider = google-beta
group = var.org_admin_group
preferred_member_key {
id = each.key
roles {
name = "MEMBER"
I ran into this same problem. Turns out that Terraform wants the GCP Group "name" and not the email address.
So the group attribute of the google_cloud_identity_group_membership resource block should look something like "groups/23097432uwhwiyo" and not "gcp-organization-admins#example.com"
You can look up the group "name" with the following gcloud command:
gcloud identity groups describe "gcp-organization-admins#example.com"
This might to be the same issue as documented here: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/issues/7616
A comment in that bug mentions the following:
I can work around the above issue by switching the order of the two roles in the resource, i.e.
roles { name = "MANAGER" }
roles { name = "MEMBER" }
roles { name = "MEMBER" }
roles { name = "MANAGER" }

AWS DataPipelineClient - listPipelines returns no records

I am trying to access my AWS DataPipelines using AWS Java SDK v1.7.5, but listPipelines is returning an empty list in the code below.
I have DataPipelines that are scheduled in the US East region, which I believe I should be able to list using the listPipelines method of the DataPipelineClient. I am already using the ProfilesConfigFile to authenticate and connect to S3, DynamoDB and Kinesis without a problem. I've granted the PowerUserAccess Access Policy to the IAM user specified in the config file. I've also tried applying the Administrator Access policy to the user, but it didn't change anything. Here's the code I'm using:
//Establish credentials for connecting to AWS.
File configFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".aws/config");
ProfilesConfigFile profilesConfigFile = new ProfilesConfigFile(configFile);
AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider = new ProfileCredentialsProvider(profilesConfigFile, "default");
//Set up the AWS DataPipeline connection.
DataPipelineClient dataPipelineClient = new DataPipelineClient(awsCredentialsProvider);
Region usEast1 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1);
//List all pipelines we have access to.
ListPipelinesResult listPipelinesResult = dataPipelineClient.listPipelines(); //empty list returned here.
for (PipelineIdName p: listPipelinesResult.getPipelineIdList()) {
Make sure to check if there are more results - I've noticed sometimes the API returns only few pipelines (could even be empty), but has a flag for more results. You can retrieve them like this:
void listPipelines(DataPipelineClient dataPipelineClient, String marker) {
ListPipelinesRequest request = new ListPipelinesRequest();
if (marker != null) {
ListPipelinesResult listPipelinesResult = client.listPipelines(request);
for (PipelineIdName p: listPipelinesResult.getPipelineIdList()) {
// Call recursively if there are more results:
if (pipelineList.getHasMoreResults()) {
listPipelines(dataPipelineClient, listPipelinesResult.getMarker());