function flatten in Clojure - clojure

When translate a function flatten from Scheme to Clojure, I have encountered
an error "Execution error (IllegalArgumentException)", Please feel free to comment.
Clojure (Encounter error)
(defn flatten [x]
(empty? x) '()
(not (coll? x)) (list x)
:else (conj (flatten (first x)) (flatten (rest x)))))
(flatten '((1) 2 ((3 4) 5) ((())) (((6))) 7 8 ()))
> (define (flatten x)
(cond ((null? x) '())
((not (pair? x)) (list x))
(else (append (flatten (car x))
(flatten (cdr x))))))
> (flatten '((1) 2 ((3 4) 5) ((())) (((6))) 7 8 ()))
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)

Here is an implementation that works for me
(defn flatten [x]
(not (coll? x)) (list x)
(empty? x) '()
:else (concat (flatten (first x)) (flatten (rest x)))))
(flatten '((1) 2 ((3 4) 5) ((())) (((6))) 7 8 ())))
;returns (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
The only difference is that I put first the (not (coll? x)) and then the empty? (because (empty? 3) will throw an error)
The other change is the concat instead of conj. I don't think it's recommended to use concat because it can throw a Stack Overflow Error (see : but it works in this case ...

One more version, based on Alan Thompson's solution:
(defn flat [data]
(reduce (fn [result e]
(if (not (sequential? e))
(conj result e)
(into result (flat e))))
[] data))
(clojure.test/are [result arg]
(= result (flat arg))
[1 2 3] [1 2 3]
[1 2 3] [1 [2 3]]
[1 2 3] [1 [2 [3]]]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [[0] [1 2 3] [4 5 [6 7]]])
=> true

Here is an alternate version that may be a bit more straightforward:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(defn flatten
(loop [result []
items data]
(if (empty? items)
(let [item (first items)
items-next (rest items)]
(if (not (sequential? item))
(conj result item)
(into result (flatten item))
(is= (flatten [1 2 3]) [1 2 3])
(is= (flatten [1 [2 3]]) [1 2 3])
(is= (flatten [1 [2 [3]]]) [1 2 3])
(is= (flatten [[0] [1 2 3] [4 5 [6 7]]]) [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7])
; Cannot flatten a scalar value - we don't want (flatten 3) => [3]
(throws? (flatten 3)))
Note that we avoid tricks like wrapping every scalar value in a list, so we don't get the non-intuitive result (flatten 3) => [3].
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Clojure - using map recursively

If I have a list, I can use map to apply a function to each item of the list.
(map sqrt (list 1 4 9))
(1 2 3)
I can also use map in front of a list of lists:
(map count (list (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5)))
(4 5)
Now is there a way to apply sqrt to each number in the list of lists? I want to start from
(list (list 1 4 9) (list 16 25))
and obtain
((1 2 3)(4 5))
However, the following does not seem to work,
(map (map sqrt) (list (list 1 4 9) (list 16 25)))
nor the following.
(map (fn [x] (map sqrt x)) (list (list 1 4 9) (list 16 25)))
Why? (And how do I solve this?)
Your second to last version "nearly" works. Clojure has no automatic
currying, so (map sqrt) is not partial application, but (map sqrt)
returns a transducer, which takes one argument and returns a function
with three different arities - so running your code there will give you
back a function for each list of numbers.
To make that work, you can use partial:
user=> (map (partial map sqrt) (list (list 1 4 9) (list 16 25)))
((1 2 3) (4 5))
And of course there is the obligatory specter answer:
user=> (transform [ALL ALL] sqrt '((1 4 9)(16 25)))
((1 2 3) (4 5))
You can write recursive function for this task:
(defn deep-map [f seq1]
(cond (empty? seq1) nil
(sequential? (first seq1))
(cons (deep-map f (first seq1))
(deep-map f (rest seq1)))
:else (cons (f (first seq1))
(deep-map f (rest seq1)))))
(deep-map #(Math/sqrt %) '((1 4 9) (16 25 36)))
=> ((1.0 2.0 3.0) (4.0 5.0 6.0))
Or you can use clojure.walk and function postwalk:
#(if (number? %) (Math/sqrt %) %)
'((1 4 9) (16 25 36)))
=> ((1.0 2.0 3.0) (4.0 5.0 6.0))
The function map is closely related to the function for, which I think is sometimes easier to use. Here is how I would solve this problem:
(let [matrix [[1 4 9]
[16 25]]
result (vec (for [row matrix]
(vec (for [num row]
(Math/sqrt num)))))]
with result:
result =>
[[1.0 2.0 3.0]
[4.0 5.0]]
If you remove the two (vec ...) bits, you'll see the same result but for normally returns a lazy sequence.
#MartinPuda's answer is right.
The tail call recursive version is here:
(defn map* [f sq & {:keys [acc] :or {acc '()}}]
(cond (empty? sq) (vec (reverse acc))
(sequential? (first sq)) (map* f
(rest sq)
:acc (cons (map* f (first sq)) acc))
:else (map* f (rest sq) :acc (cons (f (first sq)) acc))))
By tradition in lisp, such recursively into the nested structure going functions are fnname* (marked by an asterisk at the end).
acc accumulates the result nested tree which is constructed by cons.
In your case this would be:
(map* Math/sqrt (list (list 1 4 9) (list 16 25)))
Test with:
(map* (partial + 1) '[1 2 [3 4 [5] 6] 7 [8 [9]]])
;; => [2 3 [4 5 [6] 7] 8 [9 [10]]]

Clojure - Function that returns all the indices of a vector of vectors

If I have a vector [[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] [[10 11] [12 13]] [[14] [15]]]
How can I return the positions of each element in the vector?
For example 1 has index [0 0 0], 2 has index [0 0 1], etc
I want something like
(some-fn [[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] [[10 11] [12 13]] [[14] [15]]] 1)
=> [0 0 0]
I know that if I have a vector [1 2 3 4], I can do (.indexOf [1 2 3 4] 1) => 0 but how can I extend this to vectors within vectors.
and one more solution with zippers:
(require '[ :as z])
(defn find-in-vec [x data]
(loop [curr (z/vector-zip data)]
(cond (z/end? curr) nil
(= x (z/node curr)) (let [path (rseq (conj (z/path curr) x))]
(reverse (map #(.indexOf %2 %1) path (rest path))))
:else (recur (z/next curr)))))
user> (find-in-vec 11 data)
(1 0 1)
user> (find-in-vec 12 data)
(1 1 0)
user> (find-in-vec 18 data)
user> (find-in-vec 8 data)
(0 2 1)
the idea is to make a depth-first search for an item, and then reconstruct a path to it, indexing it.
Maybe something like this.
Unlike Asthor's answer it works for any nesting depth (until it runs out of stack). Their answer will give the indices of all items that match, while mine will return the first one. Which one you want depends on the specific use-case.
(defn indexed [coll]
(map-indexed vector coll))
(defn nested-index-of [coll target]
(letfn [(step [indices coll]
(reduce (fn [_ [i x]]
(if (sequential? x)
(when-let [result (step (conj indices i) x)]
(reduced result))
(when (= x target)
(reduced (conj indices i)))))
nil, (indexed coll)))]
(step [] coll)))
(def x [[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] [[10 11] [12 13]] [[14] [15]]])
(nested-index-of x 2) ;=> [0 0 1]
(nested-index-of x 15) ;=> [2 1 0]
Edit: Target never changes, so the inner step fn doesn't need it as an argument.
Edit 2: Cause I'm procrastinating here, and recursion is a nice puzzle, maybe you wanted the indices of all matches.
You can tweak my first function slightly to carry around an accumulator.
(defn nested-indices-of [coll target]
(letfn [(step [indices acc coll]
(reduce (fn [acc [i x]]
(if (sequential? x)
(step (conj indices i) acc x)
(if (= x target)
(conj acc (conj indices i))
acc, (indexed coll)))]
(step [] [] coll)))
(def y [[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] [[10 11] [12 13]] [[14] [15 [16 17 4]]]])
(nested-indices-of y 4) ;=> [[0 1 0] [2 1 1 2]]
Vectors within vectors are no different to ints within vectors:
(.indexOf [[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] [[10 11] [12 13]] [[14] [15]]] [[14] [15]])
;;=> 2
The above might be a bit difficult to read, but [[14] [15]] is the third element.
Something like
(defn indexer [vec number]
(for [[x set1] (map-indexed vector vec)
[y set2] (map-indexed vector set1)
[z val] (map-indexed vector set2)
:when (= number val)]
[x y z]))
Written directly into here so not tested. Giving more context on what this would be used for might make it easier to give a good answer as this feels like something you shouldn't end up doing in Clojure.
You can also try and flatten the vectors in some way
An other solution to find the path of every occurrences of a given number.
Usually with functional programming you can go for broader, general, elegant, bite size solution. You will always be able to optimize using language constructs or techniques as you need (tail recursion, use of accumulator, use of lazy-seq, etc)
(defn indexes-of-value [v coll]
(into []
(comp (map-indexed #(if (== v %2) %1))
(remove nil?))
(defn coord' [v path coll]
;; node is a leaf: empty or coll of numbers
(or (empty? coll)
(number? (first coll)))
(when-let [indexes (seq (indexes-of-value v coll))]
(map #(conj path %) indexes))
;; node is branch: a coll of colls
(coll? (first coll))
(seq (sequence (comp (map-indexed vector)
(mapcat #(coord' v (conj path (first %)) (second %))))
(defn coords [v coll] (coord' v [] coll))
Execution examples:
(def coll [[2 1] [] [7 8 9] [[] [1 2 2 3 2]]])
(coords 2 coll)
=> ([0 0] [3 1 1] [3 1 2] [3 1 4])
As a bonus you can write a function to test if paths are all valid:
(defn valid-coords? [v coll coords]
(->> coords
(map #(get-in coll %))
(remove #(== v %))
and try the solution with input generated with clojure.spec:
(s/def ::leaf-vec (s/coll-of nat-int? :kind vector?))
(s/def ::branch-vec (s/or :branch (s/coll-of ::branch-vec :kind vector?
:min-count 1)
:leaf ::leaf-vec))
(let [v 1
coll (first (gen/sample (s/gen ::branch-vec) 1))
res (coords v coll)]
(println "generated coll: " coll)
(if-not (valid-coords? v coll res)
(println "Error:" res)
Here is a function that can recursively search for a target value, keeping track of the indexes as it goes:
(ns tst.clj.core
(:use clj.core tupelo.test)
(:require [tupelo.core :as t] ))
(defn index-impl
[idxs data tgt]
(apply glue
(for [[idx val] (zip (range (count data)) data)]
(let [idxs-curr (append idxs idx)]
(if (sequential? val)
(index-impl idxs-curr val tgt)
(if (= val tgt)
[{:idxs idxs-curr :val val}]
(defn index [data tgt]
(keep-if not-nil? (index-impl [] data tgt)))
(let [data-1 [1 2 3]
data-2 [[1 2 3]
[10 11]
data-3 [[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]
[[10 11]
[12 13]]
(spyx (index data-1 2))
(spyx (index data-2 10))
(spyx (index data-3 13))
(spyx (index data-3 21))
(spyx (index data-3 99))
with results:
(index data-1 2) => [{:idxs [1], :val 2}]
(index data-2 10) => [{:idxs [1 0], :val 10}]
(index data-3 13) => [{:idxs [1 1 1], :val 13}]
(index data-3 21) => [{:idxs [2 1 0], :val 21}]
(index data-3 99) => []
If we add repeated values we get the following:
data-4 [[[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]
[[10 11]
[12 2]]
(index data-4 2) => [{:idxs [0 0 1], :val 2}
{:idxs [1 1 1], :val 2}
{:idxs [4 0 0], :val 2}]

Partition a seq by a "windowing" predicate in Clojure

I would like to "chunk" a seq into subseqs the same as partition-by, except that the function is not applied to each individual element, but to a range of elements.
So, for example:
(gather (fn [a b] (> (- b a) 2))
[1 4 5 8 9 10 15 20 21])
would result in:
[[1] [4 5] [8 9 10] [15] [20 21]]
(defn f [a b] (> (- b a) 2))
(gather f [1 2 3 4]) ;; => [[1 2 3] [4]]
(gather f [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]) ;; => [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]
The idea is that I apply the start of the list and the next element to the function, and if the function returns true we partition the current head of the list up to that point into a new partition.
I've written this:
(defn gather
[pred? lst]
(loop [acc [] cur [] l lst]
(let [a (first cur)
b (first l)
nxt (conj cur b)
rst (rest l)]
(empty? l) (conj acc cur)
(empty? cur) (recur acc nxt rst)
((complement pred?) a b) (recur acc nxt rst)
:else (recur (conj acc cur) [b] rst)))))
and it works, but I know there's a simpler way. My question is:
Is there a built in function to do this where this function would be unnecessary? If not, is there a more idiomatic (or simpler) solution that I have overlooked? Something combining reduce and take-while?
Original interpretation of question
We (all) seemed to have misinterpreted your question as wanting to start a new partition whenever the predicate held for consecutive elements.
Yet another, lazy, built on partition-by
(defn partition-between [pred? coll]
(let [switch (reductions not= true (map pred? coll (rest coll)))]
(map (partial map first) (partition-by second (map list coll switch)))))
(partition-between (fn [a b] (> (- b a) 2)) [1 4 5 8 9 10 15 20 21])
;=> ((1) (4 5) (8 9 10) (15) (20 21))
Actual Question
The actual question asks us to start a new partition whenever pred? holds for the beginning of the current partition and the current element. For this we can just rip off partition-by with a few tweaks to its source.
(defn gather [pred? coll]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(let [fst (first s)
run (cons fst (take-while #((complement pred?) fst %) (next s)))]
(cons run (gather pred? (seq (drop (count run) s))))))))
(gather (fn [a b] (> (- b a) 2)) [1 4 5 8 9 10 15 20 21])
;=> ((1) (4 5) (8 9 10) (15) (20 21))
(gather (fn [a b] (> (- b a) 2)) [1 2 3 4])
;=> ((1 2 3) (4))
(gather (fn [a b] (> (- b a) 2)) [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
;=> ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))
Since you need to have the information from previous or next elements than the one you are currently deciding on, a partition of pairs with a reduce could do the trick in this case.
This is what I came up with after some iterations:
(defn gather [pred s]
(->> (partition 2 1 (repeat nil) s) ; partition the sequence and if necessary
; fill the last partition with nils
(reduce (fn [acc [x :as s]]
(let [n (dec (count acc))
acc (update-in acc [n] conj x)]
(if (apply pred s)
(conj acc [])
(gather (fn [a b] (when (and a b) (> (- b a) 2)))
[1 4 5 8 9 10 15 20 21])
;= [[1] [4 5] [8 9 10] [15] [20 21]]
The basic idea is to make partitions of the number of elements the predicate function takes, filling the last partition with nils if necessary. The function then reduces each partition by determining if the predicate is met, if so then the first element in the partition is added to the current group and a new group is created. Since the last partition could have been filled with nulls, the predicate has to be modified.
Tow possible improvements to this function would be to let the user:
Define the value to fill the last partition, so the reducing function could check if any of the elements in the partition is this value.
Specify the arity of the predicate, thus allowing to determine the grouping taking into account the current and the next n elements.
I wrote this some time ago in useful:
(defn partition-between [split? coll]
(when-let [[x & more] (seq coll)]
(lazy-loop [items [x], coll more]
(if-let [[x & more] (seq coll)]
(if (split? [(peek items) x])
(cons items (lazy-recur [x] more))
(lazy-recur (conj items x) more))
It uses lazy-loop, which is just a way to write lazy-seq expressions that look like loop/recur, but I hope it's fairly clear.
I linked to a historical version of the function, because later I realized there's a more general function that you can use to implement partition-between, or partition-by, or indeed lots of other sequential functions. These days the implementation is much shorter, but it's less obvious what's going on if you're not familiar with the more general function I called glue:
(defn partition-between [split? coll]
(glue conj []
(fn [v x]
(not (split? [(peek v) x])))
(constantly false)
Note that both of these solutions are lazy, which at the time I'm writing this is not true of any of the other solutions in this thread.
Here is one way, with steps split up. It can be narrowed down to fewer statements.
(def l [1 4 5 8 9 10 15 20 21])
(defn reduce_fn [f x y]
(f (last (last x)) y) (conj x [y])
:else (conj (vec (butlast x)) (conj (last x) y)) )
(def reduce_fn1 (partial reduce_fn #(> (- %2 %1) 2)))
(reduce reduce_fn1 [[(first l)]] (rest l))
keep-indexed is a wonderful function. Given a function f and a vector lst,
(keep-indexed (fn [idx it] (if (apply f it) idx))
(partition 2 1 lst)))
(0 2 5 6)
this returns the indices after which you want to split. Let's increment them and tack a 0 at the front:
(cons 0 (map inc (.....)))
(0 1 3 6 7)
Partition these to get ranges:
(partition 2 1 nil (....))
((0 1) (1 3) (3 6) (6 7) (7))
Now use these to generate subvecs:
(map (partial apply subvec lst) ....)
([1] [4 5] [8 9 10] [15] [20 21])
Putting it all together:
(defn gather
[f lst]
(let [indices (cons 0 (map inc
(keep-indexed (fn [idx it]
(if (apply f it) idx))
(partition 2 1 lst))))]
(map (partial apply subvec (vec lst))
(partition 2 1 nil indices))))
(gather #(> (- %2 %) 2) '(1 4 5 8 9 10 15 20 21))
([1] [4 5] [8 9 10] [15] [20 21])

Determining the cause of StackOverflow in code using lazy-seq

I have the following snippet:
(defn explode [e]
(seq [e e e e]))
(defn f [coll]
(when-first [e coll]
(cons e
(lazy-seq (f (lazy-cat (next coll)
(explode e)))))))
When I try to access an element, I get a StackOverflow error:
user=> (nth (f (seq [1 2 3])) 1000)
user=> (nth (f (seq [1 2 3])) 10000)
StackOverflowError clojure.core/concat/fn--3923 (core.clj:678)
How can I structure this code in a way that doesn't blow the stack?
You'll have to keep track of the remaining work explicitly, perhaps like so:
(defn f [coll]
(letfn [(go [xs q]
(seq xs)
(cons (first xs)
(go (next xs) (conj q (explode (first xs)))))
(seq q)
(go (peek q) (pop q)))))]
(go coll clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY)))
From the REPL:
(nth (f [1 2 3]) 1000)
;= 3
(nth (f [1 2 3]) 10000)
;= 2
;; f-orig is f as found in the question text
(= (take 1000 (f-orig [1 2 3])) (take 1000 (f [1 2 3])))
;= true

Changing map behaviour in Clojure

I need to modify map function behavior to provide mapping not with minimum collection size but with maximum and use zero for missing elements.
Standard behavior:
(map + [1 2 3] [4 5 6 7 8]) => [5 7 9]
Needed behavior:
(map + [1 2 3] [4 5 6 7 8]) => [5 7 9 7 8]
I wrote function to do this, but it seems not very extensible with varargs.
(defn map-ext [f coll1 coll2]
(let [mx (max (count coll1) (count coll2))]
(map f
(concat coll1 (repeat (- mx (count coll1)) 0))
(concat coll2 (repeat (- mx (count coll2)) 0)))))
Is there a better way to do this?
Your method is concise, but inefficient (it calls count). A more efficient solution, which does not require the entirety of its input sequences to be stored in memory follows:
(defn map-pad [f pad & colls]
(let [seqs (map seq colls)]
(when (some identity seqs)
(cons (apply f (map #(or (first %) pad) seqs))
(apply map-pad f pad (map rest seqs)))))))
Used like this:
user=> (map-pad + 0 [] [1] [1 1] (range 1 10))
(3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Edit: Generalized map-pad to arbitrary arity.
Another lazy variant, usable with an arbitrary number of input sequences:
(defn map-ext [f ext & seqs]
(if (some seq seqs)
(cons (apply f (map #(if (seq %) (first %) ext) seqs))
(apply map-ext f ext (map rest seqs)))
user> (map-ext + 0 [1 2 3] [4 5 6 7 8])
(5 7 9 7 8)
user> (map-ext + 0 [1 2 3] [4 5 6 7 8] [3 4])
(8 11 9 7 8)
If you just want it to work for any number of collections, try:
(defn map-ext [f & colls]
(let [mx (apply max (map count colls))]
(apply map f (map #(concat % (repeat (- mx (count %)) 0)) colls))))
Clojure> (map-ext + [1 2] [1 2 3] [1 2 3 4])
(3 6 6 4)
I suspect there may be better solutions though (as Trevor Caira suggests, this solution isn't lazy due to the calls to count).
How about that:
(defn map-ext [f x & xs]
(let [colls (cons x xs)
res (apply map f colls)
next (filter not-empty (map #(drop (count res) %) colls))]
(if (empty? next) res
(lazy-seq (concat res (apply map-ext f next))))))
user> (map-ext + [1 2 3] [4] [5 6] [7 8 9 10])
(17 16 12 10)
Along the lines of #LeNsTR's solution, but simpler and faster:
(defn map-ext [f & colls]
(let [colls (filter seq colls)
firsts (map first colls)
rests (map rest colls)]
(when (seq colls)
(cons (apply f firsts) (apply map-ext f rests))))))
(map-ext + [1 2 3] [4] [5 6] [7 8 9 10])
;(17 16 12 10)
I've just noticed Michał Marczyk's accepted solution, which is superior: it deals properly with asymmetric mapping functions such as -.
We can make Michał Marczyk's answer neater by using the convention - which many core functions follow - that you get a default or identity value by calling the function with no arguments. For examples:
(+) ;=> 0
(concat) ;=> ()
The code becomes
(defn map-ext [f & seqs]
(when (some seq seqs)
(cons (apply f (map #(if (seq %) (first %) (f)) seqs))
(apply map-ext f (map rest seqs)))
(map-ext + [1 2 3] [4 5 6 7 8] [3 4])
;(8 11 9 7 8)
I've made the minimum changes. It could be speeded up a bit.
We may need a function that will inject such a default value into a function that lacks it:
(defn with-default [f default]
([] default)
([& args] (apply f args))))
((with-default + 6)) ;=> 6
((with-default + 6) 7 8) ;=> 15
This could be speeded up or even turned into a macro.