Why this C++ template method is not compiled? [duplicate] - c++

I’m trying to use static_assert to force something to fail. If you try to instantiate a specific templated function in a specific way I want to generate a complier error. I could make it work, but it was really ugly. Is there an easier way to do this?
This was my first attempt. This did not work at all. It always generates an error, even if no one tries to use this function.
template< class T >
void marshal(std::string name, T *value)
static_assert(false, "You cannot marshal a pointer.");
Here’s my second attempt. It actually works. If you don’t call this, you get no error. If you do call this, you get a very readable error message that points to this line and points to the code that tried to instantiate it.
template< class T >
void marshal(std::string name, T *value)
static_assert(std::is_pod<T>::value && !std::is_pod<T>::value, "You cannot marshal a pointer.");
The problem is that this code is ugly at best. It looks like a hack. I’m afraid the next time I change the optimization level, upgrade my compiler, sneeze, etc, the compiler will realize that this second case is the same as the first, and they will both stop working.
Is there a better way to do what I’m trying to do?
Here’s some context. I want to have several different versions of marshal() which work for different input types. I want one version that uses a template as the default case. I want another one that specifically disallows any pointers except char *.
void marshal(std::string name, std::string)
std::cout<<name<<" is a std::string type."<<std::endl;
void marshal(std::string name, char *string)
marshal(name, std::string(string));
void marshal(std::string name, char const *string)
marshal(name, std::string(string));
template< class T >
void marshal(std::string name, T value)
typedef typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>::type OnlyAllowPOD;
std::cout<<name<<" is a POD type."<<std::endl;
template< class T >
void marshal(std::string name, T *value)
static_assert(false, "You cannot marshal a pointer.");
int main (int argc, char **argv)
marshal(“should be pod”, argc);
marshal(“should fail to compile”, argv);
marshal(“should fail to compile”, &argc);
marshal(“should be std::string”, argv[0]);

There is no way to do this. You might be able to make it work on your compiler, but the resulting program is ill formed no diagnostic required.
Use =delete.
template< class T >
void marshal(std::string name, T *value) = delete;

What you are trying to do is doomed to be ill-formed (even your workaround can fail) according to [temp.res]/8 (emphasis mine):
Knowing which names are type names allows the syntax of every template
to be checked. The program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required, if:
- no valid specialization can be generated for a template or a substatement of a constexpr if statement within a template and the
template is not instantiated, or (...)

Relying on a contradiction is not the best indeed, but there's a simpler way:
template <class...>
struct False : std::bool_constant<false> { };
template <class T>
void bang() {
static_assert(False<T>{}, "bang!");
Why does this not fall under the "no valid specialization" case?
Well, because you can actually make a valid specialization, with that second half of the code:
template <>
struct False<int> : std::bool_constant<true> { };
int main() {
bang<int>(); // No "bang"!
Of course, no one is actually going to specialize False to break your assertions in real code, but it is possible :)

I don't understand why you have template< class T > void marshal(std::string name, T *value) in the first place. This should just be a static_assert in the primary template.
That is, you should change the definition of your primary template to
template< class T >
void marshal(std::string name, T value)
std::cout<<name<<" is a POD type."<<std::endl;


Does this method already have a name?

I have found that sometimes functions have very many parameters. A great many of these parameters will be optional and sometimes a group of these options often come from a single other object (so you end up doing foo(Object.GetN(), Object.GetM(), Object.GetK())). A common way to deal with it is to create different overloads for different situations that it might be called:
foo(int n, int m, int k /*, and on and on*/);
foo(bool b, int m/*, ...*/);
foo(int m, int k/*, ...*/);
foo(Object_t object/*, ...*/);
The problem here is that which parameter is which isn't particularly intuitive and you can get quite the surprise when you call a different overload than what you intended.
Recently I had an idea to make it easier to get the function call right and make life easier for myself when dealing with these functions that have many different ways of being called. This solution doesn't cover every possible necessity out there, but it works quite well for me.
Instead of creating different overloads for everything, I would create 1 function that simply takes a variadic number of parameters and then extract possible parameters for use inside the function. As for the parameters, I would wrap them in helper classes that would be created for these functions. This would allow for the user declaring what each integer or boolean or string or what-have-you means instead of relying on positional information within the function's signature.
Instead of foo(n, m) (which going by the names of the variables above suggests a likely bug) you would call foo(OptN(n), OptM(m)) making it completely clear what each parameter is going to be used for and much harder to have a parameter be misinterpreted.
I will include a MCVE at the end if anyone's interested in 1 possible implementation of this.
I have never seen or heard of this technique before, but I also have a hard time believing that I'm the first one to think of it. So, finally, my question is simply does this technique have a name already?
If it doesn't have a name already, I have been calling these functions 'declarative functions' since you declare what each parameter represents explicitly instead of 'positional functions' relying on where the parameter appears to give it its meaning.
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
struct Option1
Option1(bool b):b(b){}
bool b;
bool operator()() const {return b;}
struct Option2
Option2(int n):n(n){}
int n;
int operator()() const {return n;}
struct Group : Option1, Option2
Group(bool b, int n):Option1(b), Option2(n){}
* Get the option from what the user gave us.
template <class OptionType, class OptionsGetter, class RType>
auto GetOptionImpl(const OptionsGetter & options_getter,
const RType&, std::true_type) ->
decltype(((const OptionType&)options_getter)())
return ((const OptionType&)options_getter)();
* Get the default value specified since the user didn't pass
* in that option
template <class OptionType, class OptionsGetter, class RType>
RType GetOptionImpl(const OptionsGetter&, const RType & d, std::false_type)
return d;
* Returns the value of the option OptionType if the user
* passed that in (inside OptionsGetter) and returns the
* default value if they didn't pass it in.
template <class OptionType, class OptionsGetter, class RType>
auto GetOption(const OptionsGetter & oOptionsGetter,
const RType & oDefault) ->
return GetOptionImpl<OptionType>(oOptionsGetter, oDefault,
std::is_base_of<OptionType, OptionsGetter>());
template <class ... Params>
void foo(Params ... params)
struct ParamsGetter : Params...
ParamsGetter(Params ... p): Params(p)...{}
} params_getter(params...);
if(GetOption<Option1>(params_getter, false))
std::cout << "Option 1 was true ";
std::cout << "Option 1 was false ";
std::cout << "Option 2: " << GetOption<Option2>(params_getter, 3) << '\n';
int main()
foo(Option1{true}, Option2{22});
foo(Group(true, 2));
Option 1 was true Option 2: 22
Option 1 was false Option 2: 3
Option 1 was false Option 2: 1
Option 1 was true Option 2: 2
As mentioned in a comment, this concept is called named parameter. See the explanation on wikipedia, as well as for instance this proposal to introduce it in C++.
I think this is commonly called an opaque typedef or a strong typedef. The idea is to solve the exact problem you're describing - you have types that have integral values but you want to make it possible to explicitly set them.
For more motivation on this concept, you can see this proposal for inclusion in the language and Boost's implementation of it.

Can I use template parameter as argument to non-template method?

I am looking to move some of the code of within a template method to a non-template method in order to decrease the binary size.
There is a template class called 'Target', as illustrated below
template<TargetType K, typename V = plat_target_handle_t>
class Target
TargetType is an enum data type.
template< TargetType T>
std::vector<Target<T> >
Target<TARGET_TYPE_X>::getChildren(const TargetState i_state) const
std::vector<Target<T> > l_children;
for ( int i=0; i < elements_in_some_list ; ++i)
/*If the current entry in some_list match my critera, add to the l_children */
TargetType is an enum data type and TARGET_TYPE_X is one of the enum values.
I want to move all the logic to select the children to a global method, lets say getChildrenHelper.
getChildrenHelper is declared as below.
void getGhildrenHelper(const TargetType i_targetType,
const TargetState i_targetstate,
std::vector<Target<TARGET_TYPE_ALL>> & io_children);
And then the getChildren method would eventually look like
template< TargetType T>
std::vector<Target<T> >
Target<TARGET_TYPE_X>::getChildren(const TargetState i_state) const
std::vector<Target<T> > l_children;
return l_children;
My guess is this cannot be done, though the native compiler that I am working with did not through an error.
However there is another existing code where the similar concept is working perfectly fine
template< TargetType K >
inline ReturnCode putParam(const Target<K>& i_target,
const RingID i_ringID,
const RingMode i_ringMode)
ReturnCode l_rc = FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
// Find the string in the SEEPROM
l_rc = findInImageAndApply(i_target, i_ringID, i_ringMode);
return l_rc;
fapi2::ReturnCode findImageAndApply(
const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_ALL>& i_target,
const RingID i_ringID,
const fapi2::RingMode i_ringMode)
It is quite common for template functions to invoke ordinary, non-template functions in order to execute a large chunk of code that does not need or use any template parameters. This is a common technique for avoiding template-generated code bloat.
In your case, TargetType appears is a template parameter, and there is no such class. As such:
void getGhildrenHelper(const TargetType i_targetType,
const TargetState i_targetstate,
std::vector<Target<TARGET_TYPE_ALL>> & io_children);
that by itself should not compile, since TargetType appears to be a template parameter, and not a class name, based on the code in your template specialization.
But, your code might be ambiguous, here. In any case, if neither TargetType and TargetState, nor Target<TARGET_TYPE_ALL> are template parameters, this would make this an ordinary function, and it can certainly be invoked from a template function, with matching parameters.
A template function can do anything that an ordinary function does, including calling other functions, or using other templates. The requirements are the same as for any other function: matching function parameter types, etc...

Static duck typing in C++

C++ has some sort of duck typing for types given by template parameters. We have no idea what type DUCK1 and DUCK2 will be, but as long as they can quack(), it will compile and run:
template <class DUCK1, class DUCK2>
void let_them_quack(DUCK1* donald, DUCK2* daisy){
But it's a bit inconvenient to write. When I do absolutely not care what actual types DUCK1 and DUCK2 are but rather want to fully use the idea of duck typing, then I would like to have something sligthly different than above:
I'd like to omit writing a template parameter list that is repetitive and mostly meaningless (Just imagine what would happen if there are 7 ducks...)
I'd like to make it a bit more explicit that the types are never used and that it's only the interface that matters.
I'd like to have sort of an interface annotation/check. Make somehow clear what interface is expected behind the type. (That's, however, a bit in contrast of duck typing.)
Does C++ offer any features to achieve one or more of the 3 ideas?
(I know that virtual inheritance is the method of choice in most cases to implement such patterns, but the question here is specifically about the case of static polymorphism.)
Concerning questions 1 and 2: since C++14 you can omit explicit template <typename ... boilerplate and use auto, but only in lambdas:
auto let_them_quack = [] (auto & donald, auto & daisy){
(yes, I prefer references to pointers). GCC allows to do so in usual functions as an extension.
For the question 3, what you are talking about are called concepts. They existed in C++ for a long time, but only as a documentational term. Now the Concepts TS is in progress, allowing you to write something like
template<typename T>
concept bool Quackable = requires(T a) {
void let_them_quack (Quackable & donald, Quackable & daisy);
Note that it is not yet C++, only a technical specification in progress. GCC 6.1 already seems to support it, though. Implementations of concepts and constraints using current C++ are possible; you can find one in boost.
I'd like to omit writing a template parameter list that is repetitive
and mostly meaningless (Just imagine what would happen if there are 7
For that you could use variadic templates and do something like the following:
template<typename DUCK>
void let_them_quack(DUCK &&d) {
template<typename DUCK, typename... Args>
void let_them_quack(DUCK &&d, Args&& ...args) {
Live Demo
#2 and #3 are sort of taken care of by the fact that the code will not compile, and throw a compilation error, if the given classes don't implement the interface. You could also make this formal:
class duck {
virtual void quack()=0;
Then declare the parameters to the function as taking a pointer to a duck. Your classes will have to inherit from this class, making the requirements for let_them_quack() crystal clear.
As far as #1 goes, variadic templates can take care of this.
void let_them_quack()
template <typename ...Args>
void let_them_quack(duck* first_duck, Args && ...args) {
You will be able to make it look preetier with concept (not yet in standard - but very close):
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>concept bool ItQuacks(){
return requires (T a) {
{ a.quack() } -> void;
void let_them_quack2(ItQuacks* donald, ItQuacks* daisy){
struct DisneyDuck {
void quack(){ std::cout << "Quack!";}
struct RegularDuck {
void quack(){ std::cout << "Quack2!";}
struct Wolf {
void woof(){ std::cout << "Woof!";}
int main() {
DisneyDuck q1, q2;
let_them_quack2(&q1, &q2);
RegularDuck q3, q4;
let_them_quack2(&q3, &q4);
//Wolf w1, w2;
//let_them_quack2(&w1, &w2); // ERROR: constraints not satisfied
As you can see, you will be able to: omit writing a template parameter list, ItQuacks is quite explicit so types are never used and that it's only the interface that matters takes place. This I'd like to have sort of an interface annotation/check. also takes place, concept use will also give you meaningfull error message.
We only need to write one version of the function:
#include <utility>
template<typename... Quackers>
void let_them_quack(Quackers&& ...quackers) {
using expand = int[];
void(expand { 0, (std::forward<Quackers>(quackers).quack(), 0)... });
struct Duck {
void quack() {}
int main()
Duck a, b, c;
let_them_quack(a, b, c, Duck());

C++ how to know what type of member does a class has in C++

I know that there is no reflection in C++ like in Java, C# and AS3. But I really need to know what type of member a class has. (I suppose a user creates a class in a way I can provide him, and then I should be able to list all member types.) How can I do that?
Of course, I can add a pre-processing phase on the natural pre-processingto accomplish this, but I want another solution. More elegant and not hacky.
User creates a class like this: (the way of creation a class can we in a different way, for example I can require inheritance from some class or using a macro...)
class A
int a;
double b;
And now I can get a list of all members of class A {"int", "double"} as strings list. like this, for example:
GetTypes::listOfMemberTypes(A) or GetTypes<A>::listOfMemberTypes
returns list that contains "int", "double"
You read the source code for the class in question.
There isn't a good way to do this in C++, as you said. However, if you are willing to go for solutions which are not cross-platform, it may be possible to use debugging symbols to do this. For example, if the application is compiled by GCC with "-g" (or you are able to get a copy of the binary compiled with this option), you might be able to inspect the debugging symbols that have been compiled into the binary. For doing this, I would suggest taking a look at the source code of GDB.
You may require that A is a std::tuple, so you have the list of type at compile type.
You may then create a function to build the list of names (with typeid(T).name()).
Something like:
namespace detail {
template <typename T> struct tuple_name;
template <typename ... Ts>
struct tuple_name<std::tuple<Ts...>>
static constexpr std::array<std::string, sizeof...(Ts)> get_names()
return { typeid(Ts).name()... };
} // namespace detail
template <typename T>
static constexpr auto get_names()
-> decltype(detail::tuple_name<T>::get_names())
return detail::tuple_name<T>::get_names();
So test it:
class C{};
typedef std::tuple<int, char, C> UserType;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for (const auto& name : get_names<UserType>())
std::cout << name << std::endl;
return 0;

Why isn't my boost::multi_index modify() compiling?

I'm using boost::multi_index_container and am trying to get a modify operation working. My modification routine looks like this (roughly), using a function inner class:
void FooContainer::modifyAttribute(string key, int newValue) {
struct ModifyFunc {
int val;
ModifyFunc(int val): val(val) {}
void operator()(Foo &f) {
foo.val = val;
StorageContainer::index<keyTag>::type &idx = mContainer.get<keyTag>();
StorageContainer::index<keyTag>::type::iterator iter = idx.find(key);
idx.modify(iter, ModifyFunc(newValue));
When I try to compile this, I get a multi-page spew of compiler error like this (most of it omitted):
FooContainer.cpp:##: error: no matching function for call to [...]::modify([...]&, FooContainer::modifyAttribute(string,int)::ModifyFunc)’
What's wrong with this invocation and how can I make it work?
The problem is that function inner classes aren't recognized by the compiler as a valid typename for template parameters; it isn't obvious, but the multi_index_container::index<T>::type::modify method uses the type of the modify parameter as a template argument which is a detail normally hidden from view. However, look at its declaration in, for example, boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp:
template<typename Modifier>
bool modify(iterator position,Modifier mod)
The easy fix is to make the ModifyFunc struct not a function inner class; trivially, make it inner to FooContainer rather than to the FooContainer::modifyAttribute method. Of course, this also means that you can reuse the ModifyFunc class elsewhere, if it turns out you need it in more than one place.