I want to see Bessel's function Jn(x) plot for negative n<0.
I am using python using the scipy package Bessel function, but I am not sure that it will produce the value for negative n values.
I am building a neural network and using xtensor for array multiplication in feed forward. The network takes in xt::xarray<double> and outputs a decimal number between 0 and 1. I have been given a sheet for expected output. when i compare my output with the provided sheet, I found that all the results differ after exactly 7 digits. for example if the required value is 0.1234567890123456, I am getting values like 0.1234567-garbage-numbers-so-that-total-numbers-equal-16, 0.1234567993344660, 0.1234567221155667.
I know I can not get that exact number 0.1234567890123456 due to floating point math. But how can I debug/ increase precision to be close to that required number. thanks
xt::xarray<double> Layer::call(xt::xarray<double> input)
return xt::linalg::dot(input, this->weight) + this->bias;
for code I am simply calling this call method a bunch of times where weight and bias are xt::xarray<double> arrays.
I am doing my physics homework and tried to simplify an expression using the Euler formula. The minimal not-working example looks like this.
from sympy import *
x, phi = symbols("x varphi", real=True)
simplify(x * (E**(I*phi) + E**(-I*phi)))
My Jupiter notebook outputs the exact same thing back
While the desired expression using the Euler formula is
However, sympy actually knows how to use the Euler formula to represent the cosine function, because it outputs the simplified expression nicely when the x is removed:
simplify(E**(I*phi) + E**(-I*phi))
Since the distributive property of multiplication apply to complex numbers, I don't see why sympy can't figure out the desired simplification of the first expression.
May be it is by design. As a workaround you can do
expr=x* (E**(I*phi) + E**(-I*phi))
which gives
I've been trying to figure this out from the Sympy docs, but I can't find any options or parameters that control precision for printed output. I don't want to change the precision of the stored numbers, I just don't need 17 digits of precision in my output. Any good way to do this?
import sympy as sp
sp.init_printing() # presumably options would go here?
a = sp.pi
sp.pprint(sp.N(a)) # I'd like to see only a few digits here, not full precision
Can anyone please help me how to find the largest integer from given list using Robot framework.
${list} = [2,45,32,55,332,5,5]
I want the highest number to be returned as my output.
Assuming ${list} has a valid python list of numbers, you can use the evaluate keyword to call python's max function to easily find the largest value.
The following example assumes that ${list} is an actual python list of integers, and uses robot's special syntax for converting robot variables python variables (eg: $list).
${max}= Evaluate max($list)
Should be equal as numbers ${max} 332
I have a simple code written in standard FORTRAN 77 for numerically integrating equations of motion. The integration loop is the following
DO i=1,n-1
CALL bstoer8(t,tstep,x,ndimf,ierr,derivs)
The bstoer8 module contains the standard Bulirsh-Stoer integrator and it can be found here.
As we can see, I want to print, to an external data file, the time and all six vector elements (x, y, z, p_x, p_y, p_z) when y = 0.
However I do not get the exact times when y = 0. What I get is the closest time step. For example one of lines in the data file is the following
-0.17000000 10.45572291 0.00264921 -0.83321521 -0.21271715 45.32160003 -1.24830046
We observe that y is very small (0.00264921) but not exactly equal to zero. Moreover the time t contains only two decimal digits because the time step of the numerical integration is equal to 0.01.
So, my question is the following: How can I obtain the exact times when y = 0? In other words, how can I have y equal to 0 (with eight decimal digits) and the corresponding time with eight decimal digits?
Many thanks in advance!