Add a new Role Center On Dynamics 365 Business Cental - microsoft-dynamics

I am working on an AL programming project in order to add new functionality to the existing Business central .I am trying to add a new button on the role center
like shown in the image. I want to add "Gestion des compƩtences et des carriƩres".
Is that possible? And how can i do it please
enter image description here


When I am trying to create second after one already created some feature is not highlighted in AWS saasBoost

When I am trying to create second after one already created some feature is not highlighted in AWS saasBoost.can anyone help how can i create 2 service and deploye 2 application on saasboost.
enter image description here
enter image description here

AWS Studio create new mutation

I am kind of new to aws amplify and I don't understand where I can create a new mutation of type "create".
I would like to do the following:
I have one house model (GraphQL) that has a name and can have multiple people assigned to it (one to many).
When I create the house, I want to automatically assign the user who is connected (cognito) to be the owner of the house. From the serverside so on the mutation because i don't want to assign this in the api call since it could be modified.
Any tips where I can create this mutation or a link to a tutorial on how to accomplish this?

Google Cloud ML Engine: Access Online Prediction Logs

I just created a model on ML Engine with:
gcloud ml-engine models create test_model --enable-logging
I went into the GUI and created a version. I'm hitting this model for predictions but where do I go in the GUI to find the logs for online predictions?
The logs can be found in StackDriver Logging:
Go to
Click on the "hamburger" icon in the top left
Find the "Logging" option under "STACKDRIVER"
Click on "Logs" (you can get directly here with a link similar to:, just subsituate your actual project name)
Locate the drop down menu that allows you to select your logs.
Hover over "Cloud ML Model Version
Either click the model you're interested in or hover over it, if you want to select a specific version
(Optional) If selecting a specific version, click on it.
That said, I'll file a feature request to have a link in a more convenient place alongside the model and/or version.

Unable to use "Create new XXX"

When I try to create a region, either by clicking the + next to Regions, or by right-clicking on Regions>Content Body>"Create Region", APEX just creates a region with static content. It does NOT present the create region wizard.
Why is this?
A basic question, hopefully someone can help me here.
Thanks in advance.
This is Apex default region then you have to select what type of region you want. but if you want to create a specific region directly go to Layout ---> region ---> and choose the type of region you want.
enter image description here
for form region click to + button on the top of your page then chooose your type of form region you want
enter image description here

User likes on django accumulation

I have a simple pinterest clone app built and have a basic activity stream setup.
The activity stream only records when a new image is created, when an image is liked, when a new user is created, or when a followed user follows another user.
What I would like to implement and do not know how is accumulation, for example if 2 or more user like a certain image, I would prefer the activity stream to say:
"User 1 and User 2 like image"
Can any one help me achieve this?
The Action models in django-activity-stream could be helpful.
For example, when an Actor performs an action, you could look up if there was recently a similar Verb and Target combination by a different Actor, and then replace that earlier instance with a new one that includes the most recent Actor.