I am trying to update cloud composer from composer-1.17.3-airflow-1.10.14 to composer-1.17.10-airflow-1.10.15 using terragrunt.
After one hour it fails with the message:
Upgrade database failed.
Error: Error waiting to update Environment: Error waiting for Updating newly created Environment: Error code 9, message: Failed to update image version.
I already checked the logs and the recommendations on the docs (database is less than 16 GB, that the PyPI packages are compatible and that I can use the correct version for the upgrade)
Any help is appreciated!
When trying to create a custom ElasticBeanstalk platform that uses Python3.10.5, I keep running across this error:
[2022-07-01T05:50:06.466Z] INFO [5419] - [CMD-PackerBuild/PackerBuild/PackerBuildHook/build.rb] : Activity execution failed, because: Version 2 of the Ruby SDK will enter maintenance mode as of November 20, 2020. To continue receiving service updates and new features, please upgrade to Version 3. More information can be found here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/deprecation-schedule-for-aws-sdk-for-ruby-v2/
'packer build' failed, the build log has been saved to '/var/log/packer-builder/Python3.10_Ubuntu:1.0.8-builder.log' (ElasticBeanstalk::ExternalInvocationError)
caused by: Version 2 of the Ruby SDK will enter maintenance mode as of November 20, 2020. To continue receiving service updates and new features, please upgrade to Version 3. More information can be found here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/deprecation-schedule-for-aws-sdk-for-ruby-v2/
'packer build' failed, the build log has been saved to '/var/log/packer-builder/Python3.10_Ubuntu:1.0.8-builder.log' (Executor::NonZeroExitStatus)
I'm not sure how to get around it, as none of my actual code for this uses ruby at all.
I have tried to SSH into the packer build box and run gem install aws-sdk to get the latest version, however it eventually ends up hanging and never completes.
I'm really unsure of what to do at this point. Any advice?
Update: Was finally able to get a gem install aws-sdk -V to finish after changing the version to ruby2.4, however the problem above still persists.
I have a CKAN 2.8 installed on an Ubuntu 16.04 server and I have successfully configured filestore, datastore and datapusher. Whenever I try to upload a to datastore, I get the message "Error: Process completed but unable to post to result_url" and the status says pending. I have set SSL_VERIFY to FALSE in datapusher_settings.py but the error kept coming. Anyone who can help with this?
I'm trying to run the following blockchain tutorial on Windows 10
Everything went fine (all npm installs, fabric tools, download fabric, start fabric, create the project archive, composer runtime install) untill I ran the following command:
composer network start --card PeerAdmin#hlfv1 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --archiveFile tutorial-network#0.0.1.bna --file networkadmin.card
had this error:
Starting business network from archive: tutorial-network#0.0.1.bna
Business network definition:
Identifier: tutorial-network#0.0.1
Description: Tuto DevWorks
× Starting business network definition. This may take a minute...
Error: Error trying to instantiate composer runtime. Error: Error: Invalid results returned ::NOT_FOUND
Command failed
Previous successful command was:
composer runtime install --card PeerAdmin#hlfv1 --businessNetworkName
tutorial-network √ Installing runtime for business network
tutorial-network. This may take a minute... Command succeeded
My configuration is:
WIN 10
Node v8.9.1
npm 5.5.1
Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4
git version 2.14.1.windows.1
I also tried with another bna archive and had the same issue.
Thanks for your help!
If this message occurs on the stage of instantiating the composer chaincode, one must check that there's a fabric channel defined and peers have joined it.
we don't, at present, support Windows 10. We support the platforms shown here:
I was facing the issue in MacOS environment. I found that I haven't created the channel and joined the peers. Once I did that, I could start business network and ping.
When I want to install IBM WDT V8.5 via MarketPlace, I get this error:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Failed to transfer artifact canonical: osgi.bundle,com.ibm.websphere.v85.core,1.0.200.v20170613_0418.
Connection to http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/wasdev/updates/wdt/oxygen_comp/repository/plugins/com.ibm.websphere.v85.core_1.0.200.v20170613_0418.jar failed on Read timed out.
Retry attempt 15 started
Read timed out
Unable to read repository at http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/wasdev/updates/wdt/oxygen_comp/repository/plugins/com.ibm.websphere.v85.core_1.0.200.v20170613_0418.jar.
Read timed out
The download of the file always freezes after about 2.9 MB. The same problem occurs when trying to download the file in a browser. The resource is however downloadable via secured https.
I tried Oxygen and Oxygen1 versions of Eclipse.
How to fix it? Or at least, is there any workaround?
The jar file that you mentioned is not available any longer. It has been replaced by:
I was able to successfully install WDT via Eclipse marketplace using Oxygen.
I'm working on a project that I haven't touched in about 4 months. Before everything on the deploy was working fine, but now I'm getting an error when trying to deploy an update.
Failed to pull Docker image amazon/aws-eb-python:3.4.2-onbuild-3.5.1: Pulling repository amazon/aws-eb-python time="2016-01-17T01:40:45Z" level="fatal" msg="Could not reach any registry endpoint" . Check snapshot logs for details. Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/03build.sh failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
In the eb-activity log, it further states [CMD-AppDeploy/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/03build.sh] : Activity execution failed, because: Pulling repository amazon/aws-eb-python before repeating what was shown in the UI.
The original was using a Preconfigured Docker 64bit Debian jessie v1.3.1 running Python 3.4. I've tried upgrading to the latest, which is version 2.0.6, but it never completes (don't need to get into specifics of that error, separate issue and I'd like to stay on 1.3.1 if possible). I've also tried upgrading to the latest 1.x but it has the same result of upgrading to 2.0.6.
Any ideas, or anything else I should be looking for clues?
Docker Hub has deprecated pulls from Docker clients on 1.5 and earlier. Make sure that your docker client version is at least above 1.5. See https://blog.docker.com/2015/10/docker-hub-deprecation-1-5/ for more information.