I am using https://github.com/mattlewis92/angular-calendar and I would like to navigate programmatically (Next, Previous, Today).
I know the directives (e.g. mwlCalendarPreviousView, mwlCalendarNextView) but I would like to navigate via an API call.
How can I achieve this?
Changing viewDate "date", example with Moment and MonthView:
// Next
this.viewDate = moment(this.viewDate ).add(1, 'months').toDate();
// Previous
this.viewDate = moment(this.viewDate ).add(-1, 'months').toDate();
Using the webview_flutter with evaluateJavascript(), I've been able to modify the style of most elements of my website, but can't understand why some elements don't get modified.
My WebView is included, and the website to display within the WebView is https://dme.com.sg/index.php?dispatch=auth.login_form
I've included a snapshot as well, showing how I can hide and modify the colours for most of the elements, yet it seems all those that are within the "form" cannot be changed.
Would appreciate any help on how I can modify those as well, especially to change their colours to a darker theme to match the colours of the app.
initialUrl: 'https://dme.com.sg/index.php?dispatch=auth.login_form',
javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
onWebViewCreated: (controller) {
_controller = controller;
onPageStarted: (url) {
"document.getElementsByClassName('tygh-top-panel clearfix')[0].style.display='none';"
"document.getElementsByClassName('tygh-header clearfix')[0].style.display='none';"
"document.getElementsByClassName('ty-breadcrumbs clearfix')[0].style.display = 'none';"
"document.getElementsByClassName('container-fluid content-grid')[0].style.background = 'black';"
"document.getElementsByClassName('ty-mainbox-title')[0].style.color = 'pink';"
"document.getElementsByClassName('buttons-container clearfix')[0].style.display = 'none';"
Have kept tinkering around with it, and looking up JavaScript tutorial, and I managed to find a solution. So I'm not sure HOW or WHY, so still hoping someone could comment a response that explains so I can better understand.
Something else I've learnt, it's easier to just use the "console" tab of chrome to test the java scripts on the page before moving it into flutter webview.
Using the "document.getElementsByClassName("buttons-container clearfix")" command, I got a list of where the class was being used, and found the one I wanted to change was 1. It helps that when as you type the right index number, it gets highlighted on the website.
So then using "document.getElementsByClassName("buttons-container clearfix")1.style.background = 'black'" I managed to change the style of the element I wanted.
I've included a screengrab of the chrome console here if it can help anyone else.
There is some code which use SyntaxExtensions.NormalizeWhitespace().
I cannot find the method inside recent Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp releases.
Is there a quick way to format syntax using roslyn?
The method is still there. It's surfaced as an extension method on SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, and SyntaxList.
The easiest way to use this is to call the method on an existing SyntaxNode. For example, in a code fix, I might do something like this:
var root = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var newRoot = root.NormalizeWhitespace();
Document updatedDocument = document.WithSyntaxRoot(newRoot);
I am trying to make dynamically generated html 5 graphs show up in a webview in Blackberry 10 Cascades. I have confirmed the html5 that I have generated, draws the correct graphs. My problem is that when I try to implement this in the Blackberry 10 Cascades Beta 3 SDK (using the Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha Simulator), the webview that is supposed to show the graph, just looks like this:
Here is the code that leads to this error:
//html_ already contains the html-5 code to make the graph at this point in the code
//This is the file path to a local file that is actually accessable in the emulator
//and not just from Windows
QFile *chartFile = new QFile("app/native/assets/data/chart.html");
if (chartFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
if (chartFile) delete chartFile;
if (graphView_) {
I checked the permissions of that file, put they are all Allow (777 permissions for those who know Unix style permissions).
I added access_internet to the bar-descriptor.xml, eventhough my app was already able to access remote sites, just to see if that would fix it, but it did not.
I've been searching around trying to find a solution to this problem, but I have not.
If anyone could help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
I changed the code to set the html directly, now I have this:
if (graphView_) {
graphView_->setHtml(html_, QUrl("app/native/assets/data/chart.html"));
But nothing shows. It seems I have the wrong relative path relative to my base url.
My base url is this: QUrl("app/native/assets/data/chart.html")
My relative paths all begin with: ./Highcharts/js/...
My relative paths are located under: app/native/assets/data/Highcharts/js
It seems to me that I this should work, but when I do this, I just a blank screen, as if it can not find my relative paths. So I don't know what's going on here either.
I found a solution that works. I'm using the first approach, not the updated approach, but instead of
I'm using:
And I have left the rest of the code the same, and it works.
I've used the tfs api to programatically add links between work items in different team-projects, currently all links are set as related links but I'd like to change some of them to some of the other types supported in tfs2010 e.g. "parent" etc. But I can't work out how to do it. Any ideas?
Originally I added thus:
RelatedLink link = new RelatedLink(iLinkMe);
when I think I should have added:
WorkItemLinkTypeEnd linkTypEnd = store.WorkItemLinkTypes.LinkTypeEnds["Parent"];
RelatedLink linkBetter = new RelatedLink(linkTypEnd, iLinkMe);
wi.Links.Add(linkBetter );
but I didn't, (and I don't like the "Parent" string, I was looking for an enum), so how do I change the linkTypeEnd? I'm guessing I can modify this via wi.Links ?
Have a look at this site on how to Create Link Between Work Item (Parent, Child etc…).
I have 2 templates: ArticleItem and ArticlePageItem, the ArticlePageItem has a ReferenceField 'Content.Reference' that links to an ArticleItem. Below is the code to create an article:
Item articlePageItem = articlePageParentItem.Add(articleItem.Name, new TemplateItem(master.GetItem(ConstantString.ArticlePageTemplateID)));
using (new UserSwitcher(Sitecore.Context.User))
articlePageItem.Fields["Content.Reference"].Value = articleItem.ID.ToString();
But after I execute the code above, I cannot get the ArticleItem reference through Globals.LinkDatabase.GetReferences(articlePageItem), even though I use Globals.LinkDatabase.UpdateReference(articlePageItem).
Does anyone know how to implement this?
Below is our environment:
We have a website based on Sitecore, and we're developing another system aims to simplify the article management. We use .NET 4 & ASP.NET MVC 3 to implement this system, and reference Sitecore.Kernal.dll & Sitecore.Client.dll to our project. But our sitecore version is 6.2 which is incomplatible with .NET 4, so I just copied part of the configurations. I think it maybe dues to the incomplete web.config.
If you are executing the above code you should also consider publishing the item changes.
This can be done by using the following code snippet:
// publish all changed content
Database webDatabase = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("web");
PublishOptions publishOptions = new PublishOptions(masterDatabase, webDatabase, PublishMode.Smart, Sitecore.Context.Language, DateTime.Now);
publishOptions.RootItem = vacatureRoot;
publishOptions.Deep = true;
Publisher publisher = new Publisher(publishOptions);
Where 'vacatureRoot' is the root -> in your case articlePageParentItem
After publishing the references should be set automatically and should be retrievable by using the normal way of getting Fields.
It looks like you are using a ReferenceField and therefore your code should look something like this:
ReferenceField rfRef = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields["Content.Reference"];
if(rfRef != null && rfRef.TargetItem != null)
//Your logic here
Answer for comment:
I think you could best use the following code fragment ->
I think this will do what the name says, update the references for this item.
Hope this will work for you!