How do i perform operations on a structures field? - list

I im currently having an issue with when performing an operation with my structure.
On form load, I am loading a comma delimited file with 6 indexes then using a 2d array i display the structured list's field to a grid view cell.
In the last for loop, perform the operation using my total field?
public partial class Form1 : Form
public struct Costomers
public string firstN;
public string lastN;
public string address;
public string item;
public double price;
public int quantity;
public double total;
public Form1()
List<Costomers> consumers = new List<Costomers>();
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var inputfile = File.ReadAllLines("customers.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < inputfile.Length; i++)
var SplitArr = inputfile[i].Split(',');
// next declare a new instace of costomers
Costomers ConsumerInfo = new Costomers();
// the ConsumerInfo object now contains all of the fields i declared in the structer.
// next i want to access the Objects fields and assign them
ConsumerInfo.firstN = SplitArr[0];
ConsumerInfo.lastN = SplitArr[1];
ConsumerInfo.address = SplitArr[2];
ConsumerInfo.item = SplitArr[3];
ConsumerInfo.price = Convert.ToDouble(SplitArr[4]);
ConsumerInfo.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(SplitArr[5]);
// = consumers[i].price * consumers[i].quantity;
// Next i need to disply each field in the grid view
// i will resue my code from section F to do this.
for (int i = 0; i < consumers.Count; i++)
dgInfo[0, i].Value = consumers[i].firstN;
dgInfo[1, i].Value = consumers[i].lastN;
dgInfo[2, i].Value = consumers[i].address;
dgInfo[3, i].Value = consumers[i].item;
dgInfo[4, i].Value = consumers[i].price;
dgInfo[5, i].Value = consumers[i].quantity;
// next in a seperat for loop i need too mutiply the price by the quantity
for (int i = 0; i < consumers.Count; i++)
Costomers totalPrice = new Costomers(); = consumers[i].price * consumers[i].quantity;
dgInfo[6,i].Value =;
Second, because the file i load does not contain a index for total; how to i display the total in its own column?
Text file as shown below:
The, Batman, 123 Gotham Drive, bat belt, 193.82,17
The, Joker, 12432 Joker Way, Bat Spray, 19.99, 1022
Cat, Women, 8787 Meow St., Kibbles, 9.99, 4700
The, Penguin, 17 Waddel Ave., pointy cigarettes, 24.99, 51700
sidekick, Robin, 123 Gotham Drive, junior bat belt, 67.80, 10000
Adam, West, 1782 Hollywood Dr., hasbeen kit, 10305018.18, 1


How to get the same attribute from all objects in a list in one line

I have a list of objects of the same class.
This class contains an attribute I want to use.
I would like to get a list of all these attributes in one line. Is this possible?
Here is a small example: I just want a list of all the colors.
It is important that I return directly a list of these attributes, without the normal forEach statement.
void main() {
List<Car> listOfCars = [
//List<String> listOfColors = listOfCars[all].color;
class Car{
String color;
You can use the map function to achieve this
List<String> listOfColors = => car.color).toList();
Just check out this code below:
void main() {
List<Car> listOfCars = [
List<String> stringList = List();
// This is where you get the single car object and then you add it the list of string
for (int i = 0; i < listOfCars.length; i++) {
// this is the desired out put i have just printed your list :
print('This is the string length : ' + stringList.length.toString());
for (int i = 0; i < stringList.length; i++) {
print('This is the string list :' + stringList[i]);
class Car {
final String color;
Blow is the output :
This is the string length : 3
This is the string list :blue
This is the string list :green
This is the string list :yellow

Unknown reason for "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index" exception

I am making a Unity game where the player is collecting data about aliens.
Therefor the player points on the alien and uses something like a camera.
Camera --> shoots Ray --> Ray returns all needed data attached to the script on the alien-gameobject
void ShootRay()
RaycastHit hitInfo; // stores information about hitted object
if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, transform.forward, out hitInfo, maxRaycastRange, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("creature"))) // out hitInfo = Unity puts information in the variable hitInfo
// UI alerts and collecting dna
if (hitInfo.distance <= photoRaycastRange)
distanceInfo.text = "scanning_genome";
if (hitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<EnemyAI> ().dna_collected == false) {
if (dna_percent_0_to_1 < 1)
calming_dna_scan_circle = false;
distanceInfo.text = "scanning_genome";
dna_percent_0_to_1 += Time.deltaTime * dna_scanSpeed;
dna_collect_circle.fillAmount = dna_percent_0_to_1;
else if (dna_percent_0_to_1 >= 1)
// adding info of creature to database
if (hitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<EnemyAI> ().raceIndex == 1)
if (!raceOneWasAdded)
BestiariumData.scannedSpecies.Add (hitInfo.collider.gameObject);
raceOneWasAdded = true;
BestiariumData.dnaBar_1 += 0.25f;
The mentioned database is simply a class called BestiariumData with:
public static List<GameObject> scannedSpecies = new List<GameObject> ();
public static List<float> savedDNAFillRates = new List<float> ();
public static float dnaBar_1 = 0;
public static float dnaBar_2 = 0;
public static float dnaBar_3 = 0;
public static float dnaBar_4 = 0;
public static float dnaBar_5 = 0;
public static float dnaBar_6 = 0;
public static float dnaBar_7 = 0;
public static float dnaBar_8 = 0;
I'm having a menu where the player can check which aliens he/she already has collected data. The name of the alien is displayed (Monster One, ...) and a progress bar for how many alien individuals the player has scanned.
if I try to assign the NAME of the status bar if throws the ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index exception. I am doing this by setting a bool in another script to true.
public List<GameObject> monsterButtons = new List<GameObject>();
public static bool nameButtons = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void LateUpdate ()
if (nameButtons)
for (int buttonIndex = monsterButtons.Count; buttonIndex > 0; buttonIndex--)
monsterButtons [buttonIndex].GetComponentInChildren<Text> ().text = BestiariumData.scannedSpecies [buttonIndex].name;
Thank you for your help.
Button index gives the count of your list. So say your list contains 10 items, count will be 10.
However a list's index starts at 0, not 1.
So when you try to access monsterButtons [buttonIndex] for the first time, you are calling index 10, which means item 11. This does not exist so throws your error.
To fix, add "-1" to your index asigning:
for (int buttonIndex = monsterButtons.Count -1; buttonIndex >= 0; buttonIndex--)
monsterButtons [buttonIndex].GetComponentInChildren<Text> ().text = BestiariumData.scannedSpecies [buttonIndex].name;

OSMdroid bounds marker

////OSMdroid centered on the markers////
I add markers, I need to map the maximum increases or decreases in such a way that all markers were visible
my code:
public class mapcode extends Activity {
globalvar appState;
int stats=0;
private MapView mapView;
private IMapController mapController;
private SimpleLocationOverlay mMyLocationOverlay;
private ScaleBarOverlay mScaleBarOverlay;
ItemizedIconOverlay<OverlayItem> currentLocationOverlay;
DefaultResourceProxyImpl resourceProxy;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
appState = ((globalvar) getApplicationContext());
mapView = (MapView) this.findViewById(;
// mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); //кнопка ZOOM +-
mapController = this.mapView.getController();
this.mMyLocationOverlay = new SimpleLocationOverlay(this);
this.mScaleBarOverlay = new ScaleBarOverlay(this);
// this.mapView
resourceProxy = new DefaultResourceProxyImpl(getApplicationContext());
GeoPoint currentLocation = new GeoPoint(55.860863,37.115046);
GeoPoint currentLocation2 = new GeoPoint(63.557413,-156.102119);
OverlayItem myLocationOverlayItem = new OverlayItem("Here", "Current Position", currentLocation);
Drawable myCurrentLocationMarker = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.a);
// myLocationOverlayItem.setMarkerHotspot(HotspotPlace.CENTER); //no working/
final ArrayList<OverlayItem> items = new ArrayList<OverlayItem>();
myLocationOverlayItem = new OverlayItem("Here", "Current Position", currentLocation2);
myCurrentLocationMarker = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.a);
// myLocationOverlayItem.setMarkerHotspot(HotspotPlace.CENTER); // no working
currentLocationOverlay = new ItemizedIconOverlay<OverlayItem>(items,
new ItemizedIconOverlay.OnItemGestureListener<OverlayItem>() {
public boolean onItemSingleTapUp(final int index, final OverlayItem item) {
return true;
public boolean onItemLongPress(final int index, final OverlayItem item) {
return true;
}, resourceProxy);
I added two markers, but only one is visible:
and I need to osmdroid is centered and immediately showed both marker
I think you want something like this:
int minLat = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int maxLat = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int minLong = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int maxLong = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
ArrayList<OverlayItem> items = new ArrayList<OverlayItem>();
for (OverlayItem item : items) {
GeoPoint point = item.getPoint();
if (point.getLatitudeE6() < minLat)
minLat = point.getLatitudeE6();
if (point.getLatitudeE6() > maxLat)
maxLat = point.getLatitudeE6();
if (point.getLongitudeE6() < minLong)
minLong = point.getLongitudeE6();
if (point.getLongitudeE6() > maxLong)
maxLong = point.getLongitudeE6();
BoundingBoxE6 boundingBox = new BoundingBoxE6(maxLat, maxLong, minLat, minLong);
You can calculate boundingBox by BoundingBox.fromGeoPoints(geoPoints)
fun zoomToBounds(points: List<LatLng>) {
val geoPoints = { GeoPoint(it.latitude, it.longitude) }
val boundingBox = BoundingBox.fromGeoPoints(geoPoints)
mapView.zoomToBoundingBox(boundingBox, true)
It is also possible to have some paddings by using zoomtoBoundingBox overloaded method and setting the pBorderSizeInPixels parameter
public double zoomToBoundingBox(
final BoundingBox pBoundingBox,
final boolean pAnimated,
final int pBorderSizeInPixels,
final double pMaximumZoom,
final Long pAnimationSpeed

converting Matlab Neural Network into C++ Neural Network

I created a Neural Network in Matlab with newff, for handwritten Digits recognition.
I just trained it to recognize only 0 & 1 values from images.
with 3 Layers, Input Layer has 9 Neurons, Hidden Layer has 5 Neurons, and output Layer 1 Neuron,and there is 9 inputs.
my out puts are 0.1 & 0.2 ,and all Layers outputs function are "tansig".
I test it in Matlab and Network works Fine. now I want to create this network in c++ , I Wrote the Code and I copied all the Weights and Biasses(total 146 weights).
but when I put the same input data to Network the output value is not correct.
can anyone of you guys guide me?
this is my networks code:
here's my networks code...
public class Neuron
public Neuron()
{ }
public Neuron(int SumOfInputs)
m_SumOfInputs = SumOfInputs;
public double act(double[] Input, double[] weight, double bias)
double tmp = bias;
for (int i = 0; i < m_SumOfInputs; i++)
tmp += (Input[i] * weight[i]);
m_output = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(-tmp));
return m_output;
public double m_output;
private int m_SumOfInputs;
public class Net
public Net()
int i;
//net1 , net2
//initializing inputLayer Neurons
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
InputLayer[i] = new Neuron(9);
//initializing HiddenLayer Neurons
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
HiddenLayer[i] = new Neuron(9);
//initializing OutputLayer
OutputLayer = new Neuron(5);
public double Calculate(double[] inputs)
double[] ILay_Outputs = new double[9];
double[] HLay_Outputs = new double[5];
//inputLayer acting
ILay_Outputs[0] = InputLayer[0].act(inputs, IW1, Ib[0]);
ILay_Outputs[1] = InputLayer[1].act(inputs, IW2, Ib[1]);
ILay_Outputs[2] = InputLayer[2].act(inputs, IW3, Ib[2]);
ILay_Outputs[3] = InputLayer[3].act(inputs, IW4, Ib[3]);
ILay_Outputs[4] = InputLayer[4].act(inputs, IW5, Ib[4]);
ILay_Outputs[5] = InputLayer[5].act(inputs, IW6, Ib[5]);
ILay_Outputs[6] = InputLayer[6].act(inputs, IW7, Ib[6]);
ILay_Outputs[7] = InputLayer[7].act(inputs, IW8, Ib[7]);
ILay_Outputs[8] = InputLayer[8].act(inputs, IW9, Ib[8]);
//HiddenLayer acting
HLay_Outputs[0] = HiddenLayer[0].act(ILay_Outputs, HW1, Hb[0]);
HLay_Outputs[1] = HiddenLayer[1].act(ILay_Outputs, HW2, Hb[1]);
HLay_Outputs[2] = HiddenLayer[2].act(ILay_Outputs, HW3, Hb[2]);
HLay_Outputs[3] = HiddenLayer[3].act(ILay_Outputs, HW4, Hb[3]);
HLay_Outputs[4] = HiddenLayer[4].act(ILay_Outputs, HW5, Hb[4]);
//OutputLayer acting
OutputLayer.act(HLay_Outputs, OW, Ob);
return OutputLayer.m_output;
Neuron[] InputLayer = new Neuron[9];
Neuron[] HiddenLayer = new Neuron[5];
Neuron OutputLayer;
//net2 tansig tansig tansig
double[] IW1 = { 0.726312035124743, 1.01034015912570, 0.507178716484559, -0.254689455765290, 0.475299816659036, 0.0336358919735363, -0.715890843015230, 0.466632424349648, 0.565406467159982 };
double[] IW2 = { 0.866482591050076, -0.672473224929341, 0.915599891389326, 0.310163265280920, -0.373812653648686, -0.0859927887021936, 0.0100063635393257, 0.816638798257382, -0.540771172965867 };
double[] IW3 = { 0.138868216294952, 1.93121321568871, -0.564704445249800, 0.834275586326333, 3.08348295981989, 0.899715248285303, -0.661916798988641, 6.00562393127300, 6.11939776912678 };
double[] IW4 = { 0.578089791487308, 0.885170493965113, -0.992514702569606, 0.415980526304333, -0.706140252063166, 0.442017877881589, -0.449053823645690, -0.0894051386719344, -0.348622179369911 };
double[] IW5 = { -0.407756482945129, 0.0786764402198765, 0.972408690276837, -0.959955597431701, -0.977769442966978, 1.52121267506016, 0.503296357838885, -3.31593633455649, -3.47834004737816 };
double[] IW6 = { -1.17474983226852, 0.870140308892922, 1.50545637070446, 0.369712493398677, -0.569857993006262, -0.732502911495791, -0.668984976457441, -1.48023312055586, -0.893472571240467 };
double[] IW7 = { -0.860518592120001, -1.48432158859269, 0.957060799463945, -0.680797771869510, -0.270752283410268, -0.218766920514208, 0.168091770241510, -2.50326075864844, -0.800988078966455 };
double[] IW8 = { 0.436492138260917, 0.280081066366966, 0.484813099857825, -0.310693876078844, 1.60359045377467, 1.57343220231689, -1.21552190886612, 2.03276547165735, 1.27245062411707 };
double[] IW9 = { 1.66853306274827, -1.59142022586958, 0.862315766588855, 0.676048095028997, -2.22623540036057, -1.48036066273542, -0.0386781503608105, -5.18214728910353, -5.21258509200432 };
double[] HW1 = { 0.577543862468449, 0.452264642610010, -0.869014797322399, 0.122435296258077, 0.507631314535324, 0.0386430216115630, -0.398222802253669, -0.614601040619812, 1.43324133164016 };
double[] HW2 = { 0.163344332215885, 0.434728230081814, -3.04877964757120, -0.118300732191499, -2.63220585865390, 0.443163977179405, -2.11883915836372, 2.07955461474729, -3.94441429060856 };
double[] HW3 = { -0.156103043064606, -0.482049683802527, 1.24788068138172, -1.05731056687422, -0.615321348655331, 0.214815967784408, 0.375762477817552, -0.728649292060764, -0.212151944122515 };
double[] HW4 = { 1.78276088127139, 1.15086535250306, 1.25967219208841, -0.446026243031773, -3.94742837475153, -1.33311929047378, -2.09356929069216, 0.0736879745054291, 1.51472991137144 };
double[] HW5 = { 0.744372844550077, 0.400815326319268, -4.94686055701529, 0.444773365537176, 2.65351865321717, 1.87143709824455, 1.74346707204902, -3.28220218001754, 5.78321274609173 };
double[] OW = { -1.09112204235009, -7.13508015318964, -1.02533926874837, 3.80439015418632, -4.16711367340349 };
double[] Ib = {-1.77988445077976,
double[] Hb = {1.68321697741393,
double Ob = -0.156343477742835;
You mention in your description that you want to use the Tansig activation function, but in your code you have the implementation for the Logsig activation function. Tansig approximation would be:
I am also not sure how you get the weights for the input layer, are these perhaps the weights for the hidden layer. Matlab does not generate weights for the input layers since the inputs are directly connected to the hidden layer. Where net.IW are the weights for the first (hidden) layer, the weights for the subsequent layers (including output) are given by net.LW.
Besides the above I don't see obvious bugs/errors in your code, maybe try a simpler network first and train it to do the old and wise XOR relationship.
Lastly I would like to mention if you are writing this code for a micro-controller it's easier to do it in C and without objects. Your code will be smaller and faster. A step by step example is given here.
I found the problem guys.
in matlab, before inputs goes to the network, they all goes to a function names (applyminmax) in a .m file names (mapminmax.m), and then this function outputs are the network inputs.
after the simulation on network is done, the outputs goes to a function names (reverse) in the same .m file.
and this function outputs is the final output of the Neural Network.
thanks for all your helps.

Checking list within constructor for duplicates

I have a class called Recipe. The Recipe maynot contain duplicate Ingredients, otherwise a Illegal Argument Exception should be thrown. I tried to use a helplist but I am getting a NullPointerException for the line: "for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++)"
public class Recipe {
private String title;
private String instructions;
private LinkedList<Ingredient> ingredients;
boolean noduplicate = true;
// constructor
public Recipe(String title, String instructions,
List<Ingredient> ingredients) {
this.title = title;
this.instructions = instructions;
LinkedList<Ingredient> helplist = new LinkedList<Ingredient>();
for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++) {
Ingredient x = ingredients.get(i);
if (helplist.contains(x)) {
noduplicate = false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"This ingredient is duplicate!");
if (noduplicate) {
noduplicate = true;
this.ingredients = helplist;
Use a set instead of a list, since that is the datastructure you want. In short, a set only contains unique elements. When you try to add stuff which is already there, nothing happens. You have to override the equal/hash method of your Ingredients class in order to make it work.