C++ FlatBuffers - Assertion failed: (finished), function Finished - c++

Here is my schema:
namespace Vibranium;
enum GameObject_Type:uint { STATIC = 0 }
table GameObjectDatabase
table GameObjectsTemplate
root_type GameObjectDatabase;
Here is my code:
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Vibranium::GameObjectsTemplate>> gameobjects_template;
Field* fields = result->Fetch();
auto id = fields[0].GetInt32();
auto name = fbb.CreateString(fields[1].GetString());
auto prefab = fbb.CreateString(fields[2].GetString());
auto type = static_cast<Vibranium::GameObject_Type>(fields[3].GetInt32());
auto position_x = fields[5].GetFloat();
auto position_y = fields[6].GetFloat();
auto position_z = fields[7].GetFloat();
auto rotation_x = fields[8].GetFloat();
auto rotation_y = fields[9].GetFloat();
auto rotation_z = fields[10].GetFloat();
auto map_id = fields[11].GetInt32();
auto event_id = fields[12].GetInt32();
auto go1 = Vibranium::CreateGameObjectsTemplate(fbb, id, name, prefab, type,position_x,position_y,position_z, rotation_x,rotation_y,rotation_z,map_id,event_id);
auto go_db = fbb.CreateVector(gameobjects_template);
Vibranium::GameObjectDatabaseBuilder go_builder(fbb);
auto gt = Vibranium::GetGameObjectDatabase(fbb.GetBufferPointer());
I get this error:
Assertion failed: (finished), function Finished, file /opt/homebrew/include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h, line 1226.
It is caused by this line:
auto gt = Vibranium::GetGameObjectDatabase(fbb.GetBufferPointer());
Why is that and how can I fix it?

If you get an assert, it is always good to check the assert code, it may give you a hint as to why:
void Finished() const {
// If you get this assert, you're attempting to get access a buffer
// which hasn't been finished yet. Be sure to call
// FlatBufferBuilder::Finish with your root table.
// If you really need to access an unfinished buffer, call
// GetCurrentBufferPointer instead.


open62541 client fails when calling method with custom datatype input argument

I'm using open62541 to connect to an OPC/UA server and I'm trying to call methods that a certain object on that server provides. Those methods have custom types as input arguments; for example, the following method takes a structure of three booleans:
<opc:Method SymbolicName="SetStatusMethodType" ModellingRule="Mandatory">
<opc:Argument Name="Status" DataType="VisionStatusDataType" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
<opc:OutputArguments />
Here, VisionStatusDataType is the following structure:
<opc:DataType SymbolicName="VisionStatusDataType" BaseType="ua:Structure">
<opc:Field Name="Camera" DataType="ua:Boolean" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
<opc:Field Name="StrobeController" DataType="ua:Boolean" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
<opc:Field Name="Server" DataType="ua:Boolean" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
Now, when calling the method, I'm encoding the data into an UA_ExtensionObject, and wrap that one as an UA_Variant to provide it to UA_Client_call. The encoding looks like this:
void encode(const QVariantList& vecqVar, size_t& nIdx, const DataType& dt, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<UAptr<UA_ByteString>>> itOut)
if (dt.isSimple())
auto&& qVar = vecqVar.at(nIdx++);
auto&& uaVar = convertToUaVar(qVar, dt.uaType());
auto pOutBuf = create<UA_ByteString>();
auto nStatus = UA_encodeBinary(uaVar.data, dt.uaType(), pOutBuf.get());
itOut = std::move(pOutBuf);
for (auto&& dtMember : dt.members())
encode(vecqVar, nIdx, dtMember, itOut);
UA_Variant ToUAVariant(const QVariant& qVar, const DataType& dt)
if (dt.isSimple())
return convertToUaVar(qVar, dt.uaType());
std::vector<UAptr<UA_ByteString>> vecByteStr;
auto&& qVarList = qVar.toList();
size_t nIdx = 0UL;
encode(qVarList, nIdx, dt, std::back_inserter(vecByteStr));
auto pExtObj = UA_ExtensionObject_new();
auto nSizeAll = std::accumulate(vecByteStr.cbegin(), vecByteStr.cend(), 0ULL, [](size_t nSize, const UAptr<UA_ByteString>& pByteStr) {
return nSize + pByteStr->length;
auto&& uaEncoded = pExtObj->content.encoded;
uaEncoded.typeId = dt.uaType()->typeId;
uaEncoded.body.length = nSizeAll;
auto pData = uaEncoded.body.data = new UA_Byte[nSizeAll];
nIdx = 0UL;
for (auto&& pByteStr : vecByteStr)
memcpy_s(pData + nIdx, nSizeAll - nIdx, pByteStr->data, pByteStr->length);
nIdx += pByteStr->length;
UA_Variant uaVar;
UA_Variant_setScalar(&uaVar, pExtObj, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_EXTENSIONOBJECT]);
return uaVar;
The DataType class is a wrapper for the UA_DataType structure; the original open62541 type can be accessed via DataType::uaType().
Now, once a have the variant (containing the extension object), the method call looks like this:
auto uavarInput = ToUAVariant(qvarArg, dtInput);
UA_Variant* pvarOut;
size_t nOutSize = 0UL;
auto nStatus = UA_Client_call(m_pClient, objNode.nodeId(), m_uaNodeId, 1UL, &uavarInput, &nOutSize, &pvarOut);
The status is 2158690304, i.e. BadInvalidArgument according to UA_StatusCode_name.
Is there really something wrong with the method argument? Are we supposed to send ExtensionObjects, or what data type should the variant contain?
Is it possible that the server itself (created using the .NET OPC/UA stack) is not configured correctly?
N.B., the types here are custom types; that is, the encoding is done manually (see above) by storing the byte representation of all members next to each other in an UA_ByteString - just the opposite of what I'm doing when reading variables or output arguments, which works just fine.
The problem is the typeId of the encoded object. For the server in order to understand the received data, it needs to know the NodeId of the encoding, not the actual NodeId of the type itself. That encoding can be found by following the HasEncoding reference (named "Default Binary") of the type:
auto pRequest = create<UA_BrowseRequest>();
auto pDescr = pRequest->nodesToBrowse = UA_BrowseDescription_new();
pRequest->nodesToBrowseSize = 1UL;
pDescr->nodeId = m_uaNodeId;
pDescr->browseDirection = UA_BROWSEDIRECTION_BOTH;
auto response = UA_Client_Service_browse(m_pClient, *pRequest);
for (auto k = 0UL; k < response.resultsSize; ++k)
auto browseRes = response.results[k];
for (auto n = 0UL; n < browseRes.referencesSize; ++n)
auto browseRef = browseRes.references[n];
if (ToQString(browseRef.browseName.name).contains("Binary"))
m_nodeBinaryEnc = browseRef.nodeId.nodeId;
Once you have that NodeId, you pass it to UA_ExtensionObject::content::encoded::typeId:
auto pExtObj = UA_ExtensionObject_new();
auto nSizeAll = std::accumulate(vecByteStr.cbegin(), vecByteStr.cend(), 0ULL, [](size_t nSize, const UAptr<UA_ByteString>& pByteStr) {
return nSize + pByteStr->length;
auto&& uaEncoded = pExtObj->content.encoded;
uaEncoded.typeId = dt.encoding();
uaEncoded.body.length = nSizeAll;
auto pData = uaEncoded.body.data = new UA_Byte[nSizeAll];
nIdx = 0UL;
for (auto&& pByteStr : vecByteStr)
memcpy_s(pData + nIdx, nSizeAll - nIdx, pByteStr->data, pByteStr->length);
nIdx += pByteStr->length;

How to set a protobuf message to a oneof struct

Assuming I have this proto
message inner_body1{
... // some attr
message inner_body2{
... // some attr
message body {
oneof inner{
inner_body1 = 1;
inner_body2 = 2;
message head {
... // some attr
message pkg{
head h = 1;
body b = 2;
And I design a function like this
void SendPkg(proto::Message& data)
pkg p;
auto head = p.mutable_head();
head->fillsomething(); // not important
// My question is, if 'data' is definitely one of the message type defined in 'body'(e.g. 'inner_body1')
// How can I put 'data' into pkg's body field?
My question is, if 'data' is definitely one of the message type defined in 'body'(e.g. 'inner_body1')
How can I put 'data' into pkg's body field?
I have tried this way
void SendPkg(proto::Message& data)
pkg p;
auto head = p.mutable_head();
head->fillsomething(); // not important
auto body = p.mutable_body();
const Descriptor* desc = data.GetDescriptor();
if (desc.name() == "inner_body1")
auto body1 = body->mutable_innerbody1();
auto body2 = body->mutable_innerbody2();
this may works. But the fallback is obviously. I have to maintain this ugly string mapping and it running effienciency is low.
Is there any way could achieve this more elegant?

how to log size of array with ilog

I have this code and just want to log size of array :
auto owner = abi_data["owner"].as<chain::authority>();
auto arrSize = std::size(owner.keys);
But have an error :
error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'fc::log_message'
How can i fix it?
I understand that the c ++ methodology is very specific. Therefore, I will expand my question and thus grope the way.
how to get public key string from auto owner.
i tried :
std::string k = owner.keys[0].key
error: no viable conversion from 'eosio::chain::public_key_type' (aka 'fc::crypto::public_key') to 'std::string'
I don’t understand how I should transform all this for correct work and get correct public key and replace hardcoded old_account_name .
full code :
else if (action.name == N(newaccount)) {
auto new_account_name = abi_data["newact"].as<chain::name>().to_string();
auto creator = abi_data["creator"].as<chain::name>().to_string();
std::string old_account_name = "EOS7ea3Dj15nUkKz3diU7BmE5FV5aNKsBKL6WScwEaKzNwDp41SSU";
auto owner = abi_data["owner"].as<chain::authority>();
auto active = abi_data["active"].as<chain::authority>();
ilog("new_account_name: " + new_account_name + " ,creator: " + creator);
*m_session << "UPDATE user_address SET address = :nan WHERE crypto_currency_asset_id = :ai AND address = :oan",
soci::use(new_account_name, "nan"),
soci::use(old_account_name, "oan"),
soci::use(asset_id, "ai");
auto arrSize = sizeof(owner.keys)/sizeof(owner.keys[0]);
auto ownerPK = static_cast<std::string>(owner.keys[0].key);

TDLib: how to send bold text in the message? (С++)

Using the official TDLib C++ example, I'm trying to send a message with formatted markdown text.
Here's my code:
auto send_message = td_api::make_object<td_api::sendMessage>();
send_message->chat_id_ = -1001424068198;
auto message_content = td_api::make_object<td_api::inputMessageText>();
std::string text = "Hello! **how are u?**";
message_content->text_ = td_api::make_object<td_api::formattedText>();
message_content->text_->text_ = std::move(text);
send_message->input_message_content_ = std::move(message_content);
send_query(std::move(send_message), {});
I expect to see "Hello! how are u?" but the message comes as it is written in the code, without markdown formatting applied.
I spent hours on google trying to figure out how to force TDLib to parse it.
Thanks Azeem for help!
Using this example, the following code should send the parsed message (tested in VS 2019)
void sendMsg(INT64 chatID, INT64 ReplyTo, const char* textMsg) {
const std::string text = textMsg;
auto textParseMarkdown = td_api::make_object<td_api::textParseModeMarkdown>(2);
auto parseTextEntities = td_api::make_object<td_api::parseTextEntities>(text, std::move(textParseMarkdown));
td::Client::Request parseRequest{ 123, std::move(parseTextEntities) };
auto parseResponse = td::Client::execute(std::move(parseRequest));
if (parseResponse.object->get_id() == td_api::formattedText::ID) {
auto formattedText = td_api::make_object<td_api::formattedText>();
formattedText = td_api::move_object_as<td_api::formattedText>(parseResponse.object);
auto send_message = td_api::make_object<td_api::sendMessage>();
send_message->chat_id_ = chatID;
auto message_content = td_api::make_object<td_api::inputMessageText>();
message_content->text_ = std::move(formattedText);
send_message->input_message_content_ = std::move(message_content);
send_message->reply_to_message_id_ = ReplyTo;
send_query(std::move(send_message), {});
You can use td_api::textParseModeMarkdown, td_api::parseTextEntities and td::Client::execute() like this:
using namespace td;
const std::string text = "*bold* _italic_ `code`";
auto textParseMarkdown = td_api::make_object<td_api::textParseModeMarkdown>( 2 );
auto parseTextEntities = td_api::make_object<td_api::parseTextEntities>( text, std::move( textParseMarkdown ) );
td::Client::Request parseRequest { 123, std::move( parseTextEntities ) };
auto parseResponse = td::Client::execute( std::move( parseRequest ) );
auto formattedText = td_api::make_object<td_api::formattedText>();
if ( parseResponse.object->get_id() == td_api::formattedText::ID )
formattedText = td_api::move_object_as<td_api::formattedText>( parseResponse.object );
std::vector<td_api::object_ptr<td_api::textEntity>> entities;
formattedText = td_api::make_object<td_api::formattedText>( text, std::move(entities) );
std::cout << td_api::to_string( formattedText ) << '\n';
For debugging purposes, you can use td_api::to_string() to dump the contents of an object. For example, dumping parseTextEntities like this:
std::cout << td_api::to_string( parseTextEntities ) << '\n';
would give this:
parseTextEntities {
text = "*bold* _italic_ `code`"
parse_mode = textParseModeMarkdown {
version = 2

Use DataWrite::DetachBuffer An error occurred(WinRT C++)

auto featureReport = hidDevice->CreateFeatureReport(6);
auto dataWriter = ref new DataWriter();
Array<UINT8>^buff = ref new Array<UINT8>(6);
buff[0] = (uint8)featureReport->Id;
buff[1] = 0xe;//update mode
buff[2] = 0;
buff[3] = 0;
buff[4] = 0;
buff[5] = 0;
featureReport->Data = dataWriter->DetachBuffer();
.then([this](task<uint32> bytesWrittenTask)
auto x = bytesWrittenTask.get(); // If exception occured, let an exception flow down the task chain so it can be caught
//MessageDialog^ msg = ref new MessageDialog(x.ToString());
This code is to access the hid driver after the success of the need to send commands to the hid device, but here the error featureReport-> Data = dataWriter-> DetachBuffer ();
Error Message: HRESULT: 0x80070057 Parameter Error
You are probably hitting an invalid buffer length. Try to get the buffer length, before you try to write to it.
(pseudo code)
FeatureReport report = hidDevice->GetFeatureReport(reportId)
Array<UINT8>^buff = ref new Array<UINT8>(report.Data.Length);