I want to match a string that has more than 3 characters and combine with positive look behind an optional character (/).
From the input:
100/ABC-12345 10
I need to retrieve:
ABC-12345 10
I can match them separately but cannot combine them. See my current regex:
You may use:
Updated Regex Demo
Positive lookbehind (?<=/|^) asserts presence of / or start of line behind current position and \w[\w-]{3,} matches at least 4 of word or hyphen characters where first character must be a word character.
Try this:
See live demo.
This matches a slash optionally, then at least 4 of word chars or dashes.
(let's say Bullet Point "•" is Whitespaces)
What I have tried is
/(?<=^.*)\d{2}(?= *)$/gm
but it seem like it does match only last 2 digits that whitespaces doesn't concat like this
(let's say bold strings are where regex matched)
but what I want is last 2 digits ignore whitespaces like this
You can use
\d{2}(?= *$)
See the regex demo. To match any whitespaces, replace the literal space with as \s shorthand character class: \d{2}(?=\s*$).
\d{2} - two digits
(?= *$) - a positive lookahead that requires zero or more chars and the end of string position to appear immediately to the right of the current location.
I need to write a regex that will find all words with 3 or more 'a' letters. Suppose that each word is on a new line.
Example of correct words:
I end up with something like this:
But it will not work correctly if there will be more than 3 'a' letters or if word starts with 'a'.
I would keep it simple and just use:
This regex pattern matches any word containing three lower/upper a/A characters in it, appearing anywhere in the word.
Here is what I tried:
See an online demo
^ - Start line anchor.
(?i) - Match rest case-insensitive.
(?:[b-z]*a){3} - A non-capture group where you would match 0+ characters ranging from b-z upto a literal "a". Repeated three times.
[a-z]* - Match any possible remainder.
$- End line anchor.
If you want to use the anchors, you can add matching .* at the end, and add \n to the negated character class to prevent crossing newlines.
Regex demo
Or a bit shorter
Regex demo
How does a regex look like for
Rood Li-Ion 12 G6
"Rood" "Li-Ion" "G6"
I tried
\b[\w-]+\b /g
But that matches the "12" also!
2.I tried
But that didn't match G6.
I want all words even if they have a number in them but I dont want only numbers to match. How is this possible. Whitespace also shall not be part of the match.
"Rood Li-Ion 12 G6" shall become 3 strings of "Rood","Li-Ion","G6"
You can use
See the regex demo. It matches strings between whitespaces or start/end of string, and only when this non-whitespace chunk is not a digit only chunk.
Also, it won't match a streak of hyphens as your original regex.
(?<!\S) - a left whitespace boundary
(?!\d+(?!\S)) - no one or more digits immediately to the right capped with whitespace or end of string is allowed
\w+(?:-\w+)* - one or more word chars followed with zero or more repetitions of - and one or more word chars
(?!\S) - a right whitespace boundary
This should suit your needs:
The words' length could be 2 or 6-10 and could be separated by space or comma. The word only include alphabet, not case sensitive.
Here is the groups of words that should be matched:
Not matching groups:
Here is the pattern that I have tried
But unfortunately this pattern can match string like this: RE,RERE
Look like the word boundary has not been set.
You could match chars a-z either 2 or 6 - 10 times using an alternation
Then repeat that pattern 0+ times preceded by a comma or a space [ ,].
^(?:[A-Za-z]{6,10}|[A-Za-z]{2})(?:[, ](?:[A-Za-z]{6,10}|[A-Za-z]{2}))*$
^ Start of string
(?:[A-Za-z]{6,10}|[A-Za-z]{2}) Match chars a-z 6 -10 or 2 times
(?: Non capturing group
[, ](?:[A-Za-z]{6,10}|[A-Za-z]{2}) Match comma or space and repeat previous pattern
)* Close non capturing group and repeat 0+ times
$ End of string
Regex demo
If lookarounds are supported, you might also assert what is directly on the left and on the right is not a non whitespace character \S.
(?<!\S)(?:[A-Za-z]{6,10}|[A-Za-z]{2})(?:[ ,](?:[A-Za-z]{6,10}|[A-Za-z]{2}))*(?!\S)
Regex demo
This one will get only the words who have 2 letter, or between 6 and 10
You can use this
^(?!.*\b[a-z]{4}\b)(?:(?:[a-z]{2}|[a-z]{6,10})(?:,|[ ]+)?)+$
Regex Demo
This regex will match your first case, but neither of your two other cases:
^((([a-zA-Z]{2})|([a-zA-Z]{6,10}))(,|[ ]+|$))+$
I'm making the assumption here that each line should be a single match.
Here it is in action.
I checked on stackoverflow already but didn't find a solution I could use.
I need a regular expression to match any word (by word I mean anything between full spaces) that contains numbers. It can be alphanumeric AB12354KFJKL, or dates 11/01/2014, or numbers with hyphens in the middle, 123-489-568, or just plain normal numbers 123456789 - but it can't match anything without numbers.
Better example of what I want (in bold) in a sample text:
ABC1 ABC 23-4787 ABCD 4578 ABCD 11/01/2014 ABREKF
There must be something better, but I think this should work:
\S* - Zero or more non-whitespace characters
\d+ - One or more digits
\S* - Zero or more non-whitespace characters
Use this lookahead:
This asserts that the string contains any quantity of non numeric characters (\D) followed by a single digit.
If you want to match/capture the string, then just add .* to the regex:
Reference: http://www.rexegg.com/regex-lookarounds.html