How to fix build error because Install pods using EAS build EXPO? - expo

I'm trying to build an IOS app using EAS service expo, but when I try to build, there is an error while install pods on build details expo. And this is the error.
Unable to find a specification for `UMTaskManagerInterface` depended upon by `EXLocation`
I try to install pod by npm i pod-install but still get error. Is this because I build on Windows, or what should I do to fix this error? I also try to find the error in GitHub forum, and it's say adding path pod in ios/Podfile which I can't find it in my expo project. Where is ios/Podfile file located in expo project?
This is the full error
Installing pods
Using Expo modules
Auto-linking React Native modules for target `MMS`: RNCAsyncStorage, RNCCheckbox, RNDateTimePicker, RNGestureHandler, RNPermissions, RNReanimated, RNScreens, react-native-safe-area-context, and react-native-viewpager
Analyzing dependencies
Fetching podspec for `DoubleConversion` from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec`
Fetching podspec for `RCT-Folly` from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/RCT-Folly.podspec`
Fetching podspec for `glog` from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec`
Adding spec repo `trunk` with CDN ``
CocoaPods 1.11.2 is available.
To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods`
For more information, see and the CHANGELOG for this version at
[!] Unable to find a specification for `UMTaskManagerInterface` depended upon by `EXLocation`
You have either:
* out-of-date source repos which you can update with `pod repo update` or with `pod install --repo-update`.
* mistyped the name or version.
* not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.
[stderr] [!] `<PBXResourcesBuildPhase UUID=`13B07F8E1A680F5B00A75B9A`>` attempted to initialize an object with an unknown UUID. `2EE81B3C866A4A13B6460929` for attribute: `files`. This can be the result of a merge and the unknown UUID is being discarded.
pod exited with non-zero code: 1
i try using expo build:ios-> archive is working perfectly. why using eas build -p ios i got that error?


Upgrading orchard from 1.8.2 to 1.10.2. but the build in vsts is failing in the 'Drop' step

Upgrading orchard from 1.8.2 to 1.10.2. but the build in vsts is failing in the 'Drop' step with the following error : "Publish build artifacts failed with error: Not found PathtoPublish: d:\a\1\s\ReleaseManagement\Zipped" .
Does this mean that any of the settings or config files are overwritten?
Guess some config information regarding the generation of is missing.
During the upgrade the package.proj file and the MSbuild folder got deleted .Because of this the required releasemanagement zip file and other files didnt get generated. After including the deleted files back the build passed successfully.

No such module 'FacebookLogin'

I'm working on an app with Firebase and Facebook SDKs, but I have a problem installing Facebook SDK for some reason. Firebase works just fine and I've followed the official facebook guide for Swift. Here's my Podfile:
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'MyApp_iOS' do
# Pods for MyApp_iOS
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'Firebase/Database'
pod 'Firebase/Messaging'
pod 'Firebase/Storage'
pod 'FacebookCore'
pod 'FacebookLogin'
I'm getting the 'no such module "FacebookLogin"' error when I try importing FacebookLogin. I've tried installing FBSDKCoreKit and changing platform 9.0 to 10.0 but I got same result. What am I doing wrong?
Here is what you need to do:
Create a directory for your project
Create a new Xcode project in the directory from step 1
In the directory you created run pod init
This will create a Podfile
In the Podfile add the pods you need
Run pod install this will download the needed pod files and create an .xcworkspace file with a name like MyApp_iOS.xcworkspace.
Close the existing xccodeproj file and open the xcworkspace file
Make all you changes in the xcworkspace file. Now FacebookLogin is available.
Special thanks to Thiago for his help with this issue.

Installing php5-openssl on Amazon SUSE SE 11 SP3

I have a SUSE ES 11 SP3 Amazon EC2 instance and I need to install the php5-openssl package, but I'm getting in trouble when using "zypper install". I should have upgraded the insance infrastructure update (more details here), but I missed the deadline and I am now with a useless instance, because I can not install anything .
Whenever I use zypper install I got:
Refreshing service 'susecloud'.
Problem retrieving the repository index file for service 'susecloud':
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host ''
Check if the URI is valid and accessible.
Error building the cache:
[|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL(s)
Warning: Disabling repository 'php' because of the above error.
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host ''
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/? shows all options] (a): a
Problem retrieving files from 'SLE11-SDK-SP3-Pool'.
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host ''
Please see the above error message for a hint.
Warning: Disabling repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP3-Pool' because of the above error.
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host ''
If I try updating the update infrascructure I got:
Adding repository 'tmp_instance_infrastructure_upgrade' [done]
Repository 'tmp_instance_infrastructure_upgrade' successfully added
Enabled: Yes
Autorefresh: No
GPG check: Yes
URI: dir:///usr/share/instance_infrastructure_upgrade/repo
Repository 'tmp_instance_infrastructure_upgrade' priority has been set to 1.
Retrieving repository 'tmp_instance_infrastructure_upgrade' metadata [done]
Building repository 'tmp_instance_infrastructure_upgrade' cache [done]
Specified repositories have been refreshed.
Refreshing service 'susecloud'.
Problem retrieving the repository index file for service 'susecloud':
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host ''
Check if the URI is valid and accessible.
Error building the cache:
[|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL(s)
Warning: Disabling repository 'php' because of the above error.
Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host ''
--> Updating packages failed
I tried to install each php5-openssl dependency, downloading each RPM and installing with rpm -i, but every time I resolve one dependency another appears. I also tried the suse forum (post here) but with no success until now.
So my questions are:
Is there some way to fix zypper repositories manually? Even if only to install the php5-openssl package.
Is there some way to use RPM to manage the dependencies for php5-openssl?
Is there another alternative to install php5-openssl in my suse instance?
in short:
you cannot fix these repositories; since they don't exist anymore (try browsing to
rpm cannot look for dependencies because rpm does not use repositories (that's where zypper comes in). You can look for rpms on the internet, and then install the manually using rpm; but rpm won't locate the missing rpms.
Yes; as said in point 2; you can look for the rpms; download them and install them manually; or else you can even look for repositories that contain the rpms you want, and add that repository. However be careful with that; since those repositories probably aren't made for Amazon EC2. If you do this; try to find a repository as close as possible to suse 11 EC2...

haystack.exceptions.MissingDependency: The 'elasticsearch' backend requires the installation of 'elasticsearch'

I am newbie to Django-haystack. I got an error while following Django-Haystack documentation.
Command execution order, I followed:
I started elasticsearch server (1.7.3) using command prompt and I am able to access
python rebuild_index
WARNING: This will irreparably remove EVERYTHING from your search index in connection 'default'.
Your choices after this are to restore from backups or rebuild via the rebuild_index command.
Are you sure you wish to continue? [y/N] y
packages\haystack\backends\", line 28, in
raise MissingDependency("The 'elasticsearch' backend requires the installation of 'elasticsearch'. Please refer to the documentation.")
haystack.exceptions.MissingDependency: The 'elasticsearch' backend requires the installation of 'elasticsearch'. Please refer to the documentation.
Current Platform (Windows):
1. Django 1.8
2. elasticsearch: 1.9.0 (installed through pip)
3. pyelasticsearch: 0.0.5 (installed through pip)
4. elasticseach: 1.7.3 (downloaded to start elasticsearch server)
I have tried adding the 'elasticsearch' also to my installed apps but the same error exists.
It seems there is version compatibility problems (perhaps in pyelasticseach) as I found some others also faced the same issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Static buildpack deploy now failing due to unsupported stack

I'm trying to deploy an update to a simple HTML application using static files. Using the static buildpack, I've previously deployed the application with no issues.
Pushing an application update, the command fails with the following message:
----> Downloaded app package (4.0K)
Cloning into '/tmp/buildpacks/staticfile-buildpack'...
Submodule 'compile-extensions' ( registered for path 'compile-extensions'
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 170004, message: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase
Looking in the logs for the application, the platform fails staging due to an incompatibility with the stack.
ERR Cloning into '/tmp/buildpacks/staticfile-buildpack'...
OUT Submodule 'compile-extensions' ( registered for path 'compile-extensions'
ERR Cloning into 'compile-extensions'...
OUT Submodule path 'compile-extensions': checked out '1f260464c156bddfb654adb14298344797d030a1'
ERR It looks like you're deploying on a stack that's not supported by this buildpack.
ERR That could be because you're using a recent buildpack release on a deprecated stack.
ERR If you're using the buildpack installed by your CF admin, please let your admin know you saw this error message.
ERR If you at one point specified a buildpack that's at git URL, please make sure you're pointed at a version that supports this stack.
OUT Staging failed: Buildpack compilation step failed
ERR encountered error: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase
How can I resolve this?
Cloud Foundry recently added support for a new stack, cflinuxfs2, based upon Ubuntu 14.04. IBM Bluemix still supports the old lucid64 build stack, which appears to be chosen by default if a stack isn't specified on the command line.
Looking at the "Static Buildpack" manifest, the old stack isn't supported.
- cflinuxfs2
You can explicitly set the application stack during deploying using the '-s' command-line parameter.
cf push -b -s cflinuxfs2
Using the 'cflinuxfs2' will fix the issue.
For anyone else having this issue on bluemix I was actually unable to use the cflinuxfs stack on the external bluemix, but pushing with cflinuxfs2 seems to work
cf push -b -s cflinuxfs2
Edit: Running this command on the api endpoint that I was using I got the following output, hence the reason i had to use cflinuxfs2:
> cf stacks
name description
lucid64 Ubuntu 10.04
seDEA private
cflinuxfs2 Ubuntu 14.04.2 trusty