How do I handle Request Body Error in Ktor - postman

I am new to Ktor and I have a route with a request body which i am parsing with Kotlin Serialization.
I know that the request body is expected to conform to the request body data class but then, I tested by passing the wrong field in my test payload and it crashed the app.
I want to be able to handle such scenarios and respond to the client that such a field is not allowed. How do i go about that.
This is my sample data class:
data class UserLoginDetails(
var email: String = "",
var password: String = ""
This is the route:
post("/user/login") {
val userInfo = call.receive<UserLoginDetails>()
//my code here
The payload below works
"email": "",
"password": "password"
But if use an alternative payload for instance:
"phone": "",
"password": "password"
The app crashes with the crash message:
kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Unexpected
JSON token at offset 7: Encountered an unknown key 'emai'. Use
'ignoreUnknownKeys = true' in 'Json {}' builder to ignore unknown

You have two options in Ktor:
call.receive is the function which can throw an exception in this case, you can simply catch it:
try {
val userInfo = call.receive<UserLoginDetails>()
} catch (t: Throwable) {
// handle error
Catching exceptions globally using Status Pages:
install(StatusPages) {
exception<SerializationException> { cause ->
call.respond(/* */)

The error message says you can setup your Json with the config ignoreUnknownKeys = true where you are creating the Json object. Here's the doc link.
a tip: You might also want to check other configuration options so you can avoid setting empty string as default values.


Postman parameterized tests with actual values and expected errors for same request

I have request with number of tests cases, same endpoint, different actual values, different expected error messages.
I would like to create parameterized request sending particular value and check particular error message from list with all of the cases.
Request body:
"username": "{{username}}",
"password": "{{password}}",
"error_message": "{{error_message}}",
"error_code": "{{error_code}}"
Error message changes due to different cases:
Missed username
Missed password
Incorrect password or username
Now, I have separate request on each case.
Is there way have 1 request with set of different values, checking
particular error messages/codes?
Create a csv:
Now use this as data file in collection runner or newman.
variable name is same as the column name and, for each iteration you will have corresponding row-column value as the variable value. Eg for iteration1 username will be username1
. As danny mentioned postman has a really rich documentation that you can make use of
Adding another answer on how to run data driven from same request:
Create a environment variable called "csv" and copy the below content and paste it as value:
Now in pr-request add :
if (!pm.variables.get("index")) {
const parse = require('csv-parse/lib/sync')
//Environmental variable where we copy-pasted the csv content
const input = pm.environment.get("csv");
const records = parse(input, {
columns: true,
skip_empty_lines: true
pm.variables.set("index", 0)
pm.variables.set("records", records)
records = pm.variables.get("records")
index = pm.variables.get("index")
if (index !== records.length) {
for (let i of Object.entries(records[index])) {
pm.variables.set(i[0], i[1])
pm.variables.set("index", ++index)
Now you can run data driven for that one particular request:
Eg collection:
use the same data as environment variable content , now run the collection using collection runner or newman

sending request payload with oatpp

I am a beginner to oatpp and building a crud operation demo application. I want to send only two of these four properties (id, name, email, salary) in dto for change email service, in the request payload like below:
You can do it by either creating a separate DTO containing these two fields and then assign values,
or by returning oatpp::Fields<oatpp::Any>.
Using oatpp::Any
ENDPOINT("GET", "/", myEndpoint) {
oatpp::Fields<oatpp::Any> responseDto = {
{"id", oatpp::Int32(1)}, //<-- put your id here
{"email", oatpp::String("email1")} //<-- put your email here
return createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_200, responseDto);

SpringBootTest - Test exception when request is invalid

I developed an API using web-flux which is working fine when I make request using POSTMAN. My code is:
#PostMapping("/post", produces = ["application/xml"])
fun post(#Valid request: RequestData): Mono<Response> {
return Mono.just(request)
data class RequestData(
val email: String = "",
So whenever I pass invalid email via POSTMAN, I'm catching the exception like below and its working:
fun bindingExceptionHandler(e: WebExchangeBindException) = "Custom Error Message"
But now when I write UT(#WebFluxTest) for this case (Invalid emaid), It failed.
fun testWhenInvalidEmail() {
// Request body
val email = "invalidemail"
val request = LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>()
request.add("email", email)"/post")
When I debug this, I found that my exceptionHandler not coming into picture when request coming through unit test. I'm using application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type in POST request.
Please let me know where I'm doing wrong.
I followed this question as well but didn't work.
As mentioned on another related question, this has been fixed in Spring Boot 2.1.0.
Also, you shouldn't have to build WebTestClient yourself but instead inject it in your test class (see reference documentation about that):
public class MyValidationControllerTests {
private WebTestClient webClient;
public void testWhenInvalidEmail() {

AWS Lambda NodeJS - OAuth to Google API

I'm using my own gmail user to read a public calendar. Got program working locally, and displayed the credentials/token with console.log (value altered to protect my token):
Got Token
OAuth2Client {
transporter: DefaultTransporter {},
_certificateCache: null,
_certificateExpiry: null,
_clientId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
_clientSecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
_redirectUri: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob',
_opts: {},
{ access_token: 'xxxxxxx',
refresh_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
token_type: 'Bearer',
expiry_date: 1512151860704 } }
I also did what StackOverflow said: How to oAuth Google API from Lambda AWS? and it gave me the same access_token as displayed above.
So, if I understand, I need to take the access token and put it in my program or a file, and I'm not sure how to do that. My code came from the Google example here:
Do I put this token somewhere in my client_secret.json file or what? I tried just passing it straight to the listEvents method as the value of TOKEN but got "400 Bad Request".
Update 1:
I tried storing the file to disk and then reading it as follows:
exports.getCalendarJSONEventsNew =
function getCalendarJSONEvents(callback) {
console.log("started getCalendarJSONEventsNew");
fs.readFile('OAuth2Client.json', 'utf8',
function processedFile(err, content) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error loading OAuth2Client.json: ' + err);
var tokenFromFile = JSON.parse(content);
listEvents(tokenFromFile, function(jsonResult) {
console.log("Json Callback Events=");
Error: It doesn't seem to be exactly be JSON, so not how to deserialize it back into object:
OAuth2Client {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token O in JSON at position 0
Update 2: Then I had another idea, I saved the following as
credentials: {
access_token: 'xxxxx',
refresh_token: 'xxxxxx',
token_type: 'Bearer',
expiry_date: 1512151860704
as .credentials/calendar-nodejs-quickstart.json.
Then when I ran on the server, I got this response back:
Authorize this app by visiting this url:
Here's how I got it to work so far.
1) Created a file called calendar-nodejs-quickstart.json in the root directory.
I kept getting errors when trying to read .credentials/calendar-nodejs-quickstart.json. I tried setting the environment variables, but ended up changing sample code as follows:
var TOKEN_DIR = '.credentials/';
var TOKEN_PATH = 'calendar-nodejs-quickstart.json';
2) Had to remove "credentials :" from the beginning of the file, and add the double quotes (and also changed single quotes to double quotes). This was to get past various JSON parsing errors.
"access_token": "xxxxx",
"refresh_token": "xxxx",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expiry_date": 1512151860704
3) I also added the 'utf8' below, and added some debug code to see what was going on:
// Check if we have previously stored a token.
console.log("TOKEN_PATH=" + TOKEN_PATH);
fs.readFile(TOKEN_PATH, 'utf8', function(err, token) {
if (err) {
console.log("err=" + err);
getNewToken(oauth2Client, callback);
} else {
console.log("Use stored tokens from " + TOKEN_PATH);
oauth2Client.credentials = JSON.parse(token);
Seems critical to me to show the value of the "err" variable.

Moodle rest post returning error with feature core_user_get_users_by_field

Hi I'm new with moodle and I'm getting an error when calling the webservice.
Currently I'm trying to retrieve a user from moodle with the following function core_user_get_users_by_field and I'm using rest service to do so. I already managed to create a user thus I am authenticated to use the service.
the error that I'm receiving is
Missing required key in single structure: field
The bellow is the code was used to create a User. the issue that I got from the error is that the parameter that I need to send for the post is not formatted well. Does anyone know how to search correctly with this method or any other method.
String token = "token";
String postData = "username=username";
string createRequest = string.Format("http://domain/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken={0}&wsfunction={1}&moodlewsrestformat=json", token, "core_user_get_users_by_field");
// Call Moodle REST Service
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(createRequest);
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
// Encode the parameters as form data:
byte[] formData =
req.ContentLength = formData.Length;
// Write out the form Data to the request:
using (Stream post = req.GetRequestStream())
post.Write(formData, 0, formData.Length);
// Get the Response
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
Stream resStream = resp.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resStream);
string contents = reader.ReadToEnd();
// Deserialize
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
if (contents.Contains("exception"))
// Error
MoodleException moodleError = serializer.Deserialize<MoodleException>(contents);
// Good
The webservice core_user_get_users_by_field needs an associative array given as parameter with the following key:values
'field': 'id'
'values': array of integers (must be an array, possibly with just one value)
In PHP it would be, for example:
$parameters = array('field' => 'id', 'values' => array(13));
It means: the user whose 'id' has the value of 13. Of course, you can use other parameters as well: ('field'=>'lastname', 'values'=> array('Smith'))
The parameters you can choose are the fields of the Moodle 'user' table.
Try to build these parameters in your postData variable.
Here's URL that work with my put this url in postman and set http method to post method