Mfc WebBrowser control doesn't display echart's tooltip when configured use IE11 core,however this tooltip is displayed normally in IExplore.exe。 - mfc

I have tried use IECore in lower Edition,then It proved the tooltip can show noraml,but there will be some Js Compatibility Error.
Seems like some thing need to do about WebBrowser control or Regist.


Tab events in firefox(windows)

What would be a reliable way to detect tab events(tab close/tab switch etc.) in firefox on windows?
It was easy to do it for chrome with SetWinEventHook with subscriptions to the events EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW and EVENT_OBJECT_HIDE since each chrome tab has a separate content window but since firefox has just one top level window for all tabs in a browser window I couldn't figure out a way to catch tab events in firefox.
PS: Its my observation using spy++ that its just one top level window across tabs in firefox. I may be wrong here.

Android - actionbar back icon change

I'm doing a project. I am using SlidingMenu in my project. When i open the sliding menu, action back button icon's should seems like this image <-- also when i close action back button icon's should seems like this image --> . How can i do that ?
You can change it programmatically easily by using homeAsUpIndicator() function that added in android API level 18 and upper.
In case, if you are using support library,

cef3 tooltips are not displaying

I'm starting to learn CEF3 and am having a problem getting tooltips to appear over hyperlinks. I understand that I need to implement cef_display_handler::onTooltip for this to work, but I am not sure how to handle the implementation. Could someone show me how to get tooltips to display? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
From cef_display_handler.h:
// Called when the browser is about to display a tooltip. |text| containsthe
// text that will be displayed in the tooltip. To handle the display of the
// tooltip yourself return true. Otherwise, you can optionally modify |text|
// and then return false to allow the browser to display the tooltip.
virtual bool OnTooltip(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
CefString& text) { return false; }
I am stumped on how to implement this method. I have not created tooltips in C++ or CEF.
Does anyone have a sample implementation that I could see, please?
I have upgraded to cef 3.2171.1979_windows32, and am still not seeing tooltips when I launch my browser from within my application. My application uses cef to display html report files, which have links to open database reports with custom urls. This is why I am not able to simply use cefclient. Is there something I am missing with the libcef_dll_wrapper to allow tooltips to display?

Adding custom controls to a console window

Is it possible to add custom controls to a console window? You can use GetConsoleWindow() to get the window's handle, and then add your own menu items or consume all its events. I can't find any examples of people adding extra controls though.
I am developing a small, high performance serial terminal app. It is a console application - RichTextBox is too slow and has issues that make it unsuitable for VT100 terminal emulation.
I want to add some little graphics to show the state of the serial control lines (RTS/CTS/DTR/RI etc.) and perhaps a capture on/off toggle button. Ideally I'd like to add them to the window title bar. Bitmaps are all that are required.
After lots of research I found that it isn't easy, or even possible really.
You can add controls to the window with CreateWindow(), but of course only in the client area which is taken up entirely by the console text box. However, you can at least create floating controls that way, which hover over the text to provide status info etc.
You can put controls in the window borders but only with some hacking on XP or a new API that was introduced with Vista. The problem with this API is that it requires you to draw your own program icon and title text, and the console window doesn't seem to cope with it very well.
You can't add your own menu items because the console window doesn't pass the messages.
In the end I used the function keys for everything and gave a status indication by changing the console window icon.

Manipulating scrollbars in third-party application

I need to create an application which do the following:
At the beginning we have notepad window open with a lot of text in it.
Our application must scroll through this file and take notepad window screenshot after each scroll action.
I've tried to achieve this using SBM_GETRANGE, SBM_GETRANGE, SBM_SETPOS but it does not work for me.
Please note that emulating keyboard events (e.g. PageDown, PageUp) is not an option for me because this application should also work with other applications which may not support keyboard shortcuts for manipulating scrolls.
Don't try to manipulate the scrollbar directly - instead SetFocus() to the text window, then send Page Down messages. If there are applications where you must manipulate the scrollbar, you should get its window handle and send the messages there.