How do you write a file in a specific location on iPhone? - c++

I have been trying to create and write a file using an iPhone C++ compiler, but the file always ends up at a location called /tmp, which I do not have access to. Is there any way to use the iPhone to create and write a file to a specific path location?
I have tried to use the following code, but it does not create the file at that location:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main(){
std::ofstream File("/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8EDE34D7-84CE-4147-8126-8D1AF04717A1/Documents/my_folder/my_file.txt");
File << "Hello!";
return 0;

Your code ignores state of your File object. It just blindly attempts to write into it so no one knows what went wrong when opening it. There are lot of things that can go wrong but you should add code to check its state on any platform.
Two most common things that can go wrong:
Is /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8EDE34D7-84CE-4147-8126-8D1AF04717A1 certainly home directory of your app? You can not access files of another app, if you are trying to do that. Normally you should request your app home directory from operating system, with CFCopyHomeDirectoryURL or perhaps getenv works too:
std::string home = getenv("HOME");
If it is directory of your app then you still can not create files in directory my_folder if that directory inside Documents directory of your app does not exist. For that you need to use NSFileManager or perhaps mkdir from sys/stat.h works too.


Display files contain inside a particular directory by using C++ in LINUX

I'm working on assignment for my university. I have a question on how to display all the files contain inside a particular directory. My working environment is on LINUX UBUNTU 14.04 G++ Compiler.
Let's take an example, I want to display/output all the files inside this DIRECTORY
File contains inside FOLDER FileSystem
I'm not sure whether it can be done by using:
-Using Execute System Command, by calling standard library header.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
system("pwd"); // Directory: /home/user/Desktop/TEST/FileSystem
system("ls"); // Display every files contain in the FileSystem Folder
OUTPUT that I expected:
/FileSystem Folder contains:
How can I code my source code so that I'm able to achieving this OUTPUT/Display that I expected. I have go through some internet sources by googling it. But I find out difficulty on understand it. That's why I have made a decision to post my question on here.
Thank You in advance to you guys for helping me to solve my coding problem.
You need to first open directory for which you need to list files after that you need to read directory.
Add #include for using apis.
#include <dirent.h>
/* open the directory "/home/" for reading. */
DIR* dir = opendir("/home/users");
entry = readdir(dir)); //files or directories in /home
//Add logic to verify entry is file or directory
Refer this thread
the function
is just firing the command but you are missing what the output of the command ls is.
You need to capture it.
In this other thread it's explained how to do it.

How to reference a file to be opened in C++ given that its full path name will change from computer to computer?

Our Computer Science teacher has given us a project to make a fully functioning console application using C++. And I have started to make it. But I got stuck at some point. I want to open an editable text (.txt) file using the open() function. But I made a separate folder for all the text files. Usually I have to provide a full directory path in the open() function, which is F:\Work\C++\SchoolProject\TextFiles in my case. But what if I copy the SchoolProject folder in a portable drive and take it to my friend's home and try to run the program in their computer. Will it work? I'm asking because it is not necessary that they will have the Work folder in the F directory or maybe they may not have the F disk at all. So in that case the path will change. So what path I have to type in the open() function so that the program works in each and every computer without changing the address in the open() function every time I try to run the program in some other computer. A source code may be helpful with explanation. Thank You!
Instead of using absolute paths, you should use relative paths. When you run your program from a folder, this is your working path. You can then open files inside this folder or subfolders of this folder by passing only the file name or folder and file name to the open function. So instead of opening C:\... simply open someFolder\someFile.txt.
You could consider having the filename that you parse in as part of a command line argument, like this:
int main(int arg, char* args[]) {
FILE *newfile = fopen( args[1], "r");
You can not be sure all computers have the F: drive mapped correctly so it is better to use
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) names i.e. "\server\share\path\file".
A nice way to achieve the same is by using Boost Filesystem, but this makes your code more complicated since you are depending on an external library (read: the students might be confused). The documentation for Boost Filesystem is found here:

Not able to write to a file

My programs have been running properly for over a year. Today I copied the files onto a different system and compiled every program.
When I compile and run from Dev-c++ it writes data onto a text file like its supposed to, but when I click on the executable it creates, it does not write data onto the file. Everything else like input/output seems to work.
What procedure have I missed?
Ok i've given the program Full permision but it still does not write.
I'm quite puzzled, atleast if it didn't run when i compile it in the C++ environment i can keep checking my code, but only the .exe does not work, any other suggestions ?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream bss2;"expat.txt",ios::app);
bss2 << 2 ;
This is the sample code i tested out.
How do i find the Current working directory ?
Ok i changed a line to"c:\\expat2.txt",ios::app);
and now it works properly in the exe file.
but there's over 50 files and i prefer i didn't have to spell out the new path to each one, what workaround is there to set the directory to the one previously used ?
update 4 :
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
char cwd[256];
int y;
if (chdir("/tmp") != 0)
perror("chdir() error()");
else {
if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) == NULL)
perror("getcwd() error");
printf("current working directory is: %s\n", cwd);
Ok i used the getcwd() and this is the message it gives me
chdir() error(): No such file or directory
How do i set the directory now.
Sounds like your working directory isn't being set correctly when you double-click on the file. If you can access a log, use getcwd() and log what it returns.
I don't have Raymond Chen's psychic debugging powers yet, but I do know of a tool that may help you: Process Monitor. Use it to see precisely which files your application is trying to write to, and why it fails.
Maybe your looking at the wrong location. The program will write the file to the current working directory, which may be different between when you double click on the executable and run from Dev-C++.
The best and easiest way is to give the full path of the output file rather than just the filename. That way, you can be sure where the file went, and not have to search for it everywhere. If you are using Windows, the output file might be somewhere in system32. But I could be wrong.
As others have said, the working directory is likely incorrect.
If you create a shortcut to the .exe, you can set the working directory in the shortcut properties. Right-click on the shortcut, select "Properties", and change the "Start in" property.
Of course a better answer is to put the full path of the file into the filename string when you open it.
It might be that Windows uses backslash, so try "\tmp" instead of "/tmp".
Also if all your files are in the same directory, then you can use find & replace and replace open(" with open("c:\\your_directory_here\

Output file to specific folder C++ Windows 7

I am using C++ and trying to output a file to a specific place, a folder with a specified name in the same directory as the executable. Couldn't find a great resource on an easy way to do this but I know it must be possible.
My example. I am saving a log file and instead of having it save to the same directory as the executable, it saves to /logs/
Thank you for your time!
Edit: I used mkdir to create a folder but how do I output to that folder. Is mkdir even a good thing to be using? I want to learn the best way to do this, not necessarily the easiest.
This code:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::ofstream of( "C:\\mydir\\somewhere\\log.txt" );
of << "hello\n";
will write "hello" to the file log.txt in the directory c:\mydir\somewhere, assuming the directory exists. And yes, mkdir is the right function to use. If you don't want to hardcode the path, you can find the path & name of the executable with GetModuleFileName, and then create the path programatically from that - see How to get Current Directory? for an example.

C++: Where does the ofstream class save the files to?

I moved from Windows to Mac and now I'm experiencing a problem with the file input/output classes: ifstream & ofstream.
In Windows when you run with g++/Code Blocks
ofstream out("output.txt");
out << "TEST";
A new file "output.txt" will be created in the same directory.
However in MAC OS X, this file is created in my home directory: /Users/USER_NAME/output.txt
How can I have this file in the same directory together with the executable?
P.S. I'm using GCC and CodeBlocks. There are no projects - I'm just compiling a single source file.
The stream classes, like all other file-opening functions, use the current directory when you provide a relative path. You can control the current directory with a function like chdir, but a better solution is to use fully qualified file names. Then you remove your program's dependency on the current directory.
The file is simply created in the current working directory. Change working directory or provide full path.
The working directory is initially set when your program starts. When you start it from the command line, you inherit the current working directory from the shell. In CodeBlock, one of the project options is the execution working dir' for debug runs.
(See also
You'll need to provide a full, absolute path to the file you are trying to create.