AWS API Gateway concatenate query string parameter - amazon-web-services

I am trying to have an API Gateway that can publish to multiple SNS and choose which one it publishes to by sending the name of the topic as a header. Then I want to concatenate it to make the TopicArn in the integration request.
For example with a header 'topic' I want to put something like this in 'mapped from':
But that doesn't work. Maybe I should use the mapping but don't know how to do it.
I have tried lots of things but am just stuck. Would love to find a good code example somewhere but any help at all would be appreciated


API gateway proxy integration with lambda function in CDK

When I set CDK as following , and deploy them. the two content was generated in api gateway.
new LambdaRestApi(this,"api",{
I totally beginner this kind of API manipulation and have questions.
① what is {proxy+} ?
② what is the difference between following two API ?
③ How can I see payload which will be passed to lambda function ?
If someone has opinion or materials please let me know.
The purpose of the proxy+ is to enable the following URLs to work with your function:
without proxy+ only the following will work:
So the proxy+ is able to accept everything past /test-invoke-stage as it matches every path starting with /test-invoke-stage.

What to use to get data from OpenFIGI API to store into AWS or Snowflake?

I am trying to get help on what to use to get data from OpenFIGI API to store into AWS or Snowflake?
I would like to build a form or input sheet to be able to input the POST /v2/search Request Format for OpenFIGI and send the API request.
I need help figuring out how to get the input built and where to stage the return data in AWS or Snowflake so I can attach it to other tables.
Thanks for any help or quickstarts that may help me along.

Query AWS SNS Endpoints by User Data

Simple question, but I suspect it doesn't have a simple or easy answer. Still, worth asking.
We're creating an implementation for push notifications using AWS with our Web Server running on EC2, sending messages to a queue on SQS, which is dealt with using Lambda, which is sent finally to SNS to be delivered to the iOS/Android apps.
The question I have is this: is there a way to query SNS endpoints based on the custom user data that you can provide on creation? The only way I see to do this so far is to list all the endpoints in a given platform application, and then search through that list for the user data I'm looking for... however, a more direct approach would be far better.
Why I want to do this is simple: if I could attach a User Identifier to these Device Endpoints, and query based on that, I could avoid completely having to save the ARN to our DynamoDB database. It would save a lot of implementation time and complexity.
Let me know what you guys think, even if what you think is that this idea is impractical and stupid, or if searching through all of them is the best way to go about this!
There isn't the ability to have a "where" clause in ListTopics. I see two possibilities:
Create a new SNS topic per user that has some identifiable id in it. So, for example, the ARN would be something like "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789:know-prefix-user-id". The obvious downside is that you have the potential for a boat load of SNS topics.
Use a service designed for this type of usage like PubNub. Disclaimer - I don't work for PubNub or own stock but have successfully used it in multiple projects. You'll be able to target one or many users this way.
According the the [AWS documentation][1] if you try and create a new Platform Endpoint with the same User Data you should get a response with an exception including the ARN associated with the existing PlatformEndpoint.
It's definitely not ideal, but it would be a round about way of querying the User Data Endpoint attributes via exception.
//Query CustomUserData by exception
CreatePlatformEndpointRequest cpeReq = new CreatePlatformEndpointRequest().withPlatformApplicationArn(applicationArn).withToken("dummyToken").withCustomUserData("username");
CreatePlatformEndpointResult cpeRes = client.createPlatformEndpoint(cpeReq);
You should get an exception with the ARN if an endpoint with the same withCustomUserData exists.
Then you just use that ARN and away you go.

Consuming RSS feed with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

I'm a newbie rails programmer, and I have even less experience with all the AWS products. I'm trying to use lambda to subscribe to and consume an rss feed from youtube. I am able to send the subscription request just fine with HTTParty from my locally hosted rails app:
query = {'hub.mode':'subscribe', 'hub.verify':'sync', 'hub.topic': '', 'hub.callback':'API Endpoint for Lambda'}
subscribe = ', :query=>query)
and it will ping the lambda function with a get request. I know that I need to echo back a hub.challenge string, but I don't know how. The lambda event is empty, I didn't see anything useful in the context. I tried formatting the response in the API gateway but that didn't work either. So right now when I try to subscribe I get back a 'Challenge Mismatch' error.
I know this: https://pubsubhubbub.googlecode.come/git/pubsubhubbub-core-0.3.html#subscribing explains what I'm trying to do better than what I just did, and section 6.2.1 is where the breakdown is. How do I set up either the AWS Lambda function and/or the API Gateway to reflect back the 'hub.challenge' verification token string?
You need to use the parameter mapping functionality of API Gateway to map the parameters from the incoming query string to a parameter passed to your Lambda function. From the documentation link you provided, it looks like you'll at least need to map the hub.challenge query string parameter, but you may also need the other parameters (hub.mode, hub.topic, and hub.verify_token) depending on what validation logic (if any) that you're implementing.
The first step is to declare your query string parameters in the method request page. Once you have declared the parameters open the integration request page (where you specify which Lambda function API Gateway should call) and use the "+" icon to add a new template. In the template you will have to specify a content type (application/json), and then the body you want to send to Lambda. You can read both query string and header parameters using the params() function. In that input mapping field you are creating the event body that is posted to AWS Lambda. For example: { "challenge": "$input.params('hub.challenge')" }
Documentation for mapping query string parameters

JItterBit HTTP Endpoint

I am working to set up a HTTP Endpoint in JitterBit, for this end point we have a system that will call this Endpoint and pass parameters through the URL to it.
http://[server]:[server port]/EndPoint?Id={SalesForecID}&Status={updated status in SF}
Would i need to use the Text File, JSON or XML Method for this? Follow up question would be if it is JSON or XML what would the file look like that is uploaded during creating the endpoint. I have tired with no success with the text file version.
any help would be great.
I'm just seeing your question now. You may have found a solution, but this took me a while to figure out, so I'll respond anyway.
To get the passed values, go ahead and create your HTTP Endpoint and add a new operation triggered by it. Then, in your new operation create a script with something like the following:
$SalesForceID = $jitterbit.networking.http.query.Id
$UpdatedStatus = $jitterbit.networking.http.query.Status
You can then use these variables elsewhere in your operation chain.
If you want to use these values to feed into another RESTful web service (i.e. an HTTP Source), you'll have to create a separate transformation operation with the HTTP Source. You'd set that source URL to be:[SalesForceID]&Status=[UpdatedStatus]. I'm not sure why, but you can't have the script that extracts the parameters from the Endpoint and the HTTP Source that uses those in the same operation.