To blacklist an IP in AWS do we need to create IPSet for client or for Client Environment - amazon-web-services

I have a client IP that I need to black list. Do I need to create IPset for a client or client Environment?

Without knowing how your EC2 instance and network is configured it's difficult to say. However, this answer assumes that you are trying to blacklist an IP address for your entire VPC rather than the EC2 instance only.
Security at the network level can be managed by a Network Access Control List (NACL) or SecurityGroup. NACL's allow ALLOW and DENY rules; SecurityGroups only have ALLOW rules.
So, to blacklist an IP you can use a NACL inbound rule with the IP range and DENY.
|Rule #|Type |Protocol|Port range|Source |Allow/Deny|
|200 |All traffic|All |All | |DENY |
For more advanced scenarios you may need to look at running something like AWS WAF


How do I add an ip range to aws?

I haven't found anything that details out how to add a range through the AWS portal. I have a range of salesforce ids that I need to add. When i set the server to only allow from specific ids I'm unable to reach the server by adding the basic single addresses. I found an address in the first range which allowed traffic, but when I've restricted access to only the listed ips I'm unable to ping salesforce from the server. I have all outbound traffic allowed. Also, when I allow all traffic, I am able to ping in both directions. I have very limited network experience, so any help is appreciated. Here is an example of the first ARIN range -
If you have a range like - first convert that to a CIDR range using a web site that can do the conversion: wmtips
Then add the CIDR address to the inbound rules of the security group attached to your EC2 (Make sure the correct protocol is selected). This is to allow access for the remote system. Set the outbound rules on the security group to

Cannot connect to AWS Transfer S3 SFTP server - might need to set security group

I'm trying to set up an SFTP server managed by AWS that has a fixed IP address which external clients can whitelist in a firewall. Based on this FAQ this is what I should do:
You can enable fixed IPs for your server endpoint by selecting the VPC endpoint for your server and choosing the internet-facing option. This will allow you to attach Elastic IPs (including BYO IPs) to your server’s endpoint, which is assigned as the endpoint’s IP address
So I followed the official instructions here under "Creating an Internet-Facing Endpoint for Your SFTP Server". The creation settings look like this:
The result looks like this:
Compare with the result screenshot from the docs:
My result is almost the same, except that under the table "Endpoint Configuration" the last column says "Private IPv4 Address" instead of 'Public'. That's the first red flag. I have no idea why it's a private address. It doesn't look like one, it's the IP address of the Elastic IP that I created, and the endpoint DNS name s-****** resolves to that IP address on my local machine.
If I ping the endpoint or the IP address, it doesn't work:
451 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 460776ms
If I try connecting with sftp or ssh it hangs for a while before failing:
ssh: connect to host 34.****** port 22: Connection timed out
Connection closed
The other potential problem is security groups:
At this point, your endpoint is assigned with the selected VPC's default security group. To associate additional or change existing security groups, visit the Security Groups section in the
These instructions don't make sense to me because there's nowhere in the Security Groups interface that I can assign a group to another entity such as a transfer server. And there's nowhere in the transfer server configuration that mentions security groups. How do I set a new security group?
I tried changing the security group of the Network Interface of the Elastic IP, but I got a permission error even though I'm an administrator. Apparently I don't actually own ENIs? In any case I don't know if this is the right path.
The solution was to find the endpoint that was created for the server in the "Endpoints" section of the VPC console. The security groups of the endpoint can be edited.
The "Private IPv4 address" seems to be irrelevant.
The default security group controls access to the internet-facing endpoint for the new sftp server in a vpc. Mess around with the default security group ingress rules for the vpc selected for the sftp server. Or, white list the exact ip address connecting to the sftp endpoint in the default security group.
If the admin says ho hum, create a second vpc for the sftp server if isolation is absolutely necessary. Fiddle with the default group in the new, isolated vpc.
Creating an Internet-Facing endpoint for Your sftp server
Happy transferring!

How to expose a API that is running in a Pod and limit access?

I have an API running in a service in my GKE Cluster and it needs to be accessible for some other developers in my team. They are using a VPN so they have a static IP they can provide to me.
My idea was to just expose the service using a static external IP and restricting access to this IP using a Firewall rule so just the IP of my colleagues.
Unfortunately this just seems to be possible for Compute-VMs because only they can have tags.
Is there a way how I can simply deny all traffic to my service except for traffic from the specific IP?
I appreciate any hints to features, thank you
Well, you don't need tags, you can create your firewall rule to only allow access to the IP your developers provide you, just when you're creating your firewall rule, select all instances in the network for Targets and for source IP ranges specify the IP with the prefix /32 at the end.
You could provide them RBAC access to the pods in the required namespace and allow them to port forward. Assuming you don't want to set up a public end point and try secure it. This does require kubectl to be installed and cluster access and this will give access to all pods in the namespace.
Depends what level of security and permanency you need I guess.

Qualys Scanner in AWS - opening outbound FW ports

I'm setting up Qualys scanner in Amazon Web Services in an environment that restricts outbound access to the internet from the VPC. It does so completely.
So I'll need to open a ticket to get the outbound access it needs, and I have to specify each IP that the Qualys server will need to connect to.
I'm seeing this message in the logs:
Starting crond:
Preparing scanner personalization
About to test connectivity to
Error: No connectivity to - please fix.
About to test connectivity to
My question is, do I need to open up access to just that one domain? Or do I have to open up access to more than that one domain. I have to be specific and cannot use wildcards in the request. This environment is extremely locked down for security reasons.
There are several ways you can restrict the access of your environment but also to allow certain ports.
AWS does not resolve on DNS names, so make sure you get the set of IP addresses that are to be allowed for access
Use ELB - allow certain ports and permit access for those ports/ip addresses
Port address translation - look in for applications that will allow particular ports from a set of ip addresses
move your application to public subnet and allow the specific port/ip addresses

Configuring AWS using ISP assigned IP?

I'm trying to host a website on AWS and I came across this:
If you are connecting through an ISP or from behind your firewall
without a static IP address, you need to find out the range of IP
addresses used by client computers. If you don't know this address
range, you can use for this tutorial. However, this is
unsafe for production environments because it allows everyone to
access your instance using RDP.
My intention was to host my personal website. I connect through an ISP and do not have a static IP address and I'm not sure about the range of IP addresses.
Is there another way to solve this or would I be best to use a different web host such as godaddy,, etc..?
The recommendation is that you don't allow RDP (or ssh if you go with a linux-based server) from the internet in general (i.e.
Instead, you should restrict access to your ip ( The problem with this is that when your ISP-provided IP address changes, you will be locked out until you adjust your security rules.
Now, for a personal web site, if you're not accessing it a lot, that's probably not a big deal. Chances are that your ip address doesn't actually change that often, and when it does you can remember to update the security group.
If you want to automate it, you can do this from a script that would query one of the many services that provide this, and then update the security group via the aws cli.
Finally, another option is to set up a VPN between your AWS VPC and your local network. This is probably overkill for your problem, but is something to consider when you want to extend your local network into AWS.
Here is a script that can automate the additional of an IP address to Inbound Security Group rules:
IP=`curl -s`
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "RDS-SG" --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr $IP/32