How to load static file image in Vue component with Django Application - django

I am currently using laravel-mix, Django, and Vue together. I would like to load the static image inside the Vue component. My images store in static/img folder
First of all, I have set up an alias in Webpack config pointing to the static folder.
const path = require('path')
let publicPath = 'src/static'
module.exports = {
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.vue'],
alias: {
'#': path.join(__dirname, publicPath)
And load the image in Vue component
<img :src='require(`#/img/Blue.jpg`).default' alt="">
I can't load images and Webpack generated new images into the images folder. How to prevent it and load image correct

change this from
<img :src='require(`#/img/Blue.jpg`).default' alt="">
<img :src="require('#/img/Blue.jpg')" alt="">
hope this may be help u


vue + webpack: how the dynamic component import works?

I use combination of Django+Vue, and I struggle to understand how do names that are created by vue-cli-service build or vue-cli-service serve are created and work, and how to set this in production.
If I do not have dynamic component imports, everything works smoothly.
My vue.config.js looks like that:
module.exports = {
pages: {
main: {
entry: "./src/main.js",
chunks: ["chunk-vendors"],
// Should be STATIC_URL + path/to/build
publicPath: "/front/",
// Output to a directory in STATICFILES_DIRS
outputDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../_static/front/"),
// Django will hash file names, not webpack
filenameHashing: false,
productionSourceMap: false,
runtimeCompiler: true,
devServer: {
writeToDisk: true, // Write files to disk in dev mode, so Django can serve the assets
The result of built looks like that:
And I simply refer to these files in a Django template:
<div id="app"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'front/js/chunk-vendors.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'front/js/main.js' %}"></script>
But as soon as I start using dynamic components, like that:
const User = () => import("./components/User")
Everything stops working, and in addition webpack creates some js files with hashed names in a static folder, and I can't figure out the logic (so I can't refer to them in the template.
Webpack has so called 'magic comments' - see here
What you have there are not really dynamic routes, but lazy ones, which means their code is written into chunks rather than in the main js file and only loaded, when the component is loaded.
So to create a named chunk, you can write the import like that:
import(/* webpackChunkName: "about" */ "../views/About.vue")
However, you'll still have a hash value after that. This is done to avoid browser caching - the browser would not know that there is a new version of the file if it has the same name under certain conditions (like no etags set etc.) This is a webpack configuration that can be overwritten in the vue config. You can have a look for that here:
Edit: as I just saw you can even disable it with the filenamehashing config key:

Django Dynamically serving static files.(Chunk Load error )

I have a Django + React project running at localHost:8000.
def index(request):
return render(request, 'frontend/index.html')
{% load static %}
<script src="{% static "frontend/main.js" %}"></script>
When user click a button in main.js file, it request for 0.bundle.js to server, but server fails to serve it.
I can't do loading manually (<script src="{% static "frontend/0.main.js" %}"></script> This scripts load the 0.bundle.js but I want dynamic import).
As you can see in attached image, the frontend JS file requesting file at rootLocalhost.
Any ideas or directions will be appreciated .
configured webpack as below,new chunk files will point to Django static files
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: {
loader: "babel-loader",
test: /\.css$/,
loader: ["style-loader", "css-loader"],
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
use: [
// Creates `style` nodes from JS strings
// Translates CSS into CommonJS
// Compiles Sass to CSS
output: {
chunkFilename: "static/frontend/[name].bundle.js",

Removing loading screen and spinner after all contents of the window have loaded but before iframes have finished loading

I am using a loading screen with a spinner that is displayed before all contents in the window have loaded. It works well on all pages and the window loads very fast on webpages with less content but on one of my pages, I am loading many iframes that embed youtube videos. $(window).on('load', function(){}); doesn't trigger until all contents have loaded, including iframes. That means that loading takes a long time and the loading screen with the spinner is shown long after the browser has finished loading the HTML, CSS, JS, and all images. I want to use skeleton loading for the iframes after the HTML, CSS, JS, and all images have loaded to cut down on perceived load time. Is there a way to tell that the rest of the window has fully loaded but the iframes are still loading? This is what I am currently doing to remove the loading screen with the spinner:
<div class="spinner-wrapper">
<div class="spinner">
<div class="rect1"></div>
<div class="rect2"></div>
<div class="rect3"></div>
<div class="rect4"></div>
<div class="rect5"></div>
{% for video in range(videos|length) %}
<iframe class="yvideo" src="{{ "" + videos[video]}.get("url") }}"></iframe>
{% endfor %}
<script type=module src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/video.js') }}"></script>
$(window).on('load', function() {
preloaderFadeOutTime = 300;
function hidePreloader() {
var preloader = $('.spinner-wrapper');
There can be multiple ways to solve this issue:
One simple approach can be to keep source of iframes empty initially and dynamically set source of iframes upon window.load.
Here sample code:
$(window).on('load', function() {
document.getElementById('myIframe').src = "your URL";
document.getElementById('myIframe2').src = "your URL";
preloaderFadeOutTime = 300;
function hidePreloader() {
var preloader = $('.spinner-wrapper');
<iframe id="myIframe" src="" ></iframe>
<iframe id="myIframe2" src="" ></iframe>
If you cannot change the video.js file but can create your own js files which can interact with html on the page then do below in your custom js file:
//your external js
// first get collection of your iframes by class
var listOfIframes = document.getElementsByClassName("yvideo");
for (let item of listOfIframes) {
item.src = ""; // set them to empty.
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
//once page is loaded then populate the source with your json file.
for (let item of listOfIframes) {
item.src = "URLs from JSON";
Second approach:
Instead of calling hidePreloader() only at window.load. You can also check for the rest of the items in your page that if they are loaded or not. Once they are loaded, then you can use call hidePreloader()

react django rendering same content

I'm working on Django-react project and having issue with rendering React component on Django server. To be precise, React always render me the same content even if I change it. I'm using Webpack, Babel-loader and running it on localhost.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div id="app" class="columns"><!-- React --></div>
{% load static %}
<script type='text/javascript' src="{% static "frontend/main.js" %}"></script>
Entry point:
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from './components/App';
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById("app"));
Scripts in package.json:
"scripts": {
"dev": "webpack --mode development ./frontend/src/index.js --watch ./frontend/static/frontend/main.js",
"build": "webpack --mode production ./frontend/src/index.js --output ./frontend/static/frontend/main.js"
Babel config:
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: {
loader: "babel-loader"
So, when I write some content in App component (eg. render div with "test") I can see it in my browser, but when I want to change it, and after refresing page, get the same content from div tag
From what i can understand from your question, When you first render a div with 'test' in it, it renders, but after that, further changes dont update.
Its because the javascript is not being updated on Django and you need to use collectstatic to sync the builds which is not very efficient.
The way to go is to use django-webpack-loader and webpack-bundle-tracker.
install webpack-bundle-tracker
npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-tracker
install django-webpack-loader:
pip install django-webpack-loader
django-webpack-loader is a python package which injects link and script tag for the bundles which webpack generates dynamically.
webpack-bundle-tracker plugin emits necessary information about webpack compilation process to a json file so django-webpack-loader can consume it.
For webpack to track changes made in your App, You need to create a server that monitors changes in your React app and bundle your JS.
Note: We make use of a node server.
// Webpack Server
const webpack = require('webpack');
const WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server');
const config = require('./webpack.server.config');
new WebpackDevServer(webpack(config), {
publicPath: config.output.publicPath,
hot: true,
inline: true,
historyApiFallback: true
}).listen(3000, '', function (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log('Listening at')
The config files used by webpack.server.js would be at webpack.server.config.js
// webpack.server.config.js
const path = require("path");
const BundleTracker = require('webpack-bundle-tracker');
module.exports = {
mode: 'development',
entry: {
main: './frontend/src/index.js',
devServer: 'webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:3000'
output: {
filename: "[name].js",
path: path.resolve('./frontend/static/frontend/bundles/'),
publicPath: 'http://localhost:3000/frontend/static/frontend/bundles/', // django-webpack-loader overrides django's STATIC_URL with this path
plugins: [
new BundleTracker({filename: './frontend/webpack-stats.json'}), // Pass the correct path to the WEBPACK_LOADER in django settings
devServer: {
contentBase: './frontend/static/frontend/bundles/',
Note that the server will by default keep the bundles in memory and
not write to disk
When the server is stopped, there would be no sign of the bundled files as they were not compiled to memory.
To build your files to memory in development, create another config file at
const path = require("path");
const BundleTracker = require('webpack-bundle-tracker');
module.exports = {
mode: 'development',
entry: {
main: './frontend/src/index.js',
output: {
filename: "[name].js",
path: path.resolve('./frontend/static/frontend/bundles/'),
plugins: [
new BundleTracker({filename: './frontend/webpack-stats.json'}), // Pass the correct path to the WEBPACK_LOADER in django settings
While to build your files for Production, create another config file at
const path = require("path");
const BundleTracker = require('webpack-bundle-tracker');
module.exports = {
mode: 'production',
entry: {
main: './frontend/src/index.js',
output: {
filename: "[name].js",
path: path.resolve('./frontend/static/frontend/dist/'),
plugins: [
new BundleTracker({filename: './frontend/webpack-stats-prod.json'}), // Pass the correct path to the WEBPACK_LOADER in django settings
In your Django settings;
import sys
import os
# Assuming this is your base directory
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
# Also assuming this is your base directory
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),
# In development
'BUNDLE_DIR_NAME': 'bundles/',
'STATS_FILE': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'webpack-stats.json'), # Path to 'webpack-stats.json'
# In production
if not DEBUG:
'BUNDLE_DIR_NAME': 'dist/',
'STATS_FILE': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'webpack-stats-prod.json') # Path to 'webpack-stats-prod.json'
Your index.html should look like this now;
{% load render_bundle from webpack_loader %} <<< Add this.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div id="app" class="columns">
<!-- React -->
{% render_bundle 'main' %} <<< Add this.
Now, Your package.json should look like this;
"scripts": {
"dev": "node ./webpack.server.js",
"build-dev": "webpack --mode development --config ./",
"build-prod": "webpack --mode production --config ./"
So, To develop with automatic bundling, just run:
npm run dev
To build your files to memory after the webpack server is stopped, just run:
npm run build-dev
And finally, to build with production optimizations, just run:
npm run build-prod
I tried to modify to your project, feel to adjust according to your project structure. Check the below referrences to guide you better. They helped me out!
Let's modernize the way we handle frontend code with Django
Using Webpack transparently with Django + hot reloading React components as a bonus
Modern Django: Part 1: Setting up Django and React

Managing 'window' object in Isomorphic App with ReactJS and Flask Python

I am developing an application with Flask Backend with ReactJS front.
ReactJS app has been developed and bundled with webpack.
Everything works fine with client side rendering which is bundled with webpack.
I am now trying to add server side rendering with python-react .
But problem is, I have to share some variables to my ReactJS app via Jinja2 template in base template index.html which has the reactjs root component node <div id='react-node'></div>.
I had to send my routes and config to my application via jinja2 template like below ,
<!doctype html>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var STATIC_IMAGE_ROOT = "{{ url_for('static', filename='img/') }}";
var ROUTES = { ... };
All the above js variables are being set to global window object .
But when I am trying to render the component in python, it throws exception for window object ReactRenderingError: react: ReferenceError: window is not defined .
What is the best way to solve this issue ?
There is no window global when rendering on the server. You can create a fake window, first checking if the window exists:
if (typeof(window) == 'undefined'){
global.window = new Object();
Alternatively, you can use jsdom, or a similar library to create a fake DOM.
Just add the following to webpack config:
// By default, Webpack is set up to target the browser,
// not a Node environment. Try setting target in your config:
target: 'node',