Creating a fixed size execution region with a Scatter file - cortex-m

I need to create a fixed size data memory region using the ARM v6 compiler. The size needs to be the minimum multiple of 32 bytes to fit the data in as I need to map it to an MPU region.
The following scatter file extract creates a correctly aligned region, however its size is not a multiple of 32:
__my_region__ +0 ALIGN 0x20
*( __my_region__ )
When I pull the length into the code using my_region$$Length the length is the actual length of the region, not the aligned length. Any ideas?


Building a fast PNG encoder issues

I am trying to build a fast 8-bit greyscale PNG encoder. Unfortunately I must be misunderstanding part of the spec. Smaller image sizes seem to work, but the larger ones will only open in some image viewers. This image (with multiple DEFLATE Blocks) gives a
"Decompression error in IDAT" error in my image viewer but opens fine in my browser:
This image has just one DEFLATE block but also gives an error:
Below I will outline what I put in my IDAT chunk in case you can easily spot any mistakes (note, images and steps have been modified based on answers, but there is still a problem):
IDAT length
"IDAT" in ascii (literally the bytes 0x49 0x44 0x41 0x54)
Zlib header 0x78 0x01
Steps 4-7 are for every deflate block, as the data may need to be broken up:
The byte 0x00 or 0x01, depending on if it is a middle or the last block.
Number of bytes in block (up to 2^16-1) stored as a little endian 16-bit integer
The 1's complement of this integer representation.
Image data (each scan-line is starts with a zero-byte for the no filter option in PNG, and is followed by width bytes of greyscale pixel data)
An adler-32 checksum of all the image data
A CRC of all the IDAT data
I've tried pngcheck on linux, an it does not spot any errors. If nobody can see what is wrong, can you point me in the right direction for a debugging tool?
My last resort is to use the libpng library to make my own decoder, and debug from there.
Some people have suggested it may be my adler-32 function calculation:
static uint32_t adler32(uint32_t height, uint32_t width, char** pixel_array)
uint32_t a=1,b=0,w,h;
return (uint32_t)(((b%65521)*65536)|(a%65521));
Note that because the pixel_array passed to the function does not contain the zero-byte at the beginning of each scanline (needed for PNG) there is an extra b+=a (and implicit a+=0) at the beginning of each iteration of the outer loop.
I do get an error with pngcheck: "zlib: inflate error = -3 (data error)". As your PNG scaffolding structure looks okay, it's time to take a low-level look into the IDAT block with a hex viewer. (I'm going to type this up while working through it.)
The header looks alright; IDAT length is okay. Your zlib flags are 78 01 ("No/low compression", see also What does a zlib header look like?), where one of my own tools use 78 9C ("Default compression"), but then again, these flags are only informative.
Next: zlib's internal blocks (per RFC1950).
Directly after the compression flags (CMF in RFC1950) it expects FLATE compressed data, which is the only compression scheme zlib supports. And that is in another castle RFC: RFC1951.
Each separately compression block is prepended by a byte:
3.2.3. Details of block format
Each block of compressed data begins with 3 header bits
containing the following data:
first bit BFINAL
next 2 bits BTYPE
BFINAL is set if and only if this is the last block of the data
BTYPE specifies how the data are compressed, as follows:
00 - no compression
01 - compressed with fixed Huffman codes
10 - compressed with dynamic Huffman codes
11 - reserved (error)
So this value can be set to 00 for 'not last block, uncompressed' and to 01 for 'last block, uncompressed', immediately followed by the length (2 bytes) and its bitwise inverse, per 3.2.4. Non-compressed blocks (BTYPE=00):
3.2.4. Non-compressed blocks (BTYPE=00)
Any bits of input up to the next byte boundary are ignored.
The rest of the block consists of the following information:
0 1 2 3 4...
| LEN | NLEN |... LEN bytes of literal data...|
LEN is the number of data bytes in the block. NLEN is the
one's complement of LEN.
They are the final 4 bytes in your IDAT segment. Why do small images work, and larger not? Because you only have 2 bytes for the length.1 You need to break up your image into blocks no larger than 65,535 bytes (in my own PNG creator I seem to have used 32,768, probably "for safety"). If the last block, write out 01, else 00. Then add the two times two LEN bytes, properly encoded, followed by exactly LEN data bytes. Repeat until done.
The Adler-32 checksum is not part of this Flate-compressed data, and should not be counted in the blocks of LEN data. (It is still part of the IDAT block, though.)
After re-reading your question to verify I addressed all of your issues (and confirming I spelled "Adler-32" correctly), I realized you describe all of the steps right -- except that the 'last block' indicator is 01, not 80 (later edit: uh, perhaps you are right about that!) -- but that it does not show in this sample PNG. See if you can get it to work following all of the steps by the letter.
Kudos for doing this 'by hand'. It's a nice exercise in 'following the specs', and if you get this to work, it may be worthwhile to try and add proper compression. I shun pre-made libraries as much as possible; the only allowance I made for my own PNG encoder/decoder was to use Rich Geldreich's miniz.c, because implementing proper Flate encoding/decoding is beyond my ken.
1 That's not the whole story. Browsers are particularly forgiving in HTML errors; it seems they are as forgiving for PNG errors as well. Safari displays your image just fine, and so does Preview. But they may just all be sharing OS X's PNG decoder, because Photoshop rejects the file.
The byte 0x00 or 0x80, depending on if it is a middle or the last block.
Change the 0x80 to 0x01 and all will be well.
The 0x80 is appearing as a stored block that is not the last block. All that's being looked at is the low bit, which is zero, indicating a middle block. All of the data is in that "middle" block, so a decoder will recover the full image. Some liberal PNG decoders may then ignore the errors it gets when it tries to decode the next block, which isn't there, and then ignore the missing check values (Adler-32 and CRC-32), etc. That's why it shows up ok in browsers, even though it is an invalid PNG file.
There are two things wrong with your Adler-32 code. First, you are accessing the data from a char array. char is signed, so your 0xff bytes are being added not as 255, but rather as -127. You need to make the array unsigned char or cast it to that before extracting byte values from it.
Second, you are doing the modulo operation too late. You must do the % 65521 before the uint32_t overflows. Otherwise you don't get the modulo of the sum as required by the algorithm. A simple fix would be to do the % 65521 to a and b right after the width loop, inside the height loop. This will work so long as you can guarantee that the width will be less than 5551 bytes. (Why 5551 is left as an exercise for the reader.) If you cannot guarantee that, then you will need to embed a another loop to consume bytes from the line until you get to 5551 of them, do the modulo, and then continue with the line. Or, a smidge slower, just run a counter and do the modulo when it gets to the limit.
Here is an example of a version that works for any width:
static uint32_t adler32(uint32_t height, uint32_t width, unsigned char ** pixel_array)
uint32_t a = 1, b = 0, w, h, k;
for (h = 0; h < height; h++)
b += a;
w = k = 0;
while (k < width) {
k += 5551;
if (k > width)
k = width;
while (w < k) {
a += pixel_array[h][w++];
b += a;
a %= 65521;
b %= 65521;
return (b << 16) | a;

shmget size limit issue

I have this snippet of code:
if ((shmid = shmget(key, 512, IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0)
Whenever I set the number any higher than 2048, I get, an error that says:
shmget: Invalid argument
However when I run cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall, I get 4294967296.
Does anybody know why this is happening? Thanks in advance!
The comment from Jerry is correct, even if cryptic if you haven't played with this stuff: "What about this: EINVAL: ... a segment with given key existed, but size is greater than the size of that segment."
He meant that the segment is already there - these segment are persistent - and it has size 2048.
You can see it among the other ones with:
$ ipcs -m
and you can remove your segment (beware: remove your one only) with:
$ ipcrm -M <key>
After that you should be able to create it larger.
man 5 proc refers to three variables related to shmget(2):
This file contains the system-wide limit on the total number of pages of System V shared memory.
This file can be used to query and set the run-time limit on the maximum (System V IPC) shared memory segment size that can be created. Shared memory segments up to 1GB are now supported in the kernel. This value defaults to SHMMAX.
(available in Linux 2.4 and onward) This file specifies the system-wide maximum number of System V shared memory segments that can be created.
Please check you violated none of them. Note that shmmax and SHMMAX are in bytes and shmall and SHMALL are in the number of pages (the page size is usually 4 KB but you should use sysconf(PAGESIZE).) I personally felt your shmall is too large (2**32 pages == 16 TB) but not sure if it is harmful or not.
As for the definition of SHMALL, I got this result on my Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 system:
$ ack SHMMAX /usr/include
9: * SHMMAX, SHMMNI and SHMALL are upper limits are defaults which can
13:#define SHMMAX 0x2000000 /* max shared seg size (bytes) */
16:#define SHMALL (SHMMAX/getpagesize()*(SHMMNI/16))
113: KERN_SHMMAX=34, /* long: Maximum shared memory segment */

fortran 77 direct access max record number

I'm trying to store double precision data from different blocks into a direct access file, i.e. the data is g(m,n) for one block and they all have the same size. Here's the code I wrote:
WRITE(3,REC=I) ((g(K,L),K=1,m),L=1,n) ! here "I" is the block number
I have 200 this kind of blocks. However, I got the following error after writing the 157th block data into the file:
severe (66): output statement overflows record, unit 3
I believe that means the record size is too large.
Is there any way to handle this? I wonder if there is the record number has a maximum value.

Dynamically creating the volume based on the size of ubifs image size

I have a requirement to create a new volume (it can be static) based on the size of the ubifs image (say rootfs.ubifs) which I am going to write into that volume. The aim is to create the volume with the minimum possible size required to write 'rootfs.ubifs' to that volume and boot the device from it.
Can somebody please help me in this regard?
The difference is the overhead of the UBI layer. This is documented as O in the web page or,
O - the overhead related to storing EC and VID headers in bytes, i.e. O = SP - SL.
SP is a physical erase block size and SL is what UbiFs will get. Usually, it is the minimum page size times two. One for an EC and another for a VID; these are the two structures that UBI uses to manage the flash. Both are defined in ubi-media.h. EC is the ubi_ec_hdr structure and VID is the ubi_vid_hdr structure. The EC or erase count is written every time an erase block is erased and this is responsible for wear leveling.note The VID or volume id header allows UBI to support multiple volumes and provide the PEB to LEB (physical to logical erase block) management.
So for a 2k page NAND flash without sub-pages, it is 4k; if sub-pages are supported then it is possible to put both headers in the same page and only 2k is needed. If your flash page size differs, you just need to multiply by two without sub-pages and only add the page overhead if you have sub-pages. The overhead for NOR flash is 256 bytes as it doesn't have the idea of pages.
In order to create your rootfs.ubifs, you must have specified a logic erase block size (to mkfs.ubifs). The difference between logical erase block (LEB) and physical erase block (PEB) is just the overhead documented above. Multiply your rootfs.ubifs by PEB/LEB to get the minimum possible size for the UBI volume.
note: If an erase is interrupted (reset/power cycle) between the actual erase and the EC write, an average of all other erase blocks is used to set the erase count when UBI re-reads the ubi device.

correct coding of ID3 v2.3 frame size field for GEOB tag

I have some confusion regarding how the frame size bytes should be coded/decoded for ID3 v2.3.0. According to the (informal) ID3 v2.3.0 specification, the size of each frame should be coded into 4 bytes, where the most significant bit of each byte is unused. To calculate the size, it would take the formula below:
byte MASK = (byte)0x7F;
int size = 0;
for (int = 0; i < 4; i++) {
size = size * 128 + (b[i] & MASK);
But when I used my parser to parse some MP3 files, quite a few files had GEOB (general encapsulated object tag) frames whose size bytes were coded as if it were a Big Endian 32-bit Integer.
After I fixed these bytes by re-coding them using the proper algorithm, commercial software such as Windows 7 and Winamp were not able proper display the subsequent tags (in several instances, TIT2 was right after GEOB, so the song's title was not displayed although it was in the file).
I also found similar problems for MCDI (music cd identifier), and TALB ('Album/Movie/Show title') tags.
I read through the v2.3 spec, and also Googled, but wasn't able to find any information regarding the use of a 32-bit integer as size metadata for these frames. Yet the common behavior in different commercial software seems to suggest for such fields, a 32-bit integer should be used as size instead of 4 bytes masked by 0x7F.
So I am just wondering if anyone here has worked on ID3 v2.3 and could clarify this for me.
Yes. However, I consider the docs to be explicit enough, given the conventions of % (binary) and $ (hexadecimal) which are explained right away:
Header size:
4 * %0xxxxxxx as per v2.2.0 (§3.1.) header
4 * %0xxxxxxx as per v2.3.0 header
4 * %0xxxxxxx as per v2.4.0 (§3.1.) header
Frame size:
$xx xx xx as per v2.2.0 (i.e. §4.1.) frame
$xx xx xx xx as per v2.3.0 frame
4 * %0xxxxxxx as per v2.4.0 (§4.) frame
For all 3 versions in ID3v2 the header size is stored in the same way: using 4 bytes, but for each only 7 bits are valid.
Only for ID3v2.2 frames the size consists of 3 (full) bytes.
Only for ID3v2.3 frames the size consists of 4 (full) bytes.
Only for ID3v2.4 frames the size finally is stored just like the header's size: 4 bytes, but only 28 bits are valid.
ID3v2.4.0 changes §3 also lines out the frame size change from v2.3.0. The whole issue comes from MPEG Audio (and AAC) stream which synchronizes with 9 (or 12) bits set - any decoder might then misinterpret the ID3 metadata as audio data.
I believe I have found the answer. ID3 v2.3, despite its being the more commonly supported (as opposed to v2.4) has not to well-written (and informal) spec. Its header size uses the 4 0x7F bytes, but the frame sizes are in fact 32-bit integers, only they are never clearly spelled out.
the reason I usually encountered the problem when dealing with GEOB is because the problem won't crop up until the frame size is larger than 0x7F, and GEOB usually is.