Google home development apis - google-people-api

hello my problem is that I want to develop IOT products that works with google home, and google home has a feature that only works with certain products which is (Seamless Setup with the Google Home App), and I can't find the API that will enable me to use this as a feature in my product.
and thanks in advance


Using Google docs in a multi-tenant SaaS application

I am building a multitenant SaaS application for multipule companies to use. One of the features of the application is that it will create a document based from database data.
I could use a library to create a document in MS-word format and this would be downloaded to the users PC or stored in a database.
However, I love Google Docs and ideally the output would be a google doc.
My struggle is know how I would do this? Can I subscribe to google docs with my SaaS company and the my software creates the google doc in it's own account and this doc is then shared with the client? (i.e. all the docs are in my SaaS companies google drive.) Or can I get my SaaS app to hook in with the clients Google account and the document is created in their google account/drive? But then they would need a Google account and what happens if they dont have one?
I am looking for the best way to do this

Creating a Mult-Tenant OAuth Client App

Essentially, I'm wanting to create an Oauth Client as an App so I can get data from Dynamics for multiple customers. Does anyone know if this is possible to do in AppSource or do you know of another way?
I have a service that will be served in a cloud different than Azure so there really isn't anything for me to submit as an App and I really don't want every customer to have to setup their own App that gives my service the privileges/access it needs, but it's looking like I may have to.
It sounds like you'll want to register an app with Azure AD (the OAuth2.0 service/identity provider for work and school accounts), and create a multi-tenant app. Then you can configure this app in the Azure Portal to get permissions to the APIs the app wants tokens to call (in your case Dynamics or the Microsoft Graph).
Once this app is written, you can code up your app using one of the Azure AD Auth Libraries. Here's some sample code for a .NET web API. You can find more code samples on Github and search active directory. Moreover, the Azure Active Directory Developer Landing Page is a great place to look for more resources on doing all of this.

Is Google Apps for Work part of the Google Cloud Platform?

I'm currently working on a assay for a school project about Google Services.
The question is not programming related, but I hope you guys could help me out.
I've done some research and a little bit of digging on the Google Cloud Platform and Google Apps for Work, but before I start to make wrong assumptions in my assay, I was hoping if you could say wether I'm right or wrong.
Is Google Apps for Work part of the Google Cloud Platform? Or is it a whole seperate service?
I couldn't find any connections between the two, but shouldn't Google Apps for Work a service of te Google Cloud Platform?
Thanks in advance!
Short: No it's not part of Google Cloud platform.
Long: Google Apps for Work contains products such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Hangouts, Google Calendar, and Google Docs. You will probaby be familiar with at least some of those. These can all be used by individuals at home, but if used in the 'for work'-context they offer some extra features such as custom domains and support. While these are all running in the cloud, they are not technically part of Google Cloud platform.
Google Apps for Work can be seen as a SaaS-product (Software as a service), while Google Cloud platform is more of a PaaS-product (Platform as a Service). While Apps for work lets you use the software written by Google (Gmail, docs,...), Google Cloud Platform allows developers write custom applications which run on the Google cloud.
Applications written on Google Cloud Platform can however be used together with the Apps for Work part. For example you could use your Apps for Work account to log in to a custom application written on GCP, or you could access your emails or from within your custom application stuff like that.
Small note, GCP also contains stuff like Google Compute Engine, which is more of a IaaS (Infrastructure as a service). However this will still be used for custom development by the user, but it gives the developer more freedom.

Admin SDK for multiple google apps accounts

My team is trying to develop a product for the google apps marketplace and I am having issues with the workflow in the new ADMIN SDK.
With the now deprecated Provisioning API we simply ask for a username and password from the account we are trying to manage.
With the ADMIN SDK it seems as though they would need to go enable the API, create a key and do a lot of manual work for this to happen. This really is a tough option for us as the technical level of our clients is not likely to be able to make this transition.
Is there something like the work flow for the provisioning API where they can enable management from a third party or a recommended workflow for a developer to build an application that can access any number of google apps accounts?
A use case for this is say I want to develop a different option for a console, I want to build a console web app and simply ask for credentials or easy setup routine and allow our users to manage their google apps account in a different way.
Thanks in advance,
The Admin SDK Directory and Reports APIs work correctly with 2-legged OAuth 1.0a which is what the Google Apps Marketplace currently supports and automates. You do need to turn the Admin SDK on under "Register for additional APIs" from your Vendor Profile page on the marketplace. Also, the Administrative APIs for the domain must be turned on. You'll get a generic error that the domain cannot use the APIs if it's off in which case you can direct the client to the exact CPanel page where they can turn it on.

google docs + web app

Hi Guys
I am trying to create a web app to share docs with all editor features (just like google docs).
My main requirements for this app are as follows:
1. Should have all editor features (can be done using open office api, google docs api, Microsoft office web apps api)
2. Should be shared between multiple users and can be edited by multiple users and other sync features (can be done using google docs api, Microsoft office web apps)
3. Can save the document created and edited on my own/ custom server addr. (Which api can support this??? I know open office can support this)
Guys can you please suggest me one api which can be used to do all the above. Also please suggest if I am underestimating any API above regarding any functionality that i thing is not supported.
What you are asking for is so complex it takes a Google to make a "in progress" version!
Can't you just use Google API? Its is free. Your only issue would be logging users via OAuth, 1 simple API