Multiple conditions to see users - powerbi

I need to go through two conditions here, looking for Employees who have passed with the below conditions:
If 'Passed' from 1 week of enrolled date
And the user is among the TOP 10 of overall performance percent or passed all quizzes in the past 12 months
Capture 2.PNG
I have created a new column to give me the 7th day from the enrolled date which will show me if the user completed it before this date and want only those users who completed it between the 7th day of enrolled date.
7th Day of Enrolled Date = [Merged] + 7
Now I need to know who are those users who did it...may be another column with Yes or No and filter only those which have 'Yes'??
Can someone please advise on how I can achieve this?
Thank you!


Power BI DAX - sum all of one column but keyed off different table

This FEELS like something that can be done but I am at a loss for how to do it.
I have a table that has applicants for jobs...
name, requisition id, division, date applied, date hired
Each row is an applicant. Obviously not all applicants are hired. So in every row all fields are filled out with the exception of date hired for applicants that have not been hired.
I have slicers for month/quarter/year and division.
The date slicers all key off a field in every table called data_as_of which is the last day of the month with a one-to-many relationship with a date dimension table.
Here is a sample table...
So here is what I'd like to do.
I'd like to slice by year and show a visual of all people hired in that year. Same with Quarter and Month (ie count all people in that quarter or month as appropriate). So far so good. That's easy.
Now on the same report page I'd like to show a visual (assume bar charts) that shows me a count of all the people that applied to the same requisition id prior to the date hired of whomever was hired in that requisition id.
Using the example above...
All of these examples assume 2021.
So if I used the month slicer in December I'd get 2 hirees in HR, Diane and Mel. In the second visual I'd get 7 Applicants.
If I used the month slicer to show November I'd get two hirees - Rhys and Jody. The applicant visual would show me 8 applicants. All 6 from requisition id 4 and 2 from requisition id 2 because one applied after Rhys was hired.
Consequently if I sliced for April of 2021 I'd get 1 hiree - Remi. In the applicant visual I'd get 4 applicants who all applied prior to Remi's hire date (including Morgan who applied in March but wasn't hired until May).
Does that all make sense?
I very much appreciate your help.
Best regards,

Seperating sickness between months in PowerBI

I have set up a table showing number of sick days based on absence start and finish date in Power BI. The date tables have been set up.
I am having an issue with sick days that continue in the following month, for e.g .
Absence Start Date
5 May 21
Absence End Date
5 June 21
My table sums all the absence days in May.
How do I allocate the 25 days in May and then the remaining go to June even though it is one occurrence?
How Data is being summarised
Unfortunately you don't provide enough information about your model/ data. Consider this example. Here is my dummy table:
Table 3 =
var __baseTable =
ADDCOLUMNS(GENERATE(__baseTable, CALENDAR([StartD],[EndD])),"Month", FORMAT([Date],"yyyy-mm"), "WorkDay", IF(NOt(WEEKDAY([Date]) in {1,7}) ,1,0))
And here are measures (calculating days without a weekend, because I don't have Calendar with businessHoliday):
SumOfSickDays = CALCULATE(SUM('Table 3'[WorkDay]))

AWS Quicksight: Display week as a number, grouped by month and not year

I need to display Week as number in AWS QuickSight.I understand, we can do this to get the week numbers: In the field wells, click the format option for the date field and on the left side-panel, enter 'w' in the Custom format field.
The issue is this gives the week number in the year. How do I get week number per month?
You can use calculated fields to calculate it.
It depends how you define "week of month". In a simple case, if you define first 7 days of a month as "week 1", the second 7 days as "week 2", etc, use this formula:
dateDiff(truncDate('MM', mydate), mydate, 'WK') + 1
I do a date-diff (in weeks) between first day of month (truncDate) to input-ed date.

Creating Relationships while avoiding ambiguities

I have a flat table like this,
R# Cat SWN CWN CompBy ReqBy Department
1 A 1 1 Team A Team B Department 1
2 A 1 3 Team A Team B Department 1
3 B 1 3 Team A Team B Department 1
4 B 2 3 Team A Team C Department 1
5 B 2 3 Team D Team C Department 2
6 C 2 2 Team D Team C Department 2
R# indicates the RequestNumber,
Cat# indicates the Category,
SWN indicates the Submitted Week Number,
CWN indicates the Completed Week Number,
CompBy indicates Completed By,
ReqBy Indicates Requested By,
Department Indicates Department Name,
I would like to create a data model that avoids ambiguity and at the same time allows me to report on Category, SWN, CWN (needs to be only a week number), CompBY, ReqBy, Department through a single filter.
For example, the dashboard will have a single filter choice to select a week number.If that week number is selected, it will show the details of these requests from submitted and completed week number. I understand this requires the creation of a calendar table or something like that.
I am looking for a data-model that explains the cardinality and direction(Single or both). If possible, kindly post the PBIX file and repost the link here.
What I have tried: Not able to establish one of the four connections
Update: Providing a bounty for this question because I would like to see how does the Star schema will look like for this flat table.
One of the reason I am looking for a star schema over a flat table is - For example, a restaurant menu is a dimension and the purchased food is a fact. If you combined these into one table, how would you identify which food has never been ordered? For that matter, prior to your first order, how would you identify what food was available on the menu?
The scope of your question is rather unclear, so I'm just addressing this part of the post:
the dashboard will have a single filter choice to select a week number. If that week number is selected, it will show the details of these requests from submitted and completed week number.
One way to get OR logic is to use a disconnected parameter table and write your measures using the parameters selected. For example, consider this schema:
If you put WN on a slicer, then you can write a measure to filter the table based on the number selected.
VALUES(MasterTable[CWN])))) > 0, 1, 0)
Then if you use that measure as a visual level filter, you can see all the records that correspond to your WN selection.
If you can clarify your question to more closely approach a mcve, then you'll likely get better responses. I can't quite determine the specific idea you're having trouble with.

Power BI - filter data to current week (week number)

I have a power bi report with a line chart that has a field called 'EventDate'
I need to add a filter on to this report to say 'only get me the days where the EventDate matches this week number'
I don't want to display the last 7 days as a relative filter.
I need to do it by this week.
Can anyone help
You can use the week in the relative date filtering and it returns the dates associated with the current week number rather than the last 7 days.