How to properly notify client of changed status? - django

I am writing a (Django-based) website which is working just fine. It displays a list of sensors and their status. If a new sensor is attached, the user needs to wait for a certain amount of time until it is warmed up and ready to use. Also, when the sensors are updated (which the user can trigger, but can also be done automatically by the system) - the user needs to wait.
On the server side I have all signals/Status updates/whatsoever available. Now I want to create an overlay for the current webpage where the statuschange is displayed for x seconds and userinput is disabled.
I have no clue what technology to use. I could frequently ask for updates client -> server but that doesn't feel like the correct way. Any suggestions on what to search for?
No code here because the answer is probably independed of my website code

Standard solution is to use Ajax (JavaScript) or similar to get state from your backend on specific intervals, that is the approach you're mentioning.
You can also "push" changes from your backend to frontend using WebSockets but that is a bit more complex. A popular framework is, I recommend you take a look at it.


django-channels databinding on

I have a channels app that is using databinding. When changes are made with django admin they are being pushed to the web as expected. I have loop set up on a socket connection to do some long polling on a gpio unit and update the db, these changes are not being pushed to the web. Channels documentation says:
Signals are used to power outbound binding, so if you change the values of a model outside of Django (or use the .update() method on a QuerySet), the signals are not triggered and the change will not be sent out. You can trigger changes yourself, but you’ll need to source the events from the right place for your system.
How do I go about triggering these changes, as it happens with admin?
Thanks and please let me know if this is to vague.
The relevant low-level code is in lines 121-187 of channels/binding/ (at least in version 1.1.6). That's where the signals are received and processed. It involves a few different things, such as keeping track of which groups to send the messages to. So it's a little involved, but you can probably tease out how to do it, looking at that code.
The steps involved are basically:
Find the right groups for the client
Format your message in the same way that the databinding code would (see this section of the docs)
Send the message to all the relevant groups you found in step 1.
Alternatively, you might consider using a REST API such that the socket code submits a POST to the API (which would create a database record via the ORM in the normal way) rather than directly creating database records. Your signals will happen automatically in that case. djangorestframework (server-side) and requests (client-side, if you're using python for the long-polling code) are your friends if you want to go that way, for sure. If you're using another language for the long-polling client, there are many equivalent packages for REST API client work.
Good luck!

What is the modern programming standard for synchronizing data between a web service and a client?

The question is a little general, so to help narrow the focus, I'll share my current setup that is motivating this question. I have a LAMP web service running a RESTful API. We have two client implementations: one browser-based javascript client (local storage store) and one iOS-based client (core data store). Obviously these two clients store data very differently, but the data itself needs to be kept in two-way sync with the remote server as often as possible.
Currently, our "sync" process is a little dumb (as in, non-smart). Conceptually, it looks like:
Client periodically asks the server for ALL of the most-recent data.
Server sends down the remote data, which overwrites the current set of local data in the client's store.
Any local creates/updates/deletes after this point are treated as gold, and immediately sent to the server.
The data itself is stored relationally, and updated occasionally by client users. The clients in my specific case don't care too much about the relationships themselves (which is why we can get away with local storage in the browser client for now).
Obviously this isn't true synchronization. I want to move to a system where, conceptually, a "diff" of the most recent changes are sent to the server periodically, and the server sends back a "diff" of the most recent changes it knows about. It seems very difficult to get to this point, but maybe I just don't understand the problem very well.
REST feels like a good start, but REST only talks about the way two data stores talk to each other, not how the data itself is synchronized between them. (This sync process is left up to the implementer of each store.) What is the best way to implement this process? Is there a modern set of programming design patterns that apply to inform a specific solution to this problem? I'm mostly interested in a general (technology agnostic) approach if possible... but specific frameworks would be useful to look at too, if they exist.
Multi-master replication is always (and will always be) difficult and bespoke, because how conflicts are handled will be specific to your application.
IMO A more robust approach is to use Master-slave replication, with your web service as the master and the clients as slaves. To keep the clients in sync, use an archived atom feed of the changes (see event sourcing) as per RFC5005. This is the closest you'll get to a modern standard for this type of replication and it's RESTful.
When the clients are online, they do not update their replica directly, instead they send commands to the server and have their replica updated via the atom feed.
When the clients are offline things get difficult. Your clients will need to have a model of how your web service behaves. It will need to have an offline copy of your replica, which should be copied on write from the online replica (the online replica is the one that is updated by the atom feed). When the client executes commands that modify the data, it should store the command (for later replay against the web service), the expected result (for verification during replay) and update the offline replica.
When the client goes back online, it should replay the commands, compare the result with the expected result and notify the client of any variances. How these variances are handled will vary based on your application. The offline replica can then be discarded.
CouchDB replication works over HTTP and does what you are looking to do. Once databases are synced on either end it will send diffs for adds/updates/deletes.
Couch can do this with other Couch machines or with a mobile framework like TouchDB.
I've done a fair amount of it, but you can always set up CouchDB on one machine, set up TouchDB on a mobile device and then watch the HTTP traffic go back and forth to get an idea of how they do it.
Or read this:
Maybe something from the link above will help you get an idea of how to do your own diffs for your REST service. (Since they are both over HTTP thought it could be useful.)
You may want to look into the Dropbox Datastore API:
It sounds like it might be a very good fit for your purposes. They have iOS and javascript clients.
Lately, I've been interested in Meteor.
The platform sets up Mongo on the server and minimongo in the browser. The client subscribes to some data and when that data changes, the platform automatically sends down the new data to the client.
It's a clever solution to the syncing problem, and it solves several other problems as well. It will be interesting to see if more platforms do this in the future.

Send images when app is tombstoned/closed?

The app I'm currently developing needs to send images and text to a webservice, and so far so good. The app works fine, but the next step is to make it keep sending when the user exits the app or changes to another app.
How do I achieve this?
I've looked at the background agent function, but that doesn't seem to be what I want. I do not want to wait every 30 minutes and then try to send for 25 sec with the periodic agent, and the users will almost never be in the very limiting state that the resource-intensive agent requires (over 90% battery life, must be on wi-fi etc).
Am I missing something obvious here? Only sending pictures and text when the user has the app active is a big down side.
I'm afraid it is not possible to do what you require with the current WP7 OS. The Windows Phone 7 OS has been designed to restrict applications in such as way that the user's security is protected, battery life is prolonged and they have a consistent experience. Allowing any application to execute arbitrary code in the background, without imposing constraints on execution time or duration would allow people to write applications that are extremely resource intensive. This is not good for the end user!
The "periodic" or "resource-intensive" agents, as described on MSDN, are your only options.

Need a server-side timer (independent of browser)

I'm putting together a website that will track user-defined events with time limits. Every user would be free to create events, and when the time limit expired, the server would need to take some action based on the outcome of the event. The specific component I'm struggling with is the time-keeping: think like eBay's auction clock -- it's set to expire at a certain time, clearly runs server-side, and takes some action when the time runs out. Searches for a "server side timer," unfortunately, just bring back results for a timer that gets the time from the server instead of the client. :(
The most obvious solution is to run a script on the server, some program that would watch all the clocks and take action when any of them expired. Tragically, I'll be using free web hosting, and sincerely doubt that I'll be able to find someone who'll let me run arbitrary stuff on their servers.
The solutions that I've looked into:
Major concept option 1: persuade each user's browser to run the necessary timers (trivial javascript), and when the timers expire, take necessary action. The problem with this approach is obvious: there could be hundreds, if not thousands, of simultaneous expiring timers (they'll tend to expire in clusters), and the worst case is that every possible user could be viewing their timer expire. That's a server overload waiting to happen at the worst possible instant.
Major concept option 2: have one really trusted browser, say, a user logged in to the website as "cron" which could run all of the timers at once. The action would all happen in that browser's javascript, and would work great, as long as that browser never crashed, that machine never failed, and that internet connection never went down.
As you can see, I feel like I'm barking up the wrong forest on this problem. Some other ideas that have presented themselves:
AJAX: I'm not seeing anything here that will do quite what I need. It's all browser-run stuff, nothing like a server-side process that could run independent of the user's browser.
PHP: Runs neatly on the server, but only in response to client requests. I'm not seeing any clean way to make PHP fork off a process and run a timer independent of the user's browser.
JS: same problems as PHP, but easier to read. ;)
Ruby: There may be some multi-threading with Ruby, but it isn't readily apparent to me. Would it be possible to have each user's browser check to see if a timer process was running for their event, and spawn a new server-side ruby process if it wasn't?
I'm wide open for ideas -- I've started playing with concepts in JS and PHP, but I'm not tied to any language, particularly. The only constraint, really, is that I won't own the server that I'm running the site on, so I can't just run a neat little local process that does what I need it to do. :(
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance,
ASP.NET has multi-threading. You can have a static variable to collect the event data, and use a thread to do whatever needed when the time comes. After you can empty the static variable so it's ready for future use.
You might want to take a look at the Quartz scheduler for Java which also has a .NET version. With a friendly open source license (Apache 2.0) this is probably a very good starting point.
If you can control cron jobs, which at least I could on HostPapa's shared hosting, you could run a php file every second which checks the timers and takes action based on them.
I would suggest AJAX anyway, what we did on a game server was emulation of "server connects to client" via AJAX request to server without any time-out (asynchronous connection). Basically you create one extra connection for each client that hangs on the server and waits for the server to take self-invoked action. After the action is done you start a new hanging connection immediately so you have one hanging all the time (so the server can talk to your client any time it wants). You can send javascript code from the server that will decide what will happen next. You can check clients to have these hanging connections on the server side to count as valid and of course run your timers on the server.

Windows Phone: Updating backend datastore (via web service) while keeping UI very responsive

I am developing a Windows Phone app where users can update a list. Each update, delete, add etc need to be stored in a database that sits behind a web service. As well as ensuring all the operations made on the phone end up in the cloud, I need to make sure the app is really responsive and the user doesn’t feel any lag time whatsoever.
What’s the best design to use here? Each check box change, each text box edit fires a new thread to contact the web service? Locally store a list of things that need to be updated then send to the server in batch every so often (what about the back button)? Am I missing another even easier implementation?
Thanks in advance,
Data updates to your web service are going to take some time to execute, so in terms of providing the very best responsiveness to the user your best approach would be to fire these off on a background thread.
If updates not taking place (until your app resumes) due to a back press is a concern for your app then you can increase the frequency of sending these updates off.
Storing data locally would be a good idea following each change to make sure nothing is lost since you don't know if your app will get interrupted such as by a phone call.
You are able to intercept the back button which would allow you to handle notifying the user of pending updates being processed or requesting confirmation to defer transmission (say in the case of poor performing network location). Perhaps a visual queue in your UI would be helpful to indicate pending requests in your storage queue.
You may want to give some thought to the overall frequency of data updates in a typical usage scenario for your application and how intensely this would utilise the network connection. Depending on this you may want to balance frequency of updates with potential power consumption.
This may guide you on whether to fire updates off of field level changes, a timer when the queue isn't empty, and/or manipulating a different row of data among other possibilities.
General efficiency guidance with mobile network communications is to have larger and less frequent transmissions rather than a "chatty" or frequent transmissions pattern, however this is up to you to decide what is most applicable for your application.
You might want to look into something similar to REST or SOAP.
Each update, delete, add would send a request to the web service. After the request is fulfilled, the web service sends a message back to the Phone application.
Since you want to keep this simple on the Phone application, you would send a URL to the web service, and the web service would respond with a simple message you can easily parse.
Something like this:
With a reply of:
Update 10345 successful
The id number is just an incrementing sequence to identify the request / response pair.
There is the Microsoft Sync Framework recently released and discussed some weeks back on DotNetRocks. I must admit I didnt consider this till I read your comment.
I've not looked into the sync framework's dependencies and thus capability for running on the wp7 platform as yet, but it's probably worth checking out.
Here's a link to the framework.
And a link to Carl and Richard's show with Lev Novik, an architect on the project if you're interested in some background info. It was quite an interesting show.