Permissions to grant for a "sandbox" project? - google-cloud-platform

We're adding a GCP project to be used for greenfield development, e.g. sort of a developer sandbox. My inclination is to give application/service developers full permissions in that project, to reduce friction and let them get stuff done as quickly and easily as possible.
We then have a separate beta project which we use where we prepare work for production, where application/service developers would have limited-to-no access, but the devops team could productionize things. And then, of course, we have the production project, where everything is locked down tight.
Is a sandbox like this a good idea? What permission(s) would I grant? Owner? GCP recommends not using those legacy roles...

List all of what each team is allowed to do on each env.
Translate this to a list of IAM permissions per team per env.
If there is some predefined role/s that matches exactly these permissions then use that role/s
If not, then create your own custom role/s for each team per each env.
For example, in the sandbox env:
if developers team is only allowed to create GKE clusters and deploy workloads to these GKEs then list all required permissions for such operation and find a predefined role that have permissions that only allows this operation. See here.
Or, if this is too wide and does not apply the least privilege concept for you then create your own custom role.

I personally don't recommend to restrict the IAM permission. Indeed, in a sandbox project, you want to try things, and maybe thing totally outside of the box and unexpected as usual way of working/processing. Using IAM to limit the set of allowed product restrict the creativity and protect you against (almost) nothing.
Indeed, if you want to perform security restriction it's for what? Limit the access to the service in Beta environment? Not sure... Prevent the overuse of resources in a non-production (and no profitable) environment? I think yes!
That's why, I recommend to use the Quotas to restrict the number of resources available for a project (i.e. only 10 CPUs in 1 region and not 3600 in 20 regions as by default). Like that, the app team will be able to try and experiment safely, without any restriction, but without killing your budget.


CDK deployment and least privilege principle

We're (mostly happily ;)) using the AWS CDK to deploy our application stack to multiple environments (e.g. production, centralized dev, individual dev).
Now we want to increase the security by applying the least privilege principle to the deployment role. As the CDK code already has all the information about which services it will touch, is there a best practice as to how to generate the role definition?
Obviously it can't be a part of the stack as it is needed to deploy the stack.
Is there any mechanism built in to the CDK (e.g. construct CloudFrontDistribution is used thus the deployment role needs to have the permission to create, update and delete CloudFrontDistributions - possibly even after the CloudFrontDistribution is mapped to only do that to that one distribution).
Any best practices as how to achieve that?
No. Sadly there isn't currently (2022-Q3) a way to have the CDK code also provide a IAM policy that would grant you access to run that template and nothing more.
However, everything is there to do it, and thanks to aspects it could probably be done relatively easily if you wanted to put in the leg work. I know many people in the community would love to have this.
You run into a chicken and an egg problem here. (We encounter a similar issue with Secret Manager and initializing secrets) pretty much the only solution I've found that works is a first time setup script that uses an SDK or the CLI to run the necessary commands for that first time setup. Then you can reference that beyond there.
However, it also depends on what roles you're taking about. Cdk deploy pretty much needs access to any given resource you may be setting up - but you can limit it through users. Your kept in a secret lock box root admin setup script can setup a single power user, that can then be used for initial cdk deploys. You can set up additional user groups that have the ability to deploy cdk or have that initial setup create a cdk role that cdk deploy can assume.

Can AppConfig be used for cross-account deployments?

I'm considering using AppConfig, but am struggling to understand how configurations would be used in a scenario where the Test and Staging deployments are in different accounts.
Having two completely different AppConfig setups in these two accounts seems counter productive, since it would make it difficult to elevate configurations to the different deployments.
I could alternately have one AppConfig setup, and call it from my application, but that would require cross account access, using a different role I presume, since there is no access to AppConfig using an ARN or resource-based policies.
So how would I access AppConfig across multiple accounts?
Stack Sets
Some services do have native multi-account support through the console. But if that fails, you can always use StackSets. If you can manage to package your AppConfig nicely up into a CloudFormation template, you can deploy a set of stacks to an Organizational Unit, which will deploy to all accounts in that OU.
This may or may not fit your use case based on your requirements. The typical use case for this is to enforce compliance and uniformity in these accounts that the VPC setup is consistent, logging is enabled etc. It isn't necessarily to deploy an application into different accounts not to say that this isn't a good idea, it just depends.
CI/CD - Preferred (IMO)
What I believe most people do is have a CI/CD account in AWS, or a separate CI/CD tool outside of AWS, which would have a pipe line (Code Pipline in AWS), which would have each of these accounts as a separate Stage. In your pipelines, you would have environment variables for each account if needed, and make the CLI/API calls to AWS which you are manually doing ATM. IMO this would be the most maintainable approach most of the time for the following reasons:
Can easily have differences in the environments, (conditions in CloudFormation are very hard to maintain IMO
If there is a problem in one stack your stack set it is not such an issue, as you may have one stack effect others.
You generally have more granularity and control than you would with only CloudFormation and StackSets although with a bit of effort you can technically do everything with CloudFormation.
Service Catalog
Another alternative is to use the AWS Service Catalog, with auto update of provisioned products, there is an example of this here. But again this was for a slightly different use case of independent IT teams in an organization consuming IT products available to the company.
App Config should be environment specific and cloud formation could be one of the solution to tackle the complxity of deployement.

Describe permissions of a resource

I have create a stack, in there we create a lambda, execute some code from SDK, access to s3, write to dynamo and some other stuff, the problem now is that we are trying to deploy to a different account/region that we never deploy again, but now we are facing a lot of issues related to permissions, some of them my team already see them and are properly documented, but other cases, other teams may be facing those errors and we do not have that context, we try to go one by one as they appears but is something painful and my question is if there is a way to describe/analyze the policies that the rol that I assume has in order to execute that stack before the provisioning or how I can figure out which permission my resource needs? or basically it is go throughout all permission one by one
I'd really like something like this to exist but I do not foresee a reliable one being developed anytime soon. However, since I've been down that road myself I would suggest you something a bit more manageable.
AWS CloudFormation service role allows you to pass a role with greater permissions than the one gave to a normal user. In a nutshell, you must first create a role with some decently large permissions or even administrative permissions. Then you need to allow normal users to perform the iam:PassRole action for that resource (the role). Lastly, when you deploy a CloudFormation stack, make sure you specify the role you created as the "service role" in the stack options.
From a security standpoint there is pros and cons to both using a service role or giving a lot of different permissions to normal users. You have to assess for yourself if it's a risk you can manage.

Access for developers to AWS

I need to allow developers to access resources on my AWS account.
They will be lunching instances and RDS, possibly some other resources.
What is the best way to achieve this?
IAM roles seem complicated with policies.
Should I lunch instances then give them SSH access?
What are your suggestions?
Thank you!
You should create an IAM User for each developer. Put them in an IAM Group and assign permissions to the Group.
However, this assumes that you are willing to trust them in your account, for which you should think twice. If you give them permissions to launch services, they might launch more than necessary, causing extra expense. If you give them permission to delete resources, they might accidentally delete resources being used by other people.
If they are just "playing around" with AWS to get an idea of what can be done, create a sandbox account where they can't do much harm. Keep this separate to your production account, where you'll keep resources that you don't want destroyed.
Or, if you just want them to develop software and not play with AWS directly, then do as you suggested and create the resources yourself, but give them access for software development purposes.
Bottom line: It all depends on what the developers want to do and what you're willing to let them do.
If it isa small environment, you can give ssh access to developeres.
But the infra is pretty big, then i prefer to go with IAM

How to develop a web application for AWS practice Labs?

I would like to develop a web application for AWS practice labs where I can create
users and allow them to practice their AWS knowledge with live labs just like
In this application, according to labs I need to provision AWS resources automatically as per the lab requirements and allow the user to complete the lab
with limited access.
So, Please share your suggestion, how can I do this whole setup with my AWS account.
Thanks in advance.
I took a look at how QwikLabs provided their service early on when they first started offering services. Back then their IAM policies were not well written and I could see the resources that they were provisioning. I studied many of their CloudFormation templates. This is not true today as they have tightened everything very well.
1) They developed their own management system for managing users, payments, account access, etc.
2) They use CloudFormation with very tight IAM permissions to create the labs that you access. Via IAM policies they control what you can do and access. They also time you out and drop everything after a period of time. This is one of the better/best executions of CloudFormation that I have experienced.
Their setup is actually very well thought-out and executed.