RAY: How to set num_cpus in ray actor without annotation - ray

If I wrote:
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.value = 0
def increment(self):
self.value += 1
return self.value
def get_counter(self):
return self.value
ray.init(address='ray://host:port', runtime_env=runtime_env)
counter_actor = Counter.remote()
It works fine. num_cpus works. But if I wrote in this way without annotation:
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.value = 0
def increment(self):
self.value += 1
return self.value
def get_counter(self):
return self.value
ray.init(address='ray://host:port', runtime_env=runtime_env)
first method is wrong
ray_factor = ray.remote(self.cls, num_cpus=9)
second method is also wrong
ray_factor = ray.remote(self.cls)
counter_actor = Counter.remote()
how can i make num_cpus work without annotation.
My ray version is 1.10.0


django UserPassesTestMixin with parameter

Here's working version with user_passes_test. But I would like to replace position > 1 with parameter. I found that, it's possible to do with UserPassesTestMixin. But I don't know how. Can anyone help?
class user_control(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(user, on_delete=CASCADE)
position = models.ForeignKey(position, on_delete=CASCADE)
def position_check(user):
position = 0 if user.is_anonymous else user_control.objects.values(
user = user.id
return True if position > 1 else False
#user_passes_test(position_check, login_url='loginPage')
def index(request):
#user_passes_test(position_check, login_url='loginPage')
def exportReview(request):
I was try:
class PositionCheckMixin(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPassesTestMixin):
position_value = 2
def test_func(self):
position = 0 if user.is_anonymous else user_control.objects.values(
user = self.request.user.id
return position > self.position_value
def handle_no_permission(self):
return redirect('loginPage')
class Review(PositionCheckMixin):
position_value = 2
def index(request):
You can make a decorator that takes for example an optional parameter:
def position_check(function=None, position_value=1, redirect_field_name=REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, login_url=None):
def check(user):
position = 0 if user.is_anonymous else user_control.objects.values(
return position > position_value
actual_decorator = user_passes_test(
if function:
return actual_decorator(function)
return actual_decorator
Then you can use the decorator with:
#position_check(position_value=42, login_url='loginPage')
def index(request):
# …
For a class-based view, using the UserPassesTestMixin mixin [Django-doc] is more convenient:
class PositionCheckMixin(UserPassesTestMixin):
position_value = 1
def test_func(self):
position = 0 if self.request.user.is_anonymous else user_control.objects.values(
return position > self.position_value
then you can mix this in a class-based view with:
class MyView(PositionCheckMixin, View):
position_value = 42
# …

Overriding render of RadioSelect in django forms gives unexpected results

I want to override the render for RadioSelect in django. (I have done a similar thing for checkboxes and I want both to look the same). The general workflow for this would be to write a custom renderer, and then change the render in the ChoiceInput, BUT when I copy the existing code and run it the html output is not safe and the escaped html string is shown. This is not making any sense as I didn't do any changes to the class yet, other than change the name:
In my widgets.py:
class ButtonRadioFieldRenderer(ChoiceFieldRenderer):
choice_input_class = OtherRadioChoiceInput
class OtherRadioChoiceInput(OtherChoiceInput):
input_type = 'radio'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(OtherRadioChoiceInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.value = force_text(self.value)
class OtherChoiceInput(SubWidget):
An object used by ChoiceFieldRenderer that represents a single
<input type='$input_type'>.
input_type = None # Subclasses must define this
def __init__(self, name, value, attrs, choice, index):
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.attrs = attrs
self.choice_value = force_text(choice[0])
self.choice_label = force_text(choice[1])
self.index = index
if 'id' in self.attrs:
self.attrs['id'] += "_%d" % self.index
def __str__(self):
return self.render()
def render(self, name=None, value=None, attrs=None, choices=()):
if self.id_for_label:
label_for = format_html(' for="{}"', self.id_for_label)
label_for = ''
attrs = dict(self.attrs, **attrs) if attrs else self.attrs
return format_html(
'<label{}>{} {}</label>', label_for, self.tag(attrs), self.choice_label
def is_checked(self):
return self.value == self.choice_value
def tag(self, attrs=None):
attrs = attrs or self.attrs
final_attrs = dict(attrs, type=self.input_type, name=self.name, value=self.choice_value)
if self.is_checked():
final_attrs['checked'] = 'checked'
return format_html('<input{} />', flatatt(final_attrs))
def id_for_label(self):
return self.attrs.get('id', '')
In my forms.py:
('space', ugettext_lazy("space")),
('underscore', "_"),
class SingleDelimiterForm(forms.Form):
delimiter = forms.ChoiceField(initial=0, widget=forms.RadioSelect(renderer=ButtonRadioFieldRenderer), choices=DELIMITER_CHOICES)
The only changes I did was to put "Other" and "Button" in front of already existing classes, and the code doesn't run anymore. If I change OtherChoiceInput to ChoiceInput the code is working. (in the end I only want to add a class to the label...)
I needed unicode strings for the code to work, so from __future__ import unicode_literals fixed the issue. I still found this error very confusing.

Upgraded Django from 1.4 to 1.6 and Haystack from 1.2 to 2.3 and indexing is not happening anymore

I'm upgrading things as the title says, and now doing a rebuild_index seems to do nothing.
The output is a simple:
$ ./manage.py rebuild_index --noinput
Removing all documents from your index because you said so.
All documents removed.
Indexing 17019 users
Indexing 76 gears
Indexing 186523 images
and all of my prepare_FOO functions are not run.
These are my settings:
'default': {
'engine': 'haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine',
'URL': '',
And these are my indexes:
# Python
import string
import re
import datetime
# Django
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import Q
# Third party apps
from haystack.indexes import *
from hitcount.models import HitCount
from toggleproperties.models import ToggleProperty
# This app
from astrobin.models import Image
from astrobin.models import DeepSky_Acquisition
from astrobin.models import SolarSystem_Acquisition
from astrobin.models import UserProfile
from astrobin.models import Gear, CommercialGear, RetailedGear
from astrobin.utils import unique_items
# Other AstroBin apps
from nested_comments.models import NestedComment
def _get_integration(image):
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=image)
solar_system_acquisition = None
integration = 0
solar_system_acquisition = SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.get(image=image)
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.duration and a.number:
integration += (a.duration * a.number)
elif solar_system_acquisition:
return 0
return integration
def _prepare_likes(obj):
return ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("like", obj).count()
def _prepare_moon_phase(obj):
from moon import MoonPhase
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=obj)
moon_illuminated_list = []
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.date is not None:
m = MoonPhase(a.date)
moon_illuminated_list.append(m.illuminated * 100.0)
if len(moon_illuminated_list) == 0:
# We must make an assumption between 0 and 100, or this won't
# show up in any searches.
return 0
return sum(moon_illuminated_list) / float(len(moon_illuminated_list))
def _prepare_first_acquisition_date(obj):
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=obj)
solar_system_acquisition = None
solar_system_acquisition = SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.get(image=obj)
date = None
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
date = deep_sky_acquisitions[0].date
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.date is not None and date is not None:
if a.date < date:
date = a.date
elif solar_system_acquisition:
date = solar_system_acquisition.date
return date
def _prepare_last_acquisition_date(obj):
deep_sky_acquisitions = DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image=obj)
solar_system_acquisition = None
solar_system_acquisition = SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.get(image=obj)
date = None
if deep_sky_acquisitions:
date = deep_sky_acquisitions[0].date
for a in deep_sky_acquisitions:
if a.date is not None and date is not None:
if a.date > date:
date = a.date
elif solar_system_acquisition:
date = solar_system_acquisition.date
return date if date else datetime.datetime.min
def _prepare_views(obj, content_type):
views = 0
views = HitCount.objects.get(object_pk = obj.pk, content_type__name = content_type).hits
return views
def _prepare_min_aperture(obj):
d = 0
for telescope in obj.imaging_telescopes.all():
if telescope.aperture is not None and (d == 0 or telescope.aperture < d):
d = int(telescope.aperture)
return d
def _prepare_max_aperture(obj):
import sys
d = sys.maxint
for telescope in obj.imaging_telescopes.all():
if telescope.aperture is not None and (d == sys.maxint or telescope.aperture > d):
d = int(telescope.aperture)
return d
def _prepare_min_pixel_size(obj):
s = 0
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == 0 or camera.pixel_size < s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def _prepare_max_pixel_size(obj):
import sys
s = sys.maxint
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == sys.maxint or camera.pixel_size > s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def _prepare_telescope_types(obj):
return [x.type for x in obj.imaging_telescopes.all()]
def _prepare_camera_types(obj):
return [x.type for x in obj.imaging_cameras.all()]
def _prepare_comments(obj):
ct = ContentType.objects.get(app_label = 'astrobin', model = 'image')
return NestedComment.objects.filter(
content_type = ct,
object_id = obj.id,
deleted = False).count()
class GearIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
model_weight = IntegerField()
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
images = IntegerField()
# Total likes of all images taken with this item.
likes = IntegerField()
# Total integration of images taken with this item.
integration = FloatField()
# Total views on images taken with this item.
views = IntegerField()
# Number of bookmarks on images taken with this item.
bookmarks = IntegerField()
# Number of comments on images taken with this item.
comments = IntegerField()
producers = MultiValueField()
retailers = MultiValueField()
def index_queryset(self, using = None):
return self.get_model().objects\
.exclude(commercial = None)\
.filter(commercial__producer__groups__name = 'Paying')
def get_model(self):
return Gear
def get_images(self, obj):
filters = (\
Q(imaging_telescopes = obj) |\
Q(guiding_telescopes = obj) |\
Q(mounts = obj) |\
Q(imaging_cameras = obj) |\
Q(guiding_cameras = obj) |\
Q(focal_reducers = obj) |\
Q(software = obj) |\
Q(filters = obj) |\
Q(accessories = obj)\
return Image.objects.filter(filters).distinct()
def prepare_model_weight(self, obj):
# Printing here just because it's the first "prepare" function.
print "%s: %d" % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.pk)
return 100;
def prepare_images(self, obj):
return len(self.get_images(obj))
def prepare_likes(self, obj):
likes = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
likes += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("like", i).count()
return likes
def prepare_integration(self, obj):
integration = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
integration += _get_integration(i)
return integration / 3600.0
def prepare_views(self, obj):
views = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
views += _prepare_views(i, 'image')
return views
def prepare_bookmarks(self, obj):
bookmarks = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
bookmarks += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("bookmark", i).count()
return bookmarks
def prepare_comments(self, obj):
comments = 0
for i in self.get_images(obj):
comments += _prepare_comments(i)
return comments
def prepare_producers(self, obj):
producers = CommercialGear.objects\
.filter(base_gear = obj)\
.exclude(Q(producer__userprofile__company_name = None) | Q(producer__userprofile__company_name = ""))
return ["%s" % x.producer.userprofile.company_name for x in producers]
def prepare_retailers(self, obj):
retailers = RetailedGear.objects\
.filter(gear = obj)\
.exclude(Q(retailer__userprofile__company_name = None) | Q(retailer__userprofile__company_name = ""))
return ["%s" % x.retailer.userprofile.company_name for x in retailers]
class UserIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
model_weight = IntegerField()
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
images = IntegerField()
avg_integration = FloatField()
# Total likes of all user's images.
likes = IntegerField()
# Total likes of all user's images.
average_likes = FloatField()
# Normalized likes (best images only)
normalized_likes = FloatField()
# Number of followers
followers = IntegerField()
# Total user ingegration.
integration = FloatField()
# Average moon phase under which this user has operated.
moon_phase = FloatField()
# First and last acquisition dates, including all images of course.
first_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
last_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
# Total views from all images.
views = IntegerField()
# Min and max aperture of all telescopes used in this user's images.
min_aperture = IntegerField()
max_aperture = IntegerField()
# Min and max pixel size of all cameras used in this user's images.
min_pixel_size = IntegerField()
max_pixel_size = IntegerField()
# Number of bookmarks on own images
bookmarks = IntegerField()
# Types of telescopes and cameras with which this user has imaged.
telescope_types = MultiValueField()
camera_types = MultiValueField()
comments = IntegerField()
comments_written = IntegerField()
username = CharField(model_attr = 'username')
def index_queryset(self, using = None):
return self.get_model().objects.all()
def get_model(self):
return User
def prepare_model_weight(self, obj):
# Printing here just because it's the first "prepare" function.
print "%s: %d" % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.pk)
return 200;
def prepare_images(self, obj):
return Image.objects.filter(user = obj).count()
def prepare_avg_integration(self, obj):
integration = 0
images = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
image_integration = _get_integration(i)
if image_integration:
images += 1
integration += image_integration
return (integration / 3600.0) / images if images else 0
def prepare_likes(self, obj):
likes = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
likes += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("like", i).count()
return likes
def prepare_average_likes(self, obj):
likes = self.prepare_likes(obj)
images = self.prepare_images(obj)
return likes / float(images) if images > 0 else 0
def prepare_normalized_likes(self, obj):
def average(values):
if len(values):
return sum(values) / float(len(values))
return 0
def index(values):
import math
return average(values) * math.log(len(values)+1, 10)
avg = self.prepare_average_likes(obj)
norm = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
likes = i.likes()
if likes >= avg:
if len(norm) == 0:
return 0
return index(norm)
def prepare_followers(self, obj):
return ToggleProperty.objects.filter(
property_type = "follow",
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User),
object_id = obj.pk
def prepare_integration(self, obj):
integration = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
integration += _get_integration(i)
return integration / 3600.0
def prepare_moon_phase(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l) / len(l)
def prepare_first_acquisition_date(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return None
return min(l)
def prepare_last_acquisition_date(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return None
return max(l)
def prepare_views(self, obj):
views = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
views += _prepare_views(i, 'image')
return views
def prepare_min_aperture(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return min(l)
def prepare_max_aperture(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return max(l)
def prepare_min_pixel_size(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return min(l)
def prepare_max_pixel_size(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return max(l)
def prepare_bookmarks(self, obj):
bookmarks = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
bookmarks += ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("bookmark", i).count()
return bookmarks
def prepare_telescope_types(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
l += _prepare_telescope_types(i)
return unique_items(l)
def prepare_camera_types(self, obj):
l = []
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
l += _prepare_camera_types(i)
return unique_items(l)
def prepare_comments(self, obj):
comments = 0
for i in Image.objects.filter(user = obj):
comments += _prepare_comments(i)
return comments
def prepare_comments_written(self, obj):
return NestedComment.objects.filter(author = obj, deleted = False).count()
class ImageIndex(SearchIndex, Indexable):
model_weight = IntegerField()
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
uploaded = DateTimeField(model_attr='uploaded')
likes = IntegerField()
integration = FloatField()
moon_phase = FloatField()
first_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
last_acquisition_date = DateTimeField()
views = IntegerField()
solar_system_main_subject = IntegerField()
is_deep_sky = BooleanField()
is_clusters = BooleanField()
is_nebulae = BooleanField()
is_galaxies = BooleanField()
is_solar_system = BooleanField()
is_sun = BooleanField()
is_moon = BooleanField()
is_planets = BooleanField()
is_comets = BooleanField()
license = IntegerField(model_attr = 'license')
min_aperture = IntegerField()
max_aperture = IntegerField()
min_pixel_size = IntegerField()
max_pixel_size = IntegerField()
bookmarks = IntegerField()
telescope_types = MultiValueField()
camera_types = MultiValueField()
comments = IntegerField()
is_commercial = BooleanField()
subject_type = IntegerField(model_attr = 'subject_type')
username = CharField(model_attr = 'user__username')
def index_queryset(self, using = None):
return self.get_model().objects.filter(moderator_decision = 1)
def get_model(self):
return Image
def prepare_model_weight(self, obj):
# Printing here just because it's the first "prepare" function.
print "%s: %d" % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.pk)
return 300;
def prepare_likes(self, obj):
return _prepare_likes(obj)
def prepare_integration(self, obj):
return _get_integration(obj)
def prepare_moon_phase(self, obj):
return _prepare_moon_phase(obj)
def prepare_first_acquisition_date(self, obj):
return _prepare_first_acquisition_date(obj)
def prepare_last_acquisition_date(self, obj):
return _prepare_last_acquisition_date(obj)
def prepare_views(self, obj):
return _prepare_views(obj, 'image')
def prepare_solar_system_main_subject(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject
def prepare_is_deep_sky(self, obj):
return DeepSky_Acquisition.objects.filter(image = obj).count() > 0
def prepare_is_solar_system(self, obj):
if obj.solar_system_main_subject:
return True
if SolarSystem_Acquisition.objects.filter(image = obj):
return True
return False
def prepare_is_sun(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject == 0
def prepare_is_moon(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject == 1
def prepare_is_planets(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject in range(2, 8)
def prepare_is_comets(self, obj):
return obj.solar_system_main_subject == 10
def prepare_min_aperture(self, obj):
return _prepare_min_aperture(obj)
def prepare_max_aperture(self, obj):
return _prepare_max_aperture(obj)
def prepare_min_pixel_size(self, obj):
return _prepare_min_pixel_size(obj)
s = 0
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == 0 or camera.pixel_size < s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def prepare_max_pixel_size(self, obj):
return _prepare_max_pixel_size(obj)
import sys
s = sys.maxint
for camera in obj.imaging_cameras.all():
if camera.pixel_size is not None and (s == sys.maxint or camera.pixel_size > s):
s = int(camera.pixel_size)
return s
def prepare_bookmarks(self, obj):
return ToggleProperty.objects.toggleproperties_for_object("bookmark", obj).count()
def prepare_telescope_types(self, obj):
return _prepare_telescope_types(obj)
def prepare_camera_types(self, obj):
return _prepare_camera_types(obj)
def prepare_comments(self, obj):
return _prepare_comments(obj)
def prepare_is_commercial(self, obj):
commercial_gear = CommercialGear.objects.filter(image = obj)
return commercial_gear.count() > 0
Any idea what I might be missing? Thanks!
Got it. 'ENGINE' should be all capitals, in the settings.

Django model field with function

It it possible ? I want compare two fields and return score to bet_score field.
class Tabela(models.Model):
score1= models.IntegerField(max_length=3)
score2 = models.IntegerField(max_lenght=3)
bet_score= models.IntegerField(defaults=bet_score())
def bet_score(self):
if (self.score1> self.score2 ):
return 1
elif (self.score1== self.score2 ):
return 0
return 2
If you want to store this kind of thing on a model, I think your best option would be to override the save method:
class Tabela(models.Model):
score1= models.IntegerField(max_length=3)
score2 = models.IntegerField(max_lenght=3)
bet_score= models.IntegerField()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if (self.score1 > self.score2 ):
self.bet_score = 1
elif (self.score1 == self.score2 ):
self.bet_score = 0
self.bet_score = 2
super(Tabela, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Check out the docs for more info.

change the background color of the cell to the value (and value another column) django-tables2

class CourtColumn(tables.Column):
def render(self, value):
if value == 'Hard':
self.attrs ={"td": {"bgcolor": "DeepSkyBlue"}}
elif value == 'Clay':
self.attrs ={"td": {"bgcolor": "SandyBrown"}}
class TodayTable(tables.Table):
Rank = tables.Column(accessor='tour.rank_t',orderable=True)
Tour = tables.Column(accessor='tour.name_t')
Court = CourtColumn(accessor='tour.id_c_t.name_c',verbose_name= 'Court')
def render_Tour(self, record):
if record.tour.rank_t == 0:
self.attrs ={"td": {"bgcolor": "Violet"}}
return u"%s" % (record.tour.name_t)
I get to Court ... td bgcolor="SandyBrown" class="Court">Clay< ... - ОК.How to get to the same Tour, but use the value of another column? def render_Tour not working as required
Subclass tables.Column and take advantage of the record argument:
class TourColumn(tables.Column):
def render(self, value, record):
if record.tour.rank_t == 0:
self.attrs ={"td": {"bgcolor": "Violet"}}
return u"%s" % (record.tour.name_t)
Then use that class in your table:
Tour = TourColumn(accessor='tour.name_t')