[SwiftLint][Yaml][CustomRule] How to define a custom rule that applies on enum values - swiftlint

I'm trying to create a custom SwiftLint rule to ensure that all my enum values starts with a capital letter. As I'm really struggling with it and after I've searched a lot on internet without success, I'm asking it here.
Do you know how to implement such rule please ?
Thanks in advance.


AWS IoT , Basic ingest and rule names containing 'special' characters

I am reading through https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-basic-ingest.html which seems to indicate that it's possible to trigger basic ingest using hierarchical topic names like $aws/rules/BuildingManager/Buildings/Building5/Floor2/Room201/Lights.
As far as I understand that requires creating a rule with a name like 'BuildingManager/Buildings/Building5/Floor2/Room201/Lights' but rule names cannot have '/' in their name.
I am sure I am missing something basic but I can't get my head around it.
All tips warmly welcomed!
I just found out it's really simple :)
Need to create the rule with the first part of the 'hierarchy' as the name.
When posting to an MQTT topic that has this name as a first part of the topic, the rule triggers and the topic() function returns everything after the name.

How to link multiple ports from a Expression to multiple groups of a Union

I add an image in order to explain myself better.
I have 300 something ports in a expression. I have created the equivalent number of groups in a union. I want each port of this expression to go to a port/field of the Union. One to one relationship. It seems like powercenter is not able to do this with autolink, or at least I'm unable to find the proper way to do this. How could I work arround this issue? Because I've been told that is likely that in a few days it will be more than 700 ports, and the amount it takes to do by hand is quite insane. Thanks in advance.
I'm surprised it validates... union is for homogenous sources but you seem to be trying to pivot your data (in which case I'd suggest using another transformation i.e. a normalizer and Informatica will start behaving as expected)
Possible solution: make a bunch of connections, save and export the file as xml, go to the lines when the connections are done, and replace that zone with as many rows as you need.
What I did specifically was to get the original rows, change the names as appropiate with the help of notepad++ and excel, and then go back to the original file and replace all of it. Check everything three times, and import the file back to powercenter.
I say possible solution because it's messy and dirty, but even though it may lead to mistakes I feel like the amount is vastly inferior and you have the versioning on your side, so just save before exporting. If someone with more experience could tell me it's thoughts about this, it would be a great opportunity to learn, just leaving this in case it goes unanswered

Searching windows registry using Regex

I need to use Regex for finding a specific value under all profile folders of HKU. For example HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2080281-3015743969-773635936-1109\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ParseAutoExec'. The problem is that it is preceded by the SID. If I use equals to operator it is working but it can be scoped to only one key at a time.
I need a way to scan all the SIDs under the HKU folder looking for this value so I should not have to specify the individual SIDs. I have tried several options including
/^.*\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon\ParseAutoExec$/i Is there any way I can get this done without using Powershell ? Any help is most appreciated. Thank you !

Transport Rule Logical And for Exchange 2010

Good Afternoon,
I have exhausted my googling and best-guess ideas, so I hope someone here has an idea of whether this is possible or not.
I am using Exchange Server 2010 (vanilla) in a test environment and trying to create a Hub Transport Rule using the Exchange Management Console. The requirements of the rules filtering are similar to the following scenario:
1.) If a recipient's address matches (ends with) "#testdomain.com" AND (begins with) "john"
2.) If the sender's address matches (ends with) "#testdomain.com"
3.) Copy the message to the "SupervisorOfJohns#testdomain.com" mailbox
I have no problems doing items 2 and 3, but I cannot figure out how to get item 1 in the same condition. I have come across some threads that simply concluded that MS goofed on this, but I am hesitant to fault them for something which seems like it should be really straightforward. I must be missing something. Expressions I have tried so far...:
1.) (^john)(#testdomain.com$)
2.) ^(john)(#testdomain.com)$
3.) (^john)#testdomain.com
4.) ^john #testdomain.com$
5.) ^(john)#testdomain.com
If you use the interface and +Add them as two separate entries, it treats them as an OR clause (if a recipient address begins with "john", OR it ends with "#testdomain.com"). As you can see from my simplistic attempts, I have barely any clue what can/should work in this case. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.
B. Whitman
Here's what I ended up using:
The reasoning behind the question is that I'm trying to make a service to catch certain e-mails and do some processing with them. I also wanted to restrict the senders/recipients to certain domains (though some checking will also be done with the processing service). Thanks to hjpotter92 for his solutions!

solr PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory working unexpectedly

I am relatively new to Solr so please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious. I have an application that allows users to search for musical artists. The indexing comes from a read-only database with correct spellings so on the index side I have it figured out.
On the query side however I need to anticipate various spelling errors/differences and want to help solr find those instances. From our old home-grown search solution, I have a list of regex's and the artists they apply to. When I was trying to translate those to solr using the PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory, I noticed that some worked perfectly, while others didn't work at all ... with seeming no rhyme nor reason between them.
For example:
<charFilter class="solr.PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory" pattern="em[ei]n[ei]m" replacement="Eminem"/>
accurately captures the common misspellings of Eminem. But for the band 311:
<charFilter class="solr.PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory" pattern="[Tt]hree [Ee]leven" replacement="311"/>
Does not work. Another example is Nine Inch Nails:
<charFilter class="solr.PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory" pattern="((nine|9).*inch.*nails\b)|(n\.? ?i\.? ?n\.?\b)" replacement="Nine Inch Nails"/>
works perfectly for finding the most common patterns for the band's name. But for Eve 6:
<charFilter class="solr.PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory" pattern="[Ee]ve.{0,4}([Ss]ix|6)" replacement="Eve 6"/>
Is there something fundamental I'm missing on the usage of this filter? I've tried a number of variations on the regex's I've mentioned above (even going so far as using literals like 'three eleven'), but still with no success. I've tried making the filter in question the only PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory in the analyzer. I also know for sure that these items are in the index correctly because when I search for the correct spelling it returns the proper results.
Any suggestions?
I suspect the problem is not with your Char Factory, but with what comes after all, specifically the tokenizer. If you use standard tokenizer, it will get rid of the numbers you have just put into your stream. If you don't need the text to be split into tokens, you could look at KeywordTokenizerFactory instead.
In general, the best way to troubleshoot this in Solr 4+ is the Analysis screen in the Admin WebUI. It allows you to enter your text against particular field type and see what happens with it after each component in the analysis chain.
I would recommend using the SynonymFilter for the kind of application you describe. It allows you to provide an external file where you list words and their synonyms, like:
eminem <=> emenem
nine <=> 9
If you precede this with a LowerCaseFilter, you won't have to fuss about case normalization in your synonyms. You should be able to handle the 311 case too as long as you don't tokenize (ie use a KeywordTokenizer as Alexander Rafalovitch suggested).