Unable to create working subscription for Event Hub topic in Dapr - azure-eventhub

I have a Dapr application running locally, self-hosted with the Dapr cli. I've configured a Dapr Component and Subscription for subscribing to an Azure Event Hub, detailed below:
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: eventhubs-pubsub
type: pubsub.azure.eventhubs
version: v1
- name: connectionString
value: "Endpoint=sb://[removed].servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=[removed];SharedAccessKey=[removed];EntityPath=myhub"
- name: enableEntityManagement
value: "false"
- name: storageAccountName
value: "[removed]"
- name: storageAccountKey
value: "[removed]"
- name: storageContainerName
value: "myapp"
- myapp
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
name: myhub-subscription
topic: myhub
route: /EventHubsInput
pubsubname: eventhubs-pubsub
- myapp
I've manually created a consumer group with the name of the Dapr app id - "myapp".
I've called the HTTP endpoint directly - a POST verb returning 200 - and it works fine. It also responds to OPTIONS verb.
The application starts succsesfully with no errors or warnings. I can see a logged message saying:
INFO[0000] connectionString provided is specific to event hub "myhub". Publishing or subscribing to a topic that does not match this event hub will fail when attempted. app_id=myapp instance=OldManWaterfall scope=dapr.contrib type=log ver=1.6.0
INFO[0000] component loaded. name: eventhubs-pubsub, type: pubsub.azure.eventhubs/v1 app_id=myapp instance=OldManWaterfall scope=dapr.runtime type=log ver=1.6.0
No other message is logged regarding the pubsub and no message indicating a failure or success of the subscription itself. Nothing is created in the storgae container. If I remove the storage related config from the Component no failure is reported, despite those properties being mandatory. When I put a message on the Hub, unsurprisingly nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong? Everything I've read seems to indicate this set up should work.

I was able to fix this by exposing my app over http instead of https. Unfortunately there was no logging to indicate https was the issue, even with debug level switched on.


Kiali is not working with VictoriaMetricsHello

Was anyone was able to make kiali visualise mesh using VictoriaMetrics instead of Prometheus?
When I use prometheus and kiali setup from istio samples then Mesh Visualisation works.
But when I replace prometheus with Victoria Metrics (agent, select, insert, storage) then kiali simply showing empty graph.
I have checked that both Prometheus and Victoria Metrics have the same istio_requests_total metric.
But when I use Victoria Metrics select URL in spec.external_services.prometheus.url the graph comes empty.
apiVersion: kiali.io/v1alpha1
kind: Kiali
name: kiali
namespace: istio-system
strategy: anonymous
config_map_name: istio-1-14
url_service_version: http://istiod-1-14:15014/version
url: http://vmselect-example-vmcluster-persistent.poc.svc.cluster.local:8481/select/0/prometheus/
In logs I see two errors related to the fact that vm-select does not have corresponding endpoints
2022-07-15T19:25:13Z ERR Failed to fetch Prometheus configuration: bad_response: readObjectStart: expect { or n, but found r, error found in #1 byte of ...|remoteAddr:|..., bigger context ...|remoteAddr: ""; requestURI: /select|...
2022-07-15T19:25:13Z ERR Failed to fetch Prometheus flags: bad_response: readObjectStart: expect { or n, but found r, error found in #1 byte of ...|remoteAddr:|..., bigger context ...|remoteAddr: ""; requestURI: /select|...
and multiple warnings
2022-07-15T19:35:28Z WRN Skipping {destination_canonical_revision="v1", destination_canonical_service="microservice", destination_cluster="Kubernetes", destination_service="microservice.poc.svc.cluster.local", destination_service_name="microservice", destination_service_namespace="poc", destination_workload="microservice", destination_workload_namespace="poc", request_protocol="http", response_code="200", response_flags="-", source_canonical_revision="latest", source_canonical_service="istio-ingressgateway-internal", source_cluster="Kubernetes"}, missing expected TS labels
Here is my VMPodScrape which I expect will take all metrics from all pods
apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1
kind: VMPodScrape
name: all-scrape
namespace: poc
- scheme: http
path: /stats/prometheus
targetPort: 15090
selector: {}
any: true
Error messages don't look critical, in case of error kiali should use default values. As far as I understand, it tries to recognize scrape interval and retention based on prometheus configuration file and flags.
I think you have an issue with relabeling config, it drops labels required for kiali.
There is docs with needed labels by metric name:
I'd recommend check scrape config at VMAgent. Probably relabeling rules are outdated.

Istio Circuit Breaker who trips it?

I am currently doing research on the service mesh Istio in version 1.6. The data plane (Envoy proxies) are configured by the controle plane.
When I configure a Circuit Breaker by creating a Destination rule and the circuit breaker opens, does the client side sidecar proxy already return the 503 or the server side sidecar proxy?
Does the client side sidecar proxy route the request to another available instance of the service automatically or does it simply return the 503 to the application container?
Thanks in advance!
In the log entries, you can inspect them to figure out both end of the connection that was stopped by the circuit breaker. IP addresses of both sides of the connection are present in the log message from the istio-proxy container.
insertId: "..."
labels: {
k8s-pod/app: "circuitbreaker-jdwa8424"
k8s-pod/pod-template-hash: "..."
logName: ".../logs/stdout"
receiveTimestamp: "2020-06-09T05:59:30.209882320Z"
resource: {
labels: {
cluster_name: "..."
container_name: "istio-proxy"
location: "..."
namespace_name: "circuit"
pod_name: "circuit-service-a31cb334d-66qeq"
project_id: "..."
type: "k8s_container"
severity: "INFO"
textPayload: "[2020-06-09T05:59:27.854Z] UO 0 0 0 "-" - - "
timestamp: "2020-06-09TT05:59:28.071001549Z"
The message is coming from istio-proxy container which runs Envoy that was affected by CircuitBreaker policy that request was sent to. Also there is the IP address of both the source and destination of the connection that was interrupted.
It will return 503. There is option to configure retries, however I did not test its synergy with CircuitBreaker and if the retry actually will go to different pod if previous returned an error.
Also take a look at the most detailed explanation of CircuitBreaker I managed to find.
Hope it helps.

Setting a custom call source header with Istio

I have a setup using Kubernetes and Istio where we run a set of services. Each of our services have an istio-sidecar and a REST-api. What we would like is that whenever a service within our setup calls another that the called service knows what service is the caller (Preferably through a header).
Looking at the example image from bookinfo:
bookinfo-image (Link due to <10 reputation)
This would mean that in the source code for the ratings service I would like to be able to, for example, read a header telling me the request came from e.g. Reviews-v2.
My intuition tells me that I should be able to handle this in the istio sidecars, but I fail to realise exactly how.
Until now I have looked at especially envoy filters in the hope that they could help me. I see that for the envoy filters I would be able to set a header, but what I don't see is how I would get the information about what service made the call in order to set it in the header.
Envoy automatically sets the X-Forwarded-Client-Cert header, which contains the SPIFFE ID of the caller. SPIFFE ID in Istio is a URI in the form spiffe://cluster.local/ns/<namespace>/sa/<service account>. Practically, it designates the Kubernetes Service Account of the caller. You may want to test it by using the Istio httpbin sample and sending a request to httpbin:8000/headers
I ended up finding another solution by using a "rule". If we made sure that policy enforcing is enabled and then added the rule:
apiVersion: config.istio.io/v1alpha2
kind: rule
name: header-rule
namespace: istio-system
actions: []
- name: serviceid
- source.labels["app"]
operation: REPLACE
We achieved what we were attempting to do.

How can I confirm whether Circuit Breaking (via DestinationRule) is at work or not for external service (ServiceEntry & VirtualService)

Summary of Problem
I'm trying to impose Circuit Breaker parameters for an external endpoint outside of my mesh, hosted somewhere else. However, the parameters I have set doesn't seem to be imposed because I am still getting successful HTTP 200 responses, when I expect it to start failing with HTTP 503.
Tools versions are:
Kubernetes: v1.10.11
Docker Dekstop Version
Notable config:
global.outboundTrafficPolicy.mode is REGISTRY_ONLY.
Within Mesh is mTLS. External traffic policy, TLS is DISABLED
Related Resources
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: ServiceEntry
name: external-service
- external-service.sample.com
- "*"
- number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
resolution: DNS
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: external-service-vs
- external-service.sample.com
- timeout: 200ms
attempts: 1
perTryTimeout: 200ms
- destination:
host: external-service.sample.com
number: 80
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: DestinationRule
name: external-service-dr
host: external-service.sample.com
maxConnections: 1
connectTimeout: 200ms
http2MaxRequests: 1
http1MaxPendingRequests: 1
maxRequestsPerConnection: 1
maxRetries: 1
idleTimeout: 200ms
consecutiveErrors: 1
interval: 1s
baseEjectionTime: 10s
maxEjectionPercent: 100
I have an application inside the mesh injected with an Envoy Proxy. The app basically just run load concurrent for HTTP1.1 GET external-service.sample.com/endpoint.
I adjust the number of concurrent users in the App (1 to 10) and requests per second per user (1 to 20).
I was expecting for the response to start failing with the ramp up. But that's not the case. I get success throughout.
Key Asks
If you see something very glaring, please point it out.
I already checked logs and /stats from my Envoy Proxy (outgoing request and response). What other istio logs do I need to check to understand more whether the request was subjected and evaluated by istio to the destinationrule or not?
Besides the statistic data gathered by Istio Mixer from nested Envoy instances, you might consider fetching Circuit Breaker events from Envoy Access logs.
Since Access logging enabled across Istio mesh plane, you can extract the relevant Circuit Breaker log entries, distinguished by specific response flags:
UO: Upstream overflow (circuit breaking) in addition to 503 response
And fetched up record from container's envoy proxy access logs, i.e:
[2019-09-18T09:49:56.716Z] "GET /headers HTTP/1.1" 503 UO "-" "-" 0 81 0 - "-"
I have not really addressed the issue directly on this.
But, I have done the whole setup from the start with a clean slate all over again from setting up istio. And after that it was already throwing the expected HTTP 503.
It was rather challenging than necessary to know the state of the circuit breakers. There was supposed to be a ticket logged, but it seems development for such feature is not yet on the horizon.
Nevertheless, when verifying, I did take a look on some telemetry metrics to understand the circuit breaker state. I think this way could be better because I only want to know whether the circuit is close or open at a moment and not analyze from multiple input data.

GCP - IOT Core Monitoring messages

I'm kind of new on IOT world and trying to learn a bit about GCP products.
Ive made a simples python app that uses PAHO to send a message to an IOT topic (IOT Core in GCP).
Everything, apparently, works just fine. But I was wondering if I could see, on stackdriver, the content of a message that the device had sent.
I already have enable debuging log for it, but the message didnt show up.
Publish Log in stackdriver:
insertId: "78178yfwnl"
jsonPayload: {
eventType: "PUBLISH"
protocol: "MQTT"
publishFromDeviceTopicType: "EVENTS"
resourceName: "projects/demoiot/locations/us-central1/registries/iotchicago/devices/2753540639583"
serviceName: "cloudiot.googleapis.com"
status: {
code: 0
labels: {
device_id: "us_chi"
logName: "projects/demoiot/logs/cloudiot.googleapis.com%2Fdevice_activity"
receiveTimestamp: "2018-11-20T11:10:01.123928203Z"
resource: {
labels: {
device_num_id: "2753540639583"
device_registry_id: "iotchicago"
location: "us-central1"
project_id: "demoiot-223010"
type: "cloudiot_device"
severity: "DEBUG"
timestamp: "2018-11-20T11:10:01.104415969Z"
No telemetry data will be logged by our system. The potential for privacy concerns because of permissions to logs vs. permission on the telemetry itself is such that we didn't want to touch that.
You CAN write to Stackdriver explicitly though, so a way to do that would be to have a Cloud Function tied to the Pub/Sub topic where the telemetry is being written, and then have that function write messages out to Stackdriver with the payload data. Could also do it with DataFlow if Java is more your thing.
A teammate also pointed out to me, using the /state/ MQTT topic to write out the device's state and checking it in the GCP console is also a good way to quickly test/check. In the device details, there's a tab for "Configuration and State History" that will show you.