Full emulation of `intptr_t` with `ptrdiff_t` and `nullptr`? - c++

Given that intptr_t is optional and ptrdiff_t is mandatory, would p - nullptr be a good substitute for (intptr_t)p, to be converted back from a result denoted by n with nullptr + n instead of (decltype(p))n? It's IIUC semantically equivalent on implementations with intptr_t defined, but also works as intended otherwise.
If I'm right in the above, why does the standard allow not implementing intptr_t? It seems the liberty thus afforded isn't particularly valuable, just a set of two simple local source code transforms (or an optimized equivalent) to shave off.

No. ptrdiff_t only needs to be large enough to encompass a single object, not the entire memory space. And (char*)p - (char*)nullptr causes undefined behavior if p is not itself a null pointer.
p - nullptr without the casts is ill-formed.


Undefined behaviour in RE2 which stated to be well defined

Recently I've found that the RE2 library uses this technique for fast set lookups. During the lookup it uses values from uninitialized array, which, as far as I know, is undefined behaviour.
I've even found this issue with valgrind warnings about use of uninitialized memory. But the issue was closed with a comment that this behaviour is indended.
I suppose that in reality an uninitialized array will just contain some random data on all modern compilers and architectures. But on the other hand I treat the 'undefined behaviour' statement as 'literally anything can happen' (including your program formats your hard drive or Godzilla comes and destroys your city).
The question is: is it legal to use uninitialized data in C++?
When C was originally designed, if arr was an array of some type T occupying N bytes, an expression like arr[i] meant "take the base address of arr, add i*N to it, fetch N bytes at the resulting address, and interpret them as a T". If every possible combination of N bytes would have a meaning when interpreted as a type T, fetching an uninitialized array element may yield an arbitrary value, but the behavior would otherwise be predictable. If T is a 32-bit type, an attempt to read an uninitialized array element of type T would yield one of at most 4294967296 possible behaviors; such action would be safe if and only if every one of those 4294967296 behaviors would meet a program's requirements. As you note, there are situations where such a guarantee is useful.
The C Standard, however, describes a semantically-weaker language which does not guarantee that an attempt to read an uninitialized array element will behave in a fashion consistent with any bit pattern the storage might have contain. Compiler writers want to process this weaker language, rather than the one Dennis Ritchie invented, because it allows them to apply a number of optimizations without regard for how they interact. For example, if code performs a=x; and later performs b=a; and c=a;, and if a compiler can't "see" anything between the original assignment and the later ones that could change a or x, it could omit the first assignment and change the latter two assignments to b=x; and c=x;. If, however, something happens between the latter two assignments that would change x, that could result in b and c getting different values--something that should be impossible if nothing changes a.
Applying that optimization by itself wouldn't be a problem if nothing changed x that shouldn't. On the other hand, consider code which uses some allocated storage as type float, frees it, re-allocates it, and uses it as type int. If the compiler knows that the original and replacement request are of the same size, it could recycle the storage without freeing and reallocating it. That could, however, cause the code sequence:
float *fp = malloc(4);
*fp = slowCalculation();
somethingElse = *fp;
int *ip = malloc(4);
to get rewritten as:
float *fp = malloc(4);
startSlowCalculation(); // Use some pipelined computation unit
int *ip = (int*)fp;
*fp = resultOfSlowCalculation(); // ** Moved from up above
somethingElse = *fp;
It would be rare for performance to benefit particularly from processing the result of the slow calculation between the writes to b and c. Unfortunately, compilers aren't designed in a way that would make it convenient to guarantee that a deferred calculation wouldn't by chance land in exactly the spot where it would cause trouble.
Personally, I regard compiler writers' philosophy as severely misguided: if a programmer in a certain situation knows that a guarantee would be useful, requiring the programmer to work around the lack of it will impose significant cost with 100% certainty. By contrast, a requirement that compiler refrain from optimizations that are predicated on the lack of that guarantee would rarely cost anything (since code to work around its absence would almost certainly block the "optimization" anyway). Unfortunately, some people seem more interested in optimizing the performance of those source texts which don't need guarantees beyond what the Standard mandates, than in optimizing the efficiency with which a compiler can generate code to accomplish useful tasks.

For a pointer p, could p < p+1 be false in an extreme case?

Is it possible, for a pointer variable p, that p<(p+1) is false? Please explain your answer. If yes, under which circumstances can this happen?
I was wondering whether p+1 could overflow and be equal to 0.
E.g. On a 64-bit PC with GCC-4.8 for a C-language program:
int main(void) {
void *p=(void *)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
printf("p :%p\n", p);
printf("p+1 :%p\n", p+1);
printf("Result :%d\n", p<p+1);
It returns:
p : 0xffffffffffffffff
p+1 : (nil)
Result : 0
So I believe it is possible for this case. For an invalid pointer location it can happen.
This is the only solution I can think of. Are there others?
No assumptions are made. Consider any compiler/platform/architecture/OS where there is a chance that this can happen or not.
Is it possible, for a pointer variable p, that p<(p+1) is false?
If p points to a valid object (that is, one created according to the C++ object model) of the correct type, then no. p+1 will point to the memory location after that object, and will always compare greater than p.
Otherwise, the behaviour of both the arithmetic and the comparison are undefined, so the result could be true, false, or a suffusion of yellow.
If yes, under which circumstances can this happen?
It might, or might not, happen with
p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max);
If pointer arithmetic works like unsigned integer arithmetic, then this might cause a numeric overflow such that p+1 has the value zero, and compares less than p. Or it might do something else.
What if I'm programming on DOS, and I have a far pointer (one composed of a segment and an offset), and it's pointing to the last address in the segment, and I add one to it, and the pointer wraps around? It looks like when you're comparing them, you normalize the pointers, so the second pointer p+1 would be less than p.
This is a stab in the dark though, I don't have a DOS C compiler handy to test on.
Very simple: It cannot happen if there is no undefined behaviour involved. It can happen very easily in the presence of undefined behaviour. For details, read a copy of the C Standard or C++ Standard.
As a result, a conforming compiler is allowed to not evaluate the < operator at all and use 1 or true as the result instead. The same is true for arithmetic with signed integers (but not for unsigned integers, where it is possible for entirely legal code to have x > x+1).
Your example code isn't even C or C++, so you seem to have used the compiler in a mode where it isn't a standard conforming C or C++ compiler.
It could happen with an invalid pointer.
But if the pointer points to a valid memory location, on many operating systems (e.g. Linux), it practically never happens (at least if the sizeof(*p) is not too big), because in practice the first and last pages of the address space are never mapped (but you could force a mapping with mmap & MAP_FIXED).
For freestanding implementations (i.e. inside a kernel, or on some microcontroller), things are different, and implementation specific (perhaps might be undefined behavior, or unspecified behavior).
According to Pointer comparisons in C. Are they signed or unsigned? on Stack Overflow:
You can't legally compare arbitrary pointers in C/C++. The result of such comparison is not defined.

Is pointer conversion expensive or not?

Is pointer conversion considered expensive? (e.g. how many CPU cycles it takes to convert a pointer/address), especially when you have to do it quite frequently, for instance (just an example to show the scale of freqency, I know there are better ways for this particular cases):
unsigned long long *x;
/* fill data to x*/
for (int i = 0; i < 1000*1000*1000; i++)
A[i]=foo((unsigned char*)x+i);
(e.g. how many CPU cycles it takes to convert a pointer/address)
In most machine code languages there is only 1 "type" of pointer and so it doesn't cost anything to convert between them. Keep in mind that C++ types really only exist at compile time.
The real issue is that this sort of code can break strict aliasing rules. You can read more about this elsewhere, but essentially the compiler will either produce incorrect code through undefined behavior, or be forced to make conservative assumptions and thus produce slower code. (note that the char* and friends is somewhat exempt from the undefined behavior part)
Optimizers often have to make conservative assumptions about variables in the presence of pointers. For example, a constant propagation process that knows the value of variable x is 5 would not be able to keep using this information after an assignment to another variable (for example, *y = 10) because it could be that *y is an alias of x. This could be the case after an assignment like y = &x.
As an effect of the assignment to *y, the value of x would be changed as well, so propagating the information that x is 5 to the statements following *y = 10 would be potentially wrong (if *y is indeed an alias of x). However, if we have information about pointers, the constant propagation process could make a query like: can x be an alias of *y? Then, if the answer is no, x = 5 can be propagated safely.
Another optimization impacted by aliasing is code reordering. If the compiler decides that x is not aliased by *y, then code that uses or changes the value of x can be moved before the assignment *y = 10, if this would improve scheduling or enable more loop optimizations to be carried out.
To enable such optimizations in a predictable manner, the ISO standard for the C programming language (including its newer C99 edition, see section 6.5, paragraph 7) specifies that it is illegal (with some exceptions) for pointers of different types to reference the same memory location. This rule, known as "strict aliasing", sometime allows for impressive increases in performance,[1] but has been known to break some otherwise valid code. Several software projects intentionally violate this portion of the C99 standard. For example, Python 2.x did so to implement reference counting,[2] and required changes to the basic object structs in Python 3 to enable this optimisation. The Linux kernel does this because strict aliasing causes problems with optimization of inlined code.[3] In such cases, when compiled with gcc, the option -fno-strict-aliasing is invoked to prevent unwanted optimizations that could yield unexpected code.
What is the strict aliasing rule?
On any architecture you're likely to encounter, all pointer types have the same representation, and so conversion between different pointer types representing the same address has no run-time cost. This applies to all pointer conversions in C.
In C++, some pointer conversions have a cost and some don't:
reinterpret_cast and const_cast (or an equivalent C-style cast, such as the one in the question) and conversion to or from void* will simply reinterpret the pointer value, with no cost.
Conversion between pointer-to-base-class and pointer-to-derived class (either implicitly, or with static_cast or an equivalent C-style cast) may require adding a fixed offset to the pointer value if there are multiple base classes.
dynamic_cast will do a non-trivial amount of work to look up the pointer value based on the dynamic type of the object pointed to.
Historically, some architectures (e.g. PDP-10) had different representations for pointer-to-byte and pointer-to-word; there may be some runtime cost for conversions there.
unsigned long long *x;
/* fill data to x*/
for (int i = 0; i < 1000*1000*1000; i++)
A[i]=foo((unsigned char*)x+i); // bad cast
Remember, the machine only knows memory addresses, data and code. Everything else (such as types etc) are known only to the Compiler(that aid the programmer), and that does all the pointer arithmetic, only the compiler knows the size of each type.. so on and so forth.
At runtime, there are no machine cycles wasted in converting one pointer type to another because the conversion does not happen at runtime. All pointers are treated as of 4 bytes long(on a 32 bit machine) nothing more and nothing less.
It all depends on your underlying hardware.
On most machine architectures, all pointers are byte pointers, and converting between a byte pointer and a byte pointer is a no-op. On some architectures, a pointer conversion may under some circumstances require extra manipulation (there are machines that work with word based addresses for instance, and converting a word pointer to a byte pointer or vice versa will require extra manipulation).
Moreover, this is in general an unsafe technique, as the compiler can't perform any sanity checking on what you are doing, and you can end up overwriting data you didn't expect.

Is the behavior of subtracting two NULL pointers defined?

Is the difference of two non-void pointer variables defined (per C99 and/or C++98) if they are both NULL valued?
For instance, say I have a buffer structure that looks like this:
struct buf {
char *buf;
char *pwrite;
char *pread;
} ex;
Say, ex.buf points to an array or some malloc'ed memory. If my code always ensures that pwrite and pread point within that array or one past it, then I am fairly confident that ex.pwrite - ex.pread will always be defined. However, what if pwrite and pread are both NULL. Can I just expect subtracting the two is defined as (ptrdiff_t)0 or does strictly compliant code need to test the pointers for NULL? Note that the only case I am interested in is when both pointers are NULL (which represents a buffer not initialized case). The reason has to do with a fully compliant "available" function given the preceding assumptions are met:
size_t buf_avail(const struct s_buf *b)
return b->pwrite - b->pread;
In C99, it's technically undefined behavior. C99 §6.5.6 says:
7) For the purposes of these operators, a pointer to an object that is not an element of an
array behaves the same as a pointer to the first element of an array of length one with the
type of the object as its element type.
9) When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the same array object,
or one past the last element of the array object; the result is the difference of the
subscripts of the two array elements. [...]
And § says:
An integer constant expression with the value 0, or such an expression cast to type
void *, is called a null pointer constant.55) If a null pointer constant is converted to a pointer type, the resulting pointer, called a null pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any object or function.
So since a null pointer is unequal to any object, it violates the preconditions of 6.5.6/9, so it's undefined behavior. But in practicality, I'd be willing to bet that pretty much every compiler will return a result of 0 without any ill side effects.
In C89, it's also undefined behavior, though the wording of the standard is slightly different.
C++03, on the other hand, does have defined behavior in this instance. The standard makes a special exception for subtracting two null pointers. C++03 §5.7/7 says:
If the value 0 is added to or subtracted from a pointer value, the result compares equal to the original pointer value. If two pointers point to the same object or both point one past the end of the same array or both are null, and the two pointers are subtracted, the result compares equal to the value 0 converted to the type ptrdiff_t.
C++11 (as well as the latest draft of C++14, n3690) have identical wording to C++03, with just the minor change of std::ptrdiff_t in place of ptrdiff_t.
I found this in the C++ standard (5.7 [expr.add] / 7):
If two pointers [...] both are null, and the two pointers are
subtracted, the result compares equal to the value 0 converted to the
type std::ptrdiff_t
As others have said, C99 requires addition/subtraction between 2 pointers be of the same array object. NULL does not point to a valid object which is why you cannot use it in subtraction.
Edit: This answer is only valid for C, I didn't see the C++ tag when I answered.
No, pointer arithmetic is only allowed for pointers that point within the same object. Since by definition of the C standard null pointers don't point to any object, this is undefined behavior.
(Although, I'd guess that any reasonable compiler will return just 0 on it, but who knows.)
The C Standard does not impose any requirements on the behavior in this case, but many implementations do specify the behavior of pointer arithmetic in many cases beyond the bare minimums required by the Standard, including this one.
On any conforming C implementation, and nearly all (if not all) implementations of C-like dialects, the following guarantees will hold for any pointer p such that either *p or *(p-1) identifies some object:
For any integer value z that equals zero, The pointer values (p+z) and (p-z) will be equivalent in every way to p, except that they will only be constant if both p and z are constant.
For any q which is equivalent to p, the expressions p-q and q-p will both yield zero.
Having such guarantees hold for all pointer values, including null, may eliminate the need for some null checks in user code. Further, on most platforms, generating code that upholds such guarantees for all pointer values without regard for whether they are null would be simpler and cheaper than treating nulls specially. Some platforms, however, may trap on attempts to perform pointer arithmetic with null pointers, even when adding or subtracting zero. On such platforms, the number of compiler-generated null checks that would have to be added to pointer operations to uphold the guarantee would in many cases vastly exceed the number of user-generated null checks that could be omitted as a result.
If there were an implementation where the cost of upholding the guarantees would be great, but few if any programs would receive any benefit from them, it would make sense to allow it to trap "null+zero" computations, and require that user code for such an implementation include the manual null checks that the guarantees could have made unnecessary. Such an allowance was not expected to affect the other 99.44% of implementations, where the value of upholding the guarantees would exceed the cost. Such implementations should uphold such guarantees, but their authors shouldn't need the authors of the Standard to tell them that.
The authors of C++ have decided that conforming implementations must uphold the above guarantees at any cost, even on platforms where they could substantially degrade the performance of pointer arithmetic. They judged that the value of the guarantees even on platforms where they would be expensive to uphold would exceed the cost. Such an attitude may have been affected by a desire to treat C++ as a higher-level language than C. A C programmer could be expected to know when a particular target platform would handle cases like (null+zero) in unusual fashion, but C++ programmers weren't expected to concern themselves with such things. Guaranteeing a consistent behavioral model was thus judged to be worth the cost.
Of course, nowadays questions about what is "defined" seldom have anything to do with what behaviors a platform can support. Instead, it is now fashionable for compilers to--in the name of "optimization"--require that programmers manually write code to handle corner cases which platforms would previously have handled correctly. For example, if code which is supposed to output n characters starting at address p is written as:
void out_characters(unsigned char *p, int n)
unsigned char *end = p+n;
while(p < end)
older compilers would generate code that would reliably output nothing, with
no side-effect, if p==NULL and n==0, with no need to special-case n==0. On
newer compilers, however, one would have to add extra code:
void out_characters(unsigned char *p, int n)
if (n)
unsigned char *end = p+n;
while(p < end)
which an optimizer may or may not be able to get rid of. Failing to include the extra code may cause some compilers to figure that since p "can't possibly be null", any subsequent null pointer checks may be omitted, thus causing the code to break in a spot unrelated to the actual "problem".

Can I convert a null pointer of int to a long type by reinterpret_cast

int *pt = 0;
long i = reinterpret_cast<long>(pt);
Is i guaranteed to be 0? Is this well defined or implementation-defined?
I checked the c++ standard, but it only states that
A pointer to a data object or to a function (but not a pointer to member) can be converted to any integer type large enough to contain it.
In this case, pt doesn't point to any data object. Does the rule apply to this case?
No, i is not necessarily any value. The result is implementation-defined.†
The representation of pointers, in C++, is implementation-defined, including the representation of a null pointer. When you assign an integer value of zero to a pointer, you set that pointer to the implementation-defined null pointer value, which is not necessarily all-bits-zero. The result of casting that value to an integer is, by transitivity, implementation-defined.
Even more troublesome, though, is that the mapping done by reinterpret_cast is implementation-defined anyway. So even if the null pointer value was all-bits-zero, an implementation is free to make the result whatever it wants. You're only guaranteed that you'll get the original value when you cast back.
That all said, the next sentence after your quote includes the note:
[ Note: It is intended to be unsurprising to those who know the addressing structure
of the underlying machine. —end note ]
So even though specific mappings are not required, pragmatically you can take an educated guess.
† Assuming long is large enough. In C++0x use uintptr_t, optionally defined in <cstddef>.
I don't see why it wouldn't. The issue is that the integer type in question wouldn't be able to hold values that high, but if it's a null pointer there's no problem.
You want reinterpret_cast(pt) but yes, that will work. reinterpret_cast is the same as the old C style cast (long) and assumes you know what you are doing.
Yes, it does not matter where it points at runtime; the only thing that matters is the type of the pointer. "to a data object or to a function" just means that both "regular" object pointers as well as function pointers (i.e. pointers to object code) can be recast into numeric types.
I think the code you have above safely stores 0 to 'i' on all known common platforms.