With superset installed from git clone unable to find the site-packages? - apache-superset

I have superset installed from a git clone.
All seems to be working ok but I don't have the site-packages. For example File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/cli.py" is missing
I have been looking around the official documentation but I cannot how.


git: 'remote-https' is not a git command. See 'git --help'

I have been trying to clone my repository and it shows the following error:-
git: 'remote-https' is not a git command. See 'git --help'
Here is my:-
Clone from
To directory
I tried reinstalling github desktop but no use.
Please help me through this
Try git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY
so for you git clone https://github.com/NavyaThakur/django-project1
Git Clone Documentation
This error means your git executable was not built with ssl and/or libcurl.
From experience this seems to be a problem on some RedHat based distributions.
If you have admin access just make use you install the correct git client. If not you will have to build git yourself or install from a repository into your user account (both of which are not trivial, sorry)

With Apache Superset installed from a git clone - How to download the assets when installed from scratch?

I have superset installed from a git clone.
All seems to be working ok but I don't have the assets. For example "/static/assets/images/superset-logo-horiz.png" is missing.
I have been looking around the official documentation but I cannot how.

Install django-app without PIP

I want to install a django-app without PIP.
I'm using virtualenv with django.
The app is this: https://github.com/garmoncheg/django_multiuploader
that doesn't support PIP.
Thanks in advance. Regards.
pip is just a generic package installer that defaults to pulling packages from PyPi (the official Python package repository). However, it can install apps from other repositories, source revision control systems (like Git) or even local archives.
If you want to pull the app directly from github, you can just do:
pip install git+https://github.com/garmoncheg/django_multiuploader#egg=django-multiuploader
See: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/topics/vcs-support/
Download the zip archive, extract the multiuploader directory to the same directory where you have manage.py, then follow the directions from the github page.

How To Download django-mssql On Windows

I can't download django-mssql from Google Code there doesn't seem to be a direct download link and the svn wont work for me.
Anybody know a direct download link?
You can install the latest release from PyPi using pip install django-mssql or easy_install django-mssql. If you aren't using pip already then I would recommend you start.
The source is under a mercurial repository. If you have a mercurial client installed, you can check it out with the following command:
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/Manfre/django-mssql/ django-mssql

django-registration oddity

So I downloaded the app with easy_install and it worked. I can import registration.
BUT the code installed doesn't match the source code for the project, as seen in github. For example, I'm missing the modules backends.urls and tests. I'm also missing key files like auth_urls. Without these modules, the registration app is failing on me.
Could this be related to my directory structure?
My Ubuntu distribution has placed all my python files in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/
as opposed to /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
Otherwise, I'm stumped here.
The easy_install version was really out of date last time I tried.
You'll need to either download the source and run python setup.py install from the extracted directory or checkout from the Git repo and run the same command.
I guess that easy_install installing 0.7 version. But in a github you can see 0.8 alpha