Fail deploying simple HTTP server to ElasticBeanstalk when using Application Load Balancer - amazon-web-services

I'm unable to deploy the simplest docker-compose file to an ElasticBeanstalk environment configured with Application Load Balancer for high-availability.
This is the docker file:
version: "3.9"
image: nginxdemos/hello
- "80:80"
restart: always
This is the ALB configuration:
EB Chain of events:
Creating CloudWatch alarms and log groups
Creating security groups
For the load balancer
Allow incoming traffic from the internet to my two listerners on ports 80/443
For the EC2 machines
Allow incoming traffic to the process port from the first security group created
Create auto scaling groups
Create Application Load Balancer
Create EC2 instance
Approx. 10 minutes after creating the EC2 instance (#5), I get the following log:
Environment health has transitioned from Pending to Severe. ELB processes are not healthy on all instances. Initialization in progress (running for 12 minutes). None of the instances are sending data. 50.0 % of the requests to the ELB are failing with HTTP 5xx. Insufficient request rate (2.0 requests/min) to determine application health (6 minutes ago). ELB health is failing or not available for all instances.
Looking at the Target Group, it is indicating 0 healthy instances (based on the default healthchecks)
When SSH'ing the instance, I see that the docker service is not even started, and my application is not running. So that explains why the instance is unhealthy.
However, what am I supposed to do differently? based on the understanding I have, to me it looks like a bug in the flow initiated by ElasticBealstalk, as the flow is waiting for the instances to be healthy before starting my application (otherwise, why the application wasn't started in the 10 minutes after the EC2 instance was created?)
It doesn't seem like an application issue, because the docker service was not even started.
Appreciate your help.

I tried to replicate your issue using your docker-compose.yml and Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.4.12 platform. For the test I created a zip file containing only the docker-compose.yml.
Everything works as expected and no issues were found.
The only thing I can suggest is to double check your files. Also there is no reason to use 443 as you don't have https at all.


Health Check keeps failing for ECS container

I am currently trying to deploy 2 ECS services on a single EC2 instance for test environment.
Here is what I have done so far:
Successfully created 2 Security Groups for Load Balancer and EC2 instance.
My EC2 Security Group
My ALB Security Group
Successfully created 2 different Task Definitions for my 2 applications, all Spring Boot application. First application is running on port 8080, Container Port in Task Definition is also 8080. The second application is running on port 8081, Container Port in Task Definition is also 8081.
Successfully created an ECS cluster with an Auto-Scaling Group as Capacity Provider. The cluster also recognizes the Container Instance created from Auto-Scaling Group (I am using t2.micro since it is in free-tier package). Attached created Security Group to EC2 instance.
My EC2 Security Group
Successfully created an ALB with 2 forward listeners 8080 and 8081 configured to 2 different Target Groups for each service. Attached created Security Group to ALB.
Here is how the ECS behaves with my services:
I attempted to create 2 new services. First service mapped with port 8080 on ALB. The second one mapped with port 8081 on ALB. Each of them have different Target Group but the Health Check configurations are the same
Health Check Configuration for Service 1
Health Check Configuration for Service 2
The first service was deployed pretty smooth, health check returned success on the first try.
However, for the second service, I use the exact same configuration as the first one, just a different port listener on ALB and the application container running on a different port number as well (which I believe that it should not be a problem). The service attempted 10 times before it fails the deployment and I noticed getting this repeated error message: service <service_name> instance <instance_id> port <port_number> is unhealthy in target-group <target_group_name> due to (reason Health checks failed).
This did not happen with my first service with the same configuration. The weird thing is that when I attempted to send a request the ALB domain name on port 8081, the application on the second service seems to be working fine without any error. It is just that the Unhealthy Check keeps throwing my service off.
I went over bunch of posts and nothing really helps with the current situation. Also, it is kind of dumb since I cannot dig any further details rather than this info in this image below.
Anyone has any suggestion to resolve this problem? Would really appreciate it.

Can't access running EC2 Dockerized image from outside

The problem
I can't access a running docker image from outside of the EC2 instance.
What I've tried
I created a cluster in ECS, a service with a related task definition and an Application Load Balancer.
When the task gets executed I can see the logs from the Docker image in the task:
I also see the related EC2 instance running. When I ssh into the instance I can see the docker image running, as expected:
docker ps
af20230498fb <ecr-id> "docker-entrypoint.s…" 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes>5001/tcp ecs-app-task-definition-26-app-be-fcf9ffc3f9dadf80d401
5d59c2b2bcaa amazon/amazon-ecs-agent:latest "/agent" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours (healthy) ecs-agent
And when I do:
> curl
Also my load balancer seems to be set up correctly:
But when trying to access the same endpoint from outside, both from the public IP of the EC2 instance and the Application Load Balancer DNS, it times out.
Also: the health checks for /status of the Application Load Balancer are failing as well, so the tasks restarts every 15 minutes.
Any help is appreciated, and sorry in advance if I'm making a rookie mistake, as I don't have much experience with AWS.
Do you config your Security Group of your EC2 or the NACL of the VPC where the EC2 is launched?
I see that you are expose port 5001 in your task so in the SG, you should open that port

AWS ECS Fargate ALB Error (Request Timed Out)

I have set up a Docker container running on port 5566 with a small Django application. The Docker image is uploaded into the ECR and later used by Fargate container(s).
I have set up an ECS cluster with a VPC.
After creating the Task Definition and Service, the Service starts up 2 tasks (as it is supposed to):
Here's the Service's Network Access (with health check grace period on 300s):
I also set up an Application Load Balancer (with DNS) with a target group for the service, but the health checks seem to be failing:
Here's the health check configuration:
Because the health checks are failing the tasks are terminated and new ones are started after ~every 5 minutes.
Here's the container's port mapping:
As one cannot access the Fargate container (via SSH for example) and the logs are empty, how should I troubleshoot the issue?
I have tried to follow every step in the Troubleshoot Your Application Load Balancer.
Feel free to ask additional information.
can you confirm once, your application is working on port 5566 inside docker?
you can check logs in cloudwatch. you'll get the link in cluster -> service -> tasks -> your task.
Can you post your ALB configuration? your Target group port?

How to deploy continuously using just One EC2 instance with ECS

I want to deploy my nodejs webapp continuously using just One EC2 instance with ECS. I cannot create multiple instances for this app.
My current continuous integration process:
Travis build the code from github, build tag and push docker image and deployed to ECS via ECS Deploy shell script.
Everytime the deployment happen, following error occurs. Because the port 80 is always used by my webapp.
The closest matching container-instance ffa4ec4ccae9
is already using a port required by your task
Is it actually possible to use ECS with one instance? (documentation not clear)
How to get rid of this port issue on ECS? (stop the running container)
What is the way to get this done without using a Load Balancer?
Anything I missed or doing apart from the best practises?
The main issue is the port conflict, which occurs when deploying a second instance of the task on the same node in the cluster. Nothing should stop you from having multiple container instances apart from that (e.g. when not using a load balancer; binding to any ports at all).
To solve this issue, Amazon introduced a dynamic ports feature in a recent update:
Dynamic ports makes it easier to start tasks in your cluster without having to worry about port conflicts. Previously, to use Elastic Load Balancing to route traffic to your applications, you had to define a fixed host port in the ECS task. This added operational complexity, as you had to track the ports each application used, and it reduced cluster efficiency, as only one task could be placed per instance. Now, you can specify a dynamic port in the ECS task definition, which gives the container an unused port when it is scheduled on the EC2 instance. The ECS scheduler automatically adds the task to the application load balancer’s target group using this port. To get started, you can create an application load balancer from the EC2 Console or using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). Create a task definition in the ECS console with a container that sets the host port to 0. This container automatically receives a port in the ephemeral port range when it is scheduled.
Here's a way to do it using the green/blue deployment pattern:
Host your containers on port 8080 & 8081 (or whatever port you want). Let's call 8080 green and 8081 blue. (You may have to switch the networking mode from bridge to host to get this to work on a single instance).
Use Elastic Load Balancing to redirect the traffic from 80/443 to green or blue.
When you deploy, use a script to swap the active listener on the ELB to the other color/container.
This also allows you to roll back to a 'last known good' state.
See for more information.

When AWS ElasticBeanstalk scales to another server it seems to make it available before it is ready ?

When my Java application is deployed to Tomcat on Elastic-Beanastalk it takes a while (11 minutes) because it has to copy large data files from S3 and unzip them, but that is okay because this is all done in .ebextensions and the instance doesn't report itself ready until that is completed.
However, I have it configured for Autoscaling and it seems that when it decides it needs to start a new instance there is a period before the next instance has fully deployed that Elastic-Beanstalk will direct some application requests to this new server, of course because it is not ready it returns a 503 error.
But surely all calls should only go to the original instance until the second one is ready, has anyone else noticed this ?
Whether requests are directed to the new instance or not is decided by the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Your autoscaled instances are behind the ELB and ELB performs periodic health checks on your EC2 instances to decide whether traffic to your instances or not. By default the health check is TCP connect on port 80. So if ELB can establish a connection to port 80 on the Tomcat server, it will start sending traffic to the instance even before it is actually "ready".
The solution is to use a custom HTTP health check instead of the default TCP check. Set up your web app to return a 200 OK on a special path say '/health_ping'. Then configure the "Application Healthcheck URL" option to "/health_ping". You can do this using the following ebextension.
Create a file called .ebextensions/01-health-check.config in your app source with the following contents. Then deploy it to your environment.
- namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application
option_name: Application Healthcheck URL
value: /health_ping
Read more about this option setting here.
You can also configure this in the web console or using the aws cli.