C++ Use a class non-static method as a function pointer callback in freeRTOS xTimerCreate - c++

I am trying to use marvinroger/async-mqtt-client that in the provided examples is used together with freertos timers that use a callback that gets invoked whenever the timer expire. The full example is here.
I wanted to create a singleton class to enclose all the connection managing part and just expose the constructor (through a getInstance) and a begin function that other than setting the callbacks, creates the timers for reconnection.
The class looks like (I simplified by removing useless parts):
class MqttManager : public Singleton<MqttManager> {
virtual ~MqttManager() = default;
void begin();
void connectToMqtt(TimerHandle_t xTimer);
void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event);
void onConnect(bool sessionPresent);
std::unique_ptr<AsyncMqttClient> client;
TimerHandle_t mqttReconnectTimer;
TimerHandle_t wifiReconnectTimer;
While my issue is when I try to pass the connectToMqtt callback to the timer.
MqttManager::MqttManager() {
this->client = std::unique_ptr<AsyncMqttClient>(new AsyncMqttClient());
// use bind to use a class non-static method as a callback
// (works fine for mqtt callbacks and wifi callback)
this->client->onConnect(std::bind(&MqttManager::onConnect, this, std::placeholders::_1));
WiFi.onEvent(std::bind(&MqttManager::WiFiEvent, this, std::placeholders::_1));
// Here it fails
mqttReconnectTimer = xTimerCreate("mqttTimer", pdMS_TO_TICKS(2000), pdFALSE, (void*)nullptr, &MqttManager::connectToMqtt, this, std::placeholders::_1);
The error is:
cannot convert 'void (MqttManager::)(TimerHandle_t) {aka void (MqttManager::)(void*)}' to 'TimerCallbackFunction_t {aka void ()(void)}' for argument '5' to 'void* xTimerCreate(const char*, TickType_t, UBaseType_t, void*, TimerCallbackFunction_t)'
Now, from here, having in mind that the problem is around having a pointer to a non-static method that needs somehow to be casted to a free function pointer, three doubts arise:
Why on earth the std::bind "approach" works for WiFi.onEvent but not for xTimerCreate? They seem pretty similar to me... WiFi is typedef void (*WiFiEventCb)(system_event_id_t event); while the timer typedef void (*TimerCallbackFunction_t)( TimerHandle_t xTimer );
How can I make this work? Is there a cast or a better approach?
Is this bad practice? My goal here was to enclose mqtt and wifi functions and callbacks in a neat class easily recognizable, organized and maintainable; but I guess that sometimes you just obtain the opposite result without noticing...

FreeRTOS code is plain old C. It knows nothing about C++, instance methods, function objects, etc. It takes a pointer to a function, period. As Armandas pointed out, WiFi.onEvent on the other hand is C++, lovingly written by someone to accept output from std::bind().
There is a workaround. When you read the xTimerCreate API docs, there is a sneaky little parameter pvTimerID which is effectively user-specified data. You can use this to pass a pointer to your class and later retrieve it from inside the callback function using pvTimerGetTimerID(). With a class pointer you can then forward the callback to your C++ class. See example below.
It's good practice to try to hide private class methods and data. Unfortunately this only works well if you're working entirely in C++ :) If calling into C libraries (like FreeRTOS) I find myself breaking such idealistic principles occasionally.
Here's how I'd do it. I use a lambda (without context) as the actual callback function because it's throwaway wrapper code, and the C libraries happily accept it as a plain old function pointer.
auto onTimer = [](TimerHandle_t hTmr) {
MqttManager* mm = static_cast<MqttManager*>(pvTimerGetTimerID(hTmr)); // Retrieve the pointer to class
assert(mm); // Sanity check
mm->connectToMqtt(hTmr); // Forward to the real callback
mqttReconnectTimer = xTimerCreate("mqttTimer", pdMS_TO_TICKS(2000), pdFALSE, static_cast<void*>(this), onTimer);

std::bind returns a callable object, not a function pointer. It works with WiFi.onEvent because there is an overload taking a std::function:
typedef std::function<void(arduino_event_id_t event, arduino_event_info_t info)> WiFiEventFuncCb;
// ...
wifi_event_id_t onEvent(WiFiEventFuncCb cbEvent, arduino_event_id_t event = ARDUINO_EVENT_MAX);
Create a static function for the timer callback and simply get the MqttManager instance as you would from anywhere else.


How to use std::bind for adding member callback to a messenger system

I am currently trying to implement a messenger system for my game engine. It uses function callbacks of the form:
typedef std::function<void(const Message &)> Callback;
I want all objects to be able to subscribe to a message of a specific type (where the type is just a string). Subscribing means adding their "onEvent" function to the dictionary of callbacks.
mutable std::map<std::string, std::vector<Callback>> callbackDictionary;
The update function then calls these functions and passes the according message (from which the "onEvent" functions can get their data)
for each (auto message in messageList)
// find the list of respective callbacks
auto it = callbackDictionary.find(message->GetType());
// If there are callbacks registered for this message type
if (it != callbackDictionary.end())
// call every registred callback with the appropreate message
for each (auto callback in it->second)
Now, my problem is that I am not quite sure how to bind these "onEvent" functions. I have just recently switched to C++11 and the concept of function objects and std::bind is quite new to me. So here is what I have tried:
messageBus.Subscribe("Message/Click",std::bind(&ClickableComponent::OnClick, this));
where the ClickableComponent::OnClick function has the required signature:
void OnClick(const Message &);
and the Subscribe function just adds the passed function to the dictionary
void Messenger::Subscribe(std::string type, Callback callbackFunction) const
(The push_back is used because there is a vector of callbacks for each type)
The code seems fine to me but the line:
messageBus.Subscribe("Message/Click", std::bind(&ClickableComponent::OnClick, this));
Gives me the error:
picture of the error discription
I have tried all kinds of stuff like forwarding the Messenger reference and using placeholders, but I have the feeling that I am doing something else wrong. Also, better idea on how to implement this messenger system are appreciated ^^
Thanks for your help!
std::bind is not necessary in your case, lambda function would do just fine:
messageBus.Subscribe("Message/Click", [this](const Message& msg) { OnClick(msg); });
std::bind is more useful in specific cases of metaprogramming.
But if you're curios enough to see how to use std::bind:
std::bind(&ClickableComponent::OnClick, this, std::placeholders::_1));
Here, as you see, you missed std::placeholders::_1. Your functor signature is void(const Message&), but you try to store a member function which signature can be regarded as void(ClickableComponent*, const Message&). To partially apply some arguments (what std::bind does) you need to specify arguments that you'd like to bind and arguments that you leave unbound.
Lambda is preferred because usually it's shorted, more flexible and more readable.

Is it possible to bind() *this to class member function to make a callback to C API

Is there a way to use boost or std bind() so I could use a result as a callback in C API?
Here's sample code I use:
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind/bind.hpp>
typedef void (*CallbackType)();
void CStyleFunction(CallbackType functionPointer)
class Class_w_callback
//This would not work
CStyleFunction(boost::bind(&Class_w_callback::Callback, this));
void Callback(){std::cout<<"I got here!\n";};
No, there is no way to do that. The problem is that a C function pointer is fundamentally nothing more than an instruction address: "go to this address, and execute the instructions you find". Any state you want to bring into the function has to either be global, or passed as parameters.
That is why most C callback APIs have a "context" parameter, typically a void pointer, that you can pass in, and just serves to allow you to pass in the data you need.
You cannot do this in portable C++. However, there are libraries out there that enable creation of C functions that resemble closures. These libraries include assembly code in their implementation and require manual porting to new platforms, but if they support architectures you care about, they work fine.
For example, using the trampoline library by Bruno Haible, you would write the code like this:
extern "C" {
#include <trampoline.h>
#include <iostream>
typedef int (*callback_type)();
class CallbackDemo {
static CallbackDemo* saved_this;
callback_type make_callback() {
return reinterpret_cast<callback_type>(
alloc_trampoline(invoke, &saved_this, this));
void free_callback(callback_type cb) {
free_trampoline(reinterpret_cast<int (*)(...)>(cb));
void target(){
std::cout << "I got here, " << this << '\n';
static int invoke(...) {
CallbackDemo& me = *saved_this;
return 0;
CallbackDemo *CallbackDemo::saved_this;
int main() {
CallbackDemo x1, x2;
callback_type cb1 = x1.make_callback();
callback_type cb2 = x2.make_callback();
Note that, despite the use of a static member, the trampolines created by alloc_trampoline are reentrant: when the returned callback is invoked, it first copies the pointer to the designated address, and then invokes the original function with original arguments. If the code must also be thread-safe, saved_this should be made thread-local.
This won't work.
The problem is that bind returns a functor, that is a C++ class with an operator() member function. This will not bind to a C function pointer. What you need is a static or non-member function that stores the this pointer in a global or static variable. Granted, finding the right this pointer for the current callback might be a non-trivial task.
As mentioned by the others, you need a global (a static member is a global hidden as a variable member) and of course if you need multiple objects to make use of different parameters in said callback, it won't work.
Context Parameters in Callback
A C library may offer a void * or some similar context. In that case use that feature.
For example, the ffmpeg library supports a callback to read data which is defined like so:
int(*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
The opaque parameter can be set to this. Within your callback, just cast it back to your type (name of your class).
Library Context Parameter in Calback
A C library may call your callback with its object (struct pointer). Say you have a library named example which offers a type named example_t and defines callbacks like this:
callback(example_t *e, int param);
Then you may be able to place your context (a.k.a. this pointer) in that example_t structure and retrieve it back out in your callback.
Serial Calls
Assuming you have only one thread using that specific C library and that the callback can only be triggered when you call a function in the library (i.e. you do not get events triggered at some random point in time,) you could still use a global variable. What you have to do is save your current object in the global before each call. Something like this:
object_i_am_working_with = this;
This way, inside the callback you can always access the object_i_am_working_with pointer. This does not work in a multithreaded application or when the library automatically generates events in the background (i.e. a key press, a packet from the network, a timer, etc.)
One Thread Per Object (since C++11)
This is an interesting solution in a multi-threaded environment. When none of the previous solutions are available to you, you may be able to resolve the problem using threads.
In C++11, there is a new special specifier named thread_local. In the old days, you had to handle that by hand which would be specific to each thread implementation... now you can just do this:
thread_local Class_w_callback * callback_context = nullptr;
Then when in your callback you can use the callback_context as the pointer back to your Class_w_callback class.
This, of course, means you need to create one thread per object you create. This may not be feasible in your environment. In my case, I have components which are all running their own loop and thus each have their own thread_local environment.
Note that if the library automatically generates events you probably can't do that either.
Old Way with Threads (And C solution)
As I mentioned above, in the old days you would have to manage the local thread environment yourself. With pthread (Linux based), you have the thread specific data accessed through pthread_getspecific():
void *pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);
int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value);
This makes use of dynamically allocated memory. This is probably how the thread_local is implemented in g++ under Linux.
Under MS-Windows, you probably would use the TlsAlloc function.

Cannot lock Qt mutex (QReadWriteLock) Access violation writing

Some background for this question is my previous question:
non-member function pointer as a callback in API to member function (it may well be irrelevant).
The callback launches a thread that writes some data. There is another thread that reads the same data, and that results in some crashes.
I just took a crash course in multi-threading (thanks SO), and here is my attempt to guarantee that the data isn't accessed by the writer and the reader at the same time. I'm using some mutex mechanism from Qt (QReadWriteLock).
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QReadWriteLock>
Class MyClass
bool open();
float getData();
void streamCB(void* userdata);
float private_data_;
QSharedPointer<QReadWriteLock> lock_;
// callback wrapper from non-member C API to member function void
__stdcall streamCBWrapper(void* userdata)
// constructor
lock_ = QSharedPointer<QReadWriteLock>(new QReadWriteLock());
private_data_ = getData();
// member callback
void MyClass:streamCB(void* userdata)
float a = getData();
lock_->lockForWrite(); //*** fails here
private_data_ = a;
I have a segmentation fault while running the program. The VS debugger says Access violation writing location 0x00fedbed. on the line that I marked //*** fails here.
The lock worked in the constructor, but not in the callback.
Any idea what goes wrong? What should I look at? (and how can I refine my question)
Other relevant thread
Cannot access private member declared in class 'QReadWriteLock'Error 1 error C2248: 'QReadWriteLock::QReadWriteLock' (I used the QSharedPointer suggestion)
Edit 1:
The callback is set up
bool MyClass::open()
// stuffs
int mid = 0;
set_stream_callback(&streamCBWrapper, &mid);
// more stuffs
return true;
Edit 2:
Thank you for all the suggestions.
So my mistake(s) may not be due at all to the mutex, but to my lack of understanding of the API? I'm quite confused.. Here is the API doc for the set_stream_callback.
typedef void (__stdcall *STREAM_CALLBACK)(void *userdata);
/*! #brief Register a callback to be invoked when all subscribed fields have been updated
* #param streamCB pointer to callback function
* #param userdata pointer to private data to be passed back as argument to callback
* #return 0 if successful, error code otherwise
__declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall set_stream_callback(
STREAM_CALLBACK streamCB, void *userdata);
Good example why sufficient code example is required.
If I interpret your callback syntax correctly,
set_stream_callback(&streamCBWrapper, &mid);
sets streamCBWrapper as callback function, while &mid is the pointer to userdata.
In the callback, you are actually now casting a pointer to int to MyClass, then try to access a member variable of a non-existant object.
Make sure to pass an instance of MyClass to your callback. I assume this would be this in your case.
Sounds fundamentally like a threading issue to me. Since you're using the Qt mutexing anyway, you might consider using Qt's threading mechanisms and sending signals and slots between the threads. They're pretty well documented and easy to use as long as you follow the suggestions here and here.

why do we need to call these functions at run time using function pointers. we can as well call them directly

Having read a bit about function pointers and callbacks, I fail to understand the basic purpose of it. To me it just looks like instead of calling the function directly we use the pointer to that function to invoke it. Can anybody please explain me callbacks and function pointers? How come the callback takes place when we use function pointers, because it seems we just call a function through a pointer to it instead of calling directly?
ps: There have been some questions asked here regarding callbacks and function pointers but they do not sufficiently explain my problem.
What is a Callbak function?
In simple terms, a Callback function is one that is not called explicitly by the programmer. Instead, there is some mechanism that continually waits for events to occur, and it will call selected functions in response to particular events.
This mechanism is typically used when a operation(function) can take long time for execution and the caller of the function does not want to wait till the operation is complete, but does wish to be intimated of the outcome of the operation. Typically, Callback functions help implement such an asynchronous mechanism, wherein the caller registers to get inimated about the result of the time consuming processing and continuous other operations while at a later point of time, the caller gets informed of the result.
An practical example:
Windows event processing:
virtually all windows programs set up an event loop, that makes the program respond to particular events (eg button presses, selecting a check box, window getting focus) by calling a function. The handy thing is that the programmer can specify what function gets called when (say) a particular button is pressed, even though it is not possible to specify when the button will be pressed. The function that is called is referred to as a callback.
An source Code Illustration:
//warning: Mind compiled code, intended to illustrate the mechanism
#include <map>
typedef void (*Callback)();
std::map<int, Callback> callback_map;
void RegisterCallback(int event, Callback function)
callback_map[event] = function;
bool finished = false;
int GetNextEvent()
static int i = 0;
if (i == 5) finished = false;
void EventProcessor()
int event;
while (!finished)
event = GetNextEvent();
std::map<int, Callback>::const_iterator it = callback_map.find(event);
if (it != callback_map.end()) // if a callback is registered for event
Callback function = *it;
if (function)
std::cout << "No callback found\n";
void Cat()
std::cout << "Cat\n";
void Dog()
std::cout << "Dog\n";
void Bird()
std::cout << "Bird\n";
int main()
RegisterCallBack(1, Cat);
RegisterCallback(2, Dog);
RegisterCallback(3, Cat);
RegisterCallback(4, Bird);
RegisterCallback(5, Cat);
return 0;
The above would output the following:
Hope this helps!
Note: This is from one of my previous answers, here
One very striking reason for why we need function pointers is that they allow us to call a function that the author of the calling code (that's us) does not know! A call-back is a classic example; the author of qsort() doesn't know or care about how you compare elements, she just writes the generic algorithm, and it's up to you to provide the comparison function.
But for another important, widely used scenario, think about dynamic loading of libraries - by this I mean loading at run time. When you write your program, you have no idea which functions exist in some run-time loaded library. You might read a text string from the user input and then open a user-specified library and execute a user-specified function! The only way you could refer to such function is via a pointer.
Here's a simple example; I hope it convinces you that you could not do away with the pointers!
typedef int (*myfp)(); // function pointer type
const char * libname = get_library_name_from_user();
const char * funname = get_function_name_from_user();
void * libhandle = dlopen(libname, RTLD_NOW); // load the library
myfp fun = (myfp) dlsym(libhandle, funname); // get our mystery function...
const int result = myfp(); // ... and call the function
// -- we have no idea which one!
printf("Your function \"%s:%s\" returns %i.\n", libname, funname, result);
It's for decoupling. Look at sqlite3_exec() - it accepts a callback pointer that is invoked for each row retrieved. SQLite doesn't care of what your callback does, it only needs to know how to call it.
Now you don't need to recompile SQLite each time your callback changes. You may have SQLite compiled once and then just recompile your code and either relink statically or just restart and relink dynamically.
It also avoids name collision. If you have 2 libs, both do sorting and both expect you to define a function called sort_criteria that they can call, how would you sort 2 different objects types with the same function?
It would quickly get complicated following all the if's and switches in the sort_criteria function, with callbacks you can specify your own function (with their nice to interpret name) to those sort functions.

Call function after certain time has elapsed

I'm making a GUI API (for games, not an OS) and would like to implement animated buttons. I'd like to be able to create timed events, but, within the class.
class TextBox
void changeColor(int color);
void createTimedEvent(func* or something, int ticks);
void animate()
So in this example, the timer would call the class instance's changeColor function, with argument red, after 30 ms. Is there a way to do this?
Basically, a function to call a function, which could be a function from a instancable class, wit n arguments, after a given interval has expired.
The precision of the timer is not a big deal for me.
I believe you could make this work portably using Boost.Asio - this is primarily designed for async I/O but I see no reason why the timer code cannot be used in other contexts. See this example for how to kick off a timer which calls back your code after expiry.
The only proviso I noticed is that you have to call ioservice::run in some thread with the ioservice instance you used here, or the callbacks will not happen.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
void print(const boost::system::error_code& /*e*/)
std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";
int main()
boost::asio::io_service io;
boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::seconds(5));
// ensure we call io.run() from some thread or callbacks will not happen
// other app logic
There is also a discussion of this very topic on MSDN blogs here by the author of the library.
I'd welcome anybody showing otherwise, but as far as I know, you'd need to deal with this in steps. The first step is to create a bound function -- i.e., take the function you specify, and create an object that, when you invoke it, in turn invokes the specified function with the specified parameters. Using Boost/TR1/C++0x bind, that much would look something like this:
std::tr1::function<void (int)> func(std::tr1::bind(&TextBox::changColor, this, red));
That makes func an object that will invoke TextBox::changeColor(red) when it's called. There is one minor problem with this though: func is an object, not really a function. Syntactically, using it looks like calling a function, but that's an illusion created by the C++ compiler; trying to pass that object's address to something that will use it as the address of a function will fail (probably pretty spectacularly). Unfortunately, at least in Windows, there's no way to designate an arbitrary parameter that will be passed to a timer callback function (though you could probably manage to do it in the nIdEvent parameter with some really gross casting, something like:
void callback(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR f, DWORD) {
typedef std::tr1::function<void (int)> function;
function *func = reinterpret_cast<function *>(f);
To make this a bit cleaner, instead of casting the address to an unsigned integer, I'd consider saving the address of the callback in an array, and passing its index in the array instead:
void callback(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR f, DWORD) {
That leaves the really non-portable part: actually getting the system to invoke that function after the right length of time. Though most modern systems have one, each is still unique. Under Windows (for one example) you could do something like this:
callback_functions[++N] = func;
SetTimer(hWnd, N, 30, callback);
For such a simple idea, that's all too ugly and complex an answer, but I honestly don't know of anything much less complex that'll work. If you have almost any reasonable choice in the matter, I'd use something else. Also note that this is really a stream-of-consciousness sketch -- none of the code has been compiled, much less really tested. I can't see a good reason the general idea shouldn't work, but it might take a fair amount of effort to flesh it out to something that really does (e.g., I've mostly neglected management of the "callback_functions" array).