Icecast albumart from mountpoint - icecast

I.m searching and searching. Found some scripts and try that . Several Times.
All I need is a (simple) script that shows the albumart om my icecast from my stream mount point. (I send the title of the song treu butt)
Please someone can help me with this and help me with this? I.m not technical with this.


Is there any command in specific to record a part of a livestream that still is in transmission?

The livestream doesn't end (for now, and if ended, I think will be erased of YouTube, that's my reason to download), actually, the video is still in transmission, you know, like the streams of the NASA or streams of channels news. The detail is that the transmission lasts about 10-11 hours, and the transmission has lasted about 3 days. So it was a matter of time before the first concerts were no longer available to watch on the broadcast.
This is the video:
I want to download some concerts, but the things that I wanted, are disappearing with the passing of time. Right now, I'm only interested in the Disclosure concert. His concert starts at approximately -3:38:12. I mention it in case someone wants to help me.
I was trying this command, but only appear a text that i don't understand (I'll post it in the comments, all the images with his info). The command is this → yt-dlp.exe -f (bestvideo+bestaudio/best) "link" --postprocessor-args "ffmpeg:-ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:00" -o "%(title)s_method1.%(ext)s"
The idea of that command emerged on this ideas
Also, I was trying to do this How do you use youtube-dl to download live streams (that are live)?, but I can't get the HLS m3u8 URL in Chrome and Chrome Dev (yes, I go to F12 (Chrome Developer Tools) - Network and I write m3u8, I didn't find anything.
I should mention that I don't have extensive knowledge on codes and yt-dlp. I only learned the necessary to download videos, you know, yt-dlp.exe -F (link) and then yt-dlp.exe -f (numbers of resolution and audio) (link).
So if you recommend any programs or commands, please let me know as precisely as possible.
Any new info I'm gonna update in the comments.
PS: sorry for my english

How can I parse and display all the rostopics and messages published by a rosbag (C++)

I have a rosbag, that constantly publishes messages under certain topics. I want to write a function, that will take in the "rostopic" as the input argument and display the messages published by that topic.
How do I go about coding this. I am unable to find relevant examples. Can you please point to relevant sources?
Unless you elaborate more, the trivial answer is rostopic
$ rostopic echo -b log_file.bag /topic_name
and you can take a look at it's source code here.

Download file using Paperclip

Firstly, this might be duplicate question but due to time limitation, i couldn't search throughly. I wish to download a file that was uploaded using paperclip. My code to download is below:
def download_digital
#photo = Photo.find(params[:photo])
send_file #photo.image.path,
filename: #photo.image_file_name,
type: #photo.image_content_type,
disposition: 'attachment',
x_sendfile: true
puts "-----------Downloded----------"
When this is called, i get
Sent file /Users/c193/Documents/***/***/***/public/assets/photos/298/original/Wedding_2.jpeg (0.1ms)
This makes it clear that the file is obtained. However, the file is not being actually downloaded. I dont know what i'm missing. I'm a newbie so any guidance will be helpful .
P.S: Also sorry for a duplicate question (in case; time limitation and no clue what to search). Thank You in advance.
I don't know if what is found the problem was actually is the problem but so far i have come to the conclusion that the use of ajax was what was creating an issue. In the console i got that the file is downloaded but it was not actually getting downloaded. I am posting a new question for the same. If anyone has an explanation for such behaviour, please post a comment regarding this. Thanx :)

mapping win32_logicaldisk to win32_diskdrive?

i am building an Adobe Air App where i can only fetch the "drive letter" of the particular usb thumb drive i am plugging in.
This drive can be easily also fetched with wmic logicaldisk where 'DeviceId="D:"' if drive letter is D:
But what i really want is to get the PNPDeviceID of Win32_DiskDrive class for the drive mentioned before.
As far as i can think , linking win32_logicaldisk and win32_diskdrive with some class in between would do the trick , yet i can't figure the way for it.
So i kindly request to put your expertise forward on this thread to solve this problem.
I believe you need two different WMI classes to derive this. First, Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition, to (obviously enough) map the logical disk to a partition. Then you can use Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition to find the physical drive holding that partition.
Found the Answer from here
WMIC PATH WIN32_DISKPARTITION ASSOC <-- this command links win32_logicaldisk with win32_diskdrive in a weird but manageable way.
thanks for your help guys !

Django web bash

_____ I have a Django website on my Linux server.
Goal : i want to make web jquery shell/bash of my Linux server , where my site is located , so i could directly from web site pass commands to linux and get all the outputs ,etc.
Question 1: I know about new subprocess module and popen class , haven't tried it yet , but surely will but right now i experimented with os module. So why os.popen('ls -l') works , but'ls -l >> somefile.txt') doesn't.
Questions 2: i know that when you use screen command somewhere in some file everything that is done is written to a file . Any idea where and what file it is ? Or which file contains everything that is output to bash ?
I am pretty sure that once i come home and try some more :D i will have much more concrete questions but for now that is all... Any suggestions or pointers where i should go , what i should read are appreciated. Thx in advance.
Do you plan to change SSH to web interface of terminal? I would not do that... You have amazing stuff called SSH and which allows you to perform even complex commands securely. I don't believe that you will manage to finish your "webterminal" with the same functionality. But you never know :) Think about transferring files though it, also security (how you will encode the input you will send, or you will just send it as a plain text? Of course https could help here also). I think you will have a lot of fun :)
P.S. I know this post isn't very helpful, but just wanted to make sure if you're not trying to reinvent the wheel...
Well i found an answer myself.
Didn't magically code it yet , but soon will .
So as we all know we have a Linux command screen. This command can make logs of everything that is happening in your screen , by pushing "ctrl-A H" , who uses it knows. But the problem is, that logs are not written immediately , so it doesn't help much . But screen command has also another interesting command called hardcopy , which basically forcefully dumps all screen content copy to a file , where from you'll be able to get result as soon as you'll type it.
I maybe be not accurate and right about explanations of commands , but generally it works like this .
I am in no way Linux expert , and haven't done it yet , but as much as i understand person is logged as user in a screen session , unless he knows root login and password or is super mega hacker which can obtain it, there is basically nothing he can do to destroy the system.