How can i Use Django with Docker? - django

So I have a basic django blog application. Which i want to dockerise into django. And one more thing. I am writing my question here because there are live people to answer.

You should use a cookie cutter for dockerizing your Django application. Here you can read the docs
you need to pip freeze first so that you could know what your current Django application taking up. And use them as requirements.txt
Benefits of using Django on docker:
Your code runs on any operating system that supports Docker.
You save time by not needing to configure system dependencies on your
Your local and production environments can be exactly the same,
eliminating errors that only happen in production.

You should start with reading Dokcer docs in order to understand what and why's:
Long story short - containers (prular) enable to start every service (Django, database, possible front-end, servers, etc.) in separate container and furthermore, to start them up on any OS of your choice.
Those containers can communicate each other thru host separated docker network.
You will need Dockerfile - to set up service, and possibly Docker-compose (if multiple containers) to manage all the containers running.
Here's example docker setup for Django:


Is it OK to serve static files with Django for a small internal web app?

To start with - my app is simple internal app for our team only, so it means ~10 users max, nothing from "high load" stuff, nothing facing external production Internet.
As I read from other posts and questions, the recommended way is to have users-facing nginx (on the host), some wsgi server (such as Gunicorn or uwsgi) in main Docker container and static server (such as nginx) for static serving.
But I feel that it becomes too much for my simple app, I don't really see a need in having two Docker containers. I would like to just use typical runserver and it would be so much easier and simpler. In almost all the posts I read it's mentioned that this is "insecure and inefficient" - but would you really care about this if your service is pure internal and for 5-10-20 users?
Or is there any alternative to it which does not require you to set up separated static-serving server? I have read about Whitenoise, but if I understood correctly, it still requires you to do collectstatic first, which is very inefficient for local development.
Is using for also serving static is so inefficient? Would it be an acceptable approach to use it for small internal web tools?
You don't have to run collectstatic to use WhiteNoise. You just need to use this setting:
For more details see:
This basically mimics the behaviour of runserver in production, which is fine for a small low-traffic internal app.

Django on a single server. Web and Dev environments with web/dev databases

In a couple of months, I'm receiving a single (physical) Ubuntu LTS server for the purpose of a corporate Intranet only web tools site. I've been trying to figure out a framework to go with. My preference at this point would be to go with Django. I've used RoR, CF and PHP heavily in the past.
My Django concern right now is how to have both a separate '/web/' and '/dev/' environment, when I'm only getting a single server. Of course this would include also needing separate 'web' and 'dev' databases (either separated by db name or having two different db instances running on the single server).
Option 1: I know I could only setup a 'web' (production) environment on Ubuntu and then use my corporate Windows laptop to develop Django tools. I've read this works fine except that a lot of 3rd party Django packages don't work on Windows. My other concern would be making code changes and then pushing to the Ubuntu server where I might introduce problems that didn't show up on the local Windows development environment.
Option 2: Somehow setup a separate Django 'web' and 'dev' environment on the same server. I've seen a lot of different and confusing information on this. Also adding to the complication is what I assume would be the need to have two database instances running on the same server. Or, how could you have two different Django environments for 'web' and 'dev' and have them point to different db tables based on name instead of needing two different db instances running?
Thanks for any advice. I'm actually having trouble relaxing and learning Django not knowing how bad this is going to deal with. I could easily just deal with the pain of developing in basic PHP if this is too over complicated. With plain PHP it's dead simple to have a '/web/' and and '/dev/' path and separate db's just by checking the URL or file path for '/web/' or '/dev/' (and then pointing to the right db for example - 'mytool_dev_v1' / 'mytool_web_v1').
There are multiple ways to solve this problem:
You can run 2 separate instances of django in the same server in different virtual environments. You can configure them in a multiple ways: using environment variables or just separate 'production' and 'dev' config-files and choose which gonna be used.
You can use docker containers to serve different django instances. It is the best way I think. You can configure them in the same way: by the environment variables or multiple config files for 'dev' and 'prod' options.
If you want to serve 2 (or more) sites in the same server youll probably need to configure nginx server to redirect requests to the separate containers or django instances depends on the domain name or something else (url, for example).
As I know there is no problem to configure separate database for each instance. You also can run your postgres or mysql instance in container. The same way you can run nginx.
I can't recommend you to develop your app in the same server where production app is running. I convinced that development must going in the developer's computer, but yeah... Windows is not the best for django development, but it mostly works. Otherwise I can recommend you to use dualboot or at least VirtualBox with Ubuntu.

How to work with a local development server and deploy to a production server in django?

I want to work locally on my django(1.7) project and regularly deploy updates to a production server. How would you do this? I have not found anything about this in the docs. I am confused about that because it seems like many people would want to do that and there should be some kind of standard solution to this. Or am I getting the whole workflow wrong?
I should note that I'm not expecting a step-by-step guide. I am just trying to understand the concept.
Assuming you already have your deployment server setup, and all you need to do is push code to your server, then you can just use git as a form of deployment.
Digital Ocean has a good tutorial at this link
Push sources to a git repository from a dev machine.
pull sources on a production server. Restart uwsgi/whatever.
There is no standard way of doing this, so no, it cannot be included with Django or be thoroughly described in the docs.
If you're using a PaaS how you deploy depends on the PaaS. Ditto for a container like docker, you must follow the rules of that particular container.
If you're old-school and can ssh into a server you can rsync a snapshot of the code to the correct place after everything else is taken care of: database, ports, webserver setup etc. That's what I do, and I control stuff with bash scripts utilizing a makefile.
ssh $REMOTEHOST make -C $REMOTEPATH deploy
My "deploy"-action is a monster but might be as easy as something that touches the wsgi-file used in order to reload the site. My medium complex ones cleans out stale files, run collectstatic and then reloads the site. The really complex ones creates a timestamped virtualenv, cloned database and remote code tree, a new server-setup that points to this, runs connection tests on the remote and if they succeed, switches the main site to point to the new versioned site, then emails me the version that is now in production, with the git hash and timestamp.
Lots of good solutions. Heroku has a good tutorial:
Check out a general guide for deploying to multiple PaaS providers here:

How Are Experienced Web Developers Deploying Django Into Production on EC2?

I have never actually worked for a company which is deploying a Django App (with a large user base), and am curious about what is the best way to do this.
Right now I am hosting a Django App on EC2. The code for the app is sitting in my github account. I have nginx serving static content, and behind it a single apache server running django + mod_wsgi.
I am trying to figure out what the best practice is for "continuous deployment". Right now, after I have added additional functionality I do the following on EC2:
1) git reset HEAD --hard
2) git pull
3) restart apache
4) restart nginx
I have custom logic in my file so that if I am running on EC2, debug gets set to False, and my databases switch from sqlite3 (development) to mysql (production).
This seems to be working for me now, but I am wondering what is wrong with this process and how could I improve it.
I've worked with systems that use Fabric to deploy to multiple servers
I'm the former lead developer at The Texas Tribune, which is 100% Django. We deployed to EC2 using RightScale. I didn't personally write the deployment scripts, but it allowed us to get new instances into the rotation very, very quickly and scales on-demand. it's not cheap, but was worth every penny in my opinion.
I'd agree with John and say that Fabric is the tool to do this sort of thing comfortably. You probably don't want to configure git to automatically deploy with a post commit hook, but you might want to configure a fabric command to run your test suite locally, and then push to production if it passes.
Many people run separate dev and production settings files, rather than having custom logic in there to detect if it's in a production environment. You can inherit from a unified file, and then override the bits that are different between dev and production. Then you start the server using the production file, rather than relying on a single unified
If you're just using apache to host the application, you might benefit from a lighter weight solution. Using fastcgi with nginx would allow you to do away with the overhead of apache entirely. There's also a wsgi module for nginx, but I don't know if it's production ready at this point.
There is one more good way how to manage this. For ubuntu/debian amis it is good to manager versions and do deployemnts by packeging your application into .deb

Django cluster deployment

I have five nodes behind a load balancer and I'm trying to determine the optimal configuration for a Django based site.
Each node has access to Postgres, mod_wsgi, Apache, Lighttpd, memcached, pgpool2 (for database replication) and glusterfs(for media file replication) and is running Ubuntu 8.04LTS.
So far, the setup is four nodes running Apache/Lighttpd/memcached/pgpool2 all reading/writing to one master node that is running the "master" Postgresql. Each of the four web nodes is also running Postgres for replication from the master via pgpool.
So, my question is: How would you configure this setup and/or what would you change so that there is no single point of failure, if possible?
This sounds like a good setup, although its hard to know exactly what your setup looks like. In terms of memory etc. and what traffic you expect to handle.
You might want to consider using Django's multidb support and have a read only postgres instance (use DB routing to direct reads to the read only for certain apps). This can offer up some quite nice speed improvements - and at the moment you could have a potential bottleneck at the single postgres instance depending how heavy your database work is.
As #ashwoods suggested, it might be working looking into gunicorn and nginx. I guess at the moment you use Apache only to run mod_wsgi? And lighttpd for the static files? With nginx, you can use it with a number of wsgi servers and its great for static files too.
The setup looks pretty good to me. I would consider using gunicorn/uwsgi + nginx. I would also benchmark using pbbouncer, although pgpool2 offers more out of the box.